// If there are any Java connection objects present in 
// 'lmUtilityConnList' then the following actions are taken:
// - Calls the 'close()' method on the connection
// - Deletes the object reference
// - Removes the connection entry from 'lmUtilityConnList'
// The method expects the following as input:
// - Pointer to the JNIEnv interface
// - JNI method ID of java.sql.Connection.close() method
void lmUtilityInitConnList( JNIEnv *jni, jmethodID connCloseId )
  while( lmUtilityConnList.entries() )
    jobject conn = lmUtilityConnList[0];

    if( conn )
      jni->CallVoidMethod( conn,
                           connCloseId );

    jni->DeleteGlobalRef( conn );
