Beispiel #1
 * @method HandleCharset [void:protected]
 * @param token [NexusToken&] the token used to read from in
 * @throws XNexus
 * Reads and stores information contained in the command
 * CHARSET within an ASSUMPTIONS block.
void AssumptionsBlock::HandleCharset( NexusToken& token )
   bool asterisked = false;

	// Next token should be either an asterisk or the name of a charset

	if( token.Equals("*") ) {
      asterisked = true;

   // Token now stored should be the name of a charset
   nxsstring charset_name = token.GetToken();

   // Now grab the equals sign
   if( !token.Equals("=") ) {
		errormsg = "Expecting '=' in CHARSET definition but found ";
      errormsg += token.GetToken();
      errormsg += " instead";
		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

   assert( charBlockPtr != NULL );
   CharactersBlock& charBlock = *charBlockPtr;
   IntSet s;
   int totalChars = charBlock.GetNCharTotal();
   SetReader( token, totalChars, s, charBlock, SetReader::charset ).Run();

   charsets[charset_name] = s;

   if( asterisked )
   	def_charset = charset_name;
Beispiel #2
 * @method HandleTaxset [void:protected]
 * @param token [NexusToken&] the token used to read from in
 * @throws XNexus
 * ?
void AssumptionsBlock::HandleTaxset( NexusToken& token )
   bool asterisked = false;

	// Next token should be either an asterisk or the name of a taxset

	if( token.Equals("*") ) {
      asterisked = true;

   // Token now stored should be the name of a taxset
   nxsstring taxset_name = token.GetToken();

   // Now grab the equals sign
   if( !token.Equals("=") ) {
		errormsg = "Expecting '=' in TAXSET definition but found ";
      errormsg += token.GetToken();
      errormsg += " instead";
		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

   IntSet s;
   int totalTaxa = taxa.GetNumTaxonLabels();
   SetReader( token, totalTaxa, s, *this, SetReader::taxset ).Run();

   taxsets[taxset_name] = s;

   if( asterisked )
   	def_taxset = taxset_name;
Beispiel #3
void ReadNexusVector(std::vector<std::string> *v, NexusToken &token) { // TAH changed from above
	if (token.Equals("(")) {
		while (!token.Equals(")")) {
 * @method HandleDimensionsCommand [void:protected]
 * @param token [NexusToken&] the token used to read from in
 * @throws XNexus
 * Called when DIMENSIONS command needs to be parsed from within the
 * DISTANCES block.  Deals with everything after the token DIMENSIONS
 * up to and including the semicolon that terminates the DIMENSIONS
 * command.
void DistancesBlock::HandleDimensionsCommand( NexusToken& token )

      // token should either be ';' or the name of a subcommand
		if( token.Equals(";") ) {
      else if( token.Equals("NEWTAXA") ) {
         ntax = 0;
         newtaxa = 1;
      else if( token.Equals("NTAX") ) {
         if( !newtaxa ) {
      		errormsg = "Must specify NEWTAXA before NTAX if new taxa are being defined";
      		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

         // this should be the equals sign
         if( !token.Equals("=") ) {
      		errormsg = "Expecting '=' but found ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " instead";
      		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

         // this should be the number of taxa
         ntax = atoi( token.GetToken().c_str() );
      else if( token.Equals("NCHAR") ) {
         // this should be the equals sign
         if( !token.Equals("=") ) {
      		errormsg = "Expecting '=' but found ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " instead";
      		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

         // this should be the number of characters
         nchar = atoi( token.GetToken().c_str() );

   if( ntax == 0 )
      ntax = taxa.GetNumTaxonLabels();
Beispiel #5
 * @method Read [void:protected]
 * @param token [NexusToken&] the token used to read from in
 * @throws XNexus
 * This function provides the ability to read everything following
 * the block name (which is read by the Nexus object) to the end or
 * endblock statement. Characters are read from the input stream
 * in. Overrides the pure virtual function in the base class.
void AssumptionsBlock::Read( NexusToken& token )
   isEmpty = false;

   // this should be the semicolon after the block name
	if( !token.Equals(";") ) {
		errormsg = "Expecting ';' after ";
      errormsg += id;
      errormsg += " block name, but found ";
      errormsg += token.GetToken();
      errormsg += " instead";
		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );


		if( token.Equals("EXSET") ) {
			HandleExset( token );
		else if( token.Equals("TAXSET") ) {
			HandleTaxset( token );
		else if( token.Equals("CHARSET") ) {
			HandleCharset( token );
		else if( token.Equals("END") ) {
			HandleEndblock( token );
		else if( token.Equals("ENDBLOCK") ) {
			HandleEndblock( token );
			SkippingCommand( token.GetToken() );
         do {
         } while( !token.AtEOF() && !token.Equals(";") );

         if( token.AtEOF() ) {
				errormsg = "Unexpected end of file encountered";
				throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
Beispiel #6
 * @method HandleLog [void:protected]
 * @param token [NexusToken&] the token used to read from in
 * @throws XBull
 * Called when the LOG command needs to be parsed
 * from within the BullShell block.
void BullShell::HandleLog( NexusToken& token )
	bool starting = false;
	bool stopping = false;
	bool appending = false;
	bool replacing = false;
	std::string logfname;
	// Retrieve all tokens for this command, stopping only in the event
	// of a semicolon or an unrecognized keyword
	for (token.GetNextToken(); !token.Equals(";"); token.GetNextToken()) {
		if ( token.Abbreviation("STOp") )
			stopping = true;
		else if ( token.Abbreviation("STArt") )
			starting = true;
		else if ( token.Abbreviation("Replace") )
			replacing = true;
		else if ( token.Abbreviation("Append") )
			appending = true;
		else if ( token.Abbreviation("File") ) {
			DemandEquals(token, "after file subcommand of Log command");
			logfname = token.GetTokenReference();
		else {
			errormsg << "Unexpected keyword (" << token.GetToken() << ") encountered reading LOG command";
			throw XBull( errormsg, token);
   // Check for incompatible combinations of keywords
   if ( stopping && ( starting || appending || replacing || !logfname.empty() ) ) {
		errormsg = "Cannot specify STOP with any of the following START, APPEND, REPLACE, FILE";
		throw XBull( errormsg, token);
   if ( appending && replacing ) {
		errormsg = "Cannot specify APPEND and REPLACE at the same time";
		throw XBull( errormsg, token);

   if ( stopping ) {
	if (logfname.empty() ) {
		errormsg << "Must provide a file name when opening a log file\ne.g., log file=doofus.txt start replace;";
		throw XBull(errormsg, token);
	if (!appending && !replacing && FileExists(logfname.c_str())) {
		errormsg << "File " << logfname << " exists.\n APPEND or REPLACE must be specified in the LOG command.";
		throw XBull( errormsg, token);
	ioObject.startLogging(logfname,  appending);	
Beispiel #7
 * @method HandleExecute [void:protected]
 * @param token [NexusToken&] the token used to read from in
 * @throws XBull
 * Handles everything after the EXecute keyword and the terminating
 * semicolon.  Flushes all blocks before executing file specified,
 * and no warning is given of this
void BullShell::HandleExecute( NexusToken& token ) {
	std::string fn = token.GetToken();
	RequireSemicolon(token, "EXECUTE");
	cout << "\nExecuting " << fn << "..." << endl;
	readFile(fn, false);
	cout << "Done with file "<<fn<<endl;
Beispiel #8
EncodingType BullShell::InterpretOutputType(NexusToken &token) const {
	if (token.Abbreviation("PROtein") || token.Abbreviation("AMino"))
		return EncodingType(AminoAcid);
	if (token.Abbreviation("Dna"))
		return EncodingType(DNANoGap);
	errormsg << "The output type " << token.GetToken() << " is invalid";
	throw XBull(errormsg, token);
Beispiel #9
void BullShell::ThrowNoSemicolon(NexusToken & token, const char *cmd) const {
	errormsg = "Expecting ';'";
	if (cmd != NULL) {
		errormsg += " to terminate the ";
		errormsg += "command,";
	errormsg += " but found ";
	errormsg += token.GetToken();
	errormsg += " instead";
	throw XBull(errormsg, token);
Beispiel #10
 * @method HandleEndblock [void:protected]
 * @param token [NexusToken&] the token used to read from in
 * @throws XNexus
 * Called when the END or ENDBLOCK command needs to be parsed
 * from within the ASSUMPTIONS block.  Basically just checks to make
 * sure the next token in  the data file is a semicolon.
void AssumptionsBlock::HandleEndblock( NexusToken& token )
	// get the semicolon following END or ENDBLOCK token

	if( !token.Equals(";") ) {
   	errormsg = "Expecting ';' to terminate the END or ENDBLOCK command, but found ";
      errormsg += token.GetToken();
      errormsg += " instead";
		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
Beispiel #11
void MyCharactersBlock::handleContMatrix (NexusToken& token)
//: read in a matrix of continuous data and store it
	std::vector<double>	theRow;
		// grab the first token in the row
		string	theTokenVal;
		theTokenVal = (token.GetToken()).c_str();
		// if reached the end of the matrix, break loop
		if (token.Equals (";"))

		// otherwise store the name, read and store the data
		mTaxaNames.push_back (theTokenVal);
		for (int i = 0; i < nchar; i++)
			theTokenVal = (token.GetToken()).c_str();
			theRow.push_back (sbl::toDouble (theTokenVal));
		// store the row in the matrix
		mContData.appendRow (theRow);

	assert (mTaxaNames.size() == mContData.size());
	for (sbl::ulong i = 1; i < mContData.size(); i++)
		assert (mContData[1].size() == mContData[i].size());
	// store names in continuous data matrix
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mTaxaNames.size(); i++)
		mContData.setRowName (i, mTaxaNames[i].c_str());
Beispiel #12
 * @method HandleMatrixCommand [void:protected]
 * @param token [NexusToken&] the token used to read from in
 * @throws XNexus
 * Called when MATRIX command needs to be parsed from within the
 * DISTANCES block.  Deals with everything after the token MATRIX
 * up to and including the semicolon that terminates the MATRIX
 * command.
void DistancesBlock::HandleMatrixCommand( NexusToken& token )
   int i;

   if( ntax == 0 )
      ntax = taxa.GetNumTaxonLabels();
   if( ntax == 0 ) {
      errormsg = "MATRIX command cannot be read if NTAX is zero";
      throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

   if( triangle == both && !diagonal ) {
      errormsg = "Cannot specify NODIAGONAL and TRIANGLE=BOTH at the same time";
      throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

   if( newtaxa )

   // allocate memory to hold the taxonPos array
   if( taxonPos != NULL )
      delete [] taxonPos;
   taxonPos = new int[ntax];
   for( i = 0; i < ntax; i++ )
      taxonPos[i] = -1;

   // allocate memory to hold the matrix
   if( matrix != NULL )
      delete matrix;
   matrix = new DistanceDatum*[ntax];
   for( i = 0; i < ntax; i++ )
      matrix[i] = new DistanceDatum[ntax];

   int offset = 0;
   int done = 0;
   while( !done ) {
      done = HandleNextPass( token, offset );

   // token should be equal to the terminating semicolon
   if( !token.Equals(";") ) {
      errormsg = "Expecting ';' to terminate MATRIX command, but found ";
      errormsg += token.GetToken();
      errormsg += " instead";
      throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
Beispiel #13
 * @method HandleTaxlabelsCommand [void:protected]
 * @param token [NexusToken&] the token used to read from in
 * @throws XNexus
 * Called when TAXLABELS command needs to be parsed from within the
 * DISTANCES block.  Deals with everything after the token TAXLABELS
 * up to and including the semicolon that terminates the TAXLABELS
 * command.
void DistancesBlock::HandleTaxlabelsCommand( NexusToken& token )
	if( !newtaxa ) {
		errormsg = "NEWTAXA must have been specified in DIMENSIONS command to use the TAXLABELS command in a ";
      errormsg += id;
      errormsg += " block";
		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

   if( ntax == 0 ) {
      errormsg = "NTAX must be specified before TAXLABELS command";
      throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

   for( int i = 0; i < ntax; i++ ) {
      taxa.AddTaxonLabel( token.GetToken() );

   token.GetNextToken(); // this should be terminating semicolon
   if( !token.Equals(";") ) {
      errormsg = "Expecting ';' to terminate TAXLABELS command, but found ";
      errormsg += token.GetToken();
      errormsg += " instead";
      throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

   // OPEN ISSUE: Some may object to setting newtaxa to 0 here, because then the
   // fact that new taxa were specified in this DISTANCES block rather than in
   // a preceding TAXA block is lost.  This will only be important if we wish to
   // recreate the original data file, which I don't anticipate anyone doing with
   // this code (too difficult to remember all comments, the order of blocks in
   // the file, etc.)

   newtaxa = 0;
Beispiel #14
void BullShell::ParseCodLikeStartValCommand(CodLikeStartOpts &opts, NexusToken& token) const
	DblVector blankRow(21, 1.0/20.0);
	blankRow[20] = 0.0; //zero out the freq of the stop codon.
	opts.genetic_code = GenCode(MITO);
	opts.gtrParams.assign(N_MUT_PARAMS, .25);
	while (token.GetToken()!=";") {
		if (token.Abbreviation("CURREntbranchlengths") || token.Abbreviation("CURRBranchlengths")) {
			opts.currbrlen = true;
			if (token.Equals("=")) {
				if (token.Abbreviation("No"))
					opts.currbrlen = false;
				else if (!token.Abbreviation("Yes"))
					throw XBull("Expecting YES or NO after CurrentBranchLengths = option to CodLikeStartVal command");
		else if (token.Abbreviation("GEneticCode")) {
			if (token.Abbreviation("Mitochondrial"))
				opts.genetic_code = GenCode(MITO); 
			else if (token.Abbreviation("Nuclear"))
				opts.genetic_code = GenCode(NUCLEAR);
				throw XBull("Expecting either Mito or Nuclear code");
		else if (token.Abbreviation("BASEfreq")) {
			if (!token.Equals("("))
				throw XBull("Expecting ( after basefreq option to CodLikeStartVal command");
			for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
				opts.gtrParams[i] = atof(token.GetToken().c_str());
				if (opts.gtrParams[i] <= 0.0)
					throw XBull("basefreqs must be > 0.0 CodLikeStartVal command");
			if (opts.gtrParams[1] + opts.gtrParams[2] + opts.gtrParams[0] >= 1.0)
				throw XBull("Sum of A, C, and G must be <1.0 CodLikeStartVal command");
			if (!token.Equals(")"))
				throw XBull("Expecting ) after basefreq option to CodLikeStartVal command");
		else if (token.Abbreviation("RMATrix")) {
			if (!token.Equals("("))
				throw XBull("Expecting ( after rmatrix option to CodLikeStartVal command");
			for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
				opts.gtrParams[3 + i] = atof(token.GetToken().c_str());
				if (opts.gtrParams[3 + i] <= 0.0) 
					throw XBull("rmatrix  must be >0.0 CodLikeStartVal command");
			if (!token.Equals(")")) 
				throw XBull("Expecting ) after rmatrix	 option to CodLikeStartVal command");
			else if (token.Abbreviation("DOublehit")) { //not a great name, but allows multiplier abbreviation to work
				opts.gtrParams[MULTI_HIT_PARAM_INDEX] = atof(token.GetToken().c_str());
				if (opts.gtrParams[MULTI_HIT_PARAM_INDEX] < 0.0)
					throw XBull("DOublehit (MultipleHitProb)  must be >= 0.0 CodLikeStartVal command");
#		endif
		else if (token.Abbreviation("AAFreq")) {
			if (!token.Equals("("))
				throw XBull("Expecting ( after aafreq option to CodLikeStartVal command");
			long tmp;
			if (!NxsString::to_long(token.GetTokenAsCStr(), &tmp))
				throw XBull("Expecting number of codons after aafreq=( option to CodLikeStartVal command");
			if (tmp < 1)
				throw XBull("number of codons must be >0 in	 CodLikeStartVal command");

			unsigned naa = (unsigned) tmp;
			opts.aaFreqs.assign(naa, blankRow);
			for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < naa; ii++) {
				if (!token.Equals("("))
					throw XBull("Expecting ( for next site in aafreq option to CodLikeStartVal command", token);
				DblVector & row = opts.aaFreqs[ii];
				for (int j=0; j < 20; j++) {
					row[j] = atof(token.GetToken().c_str());
					if (row[j]<0.0)
						throw XBull("each amino acid freq	must be >0.0 CodLikeStartVal command", token);
				if (!token.Equals(")")) 
					throw XBull("Expecting ) for next site in aafreq option to CodLikeStartVal command", token);
			if (!token.Equals(")"))
				throw XBull("Expecting ) after aafreq	option to CodLikeStartVal command");
		else if (token.Abbreviation("MUlt")) {
			if (!token.Equals("(")) 
				throw XBull("Expecting ( after mult option to CodLikeStartVal command");
			if (opts.aaFreqs.size() < 1)
				throw XBull("number of codons must be specified (in the AAFreq subcommand) before the mult option is used in CodLikeStartVal command");
			opts.multipliers.assign(opts.aaFreqs.size(), 1.0);
			for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < opts.aaFreqs.size(); ii++) {
				opts.multipliers[ii] = atof(token.GetToken().c_str());
				if (opts.multipliers[ii] < 0.0)
					throw XBull("multiplier	 must be > 0.0 CodLikeStartVal command");
			if (!token.Equals(")")) 
				throw XBull("Expecting ) after mult	 option to CodLikeStartVal command");
		else if (token.Abbreviation("TReescale")) {
			opts.treeScale = atof(token.GetToken().c_str());
			if (opts.treeScale < 0.0)
				throw XBull("The Tree scaling	must be >0.0 CodLikeStartVal command");

Beispiel #15
 * @method Read [void:protected]
 * @param token [NexusToken&] the token used to read from in
 * @throws XNexus
 * This function provides the ability to read everything following the block name
 * (which is read by the Nexus object) to the end or endblock statement.
 * Characters are read from the input stream in. Overrides the
 * abstract virtual function in the base class.
void TaxaBlock::Read( NexusToken& token )
   isEmpty = false;
	token.GetNextToken(); // this should be the semicolon after the block name
	if( !token.Equals(";") ) {
		errormsg = "Expecting ';' after TAXA block name, but found ";
      errormsg += token.GetToken();
      errormsg += " instead";
		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

		if( token.Equals("DIMENSIONS") ) {
			token.GetNextToken(); // this should be the NTAX keyword
			if( !token.Equals("NTAX") ) {
				errormsg = "Expecting NTAX keyword, but found ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " instead";
				throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

			token.GetNextToken(); // this should be the equals sign
         if( !token.Equals("=") ) {
				errormsg = "Expecting '=', but found ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " instead";
				throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

			token.GetNextToken(); // this should be the number of taxa
         ntax = atoi( token.GetToken().c_str() );
         if( ntax <= 0 ) {
				errormsg = "NTAX should be greater than zero (";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " was specified)";
				throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

			token.GetNextToken(); // this should be the terminating semicolon
         if( !token.Equals(";") ) {
				errormsg = "Expecting ';' to terminate DIMENSIONS command, but found ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " instead";
				throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
		else if( token.Equals("TAXLABELS") ) {
      	if( ntax <= 0 ) {
				errormsg = "NTAX must be specified before TAXLABELS command";
				throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

         for( int i = 0; i < ntax; i++ ) {
            taxonLabels.push_back( token.GetToken() );

			token.GetNextToken(); // this should be terminating semicolon
         if( !token.Equals(";") ) {
				errormsg = "Expecting ';' to terminate TAXLABELS command, but found ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " instead";
				throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
		else if( token.Equals("END") ) {
			// get the semicolon following END
         if( !token.Equals(";") ) {
				errormsg = "Expecting ';' to terminate the END command, but found ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " instead";
				throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
		else if( token.Equals("ENDBLOCK") ) {
			// get the semicolon following ENDBLOCK
         if( !token.Equals(";") ) {
				errormsg = "Expecting ';' to terminate the ENDBLOCK command, but found ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " instead";
				throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
		else {
      	SkippingCommand( token.GetToken() );
         do {
         } while( !token.AtEOF() && !token.Equals(";") );
         if( token.AtEOF() ) {
				errormsg = "Unexpected end of file encountered";
				throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
Beispiel #16
void MyCharactersBlock::HandleMatrix (NexusToken& token)
	int i, j;

	if (ntax == 0)
		errormsg = "Must precede ";
      errormsg += id;
      errormsg += " block with a TAXA block or specify NEWTAXA and NTAX in the DIMENSIONS command";
		throw XNexus (errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn());

	if (ntaxTotal == 0)
		ntaxTotal = taxa.GetNumTaxonLabels();

	// We use >= rather than just > below because someone might have
	// ELIMINATEd all characters, and we should allow that (even though it
	// is absurd)
	assert (nchar >= 0);

	if (matrix != NULL)
		delete matrix;

	if (GetDataType() != continuous)
		matrix = new DiscreteMatrix (ntax, nchar);
	// Allocate memory for (and initialize) the arrays activeTaxon and
	// activeChar.
	// All characters and all taxa are initially active.
	activeTaxon = new bool[ntax];
	for (i = 0; i < ntax; i++)
		activeTaxon[i] = true;
	activeChar = new bool[nchar];
	for (j = 0; j < nchar; j++)
		activeChar[j] = true;

   // The value of ncharTotal is normally identical to the value of nchar
   // specified in the CHARACTERS block DIMENSIONS command.  If an
   // ELIMINATE command is processed, however, nchar < ncharTotal.  Note
   // that the ELIMINATE command will have already been read by now, and
   // the ELIMINATEd character numbers will be stored in the IntSet
   // eliminated.
   // Note that if an ELIMINATE command has been read, charPos will have
   // already been created; thus, we only need to allocate and initialize
   // charPos if user  did not specify an ELIMINATE command
	if (charPos == NULL)

	// The value of ntaxTotal equals the number of taxa specified in the
	// TAXA block, whereas ntax equals the number of taxa specified in
	// the DIMENSIONS command of the CHARACTERS block.  These two numbers
   // will be identical unless some taxa were left out of the MATRIX
   // command of the CHARACTERS block, in which case ntax < ntaxTotal.
	if (taxonPos != NULL)
		delete [] taxonPos;
  	taxonPos = new int[ntaxTotal];
   for (i = 0; i < ntaxTotal; i++)
      taxonPos[i] = -1;

	if (GetDataType() == continuous)
		handleContMatrix (token);
   else if (transposing)
      HandleTransposedMatrix (token);
      HandleStdMatrix (token);

   // If we've gotten this far, presumably it is safe to
   // tell the ASSUMPTIONS block that were ready to take on
   // the responsibility of being the current character-containing
   // block (to be consulted if characters are excluded or included
   // or if taxa are deleted or restored)

   // this should be the terminating semicolon at the end of the matrix command
	if (GetDataType() != continuous)
   if (!token.Equals(";")) {
      errormsg = "Expecting ';' at the end of the MATRIX command; found ";
      errormsg += token.GetToken();
      errormsg += " instead";
		throw XNexus (errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn());

Beispiel #17
SimulateOpts BullShell::ParseSimulateCommand(NexusToken& token ) const {	
	int nOutputs = 0;
	int nSimChars = 0;
	SimulateOpts simOpts;
	const unsigned nTrees = kernel.getNumTrees();
	for (; token.GetToken() != ";"; token.GetNextToken()) { 
		if (token.Abbreviation("NReps")) {
			DemandEquals(token, "after NReps subcommand of Simulate command");
			simOpts.nReps = DemandPositiveInt(token, "after NReps subcommand of Simulate command");
		if (token.Abbreviation("Seed")) {
			DemandEquals(token, "after Seed subcommand of Simulate command");
			simOpts.seed = DemandPositiveInt(token, "after Seed subcommand of Simulate command");
		else if (token.Abbreviation("COLLapsefile")) {
			DemandEquals(token, "after CollapseFile subcommand of Simulate command");
			simOpts.collapsedTreeFilename = token.GetTokenReference();
		else if (token.Abbreviation("NChars")) {
			DemandEquals(token, "after NChars subcommand of Simulate command");
			simOpts.nSimChars = DemandPositiveInt(token, "after NChars subcommand of Simulate command");
		else if (token.Abbreviation("Concat")) {
			DemandEquals(token, "after Concat subcommand of GetTrees command");
			simOpts.concatenations  = DemandPositiveInt(token, "after Concat subcommand of GetTrees command");
		else if (token.Abbreviation("Verbose")) {
			simOpts.verbose = true;
		else if (token.Abbreviation("NOUTput")) {
			DemandEquals(token, "after NOutput subcommand of Simulate command");
			nOutputs = DemandPositiveInt(token, "after NOutput subcommand of Simulate command");
			if (nOutputs < 1) {
				errormsg="nOutputs must be > 0";
				throw XBull( errormsg, token);
		else if (token.Abbreviation("Paupblockfile")) {
			DemandEquals(token, "after Paupblockfile subcommand of Simulate");
			ReadNexusVector(&(simOpts.paupBlockFilename), token);
		else if (token.Abbreviation("OVERWrite"))
			simOpts.overwrite = true;
		else if (token.Abbreviation("File")) {
			DemandEquals(token, "after File subcommand of Simulate");
			ReadNexusVector(&(simOpts.outputFilenames), token);
		else if (token.Abbreviation("TAg")) {
			DemandEquals(token, "after Tag subcommand of Simulate command");
			simOpts.tagname = token.GetTokenReference();
		else if (token.Abbreviation("AUTOmatic"))
			simOpts.automatic = true;
		else if (token.Abbreviation("OUTputtypes")) {
			DemandEquals(token, "after OutputTypes subcommand of Simulate");
			EncodingType et;
			if (token.Equals("(")) {
				while (!token.Equals(")")) {
					et = InterpretOutputType(token);
			else {
				et = InterpretOutputType(token);
		else {
			Tree * temptree;
			long tn;
			if (NxsString::to_long(token.GetTokenAsCStr(), &tn)) {
				if ((unsigned) tn > nTrees || tn < 1) {
					errormsg = "Tree ";
					errormsg += token.GetToken();
					errormsg += " unknown.	simulation aborted.";
					throw XBull( errormsg, token);
				temptree = kernel.getTree(tn - 1);
			else {
				try {
					temptree = kernel.FindTreeFromName(token.GetToken());
				catch (NoSuchTree) {
					errormsg << "Tree " << token.GetToken() << " unknown.";
					throw XBull( errormsg, token);
			simOpts.treeNames.push_back(token.GetToken()); //keeps track of what the user called the tree

	if (simOpts.outTypes.size() == 0){
	if ((nOutputs > 0) && simOpts.outTypes.size() != (unsigned) nOutputs) {
		errormsg = "The number of OutputTypes in a Simulate command must match the number of specified in the NOutput option";
		throw XBull( errormsg, token);
	if (simOpts.automatic) {
		if (simOpts.tagname.empty()) {
			errormsg = "The Tag option of the Simulate command must be used if the Automatic naming mode is requested.";
			throw XBull( errormsg, token);
		if (!simOpts.outputFilenames.empty()) {
			errormsg = "The FILE option of the Simulate command cannot be used if the Automatic naming mode is requested (use the Tag instead of file).";
			throw XBull( errormsg, token);
		std::vector<EncodingType>::const_iterator ot = simOpts.outTypes.begin();
		for (; ot != simOpts.outTypes.end(); ot++) {
			string ofname = EncodingTypeToString(*ot);
	else if (simOpts.outTypes.size() != simOpts.outputFilenames.size()) {
		errormsg = "The number of OutputTypes in a Simulate command must match the number of Files specified";
		throw XBull( errormsg, token);
	if ((!simOpts.paupBlockFilename.empty()) && simOpts.paupBlockFilename.size() != simOpts.outTypes.size()) {
		errormsg = "The number of PaupBlockFile in a Simulate command must match the number of OutputTypes specified";
		throw XBull( errormsg, token);

	//TEMPORARY lots of the interaction with SSettings assumes that you are using SSRFCodonSubModel
	if (!kernel.hasModel()) {
		errormsg="You can't simulate a codon model without first declaring the models using codLikeStartVal";
		throw XBull( errormsg, token);
	if ( simOpts.concatenations == 0) {
		if (nSimChars == 0) {
			errormsg="Either the number of characters or the number of concatenations must be specified";
			throw XBull( errormsg, token);
		const unsigned naa = kernel.getModelConstRef().getNumAASites();
		const unsigned ndna = 3*naa;
		if (nSimChars % ndna) {
			errormsg="The number of characters must be a multiple of the number of amino acids";
			throw XBull( errormsg, token);
		simOpts.concatenations = ndna/nSimChars;
	return simOpts;
Beispiel #18
 * @method HandleNextPass [int:protected]
 * @param token [NexusToken&] the token we are using for reading the data file
 * @param offset [int&] the offset (see below)
 * Called from within HandleMatrix, this function is used to deal with interleaved
 * matrices.  It is called once for each pass through the taxa.
 * <P>The local variable jmax records the number of columns read in the current
 * interleaved page and is used to determine the offset used for j in subsequent
 * pages.
int DistancesBlock::HandleNextPass( NexusToken& token, int& offset )
   int i, j, k, jmax = 0, done = 0;

   int i_first = 0;
   if( triangle == lower )
      i_first = offset;

   int i_last  = ntax;

   for( i = i_first; i < i_last; i++ )
      // Deal with taxon label if provided
      if( labels && ( !newtaxa || offset>0 ) )
         do {
            token.SetLabileFlagBit( NexusToken::newlineIsToken );
         } while( token.AtEOL() );
         try {
            k = taxa.FindTaxon( token.GetToken() );
            if( taxonPos[i]==-1 )
               taxonPos[i] = k;
            else if( taxonPos[i] != k ) {
               errormsg = "Taxon labeled ";
               errormsg += token.GetToken();
               errormsg += " is out of order compared to previous interleave pages";
               throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
         catch (std::out_of_range) {
            errormsg = "Could not find ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " among taxa previously defined";
            throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
      else if( labels && newtaxa ) {
         do {
            token.SetLabileFlagBit( NexusToken::newlineIsToken );
         } while( token.AtEOL() );
         taxa.AddTaxonLabel( token.GetToken() );
         taxonPos[i] = i;

      // Now deal with the row of distance values
      int true_j = 0;
      for( j = 0; j < ntax; j++ )
         if( i == ntax-1 && j == ntax-1 ) {
            done = 1;

         if( i == ntax-1 && true_j == ntax-1 ) {
            done = 1;

         if( i == ntax-1 && !diagonal && triangle==upper ) {
            done = 1;

         if( !diagonal && triangle==lower && j == ntax-offset-1) {
            done = 1;

         token.SetLabileFlagBit( NexusToken::newlineIsToken );

      	if( token.AtEOL() ) {
            if( j > jmax ) {
               jmax = j;
               if( !diagonal && triangle == upper && i >= offset )
               if( interleave && triangle == upper )
                     i_last = jmax + offset;

         true_j = j+offset;
         if( triangle==upper && i > offset )
            true_j += ( i - offset );
         if( !diagonal && triangle==upper && i >= offset )

         if( true_j == ntax ) {
            errormsg = "Too many distances specified in row just read in";
            throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

         std::string t = token.GetToken();
         if( token.GetTokenLength() == 1 && t[0] == missing )
            SetMissing( i, true_j );
            SetDistance( i, true_j, atof( t.c_str() ) );


   offset += jmax;

   if( done )
      return 1;
      return 0;
Beispiel #19
 * @method Execute [void:public]
 * @param token [NexusToken&] the token object used to grab Nexus tokens
 * @param notifyStartStop [bool] if true, ExecuteStarting and ExecuteStopping will be called (true by default)
 * Reads the Nexus data file from the input stream provided by token.  This function
 * is responsible for reading through the name of a each block.  Once
 * it has read a block name, it searches blockList for a block object
 * to handle reading the remainder of the block's contents. The block
 * object is responsible for reading the end or endblock command as well
 * as the trailing semicolon.  This function also handles reading
 * comments that are outside of blocks, as well as the initial #NEXUS
 * keyword.  The notifyStartStop argument is provided in case you do not
 * wish the ExecuteStart and ExecuteStop functions to be called.  These functions
 * are primarily used for creating and destroying a dialog box to show progress,
 * and nested Execute calls can thus cause problems (e.g., a dialog box is
 * destroyed when the inner Execute calls ExecuteStop and the outer Execute
 * still expects the dialog box to be available).  Specifying notifyStartStop
 * false for all the nested Execute calls thus allows the outermost Execute call
 * to control creation and destruction of the dialog box.
void Nexus::Execute( NexusToken& token, bool notifyStartStop /* = true */ )
	char id_str[256];
	bool disabledBlock = false;
	nxsstring errormsg;

   try {
   catch( XNexus x ) {
      NexusError( token.errormsg, 0, 0, 0 );
	if( !token.Equals("#NEXUS") ) {
      errormsg = "Expecting #NEXUS to be the first token in the file, but found ";
      errormsg += token.GetToken();
      errormsg += " instead";
		NexusError( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
	if( notifyStartStop )
		token.SetLabileFlagBit( NexusToken::saveCommandComments );

		if( token.AtEOF() )

		if( token.Equals("BEGIN") )
			disabledBlock = false;

			NexusBlock* curr;
			for( curr = blockList; curr != NULL; curr = curr->next )
				if( !token.Equals( curr->GetID() ) )

				if( !curr->IsEnabled() ) {
					disabledBlock = true;
					SkippingDisabledBlock( token.GetToken() );

				strcpy( id_str, curr->GetID().c_str() );
				EnteringBlock( id_str /*curr->GetID()*/ );
				try {
					curr->Read( token );
				catch( XNexus x ) {
					NexusError( curr->errormsg, x.pos, x.line, x.col );
				ExitingBlock( id_str /*curr->GetID()*/ );

			if( curr == NULL )
            nxsstring currBlock = token.GetToken();
				if( !disabledBlock ) 
					SkippingBlock( currBlock );
					if( token.Equals("END") || token.Equals("ENDBLOCK") ) {
						if( !token.Equals(";") ) {
							errormsg = "Expecting ';' after END or ENDBLOCK command, but found ";
                     errormsg += token.GetToken();
                     errormsg += " instead";
							NexusError( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
					if( token.AtEOF() ) {
						errormsg = "Encountered end of file before END or ENDBLOCK in block ";
                  errormsg += currBlock;
						NexusError( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
			} // if token not found amongst known block IDs
		} // if token equals BEGIN

		else if( token.Equals("&SHOWALL") ) {

			NexusBlock* curr;
			for( curr = blockList; curr != NULL; curr = curr->next )


		else if( token.Equals("&LEAVE") ) {

	} // for(;;)
	if( notifyStartStop )
Beispiel #20
GetTreesOpts BullShell::ParseGetTrees(NexusToken& token ) const {
	if (kernel.getNumTaxa() == 0) {
		errormsg="You can't get trees without an active set of taxa";
		throw XBull( errormsg, token);
	GetTreesOpts gto;
	bool readingMostRecent = false;
	gto.fromTree = -1;
	gto.toTree = -1;
	gto.mode = 7;
	std::string filePref;

	while (token.GetToken()!=";") {
		if (token.Abbreviation("STOREBrlens")) {
			if (token.GetToken() == "=") {
				if (token.Abbreviation("No"))
				else if (!token.Abbreviation("Yes")) {
					errormsg="Expecting YES or NO after CurrentBranchLengths = option to LSCORE command";
					throw XBull(errormsg, token);
		else if (token.Abbreviation("FRom")) {
			DemandEquals(token, "after From subcommand of GetTrees command");
			gto.fromTree = DemandPositiveInt(token, "after From subcommand of GetTrees command");
			if (gto.fromTree < 0) {
				errormsg="Expecting positive integer after FROM option of GETTREES";
				throw XBull(errormsg, token);
		else if (token.Abbreviation("To")) {
			DemandEquals(token, "after To subcommand of GetTrees command");
			gto.toTree = DemandPositiveInt(token, "after To subcommand of GetTrees command");
			if (gto.toTree < 0) {
				errormsg="Expecting positive integer after TO option of GETTREES";
				throw XBull(errormsg, token);
		else if (token.Abbreviation("REplace"))
		else if (token.Abbreviation("Mode")) {
			DemandEquals(token, "after Mode subcommand of GetTrees command");
			gto.mode = DemandPositiveInt(token, "after Mode subcommand of GetTrees command");
			if (gto.mode!=3 && gto.mode!=7) {
				errormsg="Right now bull only get trees with mode 3 or mode 7";
				throw XBull(errormsg, token);
		else if (token.Abbreviation("FIle")) {
			DemandEquals(token, "after File subcommand of GetTrees command");
			gto.filename = token.GetTokenReference();
		else if (token.Abbreviation("PREfix")) {
			if (token.GetToken() == "=")	
			filePref = token.GetToken();
		else if (token.Abbreviation("MOStrecent"))
		else {
			errormsg = "Unrecognized subcommand (";
			errormsg << token.GetTokenReference() << ") in GetTrees command.";
			throw XBull(errormsg, token);
	if (readingMostRecent) {
		int highNum = GetHighestFileNum(filePref);
		if (highNum < 0) {
			errormsg << "Couldn't open file " << filePref << "0";
			throw XBull(errormsg, token);
		gto.filename = filePref;
		gto.filename += highNum;
	if (gto.fromTree > -1 && gto.toTree > gto.fromTree) {
		errormsg << "The FromTree setting (" << gto.fromTree << ") cannot be less than the ToTree setting (" << gto.toTree << ")";
		throw XBull(errormsg, token);
	gto.fromTree = (gto.fromTree < 1 ? -1 : gto.fromTree - 1);
	gto.toTree = (gto.toTree < 1 ? -1 : gto.toTree - 1);
	return gto;
Beispiel #21
 * @method HandleFormatCommand [void:protected]
 * @param token [NexusToken&] the token used to read from in
 * @throws XNexus
 * Called when FORMAT command needs to be parsed from within the
 * DISTANCES block.  Deals with everything after the token FORMAT
 * up to and including the semicolon that terminates the FORMAT
 * command.
void DistancesBlock::HandleFormatCommand( NexusToken& token )

      // token should either be ';' or the name of a subcommand
		if( token.Equals(";") ) {
      else if( token.Equals("TRIANGLE") ) {

         // this should be the equals sign
         if( !token.Equals("=") ) {
      		errormsg = "Expecting '=' but found ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " instead";
      		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

         // this should be LOWER, UPPER, or BOTH
         if( token.Equals("LOWER") )
            triangle = lower;
         else if( token.Equals("UPPER") )
            triangle = upper;
         else if( token.Equals("BOTH") )
            triangle = both;
         else {
      		errormsg = "Expecting UPPER, LOWER, or BOTH but found ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " instead";
      		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

      else if( token.Equals("DIAGONAL") ) {
         diagonal = 1;
      else if( token.Equals("NODIAGONAL") ) {
         diagonal = 0;
      else if( token.Equals("LABELS") ) {
         labels = 1;
      else if( token.Equals("NOLABELS") ) {
         labels = 0;
      else if( token.Equals("INTERLEAVE") ) {
         interleave = 1;
      else if( token.Equals("NOINTERLEAVE") ) {
         interleave = 0;
      else if( token.Equals("MISSING") ) {

         // this should be the equals sign
         if( !token.Equals("=") ) {
      		errormsg = "Expecting '=' but found ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " instead";
      		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

         // this should be the missing data symbol
         if( token.GetTokenLength() != 1 ) {
      		errormsg = "Missing data symbol specified (";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += ") is invalid (must be a single character)";
      		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
         missing = token.GetToken()[0];
      else {
         errormsg = "Token specified (";
         errormsg += token.GetToken();
         errormsg += ") is an invalid subcommand for the FORMAT command";
         throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
Beispiel #22
 * @method Read [void:protected]
 * @param token [NexusToken&] the token used to read from in
 * @throws XNexus
 * This function provides the ability to read everything following the block name
 * (which is read by the Nexus object) to the end or endblock statement.
 * Characters are read from the input stream in. Overrides the
 * abstract virtual function in the base class.
void DistancesBlock::Read( NexusToken& token )
   isEmpty = false;
	token.GetNextToken(); // this should be the semicolon after the block name
	if( !token.Equals(";") ) {
		errormsg = "Expecting ';' after ";
      errormsg += id;
      errormsg += " block name, but found ";
      errormsg += token.GetToken();
      errormsg += " instead";
		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );


		if( token.Equals("DIMENSIONS") ) {
         HandleDimensionsCommand( token );
		else if( token.Equals("FORMAT") ) {
         HandleFormatCommand( token );
		else if( token.Equals("TAXLABELS") ) {
         HandleTaxlabelsCommand( token );
		else if( token.Equals("MATRIX") ) {
         HandleMatrixCommand( token );
		else if( token.Equals("END") ) {
			// get the semicolon following END
         if( !token.Equals(";") ) {
				errormsg = "Expecting ';' to terminate the END command, but found ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " instead";
				throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
		else if( token.Equals("ENDBLOCK") ) {
			// get the semicolon following ENDBLOCK
         if( !token.Equals(";") ) {
				errormsg = "Expecting ';' to terminate the ENDBLOCK command, but found ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " instead";
				throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
		else {
      	SkippingCommand( token.GetToken() );
         do {
         } while( !token.AtEOF() && !token.Equals(";") );
         if( token.AtEOF() ) {
				errormsg = "Unexpected end of file encountered";
				throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );