Beispiel #1
 * If szStripPrefix is not NULL, only pp-parameters, whose names start with the prefix
 * are processed. The prefix is then stripped from the names.
 * If szStripPrefix is NULL, all pp-parameters are processed; without stripping.
void NZBScriptController::PrepareEnvParameters(NZBParameterList* pParameters, const char* szStripPrefix)
	int iPrefixLen = szStripPrefix ? strlen(szStripPrefix) : 0;

	for (NZBParameterList::iterator it = pParameters->begin(); it != pParameters->end(); it++)
		NZBParameter* pParameter = *it;
		const char* szValue = pParameter->GetValue();
#ifdef WIN32
		char* szAnsiValue = strdup(szValue);
		WebUtil::Utf8ToAnsi(szAnsiValue, strlen(szAnsiValue) + 1);
		szValue = szAnsiValue;

		if (szStripPrefix && !strncmp(pParameter->GetName(), szStripPrefix, iPrefixLen) && (int)strlen(pParameter->GetName()) > iPrefixLen)
			SetEnvVarSpecial("NZBPR", pParameter->GetName() + iPrefixLen, szValue);
		else if (!szStripPrefix)
			SetEnvVarSpecial("NZBPR", pParameter->GetName(), szValue);

#ifdef WIN32
Beispiel #2
void ListBinCommand::Execute()
	SNZBListRequest ListRequest;
	if (!ReceiveRequest(&ListRequest, sizeof(ListRequest)))

	SNZBListResponse ListResponse;
	memset(&ListResponse, 0, sizeof(ListResponse));
	ListResponse.m_MessageBase.m_iSignature = htonl(NZBMESSAGE_SIGNATURE);
	ListResponse.m_MessageBase.m_iStructSize = htonl(sizeof(ListResponse));
	ListResponse.m_iEntrySize = htonl(sizeof(SNZBListResponseFileEntry));
	ListResponse.m_bRegExValid = 0;

	char* buf = NULL;
	int bufsize = 0;

	if (ntohl(ListRequest.m_bFileList))
		eRemoteMatchMode eMatchMode = (eRemoteMatchMode)ntohl(ListRequest.m_iMatchMode);
		bool bMatchGroup = ntohl(ListRequest.m_bMatchGroup);
		const char* szPattern = ListRequest.m_szPattern;

		RegEx *pRegEx = NULL;
		if (eMatchMode == eRemoteMatchModeRegEx)
			pRegEx = new RegEx(szPattern);
			ListResponse.m_bRegExValid = pRegEx->IsValid();

		// Make a data structure and copy all the elements of the list into it
		DownloadQueue* pDownloadQueue = g_pQueueCoordinator->LockQueue();

		// calculate required buffer size for nzbs
		int iNrNZBEntries = pDownloadQueue->GetNZBInfoList()->size();
		int iNrPPPEntries = 0;
		bufsize += iNrNZBEntries * sizeof(SNZBListResponseNZBEntry);
		for (NZBInfoList::iterator it = pDownloadQueue->GetNZBInfoList()->begin(); it != pDownloadQueue->GetNZBInfoList()->end(); it++)
			NZBInfo* pNZBInfo = *it;
			bufsize += strlen(pNZBInfo->GetFilename()) + 1;
			bufsize += strlen(pNZBInfo->GetName()) + 1;
			bufsize += strlen(pNZBInfo->GetDestDir()) + 1;
			bufsize += strlen(pNZBInfo->GetCategory()) + 1;
			bufsize += strlen(pNZBInfo->GetQueuedFilename()) + 1;
			// align struct to 4-bytes, needed by ARM-processor (and may be others)
			bufsize += bufsize % 4 > 0 ? 4 - bufsize % 4 : 0;

			// calculate required buffer size for pp-parameters
			for (NZBParameterList::iterator it = pNZBInfo->GetParameters()->begin(); it != pNZBInfo->GetParameters()->end(); it++)
				NZBParameter* pNZBParameter = *it;
				bufsize += sizeof(SNZBListResponsePPPEntry);
				bufsize += strlen(pNZBParameter->GetName()) + 1;
				bufsize += strlen(pNZBParameter->GetValue()) + 1;
				// align struct to 4-bytes, needed by ARM-processor (and may be others)
				bufsize += bufsize % 4 > 0 ? 4 - bufsize % 4 : 0;

		// calculate required buffer size for files
		int iNrFileEntries = pDownloadQueue->GetFileQueue()->size();
		bufsize += iNrFileEntries * sizeof(SNZBListResponseFileEntry);
		for (FileQueue::iterator it = pDownloadQueue->GetFileQueue()->begin(); it != pDownloadQueue->GetFileQueue()->end(); it++)
			FileInfo* pFileInfo = *it;
			bufsize += strlen(pFileInfo->GetSubject()) + 1;
			bufsize += strlen(pFileInfo->GetFilename()) + 1;
			// align struct to 4-bytes, needed by ARM-processor (and may be others)
			bufsize += bufsize % 4 > 0 ? 4 - bufsize % 4 : 0;

		buf = (char*) malloc(bufsize);
		char* bufptr = buf;

		// write nzb entries
		for (NZBInfoList::iterator it = pDownloadQueue->GetNZBInfoList()->begin(); it != pDownloadQueue->GetNZBInfoList()->end(); it++)
			unsigned long iSizeHi, iSizeLo;
			NZBInfo* pNZBInfo = *it;
			SNZBListResponseNZBEntry* pListAnswer = (SNZBListResponseNZBEntry*) bufptr;
			Util::SplitInt64(pNZBInfo->GetSize(), &iSizeHi, &iSizeLo);
			pListAnswer->m_iSizeLo				= htonl(iSizeLo);
			pListAnswer->m_iSizeHi				= htonl(iSizeHi);
			pListAnswer->m_bMatch				= htonl(bMatchGroup && (!pRegEx || pRegEx->Match(pNZBInfo->GetName())));
			pListAnswer->m_iFilenameLen			= htonl(strlen(pNZBInfo->GetFilename()) + 1);
			pListAnswer->m_iNameLen				= htonl(strlen(pNZBInfo->GetName()) + 1);
			pListAnswer->m_iDestDirLen			= htonl(strlen(pNZBInfo->GetDestDir()) + 1);
			pListAnswer->m_iCategoryLen			= htonl(strlen(pNZBInfo->GetCategory()) + 1);
			pListAnswer->m_iQueuedFilenameLen	= htonl(strlen(pNZBInfo->GetQueuedFilename()) + 1);
			bufptr += sizeof(SNZBListResponseNZBEntry);
			strcpy(bufptr, pNZBInfo->GetFilename());
			bufptr += ntohl(pListAnswer->m_iFilenameLen);
			strcpy(bufptr, pNZBInfo->GetName());
			bufptr += ntohl(pListAnswer->m_iNameLen);
			strcpy(bufptr, pNZBInfo->GetDestDir());
			bufptr += ntohl(pListAnswer->m_iDestDirLen);
			strcpy(bufptr, pNZBInfo->GetCategory());
			bufptr += ntohl(pListAnswer->m_iCategoryLen);
			strcpy(bufptr, pNZBInfo->GetQueuedFilename());
			bufptr += ntohl(pListAnswer->m_iQueuedFilenameLen);
			// align struct to 4-bytes, needed by ARM-processor (and may be others)
			if ((size_t)bufptr % 4 > 0)
				pListAnswer->m_iQueuedFilenameLen = htonl(ntohl(pListAnswer->m_iQueuedFilenameLen) + 4 - (size_t)bufptr % 4);
				memset(bufptr, 0, 4 - (size_t)bufptr % 4); //suppress valgrind warning "uninitialized data"
				bufptr += 4 - (size_t)bufptr % 4;

		// write ppp entries
		int iNZBIndex = 1;
		for (NZBInfoList::iterator it = pDownloadQueue->GetNZBInfoList()->begin(); it != pDownloadQueue->GetNZBInfoList()->end(); it++, iNZBIndex++)
			NZBInfo* pNZBInfo = *it;
			for (NZBParameterList::iterator it = pNZBInfo->GetParameters()->begin(); it != pNZBInfo->GetParameters()->end(); it++)
				NZBParameter* pNZBParameter = *it;
				SNZBListResponsePPPEntry* pListAnswer = (SNZBListResponsePPPEntry*) bufptr;
				pListAnswer->m_iNZBIndex	= htonl(iNZBIndex);
				pListAnswer->m_iNameLen		= htonl(strlen(pNZBParameter->GetName()) + 1);
				pListAnswer->m_iValueLen	= htonl(strlen(pNZBParameter->GetValue()) + 1);
				bufptr += sizeof(SNZBListResponsePPPEntry);
				strcpy(bufptr, pNZBParameter->GetName());
				bufptr += ntohl(pListAnswer->m_iNameLen);
				strcpy(bufptr, pNZBParameter->GetValue());
				bufptr += ntohl(pListAnswer->m_iValueLen);
				// align struct to 4-bytes, needed by ARM-processor (and may be others)
				if ((size_t)bufptr % 4 > 0)
					pListAnswer->m_iValueLen = htonl(ntohl(pListAnswer->m_iValueLen) + 4 - (size_t)bufptr % 4);
					memset(bufptr, 0, 4 - (size_t)bufptr % 4); //suppress valgrind warning "uninitialized data"
					bufptr += 4 - (size_t)bufptr % 4;

		// write file entries
		for (FileQueue::iterator it = pDownloadQueue->GetFileQueue()->begin(); it != pDownloadQueue->GetFileQueue()->end(); it++)
			unsigned long iSizeHi, iSizeLo;
			FileInfo* pFileInfo = *it;
			SNZBListResponseFileEntry* pListAnswer = (SNZBListResponseFileEntry*) bufptr;
			pListAnswer->m_iID = htonl(pFileInfo->GetID());

			int iNZBIndex = 0;
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pDownloadQueue->GetNZBInfoList()->size(); i++)
				if (pDownloadQueue->GetNZBInfoList()->at(i) == pFileInfo->GetNZBInfo())
			pListAnswer->m_iNZBIndex		= htonl(iNZBIndex);

			if (pRegEx && !bMatchGroup)
				char szFilename[MAX_PATH];
				snprintf(szFilename, sizeof(szFilename) - 1, "%s/%s", pFileInfo->GetNZBInfo()->GetName(), Util::BaseFileName(pFileInfo->GetFilename()));
				pListAnswer->m_bMatch = htonl(pRegEx->Match(szFilename));

			Util::SplitInt64(pFileInfo->GetSize(), &iSizeHi, &iSizeLo);
			pListAnswer->m_iFileSizeLo		= htonl(iSizeLo);
			pListAnswer->m_iFileSizeHi		= htonl(iSizeHi);
			Util::SplitInt64(pFileInfo->GetRemainingSize(), &iSizeHi, &iSizeLo);
			pListAnswer->m_iRemainingSizeLo	= htonl(iSizeLo);
			pListAnswer->m_iRemainingSizeHi	= htonl(iSizeHi);
			pListAnswer->m_bFilenameConfirmed = htonl(pFileInfo->GetFilenameConfirmed());
			pListAnswer->m_bPaused			= htonl(pFileInfo->GetPaused());
			pListAnswer->m_iActiveDownloads	= htonl(pFileInfo->GetActiveDownloads());
			pListAnswer->m_iPriority		= htonl(pFileInfo->GetPriority());
			pListAnswer->m_iSubjectLen		= htonl(strlen(pFileInfo->GetSubject()) + 1);
			pListAnswer->m_iFilenameLen		= htonl(strlen(pFileInfo->GetFilename()) + 1);
			bufptr += sizeof(SNZBListResponseFileEntry);
			strcpy(bufptr, pFileInfo->GetSubject());
			bufptr += ntohl(pListAnswer->m_iSubjectLen);
			strcpy(bufptr, pFileInfo->GetFilename());
			bufptr += ntohl(pListAnswer->m_iFilenameLen);
			// align struct to 4-bytes, needed by ARM-processor (and may be others)
			if ((size_t)bufptr % 4 > 0)
				pListAnswer->m_iFilenameLen = htonl(ntohl(pListAnswer->m_iFilenameLen) + 4 - (size_t)bufptr % 4);
				memset(bufptr, 0, 4 - (size_t)bufptr % 4); //suppress valgrind warning "uninitialized data"
				bufptr += 4 - (size_t)bufptr % 4;


		if (pRegEx)
			delete pRegEx;

		ListResponse.m_iNrTrailingNZBEntries = htonl(iNrNZBEntries);
		ListResponse.m_iNrTrailingPPPEntries = htonl(iNrPPPEntries);
		ListResponse.m_iNrTrailingFileEntries = htonl(iNrFileEntries);
		ListResponse.m_iTrailingDataLength = htonl(bufsize);

	if (htonl(ListRequest.m_bServerState))
		unsigned long iSizeHi, iSizeLo;
		ListResponse.m_iDownloadRate = htonl((int)(g_pQueueCoordinator->CalcCurrentDownloadSpeed() * 1024));
		Util::SplitInt64(g_pQueueCoordinator->CalcRemainingSize(), &iSizeHi, &iSizeLo);
		ListResponse.m_iRemainingSizeHi = htonl(iSizeHi);
		ListResponse.m_iRemainingSizeLo = htonl(iSizeLo);
		ListResponse.m_iDownloadLimit = htonl((int)(g_pOptions->GetDownloadRate() * 1024));
		ListResponse.m_bDownloadPaused = htonl(g_pOptions->GetPauseDownload());
		ListResponse.m_bDownload2Paused = htonl(g_pOptions->GetPauseDownload2());
		ListResponse.m_bPostPaused = htonl(g_pOptions->GetPausePostProcess());
		ListResponse.m_bScanPaused = htonl(g_pOptions->GetPauseScan());
		ListResponse.m_iThreadCount = htonl(Thread::GetThreadCount() - 1); // not counting itself
		PostQueue* pPostQueue = g_pQueueCoordinator->LockQueue()->GetPostQueue();
		ListResponse.m_iPostJobCount = htonl(pPostQueue->size());

		int iUpTimeSec, iDnTimeSec;
		long long iAllBytes;
		bool bStandBy;
		g_pQueueCoordinator->CalcStat(&iUpTimeSec, &iDnTimeSec, &iAllBytes, &bStandBy);
		ListResponse.m_iUpTimeSec = htonl(iUpTimeSec);
		ListResponse.m_iDownloadTimeSec = htonl(iDnTimeSec);
		ListResponse.m_bDownloadStandBy = htonl(bStandBy);
		Util::SplitInt64(iAllBytes, &iSizeHi, &iSizeLo);
		ListResponse.m_iDownloadedBytesHi = htonl(iSizeHi);
		ListResponse.m_iDownloadedBytesLo = htonl(iSizeLo);

	// Send the request answer
	send(m_iSocket, (char*) &ListResponse, sizeof(ListResponse), 0);

	// Send the data
	if (bufsize > 0)
		send(m_iSocket, buf, bufsize, 0);

	if (buf)
Beispiel #3
void QueueScriptCoordinator::EnqueueScript(NZBInfo* pNZBInfo, EEvent eEvent)
	if (!m_bHasQueueScripts)


	if (eEvent == qeNzbDownloaded)
		// delete all other queued scripts for this nzb
		for (Queue::iterator it = m_Queue.begin(); it != m_Queue.end(); )
			QueueItem* pQueueItem = *it;
			if (pQueueItem->GetNZBID() == pNZBInfo->GetID())
				delete pQueueItem;
				it = m_Queue.erase(it);

	// respect option "EventInterval"
	time_t tCurTime = time(NULL);
	if (eEvent == qeFileDownloaded &&
		(g_pOptions->GetEventInterval() == -1 ||
		 (g_pOptions->GetEventInterval() > 0 && tCurTime - pNZBInfo->GetQueueScriptTime() > 0 &&
		 (int)(tCurTime - pNZBInfo->GetQueueScriptTime()) < g_pOptions->GetEventInterval())))

	for (ScriptConfig::Scripts::iterator it = g_pScriptConfig->GetScripts()->begin(); it != g_pScriptConfig->GetScripts()->end(); it++)
		ScriptConfig::Script* pScript = *it;

		if (!pScript->GetQueueScript())

		bool bUseScript = false;

		// check queue-scripts
		const char* szQueueScript = g_pOptions->GetQueueScript();
		if (!Util::EmptyStr(szQueueScript))
			// split szQueueScript into tokens
			Tokenizer tok(szQueueScript, ",;");
			while (const char* szScriptName = tok.Next())
				if (Util::SameFilename(szScriptName, pScript->GetName()))
					bUseScript = true;

		// check post-processing-scripts
		if (!bUseScript)
			for (NZBParameterList::iterator it = pNZBInfo->GetParameters()->begin(); it != pNZBInfo->GetParameters()->end(); it++)
				NZBParameter* pParameter = *it;
				const char* szVarname = pParameter->GetName();
				if (strlen(szVarname) > 0 && szVarname[0] != '*' && szVarname[strlen(szVarname)-1] == ':' &&
					(!strcasecmp(pParameter->GetValue(), "yes") ||
					 !strcasecmp(pParameter->GetValue(), "on") ||
					 !strcasecmp(pParameter->GetValue(), "1")))
					char szScriptName[1024];
					strncpy(szScriptName, szVarname, 1024);
					szScriptName[1024-1] = '\0';
					szScriptName[strlen(szScriptName)-1] = '\0'; // remove trailing ':'
					if (Util::SameFilename(szScriptName, pScript->GetName()))
						bUseScript = true;

		bUseScript &= Util::EmptyStr(pScript->GetQueueEvents()) || strstr(pScript->GetQueueEvents(), QUEUE_EVENT_NAMES[eEvent]);

		if (bUseScript)
			bool bAlreadyQueued = false;
			if (eEvent == qeFileDownloaded)
				// check if this script is already queued for this nzb
				for (Queue::iterator it2 = m_Queue.begin(); it2 != m_Queue.end(); it2++)
					QueueItem* pQueueItem = *it2;
					if (pQueueItem->GetNZBID() == pNZBInfo->GetID() && pQueueItem->GetScript() == pScript)
						bAlreadyQueued = true;

			if (!bAlreadyQueued)
				QueueItem* pQueueItem = new QueueItem(pNZBInfo->GetID(), pScript, eEvent);
				if (m_pCurItem)
					StartScript(pNZBInfo, pQueueItem);

