LinkToKnobDialog::LinkToKnobDialog(const KnobGuiPtr& from,
                                   QWidget* parent)
    : QDialog(parent)
    , _imp( new LinkToKnobDialogPrivate(from) )
    _imp->mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);

    _imp->firstLine = new QWidget(this);
    _imp->firstLineLayout = new QHBoxLayout(_imp->firstLine);


    _imp->buttons = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::StandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel),
                                         Qt::Horizontal, this);
    QObject::connect( _imp->buttons, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()) );
    QObject::connect( _imp->buttons, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject()) );

    _imp->selectNodeLabel = new Label(tr("Parent:"), _imp->firstLine);

    EffectInstance* isEffect = dynamic_cast<EffectInstance*>( from->getKnob()->getHolder() );
    if (!isEffect) {
        throw std::logic_error("");
    boost::shared_ptr<NodeCollection> group = isEffect->getNode()->getGroup();
    NodeGroup* isGroup = dynamic_cast<NodeGroup*>( group.get() );
    if (isGroup) {
        _imp->allNodes.push_back( isGroup->getNode() );
    QStringList nodeNames;
    for (NodesList::iterator it = _imp->allNodes.begin(); it != _imp->allNodes.end(); ++it) {
        QString name = QString::fromUtf8( (*it)->getLabel().c_str() );
    _imp->nodeSelectionCombo = new CompleterLineEdit(nodeNames, nodeNames, false, this);
    _imp->nodeSelectionCombo->setToolTip( GuiUtils::convertFromPlainText(tr("Input the name of a node in the current project."), Qt::WhiteSpaceNormal) );

    QTimer::singleShot( 25, _imp->nodeSelectionCombo, SLOT(showCompleter()) );

    _imp->knobSelectionCombo = new ComboBox(_imp->firstLine);

    QObject::connect( _imp->nodeSelectionCombo, SIGNAL(itemCompletionChosen()), this, SLOT(onNodeComboEditingFinished()) );

Beispiel #2
NodeGraph::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
    QPointF newPos = mapToScene( e->pos() );
    QPointF lastMousePosScene = mapToScene( _imp->_lastMousePos.x(), _imp->_lastMousePos.y() );
    double dx, dy;
        QPointF newPosRoot = _imp->_root->mapFromScene(newPos);
        QPointF lastMousePosRoot = _imp->_root->mapFromScene(lastMousePosScene);
        dx = newPosRoot.x() - lastMousePosRoot.x();
        dy = newPosRoot.y() - lastMousePosRoot.y();

    _imp->_hasMovedOnce = true;

    bool mustUpdate = true;
    boost::shared_ptr<NodeCollection> collection = getGroup();
    NodeGroup* isGroup = dynamic_cast<NodeGroup*>( collection.get() );
    bool isGroupEditable = true;
    bool groupEdited = true;
    if (isGroup) {
        isGroupEditable = isGroup->isSubGraphEditable();
        groupEdited = isGroup->getNode()->hasPyPlugBeenEdited();
    if (!groupEdited && isGroupEditable) {
        ///check if user is nearby unlock
        int iw = _imp->unlockIcon.width();
        int ih = _imp->unlockIcon.height();
        int w = width();
        if ( ( e->x() >= (w - iw - 10 - 15) ) && ( e->x() <= (w - 10 + 15) ) &&
                ( e->y() >= (10 - 15) ) && ( e->y() <= (10 + ih + 15) ) ) {
            QPoint pos = mapToGlobal( e->pos() );
            QToolTip::showText( pos, GuiUtils::convertFromPlainText(QCoreApplication::translate("NodeGraph", "Clicking the unlock button will convert the PyPlug to a regular group saved in the project and dettach it from the script.\n"
                                "Any modification will not be written to the Python script. Subsequent loading of the project will no longer load this group from the python script."), Qt::WhiteSpaceNormal) );

    QRectF sceneR = visibleSceneRect();
    if ( groupEdited && (_imp->_evtState != eEventStateSelectionRect) && (_imp->_evtState != eEventStateDraggingArrow) ) {
        // Set cursor

        std::set<NodeGui*> visibleNodes;
        getNodesWithinViewportRect(visibleWidgetRect(), &visibleNodes);

        NodeGuiPtr selected;
        Edge* selectedEdge = 0;
        bool optionalInputsAutoHidden = areOptionalInputsAutoHidden();

        for (std::set<NodeGui*>::iterator it = visibleNodes.begin(); it != visibleNodes.end(); ++it) {
            QPointF evpt = (*it)->mapFromScene(newPos);
            QRectF bbox = (*it)->mapToScene( (*it)->boundingRect() ).boundingRect();
            if ( (*it)->isActive() && bbox.intersects(sceneR) ) {
                if ( (*it)->contains(evpt) ) {
                    selected = (*it)->shared_from_this();
                    if (optionalInputsAutoHidden) {
                    } else {
                } else {
                    Edge* edge = (*it)->hasEdgeNearbyPoint(newPos);
                    if (edge) {
                        selectedEdge = edge;
                        if (!optionalInputsAutoHidden) {
                    } else if ( optionalInputsAutoHidden && !(*it)->getIsSelected() ) {
        if (selected) {
            _imp->cursorSet = true;
            setCursor( QCursor(Qt::OpenHandCursor) );
        } else if (selectedEdge) {
        } else if (!selectedEdge && !selected) {
            if (_imp->cursorSet) {
                _imp->cursorSet = false;

    bool mustUpdateNavigator = false;
    ///Apply actions
    switch (_imp->_evtState) {
    case eEventStateDraggingArrow: {
        QPointF np = _imp->_arrowSelected->mapFromScene(newPos);
        if ( _imp->_arrowSelected->isOutputEdge() ) {
        } else {
        mustUpdate = true;
    case eEventStateDraggingNode: {
        mustUpdate = true;
        mustUpdateNavigator = true;
        bool controlDown = modifierHasControl(e);
        bool shiftdown = modifierHasShift(e);
        moveSelectedNodesBy(shiftdown, controlDown, lastMousePosScene, newPos, sceneR, true);
    case eEventStateMovingArea: {
        mustUpdateNavigator = true;
        moveRootInternal(dx, dy);
        _imp->cursorSet = true;
        setCursor( QCursor(Qt::SizeAllCursor) );
        mustUpdate = true;
    case eEventStateResizingBackdrop: {
        mustUpdateNavigator = true;
        QPointF p = _imp->_backdropResized->scenePos();
        int w = newPos.x() - p.x();
        int h = newPos.y() - p.y();
        mustUpdate = true;
        pushUndoCommand( new ResizeBackdropCommand(_imp->_backdropResized, w, h) );
    case eEventStateSelectionRect: {
        QPointF startDrag = _imp->_lastSelectionStartPointScene;
        QPointF cur = newPos;
        double xmin = std::min( cur.x(), startDrag.x() );
        double xmax = std::max( cur.x(), startDrag.x() );
        double ymin = std::min( cur.y(), startDrag.y() );
        double ymax = std::max( cur.y(), startDrag.y() );
        QRectF selRect(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);
        _imp->_selectionRect = selRect;
        mustUpdate = true;
    case eEventStateDraggingNavigator: {
        QPointF mousePosSceneCoordinates;
        bool insideNavigator = isNearbyNavigator(e->pos(), mousePosSceneCoordinates);
        if (insideNavigator) {
            _imp->_refreshOverlays = true;
            _imp->_lastMousePos = e->pos();

    case eEventStateZoomingArea: {
        int delta = 2 * ( ( e->x() - _imp->_lastMousePos.x() ) - ( e->y() - _imp->_lastMousePos.y() ) );
        wheelEventInternal(modCASIsControl(e), delta);
        mustUpdate = true;
        mustUpdate = false;
    } // switch

    _imp->_lastMousePos = e->pos();

    if (mustUpdateNavigator) {
        _imp->_refreshOverlays = true;
        mustUpdate = true;

    if (mustUpdate) {
} // mouseMoveEvent
Beispiel #3
PickKnobDialog::PickKnobDialog(DockablePanel* panel,
                               QWidget* parent)
    : QDialog(parent)
    , _imp( new PickKnobDialogPrivate(panel) )
    NodeSettingsPanel* nodePanel = dynamic_cast<NodeSettingsPanel*>(panel);

    if (!nodePanel) {
        throw std::logic_error("PickKnobDialog::PickKnobDialog()");
    NodeGuiPtr nodeGui = nodePanel->getNode();
    NodePtr node = nodeGui->getNode();
    NodeGroup* isGroup = node->isEffectGroup();
    boost::shared_ptr<NodeCollection> collec = node->getGroup();
    NodeGroup* isCollecGroup = dynamic_cast<NodeGroup*>( collec.get() );
    NodesList collectNodes = collec->getNodes();
    for (NodesList::iterator it = collectNodes.begin(); it != collectNodes.end(); ++it) {
        if ( !(*it)->getParentMultiInstance() && (*it)->isActivated() && ( (*it)->getKnobs().size() > 0 ) ) {
    if (isCollecGroup) {
        _imp->allNodes.push_back( isCollecGroup->getNode() );
    if (isGroup) {
        NodesList groupnodes = isGroup->getNodes();
        for (NodesList::iterator it = groupnodes.begin(); it != groupnodes.end(); ++it) {
            if ( !(*it)->getParentMultiInstance() && (*it)->isActivated() && ( (*it)->getKnobs().size() > 0 ) ) {
    QStringList nodeNames;
    for (NodesList::iterator it = _imp->allNodes.begin(); it != _imp->allNodes.end(); ++it) {
        QString name = QString::fromUtf8( (*it)->getLabel().c_str() );

    _imp->mainLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
    _imp->selectNodeLabel = new Label( tr("Node:") );
    _imp->nodeSelectionCombo = new CompleterLineEdit(nodeNames, nodeNames, false, this);
    _imp->nodeSelectionCombo->setToolTip( GuiUtils::convertFromPlainText(tr("Input the name of a node in the current project."), Qt::WhiteSpaceNormal) );

    _imp->knobSelectionCombo = new ComboBox(this);
    QObject::connect( _imp->knobSelectionCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onKnobComboIndexChanged(int)) );
    QString useAliasTt = GuiUtils::convertFromPlainText(tr("If checked, an alias of the selected parameter will be created, coyping entirely its state. "
                                                           "Only the script-name, label and tooltip will be editable.\n"
                                                           "For choice parameters this will also "
                                                           "dynamically refresh the menu entries when the original parameter's menu is changed.\n"
                                                           "When unchecked, a simple expression will be set linking the two parameters, but things such as dynamic menus "
                                                           "will be disabled."), Qt::WhiteSpaceNormal);
    _imp->useAliasLabel = new Label(tr("Make Alias:"), this);
    _imp->useAliasCheckBox = new QCheckBox(this);

    QObject::connect( _imp->nodeSelectionCombo, SIGNAL(itemCompletionChosen()), this, SLOT(onNodeComboEditingFinished()) );

    _imp->destPageLabel = new Label(tr("Page:"), this);
    QString pagett = GuiUtils::convertFromPlainText(tr("Select the page into which the parameter will be created."), Qt::WhiteSpaceNormal);
    _imp->destPageCombo = new ComboBox(this);
    QObject::connect( _imp->destPageCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onPageComboIndexChanged(int)) );
    const KnobsVec& knobs = node->getKnobs();
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < knobs.size(); ++i) {
        if ( knobs[i]->isUserKnob() ) {
            boost::shared_ptr<KnobPage> isPage = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<KnobPage>(knobs[i]);
            if (isPage) {
                _imp->destPageCombo->addItem( QString::fromUtf8( isPage->getName().c_str() ) );
            } else {
                boost::shared_ptr<KnobGroup> isGrp = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<KnobGroup>(knobs[i]);
                if (isGrp) {
    if (_imp->destPageCombo->count() == 0) {

    _imp->groupLabel = new Label(tr("Group:"), this);
    QString grouptt = GuiUtils::convertFromPlainText(tr("Select the group into which the parameter will be created."), Qt::WhiteSpaceNormal);
    _imp->groupCombo = new ComboBox(this);

    _imp->buttons = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::StandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel),
                                         Qt::Horizontal, this);
    QObject::connect( _imp->buttons, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()) );
    QObject::connect( _imp->buttons, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject()) );

    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->selectNodeLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->nodeSelectionCombo, 0, 1, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->knobSelectionCombo, 0, 2, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->useAliasLabel, 1, 0, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->useAliasCheckBox, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->destPageLabel, 2, 0, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->destPageCombo, 2, 1, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->groupLabel, 2, 2, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->groupCombo, 2, 3, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->buttons, 3, 0, 1, 3);

    QTimer::singleShot( 25, _imp->nodeSelectionCombo, SLOT(showCompleter()) );