 |   TestBenchmark
static int
    unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[16*1024];
    NPT_SetMemory(data, 0, sizeof(16*1024));
    NPT_TimeStamp before;
    NPT_TimeStamp after;
    float         elapsed;
    unsigned char key[16] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 
                              0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f };
    NPT_BlockCipher* cipher;
    unsigned int block_count = 0;
    do {
        unsigned char out[16];
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<1024; i++) {
            cipher->ProcessBlock(data+16*i, out);
        block_count += 1024;
        elapsed  = after.ToSeconds()-before.ToSeconds();
    } while (elapsed < 10.0f);
    NPT_Console::OutputF("AES: %d blocks in 10 seconds: %f MB/s\n", block_count, ((block_count*16.0f)/1000000.0f)/elapsed);
    delete data;
    return 0;
Beispiel #2
|   PLT_HttpServer::ServeFile
PLT_HttpServer::ServeFile(const NPT_HttpRequest&        request, 
                          const NPT_HttpRequestContext& context,
                          NPT_HttpResponse&             response,
                          NPT_String                    file_path) 
    NPT_InputStreamReference stream;
    NPT_File                 file(file_path);
    NPT_FileInfo             file_info;
    // prevent hackers from accessing files outside of our root
    if ((file_path.Find("/..") >= 0) || (file_path.Find("\\..") >= 0) ||
        NPT_FAILED(NPT_File::GetInfo(file_path, &file_info))) {
        return NPT_ERROR_NO_SUCH_ITEM;
    // check for range requests
    const NPT_String* range_spec = request.GetHeaders().GetHeaderValue(NPT_HTTP_HEADER_RANGE);
    // handle potential 304 only if range header not set
    NPT_DateTime  date;
    NPT_TimeStamp timestamp;
    if (NPT_SUCCEEDED(PLT_UPnPMessageHelper::GetIfModifiedSince((NPT_HttpMessage&)request, date)) &&
        !range_spec) {
        NPT_LOG_INFO_5("File %s timestamps: request=%d (%s) vs file=%d (%s)", 
                       (const char*)request.GetUrl().GetPath(),
                       (const char*)date.ToString(),
                       (const char*)NPT_DateTime(file_info.m_ModificationTime).ToString());
        if (timestamp >= file_info.m_ModificationTime) {
            // it's a match
            NPT_LOG_FINE_1("Returning 304 for %s", request.GetUrl().GetPath().GetChars());
            response.SetStatus(304, "Not Modified", NPT_HTTP_PROTOCOL_1_1);
            return NPT_SUCCESS;
    // open file
    if (NPT_FAILED(file.Open(NPT_FILE_OPEN_MODE_READ)) || 
        NPT_FAILED(file.GetInputStream(stream))        ||
        stream.IsNull()) {
        return NPT_ERROR_NO_SUCH_ITEM;
    // set Last-Modified and Cache-Control headers
    if (file_info.m_ModificationTime) {
        NPT_DateTime last_modified = NPT_DateTime(file_info.m_ModificationTime);
        response.GetHeaders().SetHeader("Last-Modified", last_modified.ToString(NPT_DateTime::FORMAT_RFC_1123), true);
        response.GetHeaders().SetHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=0,must-revalidate", true);
        //response.GetHeaders().SetHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=1800", true);
    PLT_HttpRequestContext tmp_context(request, context);
    return ServeStream(request, context, response, stream, PLT_MimeType::GetMimeType(file_path, &tmp_context));
Beispiel #3
|   PLT_DeviceData::GenerateNextBootId
    NPT_TimeStamp now;
    NPT_UInt32 value = (NPT_UInt32)now.ToSeconds();
    if (value == m_BootId) ++value;
    return value;
Beispiel #4
|   NPT_DateTime::FromTimeStamp
NPT_DateTime::FromTimeStamp(const NPT_TimeStamp& ts, bool local)
    // number of seconds from the epoch (positive or negative)
    NPT_Int64 seconds = ts.ToSeconds();
    // check the range (we only allow up to 31 bits of negative range for seconds
    // in order to have the same lower bound as the 32-bit gmtime() function)
    if (seconds < 0 && (NPT_Int32)seconds != seconds) return NPT_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE;
    // adjust for the timezone if necessary
    NPT_Int32 timezone = 0;
    if (local) {
        timezone = GetLocalTimeZone();
        seconds += timezone*60;
    // adjust to the number of seconds since 1900
    seconds += (NPT_Int64)NPT_SECONDS_PER_YEAR*70 + 
               (NPT_Int64)(17*NPT_SECONDS_PER_DAY); // 17 leap year between 1900 and 1970
    // compute the years since 1900, not adjusting for leap years
    NPT_UInt32 years_since_1900 = (NPT_UInt32)(seconds/NPT_SECONDS_PER_YEAR);
    // compute the number of seconds elapsed in the current year
    seconds -= (NPT_Int64)years_since_1900 * NPT_SECONDS_PER_YEAR;

    // adjust for leap years
    bool is_leap_year = false;
    NPT_UInt32 leap_years_since_1900 = ElapsedLeapYearsSince1900(years_since_1900+1900);
    if (seconds < (leap_years_since_1900 * NPT_SECONDS_PER_DAY)) {
        // not enough seconds in the current year to compensate, move one year back
        seconds += NPT_SECONDS_PER_YEAR;
        seconds -= leap_years_since_1900 * NPT_SECONDS_PER_DAY;
        if (NPT_TIME_YEAR_IS_LEAP(years_since_1900+1900) ) {
            seconds += NPT_SECONDS_PER_DAY;
            is_leap_year = true;
    } else {
        seconds -= leap_years_since_1900 * NPT_SECONDS_PER_DAY;
        if (NPT_TIME_YEAR_IS_LEAP(years_since_1900+1900) ) {
            is_leap_year = true;

    // now we know the year
    m_Year = years_since_1900+1900;

    // compute the number of days since January 1 (0 - 365)
    NPT_UInt32 day_of_the_year = (NPT_UInt32)(seconds/NPT_SECONDS_PER_DAY);

    // compute the number of seconds in the current day
    seconds -= day_of_the_year * NPT_SECONDS_PER_DAY;

    // compute the number of months since January (0 - 11) and the day of month (1 - 31) */
    const NPT_Int32* month_day = is_leap_year?NPT_TIME_MONTH_DAY_LEAP:NPT_TIME_MONTH_DAY;
    NPT_UInt32 month;
    for (month = 1; month_day[month] < (NPT_Int32)day_of_the_year ; month++) {}

    // now we know the month and day
    m_Month = month;
    m_Day   = day_of_the_year - month_day[month-1];

    // compute the number of hours since midnight (0 - 23), minutes after the hour
    // (0 - 59), seconds after the minute (0 - 59) and nanoseconds
    m_Hours   = (NPT_Int32)seconds/3600;
    seconds  -= m_Hours * 3600L;
    m_Minutes = (NPT_Int32)seconds / 60;
    m_Seconds = (NPT_Int32)seconds - m_Minutes * 60;
    m_NanoSeconds = (NPT_Int32)(ts.ToNanos()%1000000000);
    if (local) {
        m_TimeZone = timezone;
    } else {
        m_TimeZone = 0;
    return NPT_SUCCESS;
|   TestMisc
static void
    NPT_DateTime  date;
    NPT_TimeStamp ts;
    NPT_String    s;
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(date.FromTimeStamp(ts, false));
    s = date.ToString(NPT_DateTime::FORMAT_W3C);
    NPT_Console::OutputF("%s\n", s.GetChars());
    s = date.ToString(NPT_DateTime::FORMAT_ANSI);
    NPT_Console::OutputF("%s\n", s.GetChars());
    s = date.ToString(NPT_DateTime::FORMAT_RFC_1036);
    NPT_Console::OutputF("%s\n", s.GetChars());
    s = date.ToString(NPT_DateTime::FORMAT_RFC_1123);
    NPT_Console::OutputF("%s\n", s.GetChars());
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(date.FromTimeStamp(ts, true));
    s = date.ToString(NPT_DateTime::FORMAT_W3C);
    NPT_Console::OutputF("%s\n", s.GetChars());
    s = date.ToString(NPT_DateTime::FORMAT_ANSI);
    NPT_Console::OutputF("%s\n", s.GetChars());
    s = date.ToString(NPT_DateTime::FORMAT_RFC_1036);
    NPT_Console::OutputF("%s\n", s.GetChars());
    s = date.ToString(NPT_DateTime::FORMAT_RFC_1123);
    NPT_Console::OutputF("%s\n", s.GetChars());

    ts = 0.0;
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(date.FromTimeStamp(ts, false));
    s = date.ToString(NPT_DateTime::FORMAT_W3C);
    SHOULD_EQUAL_S(s.GetChars(), "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z");
    s = date.ToString(NPT_DateTime::FORMAT_ANSI);
    SHOULD_EQUAL_S(s.GetChars(), "Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970");
    s = date.ToString(NPT_DateTime::FORMAT_RFC_1036);
    SHOULD_EQUAL_S(s.GetChars(), "Thursday, 01-Jan-70 00:00:00 GMT");
    s = date.ToString(NPT_DateTime::FORMAT_RFC_1123);
    SHOULD_EQUAL_S(s.GetChars(), "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT");
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(date.FromTimeStamp(ts, false));
    s = date.ToString(NPT_DateTime::FORMAT_W3C, false);
    SHOULD_EQUAL_S(s.GetChars(), "2106-02-07T06:28:15Z");

    NPT_TimeStamp now;
    NPT_DateTime now_local(now, true);
    NPT_DateTime now_utc(now, false);
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I(now_utc.m_TimeZone, 0);
    NPT_TimeStamp ts1, ts2;
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I((int)ts1.ToSeconds(), (int)ts2.ToSeconds());
    NPT_DateTime d1(ts);
    NPT_DateTime d2(ts);
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I((int)ts1.ToSeconds(), (int)ts2.ToSeconds()+3600);