OP_ERROR SOP_SceneCacheSource::cookMySop( OP_Context &context )
	flags().setTimeDep( true );
	std::string file;
	if ( !ensureFile( file ) )
		addError( SOP_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID, ( file + " is not a valid .scc" ).c_str() );
		return error();
	std::string path = getPath();
	Space space = getSpace();
	UT_String shapeFilterStr;
	evalString( shapeFilterStr, pShapeFilter.getToken(), 0, 0 );
	UT_StringMMPattern shapeFilter;
	shapeFilter.compile( shapeFilterStr );
	UT_String p( "P" );
	UT_String attributeFilter;
	evalString( attributeFilter, pAttributeFilter.getToken(), 0, 0 );
	if ( !p.match( attributeFilter ) )
		attributeFilter += " P";
	ConstSceneInterfacePtr scene = this->scene( file, path );
	if ( !scene )
		addError( SOP_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID, ( path + " is not a valid location in " + file ).c_str() );
		return error();
	MurmurHash hash;
	hash.append( file );
	hash.append( path );
	hash.append( space );
	hash.append( shapeFilterStr );
	hash.append( attributeFilter );
	if ( !m_loaded || m_hash != hash )
	Imath::M44d transform = ( space == World ) ? worldTransform( file, path, context.getTime() ) : Imath::M44d();
	SceneInterface::Path rootPath;
	scene->path( rootPath );
	loadObjects( scene, transform, context.getTime(), space, shapeFilter, attributeFilter.toStdString(), rootPath.size() );
	m_loaded = true;
	m_hash = hash;
	return error();
Beispiel #2
IECore::MurmurHash Dispatcher::batchHash( const ExecutableNode::Task &task )
	MurmurHash result;
	result.append( (uint64_t)task.node() );

	if ( task.hash() == MurmurHash() )
		return result;

	const Context *context = task.context();
	std::vector<IECore::InternedString> names;
	context->names( names );
	for ( std::vector<IECore::InternedString>::const_iterator it = names.begin(); it != names.end(); ++it )
		// ignore the frame and the ui values
		if ( ( *it != g_frame ) && it->string().compare( 0, 3, "ui:" ) )
			result.append( *it );
			if ( const IECore::Data *data = context->get<const IECore::Data>( *it ) )
				data->hash( result );

	return result;
Beispiel #3
IECore::MurmurHash ImagePlug::imageHash() const
    const Box2i dataWindow = dataWindowPlug()->getValue();
    ConstStringVectorDataPtr channelNamesData = channelNamesPlug()->getValue();
    const vector<string> &channelNames = channelNamesData->readable();

    MurmurHash result = formatPlug()->hash();
    result.append( dataWindowPlug()->hash() );
    result.append( metadataPlug()->hash() );
    result.append( channelNamesPlug()->hash() );

    V2i minTileOrigin = tileOrigin( dataWindow.min );
    V2i maxTileOrigin = tileOrigin( dataWindow.max );

    ContextPtr context = new Context( *Context::current(), Context::Borrowed );
    Context::Scope scope( context.get() );

    for( vector<string>::const_iterator it = channelNames.begin(), eIt = channelNames.end(); it!=eIt; it++ )
        context->set( ImagePlug::channelNameContextName, *it );
        for( int tileOriginY = minTileOrigin.y; tileOriginY<=maxTileOrigin.y; tileOriginY += tileSize() )
            for( int tileOriginX = minTileOrigin.x; tileOriginX<=maxTileOrigin.x; tileOriginX += tileSize() )
                context->set( ImagePlug::tileOriginContextName, V2i( tileOriginX, tileOriginY ) );
                channelDataPlug()->hash( result );

    return result;
Beispiel #4
IECore::MurmurHash ImagePlug::imageHash() const
	const Box2i dataWindow = dataWindowPlug()->getValue();
	ConstStringVectorDataPtr channelNamesData = channelNamesPlug()->getValue();
	const vector<string> &channelNames = channelNamesData->readable();

	MurmurHash result = formatPlug()->hash();
	result.append( dataWindowPlug()->hash() );
	result.append( metadataPlug()->hash() );
	result.append( channelNamesPlug()->hash() );

		this, channelNames,
		// Tile
		[] ( const ImagePlug *imagePlug, const string &channelName, const V2i &tileOrigin )
			return imagePlug->channelDataPlug()->hash();
		// Gather
		[ &result ] ( const ImagePlug *imagePlug, const string &channelName, const V2i &tileOrigin, const IECore::MurmurHash &tileHash )
			result.append( tileHash );

	return result;
Beispiel #5
	void SimpleDataHolder<Format>::hash( MurmurHash &h ) const
		Format f = readable();
		h.append( f.getDisplayWindow().min );
		h.append( f.getDisplayWindow().max );
		h.append( f.getPixelAspect() );
Beispiel #6
MurmurHash ExecutableNode::Task::hash() const
	MurmurHash h;
	const Node *nodePtr = node.get();
	h.append( (const char *)nodePtr, sizeof(Node*) );
	h.append( context->hash() );
	return h;
Beispiel #7
void Display::hash( MurmurHash &h ) const
	PreWorldRenderable::hash( h );
	h.append( m_name );
	h.append( m_type );
	h.append( m_data );
	m_parameters->hash( h );
Beispiel #8
void CurvesPrimitive::topologyHash( MurmurHash &h ) const
	h.append( m_basis.matrix );
	h.append( m_basis.step );
	h.append( m_linear );
	h.append( m_periodic );
	m_vertsPerCurve->hash( h );
void MatrixMotionTransform::hash( MurmurHash &h ) const
	Transform::hash( h );
	for( SnapshotMap::const_iterator it=m_snapshots.begin(); it!=m_snapshots.end(); it++ )
		h.append( it->first );
		h.append( it->second );
Beispiel #10
		// Hash used to determine how to coalesce tasks into batches.
		// If `batchHash( task1 ) == batchHash( task2 )` then the two
		// tasks can be placed in the same batch.
		IECore::MurmurHash batchHash( const TaskNode::Task &task )
			MurmurHash result;
			result.append( (uint64_t)task.node() );
			// We ignore the frame because the whole point of batching
			// is to allow multiple frames to be placed in the same
			// batch if the context is otherwise identical.
			result.append( contextHash( task.context(), /* ignoreFrame = */ true ) );
			return result;
Beispiel #11
MurmurHash Renderer::ExternalProcedural::hash() const
	MurmurHash h;
	h.append( m_fileName );
	for( CompoundDataMap::const_iterator it = m_parameters.begin(), eIt = m_parameters.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
		h.append( it->first );
		it->second->hash( h );
	return h;
Beispiel #12
void NURBSPrimitive::topologyHash( MurmurHash &h ) const
	h.append( m_uOrder );
	m_uKnot->hash( h );
	h.append( m_uMin );
	h.append( m_uMax );
	h.append( m_vOrder );
	m_vKnot->hash( h );
	h.append( m_vMin );
	h.append( m_vMax );
Beispiel #13
void Primitive::hash( MurmurHash &h ) const
    VisibleRenderable::hash( h );
    for( PrimitiveVariableMap::const_iterator it=variables.begin(); it!=variables.end(); it++ )
        h.append( it->first );
        h.append( it->second.interpolation );
        it->second.data->hash( h );

    topologyHash( h );
Beispiel #14
void SimpleDataHolder<CompoundDataMap>::hash( MurmurHash &h ) const
	// the CompoundDataMap is sorted by InternedString::operator <,
	// which just compares addresses of the underlying interned object.
	// this isn't stable between multiple processes.
	const CompoundDataMap &m = readable();
	std::vector<CompoundDataMap::const_iterator> iterators;
	iterators.reserve( m.size() );
	for( CompoundDataMap::const_iterator it=m.begin(); it!=m.end(); it++ )
		iterators.push_back( it );

	// so we have to sort again based on the string values
	// themselves.
	sort( iterators.begin(), iterators.end(), comp );

	// and then hash everything in the stable order.
	std::vector<CompoundDataMap::const_iterator>::const_iterator it;
	for( it=iterators.begin(); it!=iterators.end(); it++ )
		if ( !((*it)->second) )
			throw Exception( "Cannot compute hash from a CompoundData will NULL data pointers!" );

		h.append( (*it)->first.value() );
		(*it)->second->hash( h );
Beispiel #15
void Shader::hash( MurmurHash &h ) const
	StateRenderable::hash( h );
	h.append( m_name );
	h.append( m_type );
	m_parameters->hash( h );
	static MurmurHash hash( const ComputationParams &params )
		int id = params;
		MurmurHash h;
		return h;
Beispiel #17
		static MurmurHash hashFn( const ComputeParameters &params )
			const std::string &filePath = params.first;
			MurmurHash h;
			h.append( filePath );
			return h;
void MotionPrimitive::hash( MurmurHash &h ) const
	VisibleRenderable::hash( h );
	for( SnapshotMap::const_iterator it=m_snapshots.begin(); it!=m_snapshots.end(); it++ )
		h.append( it->first );
		it->second->hash( h );	
Beispiel #19
void SetVisualiser::hashProcessedAttributes( const ScenePath &path, const Gaffer::Context *context, MurmurHash &h ) const
	ConstCompoundDataPtr outSetsData = outSetsPlug()->getValue();

	outSetsData->hash( h );
	includeInheritedPlug()->hash( h );

	// We also need to consider each of our candidate sets membership
	// definition (which we didn't need to when computing outSets).
	// outSetsData is map of names -> colors.
	ConstInternedStringVectorDataPtr setNames = outSetsData->member<InternedStringVectorData>( "names" );
	for( auto &setName : setNames->readable() )
		h.append( inPlug()->setHash( setName ) );

	h.append( path.data(), path.size() );
	stripeWidthPlug()->hash( h );
Beispiel #20
Dispatcher::TaskBatchPtr Dispatcher::acquireBatch( const ExecutableNode::Task &task, BatchMap &currentBatches, TaskToBatchMap &tasksToBatches )
	MurmurHash taskToBatchMapHash = task.hash();
	taskToBatchMapHash.append( (uint64_t)task.node() );
	TaskToBatchMap::iterator it = tasksToBatches.find( taskToBatchMapHash );
	if ( it != tasksToBatches.end() )
		return it->second;

	MurmurHash batchMapHash = batchHash( task );
	BatchMap::iterator bIt = currentBatches.find( batchMapHash );
	if ( bIt != currentBatches.end() )
		TaskBatchPtr batch = bIt->second;

		std::vector<float> &frames = batch->frames();
		const Plug *dispatcherPlug = task.node()->dispatcherPlug();
		const IntPlug *batchSizePlug = dispatcherPlug->getChild<const IntPlug>( g_batchSize );
		size_t batchSize = ( batchSizePlug ) ? batchSizePlug->getValue() : 1;

		if ( task.node()->requiresSequenceExecution() || ( frames.size() < batchSize ) )
			if ( task.hash() != MurmurHash() )
				float frame = task.context()->getFrame();
				if ( std::find( frames.begin(), frames.end(), frame ) == frames.end() )
					if ( task.node()->requiresSequenceExecution() )
						frames.insert( std::lower_bound( frames.begin(), frames.end(), frame ), frame );
						frames.push_back( frame );
			tasksToBatches[taskToBatchMapHash] = batch;
			return batch;

	TaskBatchPtr batch = new TaskBatch( task );
	currentBatches[batchMapHash] = batch;
	tasksToBatches[taskToBatchMapHash] = batch;
	return batch;
Beispiel #21
void SetVisualiser::hash( const ValuePlug *output, const Context *context, MurmurHash &h ) const
	SceneElementProcessor::hash( output, context, h );

	if( output == outSetsPlug() )
		setsPlug()->hash( h );
		colorOverridesPlug()->hash( h );
		// We don't care about a set's hash here as we're only computing which
		// sets we will consider and their corresponding colors - which depends
		// solely on their names.
		h.append( inPlug()->setNamesHash() );
void ObjectVector::hash( MurmurHash &h ) const
	Object::hash( h );
	for( MemberContainer::const_iterator it=m_members.begin(); it!=m_members.end(); it++ )
		if( *it )
			(*it)->hash( h );
			h.append( 0 );
Beispiel #23
    // Hash used to determine how to coalesce tasks into batches.
    // If `batchHash( task1 ) == batchHash( task2 )` then the two
    // tasks can be placed in the same batch.
    IECore::MurmurHash batchHash( const TaskNode::Task &task )
        MurmurHash result;
        result.append( (uint64_t)task.node() );

        const Context *context = task.context();
        std::vector<IECore::InternedString> names;
        context->names( names );
        for( std::vector<IECore::InternedString>::const_iterator it = names.begin(); it != names.end(); ++it )
            // Ignore the UI values since they should be irrelevant
            // to execution.
            if( it->string().compare( 0, 3, "ui:" ) == 0 )
            // Ignore the frame, since the whole point of batching
            // is to allow multiple frames to be placed in the same
            // batch if the context is otherwise identical.
            // There is one exception to this though - if the task is
            // a no-op, then we don't want to coalesce, because then
            // every single frame of the no-op would be placed in the
            // same batch, and all downstream frames would then be forced
            // to depend unnecessarily on all upstream frames.
            if( *it == g_frame && task.hash() != MurmurHash() )

            result.append( *it );
            context->get<const IECore::Data>( *it )->hash( result );

        return result;
asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::Object> IECoreAppleseed::BatchPrimitiveConverter::doConvertPrimitive( PrimitivePtr primitive, const string &name )
	MurmurHash primitiveHash;
	primitiveHash.append( name );
	primitive->hash( primitiveHash );

	if( primitive->typeId() == MeshPrimitiveTypeId )
		// Check if we already have a mesh saved for this object.
		string fileName = string( "_geometry/" ) + primitiveHash.toString() + m_meshGeomExtension;
		filesystem::path p = m_projectPath / fileName;

		if( !filesystem::exists( p ) )
			ToAppleseedConverterPtr converter = ToAppleseedConverter::create( primitive.get() );

			if( !converter )
				msg( Msg::Warning, "IECoreAppleseed::BatchPrimitiveConverter", "Couldn't convert primitive." );
				return asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::Object>();

			asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::Object> entity;
			entity.reset( static_cast<asr::Object*>( converter->convert() ) );

			if( entity.get() == 0 )
				msg( Msg::Warning, "IECoreAppleseed::BatchPrimitiveConverter", "Couldn't convert primitive." );
				return asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::Object>();

			// Write the mesh to a file.
			p = m_projectPath / fileName;
			if( !asr::MeshObjectWriter::write( static_cast<const asr::MeshObject&>( *entity ), name.c_str(), p.string().c_str() ) )
				msg( Msg::Warning, "IECoreAppleseed::BatchPrimitiveConverter", "Couldn't save mesh primitive." );
				return asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::Object>();

		asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::MeshObject> meshObj( asr::MeshObjectFactory().create( name.c_str(), asr::ParamArray().insert( "filename", fileName.c_str() ) ) );
		return asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::Object>( meshObj.release() );

	return asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::Object>();
void SimpleDataHolder<Imf::TimeCode>::hash( MurmurHash &h ) const
	const Imf::TimeCode &timeCode = readable();
	h.append( Imath::V2i( timeCode.timeAndFlags(), timeCode.userData() ) );
OP_ERROR SOP_SceneCacheSource::cookMySop( OP_Context &context )
	// make sure the state is valid
	if ( boost::indeterminate( m_static ) )
	flags().setTimeDep( bool( !m_static ) );
	std::string file;
	if ( !ensureFile( file ) )
		addError( SOP_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID, ( file + " is not a valid .scc" ).c_str() );
		return error();
	std::string path = getPath();
	Space space = getSpace();
	GeometryType geometryType = (GeometryType)this->evalInt( pGeometryType.getToken(), 0, 0 );
	UT_String tagFilterStr;
	getTagFilter( tagFilterStr );
	UT_StringMMPattern tagFilter;
	tagFilter.compile( tagFilterStr );
	UT_String shapeFilterStr;
	getShapeFilter( shapeFilterStr );
	UT_StringMMPattern shapeFilter;
	shapeFilter.compile( shapeFilterStr );
	UT_String p( "P" );
	UT_String attributeFilter;
	getAttributeFilter( attributeFilter );
	if ( !p.match( attributeFilter ) )
		attributeFilter += " P";
	UT_String attributeCopy;
	getAttributeCopy( attributeCopy );
	UT_String fullPathName;
	getFullPathName( fullPathName );
	ConstSceneInterfacePtr scene = this->scene( file, path );
	if ( !scene )
		addError( SOP_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID, ( path + " is not a valid location in " + file ).c_str() );
		return error();
	MurmurHash hash;
	hash.append( file );
	hash.append( path );
	hash.append( space );
	hash.append( tagFilterStr );
	hash.append( shapeFilterStr );
	hash.append( attributeFilter );
	hash.append( attributeCopy );
	hash.append( fullPathName );
	hash.append( geometryType );
	hash.append( getObjectOnly() );
	if ( !m_loaded || m_hash != hash )
	double readTime = time( context );
	Imath::M44d transform = ( space == World ) ? worldTransform( file, path, readTime ) : Imath::M44d();
	SceneInterface::Path rootPath;
	scene->path( rootPath );
	UT_Interrupt *progress = UTgetInterrupt();
	if ( !progress->opStart( ( "Cooking objects for " + getPath() ).c_str() ) )
		addError( SOP_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID, "Cooking interrupted before it started" );
		return error();
	Parameters params;
	UT_String attribFilter;
	getAttributeFilter( attribFilter );
	params.attributeFilter = attribFilter.toStdString();
	params.attributeCopy = attributeCopy.toStdString();
	params.fullPathName = fullPathName.toStdString();
	params.geometryType = getGeometryType();
	getShapeFilter( params.shapeFilter );
	getTagFilter( params.tagFilter );
	// Building a map from shape name to primitive range, which will be used during
	// convertObject() to do a lazy update of animated primvars where possible, and
	// to destroy changing topology shapes when necessary.
	GA_ROAttributeRef nameAttrRef = gdp->findStringTuple( GA_ATTRIB_PRIMITIVE, "name" );
	if ( nameAttrRef.isValid() )
		const GA_Attribute *attr = nameAttrRef.getAttribute();
		const GA_AIFSharedStringTuple *tuple = attr->getAIFSharedStringTuple();
		std::map<std::string, GA_OffsetList> offsets;
		GA_Range primRange = gdp->getPrimitiveRange();
		for ( GA_Iterator it = primRange.begin(); !it.atEnd(); ++it )
			std::string current = "";
			if ( const char *value = tuple->getString( attr, it.getOffset() ) )
				current = value;
			std::map<std::string, GA_OffsetList>::iterator oIt = offsets.find( current );
			if ( oIt == offsets.end() )
				oIt = offsets.insert( std::pair<std::string, GA_OffsetList>( current, GA_OffsetList() ) ).first;
			oIt->second.append( it.getOffset() );
		for ( std::map<std::string, GA_OffsetList>::iterator oIt = offsets.begin(); oIt != offsets.end(); ++oIt )
			params.namedRanges[oIt->first] = GA_Range( gdp->getPrimitiveMap(), oIt->second );
	loadObjects( scene.get(), transform, readTime, space, params, rootPath.size() );
	if ( progress->opInterrupt( 100 ) )
		addError( SOP_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID, "Cooking interrupted" );
		m_loaded = false;
		m_hash = MurmurHash();
		m_loaded = true;
		m_hash = hash;
	return error();
Beispiel #27
void SimpleDataHolder<TimePeriod>::hash( MurmurHash &h ) const
	h.append( boost::posix_time::to_iso_string( readable().begin() ) );
	h.append( boost::posix_time::to_iso_string( readable().end() ) );
void ImagePrimitive::topologyHash( MurmurHash &h ) const
	h.append( m_dataWindow );
	h.append( m_displayWindow );
OP_ERROR SOP_SceneCacheSource::cookMySop( OP_Context &context )
	// make sure the state is valid
	if ( boost::indeterminate( m_static ) )
	flags().setTimeDep( bool( !m_static ) );
	std::string file;
	if ( !ensureFile( file ) )
		addError( SOP_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID, ( file + " is not a valid .scc" ).c_str() );
		return error();
	std::string path = getPath();
	Space space = getSpace();
	GeometryType geometryType = (GeometryType)this->evalInt( pGeometryType.getToken(), 0, 0 );
	UT_String shapeFilterStr;
	evalString( shapeFilterStr, pShapeFilter.getToken(), 0, 0 );
	UT_StringMMPattern shapeFilter;
	shapeFilter.compile( shapeFilterStr );
	UT_String p( "P" );
	UT_String attributeFilter;
	evalString( attributeFilter, pAttributeFilter.getToken(), 0, 0 );
	if ( !p.match( attributeFilter ) )
		attributeFilter += " P";
	ConstSceneInterfacePtr scene = this->scene( file, path );
	if ( !scene )
		addError( SOP_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID, ( path + " is not a valid location in " + file ).c_str() );
		return error();
	MurmurHash hash;
	hash.append( file );
	hash.append( path );
	hash.append( space );
	hash.append( shapeFilterStr );
	hash.append( attributeFilter );
	hash.append( geometryType );
	hash.append( getObjectOnly() );
	if ( !m_loaded || m_hash != hash )
	Imath::M44d transform = ( space == World ) ? worldTransform( file, path, context.getTime() ) : Imath::M44d();
	SceneInterface::Path rootPath;
	scene->path( rootPath );
	UT_Interrupt *progress = UTgetInterrupt();
	if ( !progress->opStart( ( "Cooking objects for " + getPath() ).c_str() ) )
		addError( SOP_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID, "Cooking interrupted before it started" );
		return error();
	loadObjects( scene, transform, context.getTime(), space, shapeFilter, attributeFilter.toStdString(), geometryType, rootPath.size() );
	if ( progress->opInterrupt( 100 ) )
		addError( SOP_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID, "Cooking interrupted" );
		m_loaded = false;
		m_hash = MurmurHash();
		m_loaded = true;
		m_hash = hash;
	return error();
Beispiel #30
void IECoreAppleseed::ShadingState::materialHash( MurmurHash &hash ) const
	shaderGroupHash( hash );
	hash.append( m_shadingSamples );