Beispiel #1
BOOL BitmapExportDocument::Init(KernelBitmap* pBitmap, const DocRect& RectToExport)
	// Don't attach any CCamDoc.
	if (!Document::Init(0)) return(FALSE);

	Node *pSpread = FindFirstSpread();
	ERROR3IF(pSpread == NULL, "No Spread in document!");

	Node *pLayer = pSpread->FindFirstChild();
	ERROR3IF(pLayer == NULL, "No Spread-child in document!");

	// Store away the rectangle
	ExportRect = RectToExport;

	// Now scan the children of the first spread until we find a layer, or run out of nodes
	while (pLayer != NULL && !pLayer->IsLayer())
		pLayer = pLayer->FindNext();

	if (pLayer == NULL)		// No Layer, so we'd better add one for ourselves
		String_256 LayerID = String_256(_R(IDS_K_CLIPINT_LAYERNAME));
		pLayer = new Layer(pSpread, LASTCHILD, LayerID);
		if (pLayer == NULL)

	// Create a new NodeRect
	NodeRect* pRectNode = new NodeRect(pLayer, FIRSTCHILD);

	// Failed so cleanup and exit
	if (pRectNode == NULL)

	// Initilaise the node
	if (!pRectNode->SetUpPath(6,6))

	// Create the rectangle

	// Give the rectangle a line colour
#if 0
	// This memory leaks a StrokeColourAttribute
	StrokeColourAttribute* pAttrValue = new StrokeColourAttribute(DocColour(COLOUR_TRANS));
	if (pAttrValue == NULL)
	NodeAttribute* pAttr = pAttrValue->MakeNode();
	if (pAttr == NULL)

	// Attach the attribute to the rectangle
	pAttr->AttachNode(pRectNode, FIRSTCHILD);
	// Do what ApplyDefaultBitmapAttrs does
	Node* pLineColAttr = new AttrStrokeColour();
	if (pLineColAttr == NULL)

	DocColour none(COLOUR_NONE);
	pLineColAttr->AttachNode(pRectNode, FIRSTCHILD);

	// Create a NodeBitmap (don't attach it to the tree straight away 'cos we
	// have to put the attributes on it first)

	pBitmapNode = new NodeBitmap();
	if (pBitmapNode == NULL)

	if (!pBitmapNode->SetUpPath(6,6))


	if (!SetBitmap(pBitmap))

	// Set the bitmap's attributes
	// This must be done before the NodeBitmap is inserted into the tree
	if (!pBitmapNode->ApplyDefaultBitmapAttrs(NULL))

	// Attach it to the tree as the next sibling of the rectangle
	pBitmapNode->AttachNode(pRectNode, NEXT);

	// Success...
Beispiel #2
void OpBreakAtPoints::Do(OpDescriptor*)
	// Obtain the current selections 
	SelRange* Selected = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
	NodePath* pSplitNode;

	// Now, because we're going to be doing mad things to the selection, we have to make a list
	// of all the selected nodes, so that adding nodes into the tree won't confuse us

	List* NodeList = Selected->MakeListOfNodes();
	NodeListItem* CurItem = (NodeListItem*)(NodeList->GetHead());

	if (!CurItem)
		goto FailAndDeleteList;

	if (!DoStartSelOp(TRUE,TRUE))
		goto FailAndDeleteList;

	while (CurItem)
		// get a pointer to the NodePath
		NodePath* pThisNode = (NodePath*)(CurItem->pNode);

		// Only interested in NodePaths that have a sub selection, and that will allow the op to happen
		if ((IS_A(pThisNode,NodePath) || IS_A(pThisNode,NodeBlendPath)) && pThisNode->InkPath.IsSubSelection())
			// Find out how many nodes this op will reproduce
			INT32 NumSplinters = pThisNode->InkPath.NumSplinters();
			BOOL DoThisNode = FALSE;

			if (NumSplinters > 0)
				// We need to ask the effected nodes if they (and their parents) can handle this node being replaced
				ObjChangeFlags cFlags;

				if (NumSplinters > 1)
					cFlags.MultiReplaceNode = TRUE;	// Node will be replaced with more than one node.
					cFlags.ReplaceNode = TRUE;		// Node will be replaced with one node only.

				ObjChangeParam ObjChange(OBJCHANGE_STARTING,cFlags,NULL,this);
				DoThisNode = pThisNode->AllowOp(&ObjChange);

			if (DoThisNode)

				BOOL ok;
				Node* pnode;

				// Copy the nodepath and all its children, without placing the copy in the tree
				CALL_WITH_FAIL(pThisNode->NodeCopy(&pnode), this, ok);
				if (!ok) goto DeleteList;
				pSplitNode = (NodePath*)pnode;

				// remove the fill from this path as we're about to open it
				pSplitNode->InkPath.IsFilled = FALSE;

				// Now stick the new path into the tree
					DoInsertNewNode(pSplitNode, pThisNode, NEXT, TRUE, FALSE),
				if (!ok) 
					goto DeleteListAndPath;

				// Now breakup this copy of the path where necessary
				Path* pChildPath;
				INT32 split;

					// Create a new path, ready for split
					ALLOC_WITH_FAIL(pChildPath, new Path, this);
					if (!pChildPath) 
						goto DeleteList;

					// Now split the path, possibly into two pieces.
			    	split = pSplitNode->InkPath.BreakInTwo(pChildPath);

					if (split==-1) 
						InformError(_R(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY), _R(IDS_OK));
						delete pChildPath;
						goto FailAndDeleteList;

					/*	Karim 05/12/2000
						No longer required - see code addition at the bottom of this loop.

					if (split==1) 
						delete pChildPath;


					if (split>1)

						// update the split paths bounding rectangle

						// Create a new nodepath.
						NodePath* pChildNode;
						ALLOC_WITH_FAIL(pChildNode, new NodePath(), this);
						if (!pChildNode)
							delete pChildPath;
							goto DeleteList;

						// make room for the new path in the node path.
						if (!ok)
							delete pChildNode;
							delete pChildPath;
							goto DeleteList;

						// now copy the path data in there.
						delete pChildPath;

						// Clear the selection flag from the first element in both the split
						// and child paths.  All others apart from the last will be	unselected
						// by definition.  Also select the last element in the child
						(pSplitNode->InkPath.GetFlagArray())[0].IsSelected = FALSE;
						(pChildNode->InkPath.GetFlagArray())[0].IsSelected = FALSE;
						(pChildNode->InkPath.GetFlagArray())[(pChildNode->InkPath.GetNumCoords()-1)].IsSelected = TRUE;
						pChildNode->InkPath.IsFilled = FALSE;

						// now, copy all attributes from the parent split to the child split
						Node* pAttr = pSplitNode->FindFirstChild();
						while (pAttr != NULL)
							if (pAttr->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeAttribute)))
								Node* pAttrCopy;
								CALL_WITH_FAIL(pAttr->NodeCopy(&pAttrCopy), this,ok);
								if (!ok) 
									delete pChildNode;
									goto DeleteList;
								pAttrCopy->AttachNode(pChildNode, FIRSTCHILD);
							pAttr = pAttr->FindNext();

						for (INT32 loop = 0; loop < pChildNode->InkPath.GetNumCoords(); loop ++)
							pChildNode->InkPath.GetVerbArray()[loop] = pChildNode->InkPath.GetVerbArray()[loop] & ~PT_CLOSEFIGURE;

						// Now stick the new path into the tree
							DoInsertNewNode(pChildNode, pSplitNode, NEXT, TRUE, FALSE),

						if (!ok)
							delete pChildNode;
							goto DeleteList;

						pSplitNode = pChildNode;

					// Karim 05/12/2000
					// Fix for memory leak.
						delete pChildPath;
			    while (split);

				// Clear out any remaining closefigures on the last bit of the path
				for (INT32 loop = 0; loop < pSplitNode->InkPath.GetNumCoords(); loop ++)
					pSplitNode->InkPath.GetVerbArray()[loop] = pSplitNode->InkPath.GetVerbArray()[loop] & ~PT_CLOSEFIGURE;

				// Now we've broken up this path, let's hide it
				CALL_WITH_FAIL(DoHideNode(pThisNode,TRUE), this, ok)
				if (!ok) goto DeleteList;
		CurItem = (NodeListItem*)(NodeList->GetNext(CurItem));