/// \brief Get a vector of pressure thresholds from either EclipseState
    /// or maxDp (for defaulted values) for all Non-neighbour connections (NNCs).
    /// \param[in] nnc            The NNCs,
    /// \param[in] eclipseState   Processed eclipse state, EQLNUM is accessed from it.
    /// \param[in] maxDp          The maximum gravity corrected pressure differences between
    ///                           the equilibration regions.
    /// \return                   A vector of pressure thresholds, one
    ///                           for each NNC in the grid. A value
    ///                           of zero means no threshold for that
    ///                           particular connection. An empty vector is
    ///                           returned if there is no THPRES
    ///                           feature used in the deck.
     std::vector<double> thresholdPressuresNNC(EclipseStateConstPtr eclipseState,
                                               const NNC& nnc,
                                               const std::map<std::pair<int, int>, double>& maxDp)
        const SimulationConfig& simulationConfig = eclipseState->getSimulationConfig();
        std::vector<double> thpres_vals;
        if (simulationConfig.hasThresholdPressure()) {
            std::shared_ptr<const ThresholdPressure> thresholdPressure = simulationConfig.getThresholdPressure();
            const auto& eqlnum = eclipseState->get3DProperties().getIntGridProperty("EQLNUM");
            const auto& eqlnumData = eqlnum.getData();

            // Set values for each NNC

            thpres_vals.resize(nnc.numNNC(), 0.0);
            for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nnc.numNNC(); ++i) {
                const int gc1 = nnc.nncdata()[i].cell1;
                const int gc2 = nnc.nncdata()[i].cell2;
                const int eq1 = eqlnumData[gc1];
                const int eq2 = eqlnumData[gc2];

                if (thresholdPressure->hasRegionBarrier(eq1,eq2)) {
                    if (thresholdPressure->hasThresholdPressure(eq1,eq2)) {
                        thpres_vals[i] = thresholdPressure->getThresholdPressure(eq1,eq2);
                    } else {
                        // set the threshold pressure for NNC of PVT regions where the third item
                        // has been defaulted to the maximum pressure potential difference between
                        // these regions
                        const auto barrierId = std::make_pair(eq1, eq2);
                        thpres_vals[i] = maxDp.at(barrierId);
        return thpres_vals;
Beispiel #2
void EclipseIO::Impl::writeEGRIDFile( const NNC& nnc ) const {
    const auto& ioConfig = this->es.getIOConfig();

    std::string  egridFile( ERT::EclFilename( this->outputDir,
                                              ioConfig.getFMTOUT() ));

        int idx = 0;
        auto* ecl_grid = const_cast< ecl_grid_type* >( this->grid.c_ptr() );
        for (const NNCdata& n : nnc.nncdata())
            ecl_grid_add_self_nnc( ecl_grid, n.cell1, n.cell2, idx++);

        ecl_grid_fwrite_EGRID2(ecl_grid, egridFile.c_str(), this->es.getDeckUnitSystem().getEclType() );
Beispiel #3
void EclipseIO::Impl::writeINITFile( const data::Solution& simProps, std::map<std::string, std::vector<int> > int_data, const NNC& nnc) const {
    const auto& units = this->es.getUnits();
    const IOConfig& ioConfig = this->es.cfg().io();

    std::string  initFile( ERT::EclFilename( this->outputDir,
                                             ioConfig.getFMTOUT() ));

    ERT::FortIO fortio( initFile,
                        ECL_ENDIAN_FLIP );

    // Write INIT header. Observe that the PORV vector is treated
    // specially; that is because for this particulat vector we write
    // a total of nx*ny*nz values, where the PORV vector has been
    // explicitly set to zero for inactive cells. The convention is
    // that the active/inactive cell mapping can be inferred by
    // reading the PORV vector.

        const auto& opm_data = this->es.get3DProperties().getDoubleGridProperty("PORV").getData();
        auto ecl_data = opm_data;

        for (size_t global_index = 0; global_index < opm_data.size(); global_index++)
            if (!this->grid.cellActive( global_index ))
                ecl_data[global_index] = 0;

        ecl_init_file_fwrite_header( fortio.get(),
                                     this->es.runspec( ).eclPhaseMask( ),
                                     this->schedule.posixStartTime( ));

        units.from_si( UnitSystem::measure::volume, ecl_data );
        writeKeyword( fortio, "PORV" , ecl_data );

    // Writing quantities which are calculated by the grid to the INIT file.
    ecl_grid_fwrite_depth( this->grid.c_ptr() , fortio.get() , units.getEclType( ) );
    ecl_grid_fwrite_dims( this->grid.c_ptr() , fortio.get() , units.getEclType( ) );

    // Write properties from the input deck.
        const auto& properties = this->es.get3DProperties().getDoubleProperties();
        using double_kw = std::pair<std::string, UnitSystem::measure>;
          This is a rather arbitrary hardcoded list of 3D keywords
          which are written to the INIT file, if they are in the
          current EclipseState.
        std::vector<double_kw> doubleKeywords = {{"PORO"  , UnitSystem::measure::identity },
                                                 {"PERMX" , UnitSystem::measure::permeability },
                                                 {"PERMY" , UnitSystem::measure::permeability },
                                                 {"PERMZ" , UnitSystem::measure::permeability },
                                                 {"NTG"   , UnitSystem::measure::identity }};

        // The INIT file should always contain the NTG property, we
        // therefor invoke the auto create functionality to ensure
        // that "NTG" is included in the properties container.

        for (const auto& kw_pair : doubleKeywords) {
            if (properties.hasKeyword( kw_pair.first)) {
                const auto& opm_property = properties.getKeyword(kw_pair.first);
                auto ecl_data = opm_property.compressedCopy( this->grid );

                units.from_si( kw_pair.second, ecl_data );
                writeKeyword( fortio, kw_pair.first, ecl_data );

    // Write properties which have been initialized by the simulator.
        for (const auto& prop : simProps) {
            auto ecl_data = this->grid.compressedVector( prop.second.data );
            writeKeyword( fortio, prop.first, ecl_data );

    // Write tables
        Tables tables( this->es.getUnits() );
        tables.addPVTO( this->es.getTableManager().getPvtoTables() );
        tables.addPVTG( this->es.getTableManager().getPvtgTables() );
        tables.addPVTW( this->es.getTableManager().getPvtwTable() );
        tables.addDensity( this->es.getTableManager().getDensityTable( ) );
        fwrite(tables, fortio);

    // Write all integer field properties from the input deck.
        const auto& properties = this->es.get3DProperties().getIntProperties();

        // It seems that the INIT file should always contain these
        // keywords, we therefor call getKeyword() here to invoke the
        // autocreation property, and ensure that the keywords exist
        // in the properties container.

        for (const auto& property : properties) {
            auto ecl_data = property.compressedCopy( this->grid );
            writeKeyword( fortio , property.getKeywordName() , ecl_data );

    //Write Integer Vector Map
        for( const auto& pair : int_data)  {
            const std::string& key = pair.first;
            const std::vector<int>& int_vector = pair.second;
            if (key.size() > ECL_STRING8_LENGTH)
              throw std::invalid_argument("Keyword is too long.");            

            writeKeyword( fortio , key , int_vector );

    // Write NNC transmissibilities
        std::vector<double> tran;
        for( const NNCdata& nd : nnc.nncdata() )
            tran.push_back( nd.trans );

        units.from_si( UnitSystem::measure::transmissibility , tran );
        writeKeyword( fortio, "TRANNNC" , tran );