Beispiel #1
|	returns the number of indices added.
unsigned NxsSetReader::InterpretTokenAsIndices(NxsToken &token, 
  const NxsLabelToIndicesMapper & mapper, 
  const char * setType, 
  const char * cmdName, 
  NxsUnsignedSet * destination)
	try {
		const std::string t = token.GetToken();
		if (NxsString::case_insensitive_equals(t.c_str(), "ALL"))
			unsigned m = mapper.GetMaxIndex();
			NxsUnsignedSet s;
			for (unsigned i = 0; i <= m; ++i)
			destination->insert(s.begin(), s.end());
			return (unsigned)s.size();
		return mapper.GetIndicesForLabel(t, destination);
	catch (const NxsException & x)
		NxsString errormsg = "Error in the ";
		errormsg << setType << " descriptor of a " << cmdName << " command.\n";
		errormsg += x.msg;
		throw NxsException(errormsg, token);
	catch (...)
		NxsString errormsg = "Expecting a ";
		errormsg << setType << " descriptor (number or label) in the " << cmdName << ".  Encountered ";
		errormsg <<  token.GetToken();
		throw NxsException(errormsg, token);
Beispiel #2
unsigned NxsCompressDiscreteMatrix(
    const NxsCXXDiscreteMatrix & mat,       /**< is the data source */
    std::set<NxsCharacterPattern> & patternSet, /* matrix that will hold the compressed columns */
    std::vector<const NxsCharacterPattern *> * compressedIndexPattern, /** if not 0L, this will be filled to provide a map from an index in `compressedTransposedMatrix` to the original character count */
    const NxsUnsignedSet * taxaToInclude, /**< if not 0L, this should be  the indices of the taxa in `mat` to include (if 0L all characters will be included). Excluding taxa will result in shorter patterns (the skipped taxa will not be filled with empty codes, instead the taxon indexing will be frameshifted -- the client code must keep track of these frameshifts). */
    const NxsUnsignedSet * charactersToInclude)
    const unsigned origNumPatterns = (unsigned) patternSet.size();
    unsigned ntax = mat.getNTax();
    unsigned patternLength = ntax;
    unsigned nchar = mat.getNChar();
    if (compressedIndexPattern)
    NxsUnsignedSet allTaxaInds;
    if (taxaToInclude)
        if (taxaToInclude->empty())
            return 0; // might want to warn about this!
        const unsigned lastTaxonIndex = *(taxaToInclude->rbegin());
        if (lastTaxonIndex >= ntax)
            throw NxsException("Taxon index in taxaToInclude argument to NxsCompressDiscreteMatrix is out of range");
        patternLength -= taxaToInclude->size();
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < ntax; ++i) {
        taxaToInclude = &allTaxaInds;
    if (charactersToInclude)
        if (charactersToInclude->empty())
            return 0; // might want to warn about this!
        const unsigned lastColumnIndex = *(charactersToInclude->rbegin());
        if (lastColumnIndex >= nchar)
            throw NxsException("Character index in charactersToInclude argument to NxsCompressDiscreteMatrix is out of range");

    // Create actingWeights vector and copy the integer weights from mat into it
    // If there are no integer weights in mat, copy the floating point weights instead
    // if floating point weights have been defined
    const std::vector<int> & iwts = mat.getIntWeightsConst();
    std::vector<double> actingWeights(nchar, 1.0);
    bool weightsSpecified = false;
    bool weightsAsInts = false;
    if (!iwts.empty())
        NCL_ASSERT(iwts.size() >= nchar);
        weightsSpecified = true;
        weightsAsInts = true;
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < nchar; ++j) {
            actingWeights[j] = (double);
        const std::vector<double> & dwts = mat.getDblWeightsConst();
        if (!dwts.empty())
            weightsSpecified = true;
            actingWeights = dwts;
            NCL_ASSERT(actingWeights.size() == nchar);

    // Set corresponding actingWeights elements to zero if any characters have been excluded in mat
    const NxsUnsignedSet & excl = mat.getExcludedCharIndices();
    for (NxsUnsignedSet::const_iterator eIt = excl.begin(); eIt != excl.end(); ++eIt)
        NCL_ASSERT(*eIt < nchar);
        actingWeights[*eIt] = 0.0;
    const double * wts = &(actingWeights[0]);

    NxsCharacterPattern patternTemp;
    patternTemp.count = 1;
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < nchar; ++j)
        double patternWeight = wts[j];
        bool shouldInclude = (charactersToInclude == 0L || (charactersToInclude->find(j) != charactersToInclude->end()));
        if (patternWeight > 0.0 &&  shouldInclude)
            // Build up a vector representing the pattern of state codes at this site
            patternTemp.sumOfPatternWeights = patternWeight;

            unsigned indexInPattern = 0;
            for (NxsUnsignedSet::const_iterator taxIndIt = taxaToInclude->begin(); taxIndIt != taxaToInclude->end(); ++taxIndIt, ++indexInPattern)
                const unsigned taxonIndex = *taxIndIt;
                const NxsCDiscreteStateSet * row    = mat.getRow(taxonIndex);
                const NxsCDiscreteStateSet code = row[j];
            NCL_ASSERT(indexInPattern == patternLength);

            std::set<NxsCharacterPattern>::iterator lowBoundLoc = patternSet.lower_bound(patternTemp);
            if ((lowBoundLoc == patternSet.end()) || (patternTemp < *lowBoundLoc))
                std::set<NxsCharacterPattern>::iterator insertedIt = patternSet.insert(lowBoundLoc, patternTemp);
                if (compressedIndexPattern)
                    const NxsCharacterPattern & patInserted = *insertedIt;
                    (*compressedIndexPattern)[j] = &patInserted;
                NCL_ASSERT(patternTemp == *lowBoundLoc);
                lowBoundLoc->sumOfPatternWeights += patternWeight;
                lowBoundLoc->count += 1;
                if (compressedIndexPattern)
                    (*compressedIndexPattern)[j] = &(*lowBoundLoc);
    return (unsigned)patternSet.size() - origNumPatterns;
Beispiel #3
void NxsCXXDiscreteMatrix::Initialize(const NxsCharactersBlock * cb, bool gapsToMissing, const NxsUnsignedSet * toInclude, bool standardizeCoding)
    this->nativeCMatrix.stateList = 0L;
    this->nativeCMatrix.stateListPos = 0L;
    this->nativeCMatrix.matrix = 0L;
    this->nativeCMatrix.symbolsList = 0L;
    this->nativeCMatrix.nStates = 0;
    this->nativeCMatrix.nChar = 0;
    this->nativeCMatrix.nTax = 0L;
    this->nativeCMatrix.nObservedStateSets = 0;
    this->nativeCMatrix.datatype = NxsAltGeneric_Datatype;
    this->matrixAlias.Initialize(0, 0);
    if (cb == NULL)
    std::vector<const NxsDiscreteDatatypeMapper *> mappers = cb->GetAllDatatypeMappers();
    if (mappers.empty() || mappers[0] == NULL)
        throw NxsException("no mappers");

    std::set <const NxsDiscreteDatatypeMapper * > usedMappers;
    NxsUnsignedSet scratchSet;
    if (toInclude == 0L)
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < cb->GetNChar(); ++i) {
        toInclude = &scratchSet;
    for (NxsUnsignedSet::const_iterator indIt = toInclude->begin(); indIt != toInclude->end(); ++indIt)
        unsigned charIndex = *indIt;

    if (usedMappers.size() > 1)
        throw NxsException("too many mappers");
    if (usedMappers.empty())
        throw NxsException("no mappers - or empty charset");

    const NxsDiscreteDatatypeMapper & mapper = **usedMappers.begin();
    const NxsDiscreteStateMatrix & rawMatrix = cb->GetRawDiscreteMatrixRef();

    NxsCharactersBlock::DataTypesEnum inDatatype = mapper.GetDatatype();
    if (inDatatype < LowestNxsCDatatype || inDatatype > HighestNxsCDatatype)
        throw NxsException("Datatype cannot be converted to NxsCDiscreteMatrix");
    this->nativeCMatrix.datatype = NxsAltDatatypes(inDatatype);
    this->nativeCMatrix.nStates = mapper.GetNumStates();
    const std::string fundamentalSymbols = mapper.GetSymbols();
    const std::string fundamentalSymbolsPlusGaps = mapper.GetSymbolsWithGapChar();
    const bool hadGaps = !(fundamentalSymbols == fundamentalSymbolsPlusGaps);

    this->symbolsStringAlias = fundamentalSymbols;
    char missingSym = cb->GetMissingSymbol();
    const NxsCDiscreteState_t newMissingStateCode = (standardizeCoding ? (NxsCDiscreteState_t) this->nativeCMatrix.nStates : (NxsCDiscreteState_t) NXS_MISSING_CODE);
    NxsDiscreteStateCell sclOffsetV;
    if (hadGaps)
        sclOffsetV = std::min((NxsDiscreteStateCell)NXS_GAP_STATE_CODE, (NxsDiscreteStateCell)NXS_MISSING_CODE);
        sclOffsetV = NXS_MISSING_CODE;
    const NxsDiscreteStateCell sclOffset(sclOffsetV);

    const NxsDiscreteStateCell negSCLOffset = -sclOffset;
    const unsigned nMapperStateCodes = mapper.GetNumStateCodes();
    const unsigned recodeVecLen = nMapperStateCodes;
    const unsigned nMapperPosStateCodes = nMapperStateCodes + sclOffset;
    std::vector<NxsCDiscreteState_t> recodeVec(recodeVecLen + negSCLOffset, -2);
    NxsCDiscreteState_t * recodeArr = &recodeVec[negSCLOffset];

    if (fundamentalSymbols.length() < this->nativeCMatrix.nStates)
        throw NxsException("Fundamental states missing from the symbols string");
    const unsigned nfun_sym = (const unsigned)fundamentalSymbols.length();
    for (NxsCDiscreteState_t i = 0; i < (NxsCDiscreteState_t) this->nativeCMatrix.nStates; ++i)
        if (i < (NxsCDiscreteState_t)nfun_sym && (NxsCDiscreteState_t)fundamentalSymbols[i] == '\0' && mapper.PositionInSymbols(fundamentalSymbols[i]) != (NxsDiscreteStateCell) i)
            NCL_ASSERT(i >= (NxsCDiscreteState_t)nfun_sym || fundamentalSymbols[i] == '\0' || mapper.PositionInSymbols(fundamentalSymbols[i]) == (NxsDiscreteStateCell) i);
#       if !defined (NDEBUG)
        const std::set<NxsDiscreteStateCell>     & ss =  mapper.GetStateSetForCode(i);
        NCL_ASSERT(ss.size() == 1);
        NCL_ASSERT(*ss.begin() == i);
#       endif
        stateListPosAlias.push_back((unsigned) 2*i);
        recodeArr[i] = i;


    if (hadGaps)
        if (standardizeCoding)
            recodeArr[NXS_GAP_STATE_CODE] = ((hadGaps && gapsToMissing) ? newMissingStateCode : -1);
            recodeArr[NXS_GAP_STATE_CODE] = NXS_GAP_STATE_CODE;

    if (missingSym == '\0')
        missingSym = (hadGaps ? mapper.GetGapSymbol() : '?');
        NCL_ASSERT(NXS_MISSING_CODE == mapper.GetStateCodeStored(missingSym));
    recodeArr[NXS_MISSING_CODE] = newMissingStateCode;
    const unsigned nCodesInMissing  = this->nativeCMatrix.nStates + (gapsToMissing ?  0 : 1);
    if (standardizeCoding)
        this->symbolsStringAlias.append(1, missingSym);
        if (!gapsToMissing)
        for (NxsCDiscreteState_t i = 0; i < (NxsCDiscreteState_t) this->nativeCMatrix.nStates; ++i) {

    NxsCDiscreteState_t nextStateCode = (standardizeCoding ? (newMissingStateCode + 1) : this->nativeCMatrix.nStates);
    for (NxsDiscreteStateCell i = (NxsDiscreteStateCell) this->nativeCMatrix.nStates; i < (NxsDiscreteStateCell) nMapperPosStateCodes; ++i)
        const std::set<NxsDiscreteStateCell>     &ss = mapper.GetStateSetForCode( i);
        const unsigned ns = (const unsigned)ss.size();
        const bool mapToMissing  = (!mapper.IsPolymorphic(i) && (nCodesInMissing + 1 == ns || nCodesInMissing == ns));
        if (mapToMissing)
            recodeArr[i] = newMissingStateCode;
            recodeArr[i] = nextStateCode++;
            for (std::set<NxsDiscreteStateCell>::const_iterator sIt = ss.begin(); sIt != ss.end(); ++sIt) {
                stateListAlias.push_back((NxsCDiscreteState_t) *sIt);
            std::string stateName = mapper.StateCodeToNexusString(i);
            if (stateName.length() != 1)
                this->symbolsStringAlias.append(1, ' ');
                this->symbolsStringAlias.append(1, stateName[0]);
    NCL_ASSERT(stateListPosAlias.size() == (unsigned)nextStateCode);
    NCL_ASSERT(symbolsStringAlias.size() == (unsigned)nextStateCode);
    this->nativeCMatrix.nObservedStateSets = nextStateCode;

    this->nativeCMatrix.nTax = (unsigned)rawMatrix.size();
    this->nativeCMatrix.nChar = (this->nativeCMatrix.nTax == 0 ? 0 : toInclude->size());
    this->matrixAlias.Initialize(this->nativeCMatrix.nTax, this->nativeCMatrix.nChar);
    nativeCMatrix.matrix = matrixAlias.GetAlias();
    const unsigned nt = this->nativeCMatrix.nTax;
    const unsigned nc = this->nativeCMatrix.nChar;
    for (unsigned r = 0; r < nt; ++r)
        NxsCDiscreteStateSet     * recodedRow = nativeCMatrix.matrix[r];
        const std::vector<NxsDiscreteStateCell> & rawRowVec = rawMatrix[r];
        if (rawRowVec.empty())
            NxsCDiscreteState_t recodedMissing = recodeArr[NXS_MISSING_CODE];
            for (unsigned c = 0; c < nc; ++c) {
                *recodedRow++ = recodedMissing;
            NCL_ASSERT(rawRowVec.size() >= nc);
            const NxsDiscreteStateCell * rawRow = &rawRowVec[0];
            NxsUnsignedSet::const_iterator includedIt = toInclude->begin();
            for (unsigned c = 0; c < nc; ++c)
                unsigned charIndex = *includedIt++;
                const NxsDiscreteStateCell rawC = rawRow[charIndex];
                if ((unsigned)(rawC +  negSCLOffset) >= recodeVecLen)
                    NCL_ASSERT((unsigned)(rawC +  negSCLOffset) < recodeVecLen);
                NCL_ASSERT(rawC >= sclOffset);
                const NxsCDiscreteState_t recodedC = recodeArr[rawC];
                NCL_ASSERT(recodedC > -2 || !standardizeCoding);
                NCL_ASSERT(recodedC < nextStateCode);
                *recodedRow++ = recodedC;
    nativeCMatrix.symbolsList = symbolsStringAlias.c_str();
    nativeCMatrix.stateListPos = &stateListPosAlias[0];
    nativeCMatrix.stateList = &stateListAlias[0];

    const NxsTransformationManager &tm = cb->GetNxsTransformationManagerRef();
    intWts = tm.GetDefaultIntWeights();
    if (intWts.empty())
        dblWts = tm.GetDefaultDoubleWeights();
    activeExSet = cb->GetExcludedIndexSet();