Beispiel #1
void CCAttrMap::ApplyAttributesToNode(NodeRenderableInk * pInk)
	iterator			pos = GetStartPosition();

	while( pos != GetEndPosition() )
		CCRuntimeClass *pKey;
		void		   *pVal;
		GetNextAssoc(pos, pKey, pVal);

		NodeAttribute * pAttr = (NodeAttribute *)pVal;

		// copy the attribute
		if( pAttr->CanBeAppliedToObject() )
			NodeAttribute * pAttrCopy = NULL;
			pAttr->NodeCopy((Node **)(&pAttrCopy));
			pAttrCopy->AttachNode(pInk, LASTCHILD);

			// nb now that GLAs have an independent flag to indicate when
			// they are copied from the default, it is safe to fix linkages
			// this ensures that GLA defaults get copied when BlendRefs are
			// made from complex nodes, and that they are found when MakeAppliedAttributes
			// calls FindAppliedAttributes on the unattached subtree
			// TODO??
			// What about just copying compound node's Parent pointers to 
			// pseudo attach the tree, rather than copying applied attrs to unattached tree
			// Just need to watch when deleting that it doesn't do anything to the
			// parents pointers - which it shouldn't surely?
Beispiel #2

>	void CCAttrMap::Render(RenderRegion * pRegion, BOOL RenderOffscreenAttributes = TRUE)

	Author:		David_McClarnon (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**>
	Created:	30/4/99
	Inputs:		pRegion						render-region to render into.
				RenderOffscreenAttributes	whether or not to render offscreen attributes,
											eg feathers.
	Outputs:	-
	Returns:	-
	Purpose:	Renders the attribute map into the given render region

	Notes:		Karim 15/11/2000
				Modified so that I can render an attribute map *without*
				rendering any offscreen attributes contained therein.

	SeeAlso:	-

void CCAttrMap::Render(RenderRegion * pRegion, BOOL RenderOffscreenAttributes)
	// OK, we have found the full quota of attributes.  Now render them all.
	iterator			pos = GetStartPosition();
	while( pos != GetEndPosition() )
		CCRuntimeClass *pKey;
		void		   *pVal;
		GetNextAssoc( pos, pKey, pVal );

		NodeAttribute* pAttr = (NodeAttribute*)pVal;

		if ( pAttr->CanBeAppliedToObject() &&
			 pAttr->RenderSubtree(pRegion)==SUBTREE_ROOTONLY )
			// render all attributes, unless we've been specifically asked
			// not to render offscreen attributes.
			if (RenderOffscreenAttributes || !pAttr->IsAnOffscreenAttribute())
Beispiel #3
BOOL NodeRenderableInk::MakeAttributeComplete(Node* Root, 
											  BOOL CheckForDuplicates, 		  /* = TRUE */
											  AttrTypeSet* pAffectedAttrTypes, /* = NULL */ 
											  BOOL IncludeDefaults, /* = FALSE */
											  BOOL bIncludeEffectAttrs /* = FALSE */)
	Node* Current = NULL;  // Pointer to the current node in the tree 

	NodeAttribute* CurAttr;
	CCRuntimeClass* AttrType;
	BOOL Exists; 

	Node* PreFirstChild = FindFirstChild(); // Remember the FirstChild of the node before we add
										    // any new attributes, this will come in handy if we
										    // need to abort.

	// Loop until all attributes are copied, we are not interested in the defaults cos these are the
	// same for all docs !.
	if (bIncludeEffectAttrs)
		Current = NodeAttribute::FindFirstAppliedAttr(this, Root);
		Current = NodeAttribute::FindPrevAppliedAttr(this, Root);

	while (Current && (IncludeDefaults || (!(IS_A(Current->FindParent(), NodeDocument)))) )
		// Find the next node, snaking up the tree
		if (Current->IsAnAttribute())
			CurAttr = (NodeAttribute*)Current;
			if (CurAttr->CanBeAppliedToObject() && CurAttr->ShouldBeOptimized())
				AttrType = CurAttr->GetAttributeType();

				BOOL Required = RequiresAttrib(AttrType) || this->IsCompound();
				// Is the attribute required ?
				if (Required && (!pAffectedAttrTypes || pAffectedAttrTypes->InSet(AttrType)))
					Exists = FALSE; 
					if (CheckForDuplicates)
						// triggers can have duplicates
							// Does the node already have this child attribute
							Exists = (GetChildAttrOfType(AttrType) != NULL);

					#ifdef _DEBUG
					if (!CheckForDuplicates)
						// If we feel there is no need to check for duplicates then there shouldn't be any !
						if (!CurAttr->CanBeMultiplyApplied())
							NodeAttribute* pChildAttr = GetChildAttrOfType(AttrType);
							if ((pChildAttr != NULL))
								DebugTreeDlg::DumpSubTree(this, 4);
								TRACE(_T("Duplicate Attr found at %x %s\n"), pChildAttr, pChildAttr->GetRuntimeClass()->m_lpszClassName);
//							ERROR3IF((pChildAttr != NULL), "MakeAttributeComplete: Duplicate attr found !"); 

					if (!Exists)
						// Make a copy of the attribute
						NodeAttribute* NewAttr = (NodeAttribute*)CurAttr->SimpleCopy();

						if (NewAttr == NULL)
							goto OutOfMemory; 

						// Now add the attribute to this node
						NewAttr->AttachNode(this, FIRSTCHILD, TRUE, FALSE);
		Current = NodeAttribute::FindPrevAppliedAttr(Current, Root);

		// in order to copy brush ink nodes we need to break if the parent is NULL, else is violates
		if (Current!=NULL && Current->FindParent() == NULL)

	return TRUE;

	// Delete any new attributes added to the node
	Current = FindFirstChild(); 
	Node* Next; 

	while (Current != PreFirstChild)
		ENSURE(Current != NULL, "PreFirstChild could not be found");
		ENSURE(Current->IsAnAttribute(), "Should be a NodeAttribute"); 
		Next = Current->FindNext();
		// Delete the attribute
		delete Current; 		    

		Current = Next; 

	return FALSE; 