Beispiel #1
 * The actual function that adds messages. Does NOT send an ack.
 * The msgIndex specifies the index on which to place this message. If the
 * value is zero it does an automatic placement.
 * Returns zero on failure.
const Msg* Shell::innerAddMsg( string msgType,
	ObjId src, string srcField, 
	ObjId dest, string destField, unsigned int msgIndex )
	cout << myNode_ << ", Shell::handleAddMsg: " << 
		msgType << ", " << mid <<
		", src =" << src << "." << srcField << 
		", dest =" << dest << "." << destField << "\n";
	const Finfo* f1 =>cinfo()->findFinfo( srcField );
	if ( f1 == 0 ) return 0;
	const Finfo* f2 =>cinfo()->findFinfo( destField );
	if ( f2 == 0 ) return 0;
	// Should have been done before msgs request went out.
	assert( f1->checkTarget( f2 ) );

	Msg *m = 0;
	if ( msgType == "diagonal" || msgType == "Diagonal" ) {
		m = new DiagonalMsg(,, 
						msgIndex );
	} else if ( msgType == "sparse" || msgType == "Sparse" ) {
		m = new SparseMsg(,, msgIndex );
	} else if ( msgType == "Single" || msgType == "single" ) {
		m = new SingleMsg( src.eref(), dest.eref(), msgIndex );
	} else if ( msgType == "OneToAll" || msgType == "oneToAll" ) {
		m = new OneToAllMsg( src.eref(),, msgIndex );
	} else if ( msgType == "AllToOne" || msgType == "allToOne" ) {
		m = new OneToAllMsg( dest.eref(),, msgIndex ); // Little hack.
	} else if ( msgType == "OneToOne" || msgType == "oneToOne" ) {
		m = new OneToOneMsg( src.eref(), dest.eref(), msgIndex );
	} else {
		cout << myNode_ << 
			": Error: Shell::handleAddMsg: msgType not known: "
			<< msgType << endl;
		return m;
	if ( m ) {
		if ( f1->addMsg( f2, m->mid(), ) ) {
			return m;
		delete m;
		m = 0;
	cout << myNode_ << 
			": Error: Shell::handleAddMsg: Unable to make/connect Msg: "
			<< msgType << " from " <<>getName() <<
			" to " <<>getName() << endl;
	return m;
Beispiel #2
static bool addClockMsg( unsigned int tick, Id tgt, const Finfo* f2 )
	Id clockId( 1 );
	stringstream ss;
	ss << "proc" << tick;
	const Finfo* f1 = clockId.element()->cinfo()->findFinfo( ss.str() );
	assert( f1 );
	assert( f2 );
	Msg* m = new OneToAllMsg( clockId.eref(), tgt.element(), 0 );
	if ( m ) {
		if ( f1->addMsg( f2, m->mid(), clockId.element() ) ) {
			return true;
		delete m;
	cout << "Error: Element::setTick: failed to connect " << tgt << 
			" to clock\n";
	return false;
Beispiel #3
bool Shell::innerMove( Id orig, ObjId newParent )
	static const Finfo* pf = Neutral::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "parentMsg" );
	static const DestFinfo* pf2 = dynamic_cast< const DestFinfo* >( pf );
	static const FuncId pafid = pf2->getFid();
	static const Finfo* f1 = Neutral::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "childOut" );

	assert( !( orig == Id() ) );
	assert( !( newParent.element() == 0 ) );

	ObjId mid = orig.element()->findCaller( pafid );
	Msg::deleteMsg( mid );

	Msg* m = new OneToAllMsg( newParent.eref(), orig.element(), 0 );
	assert( m );
	if ( !f1->addMsg( pf, m->mid(), newParent.element() ) ) {
		cout << "move: Error: unable to add parent->child msg from " <<
			newParent.element()->getName() << " to " << 
			orig.element()->getName() << "\n";
		return 0;
	return 1;
Beispiel #4
 * Static utility function. Attaches child element to parent element.
 * Must only be called from functions executing in parallel on all nodes,
 * as it does a local message addition
 * MsgIndex is needed to be sure that the same msg identifies parent-child
 * connection on all nodes.
bool Shell::adopt( ObjId parent, Id child, unsigned int msgIndex ) {
	static const Finfo* pf = Neutral::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "parentMsg" );
	// static const DestFinfo* pf2 = dynamic_cast< const DestFinfo* >( pf );
	// static const FuncId pafid = pf2->getFid();
	static const Finfo* f1 = Neutral::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "childOut" );

	assert( !( child.element() == 0 ) );
	assert( !( child == Id() ) );
	assert( !( parent.element() == 0 ) );

	Msg* m = new OneToAllMsg( parent.eref(), child.element(), msgIndex );
	assert( m );

	// cout << myNode_ << ", Shell::adopt: mid = " << m->mid() << ", pa =" << parent << "." << parent()->getName() << ", kid=" << child << "." << child()->getName() << "\n";

	if ( !f1->addMsg( pf, m->mid(), parent.element() ) ) {
		cout << "move: Error: unable to add parent->child msg from " <<
			parent.element()->getName() << " to " << 
			child.element()->getName() << "\n";
		return 0;
	return 1;