Beispiel #1
static int32_t GetCoordinateSystemId(const char* pszProjection) {
    int32_t coordinateSystemId = 0;
    OGRSpatialReference* poSRS = BuildSRS(pszProjection);
    if (poSRS != nullptr) {
        std::string pszRoot;
        if (poSRS->IsProjected()) {
            pszRoot = "PROJCS";
        } else {
            pszRoot = "GEOCS";
        const char *pszAuthName = poSRS->GetAuthorityName(pszRoot.c_str());
        const char *pszAuthCode = poSRS->GetAuthorityCode(pszRoot.c_str());
        if (pszAuthName != nullptr && EQUAL(pszAuthName, "EPSG")
                && pszAuthCode != nullptr) {
            coordinateSystemId = atoi(pszAuthCode);
    delete poSRS;
    return coordinateSystemId;
Beispiel #2
GDALDataset* HF2Dataset::CreateCopy( const char * pszFilename,
                                     GDALDataset *poSrcDS, 
                                     int bStrict, char ** papszOptions, 
                                     GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
                                     void * pProgressData )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Some some rudimentary checks                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nBands = poSrcDS->GetRasterCount();
    if (nBands == 0)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, 
                  "HF2 driver does not support source dataset with zero band.\n");
        return NULL;

    if (nBands != 1)
        CPLError( (bStrict) ? CE_Failure : CE_Warning, CPLE_NotSupported, 
                  "HF2 driver only uses the first band of the dataset.\n");
        if (bStrict)
            return NULL;

    if( pfnProgress && !pfnProgress( 0.0, NULL, pProgressData ) )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get source dataset info                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    int nXSize = poSrcDS->GetRasterXSize();
    int nYSize = poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize();
    double adfGeoTransform[6];
    int bHasGeoTransform = !(adfGeoTransform[0] == 0 &&
                             adfGeoTransform[1] == 1 &&
                             adfGeoTransform[2] == 0 &&
                             adfGeoTransform[3] == 0 &&
                             adfGeoTransform[4] == 0 &&
                             adfGeoTransform[5] == 1);
    if (adfGeoTransform[2] != 0 || adfGeoTransform[4] != 0)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, 
                  "HF2 driver does not support CreateCopy() from skewed or rotated dataset.\n");
        return NULL;

    GDALDataType eSrcDT = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType();
    GDALDataType eReqDT;
    float fVertPres = (float) 0.01;
    if (eSrcDT == GDT_Byte || eSrcDT == GDT_Int16)
        fVertPres = 1;
        eReqDT = GDT_Int16;
        eReqDT = GDT_Float32;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read creation options                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char* pszCompressed = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "COMPRESS");
    int bCompress = FALSE;
    if (pszCompressed)
        bCompress = CSLTestBoolean(pszCompressed);
    const char* pszVerticalPrecision = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "VERTICAL_PRECISION");
    if (pszVerticalPrecision)
        fVertPres = (float) CPLAtofM(pszVerticalPrecision);
        if (fVertPres <= 0)
            CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                     "Unsupported value for VERTICAL_PRECISION. Defaulting to 0.01");
            fVertPres = (float) 0.01;
        if (eReqDT == GDT_Int16 && fVertPres > 1)
            eReqDT = GDT_Float32;

    const char* pszBlockSize = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "BLOCKSIZE");
    int nTileSize = 256;
    if (pszBlockSize)
        nTileSize = atoi(pszBlockSize);
        if (nTileSize < 8 || nTileSize > 4096)
            CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                     "Unsupported value for BLOCKSIZE. Defaulting to 256");
            nTileSize = 256;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Parse source dataset georeferencing info                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    int nExtendedHeaderLen = 0;
    if (bHasGeoTransform)
        nExtendedHeaderLen += 58;
    const char* pszProjectionRef = poSrcDS->GetProjectionRef();
    int nDatumCode = -2;
    int nUTMZone = 0;
    int bNorth = FALSE;
    int nEPSGCode = 0;
    int nExtentUnits = 1;
    if (pszProjectionRef != NULL && pszProjectionRef[0] != '\0')
        OGRSpatialReference oSRS;
        char* pszTemp = (char*) pszProjectionRef;
        if (oSRS.importFromWkt(&pszTemp) == OGRERR_NONE)
            const char* pszValue = NULL;
            if( oSRS.GetAuthorityName( "GEOGCS|DATUM" ) != NULL
                && EQUAL(oSRS.GetAuthorityName( "GEOGCS|DATUM" ),"EPSG") )
                nDatumCode = atoi(oSRS.GetAuthorityCode( "GEOGCS|DATUM" ));
            else if ((pszValue = oSRS.GetAttrValue("GEOGCS|DATUM")) != NULL)
                if (strstr(pszValue, "WGS") && strstr(pszValue, "84"))
                    nDatumCode = 6326;

            nUTMZone = oSRS.GetUTMZone(&bNorth);
        if( oSRS.GetAuthorityName( "PROJCS" ) != NULL
            && EQUAL(oSRS.GetAuthorityName( "PROJCS" ),"EPSG") )
            nEPSGCode = atoi(oSRS.GetAuthorityCode( "PROJCS" ));

        if( oSRS.IsGeographic() )
            nExtentUnits = 0;
            double dfLinear = oSRS.GetLinearUnits();

            if( ABS(dfLinear - 0.3048) < 0.0000001 )
                nExtentUnits = 2;
            else if( ABS(dfLinear - CPLAtof(SRS_UL_US_FOOT_CONV)) < 0.00000001 )
                nExtentUnits = 3;
                nExtentUnits = 1;
    if (nDatumCode != -2)
        nExtendedHeaderLen += 26;
    if (nUTMZone != 0)
        nExtendedHeaderLen += 26;
    if (nEPSGCode)
        nExtendedHeaderLen += 26;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create target file                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    CPLString osFilename;
    if (bCompress)
        osFilename = "/vsigzip/";
        osFilename += pszFilename;
        osFilename = pszFilename;
    VSILFILE* fp = VSIFOpenL(osFilename.c_str(), "wb");
    if (fp == NULL)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                  "Cannot create %s", pszFilename );
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write header                                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    VSIFWriteL("HF2\0", 4, 1, fp);
    WriteShort(fp, 0);
    WriteInt(fp, nXSize);
    WriteInt(fp, nYSize);
    WriteShort(fp, (GInt16) nTileSize);
    WriteFloat(fp, fVertPres);
    float fHorizScale = (float) ((fabs(adfGeoTransform[1]) + fabs(adfGeoTransform[5])) / 2);
    WriteFloat(fp, fHorizScale);
    WriteInt(fp, nExtendedHeaderLen);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write extended header                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    char szBlockName[16 + 1];
    if (bHasGeoTransform)
        VSIFWriteL("bin\0", 4, 1, fp);
        memset(szBlockName, 0, 16 + 1);
        strcpy(szBlockName, "georef-extents");
        VSIFWriteL(szBlockName, 16, 1, fp);
        WriteInt(fp, 34);
        WriteShort(fp, (GInt16) nExtentUnits);
        WriteDouble(fp, adfGeoTransform[0]);
        WriteDouble(fp, adfGeoTransform[0] + nXSize * adfGeoTransform[1]);
        WriteDouble(fp, adfGeoTransform[3] + nYSize * adfGeoTransform[5]);
        WriteDouble(fp, adfGeoTransform[3]);
    if (nUTMZone != 0)
        VSIFWriteL("bin\0", 4, 1, fp);
        memset(szBlockName, 0, 16 + 1);
        strcpy(szBlockName, "georef-utm");
        VSIFWriteL(szBlockName, 16, 1, fp);
        WriteInt(fp, 2);
        WriteShort(fp, (GInt16) ((bNorth) ? nUTMZone : -nUTMZone));
    if (nDatumCode != -2)
        VSIFWriteL("bin\0", 4, 1, fp);
        memset(szBlockName, 0, 16 + 1);
        strcpy(szBlockName, "georef-datum");
        VSIFWriteL(szBlockName, 16, 1, fp);
        WriteInt(fp, 2);
        WriteShort(fp, (GInt16) nDatumCode);
    if (nEPSGCode != 0)
        VSIFWriteL("bin\0", 4, 1, fp);
        memset(szBlockName, 0, 16 + 1);
        strcpy(szBlockName, "georef-epsg-prj");
        VSIFWriteL(szBlockName, 16, 1, fp);
        WriteInt(fp, 2);
        WriteShort(fp, (GInt16) nEPSGCode);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Copy imagery                                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nXBlocks = (nXSize + nTileSize - 1) / nTileSize;
    int nYBlocks = (nYSize + nTileSize - 1) / nTileSize;

    void* pTileBuffer = (void*) VSIMalloc(nTileSize * nTileSize * (GDALGetDataTypeSize(eReqDT) / 8));
    if (pTileBuffer == NULL)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory, "Out of memory");
        return NULL;

    int i, j, k, l;
    CPLErr eErr = CE_None;
    for(j=0;j<nYBlocks && eErr == CE_None;j++)
        for(i=0;i<nXBlocks && eErr == CE_None;i++)
            int nReqXSize = MIN(nTileSize, nXSize - i * nTileSize);
            int nReqYSize = MIN(nTileSize, nYSize - j * nTileSize);
            eErr = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1)->RasterIO(GF_Read,
                                                i * nTileSize, MAX(0, nYSize - (j + 1) * nTileSize),
                                                nReqXSize, nReqYSize,
                                                pTileBuffer, nReqXSize, nReqYSize,
                                                eReqDT, 0, 0, NULL);
            if (eErr != CE_None)

            if (eReqDT == GDT_Int16)
                WriteFloat(fp, 1); /* scale */
                WriteFloat(fp, 0); /* offset */
                    int nLastVal = ((short*)pTileBuffer)[(nReqYSize - k - 1) * nReqXSize + 0];
                    GByte nWordSize = 1;
                        int nVal = ((short*)pTileBuffer)[(nReqYSize - k - 1) * nReqXSize + l];
                        int nDiff = nVal - nLastVal;
                        if (nDiff < -32768 || nDiff > 32767)
                            nWordSize = 4;
                        if (nDiff < -128 || nDiff > 127)
                            nWordSize = 2;
                        nLastVal = nVal;

                    VSIFWriteL(&nWordSize, 1, 1, fp);
                    nLastVal = ((short*)pTileBuffer)[(nReqYSize - k - 1) * nReqXSize + 0];
                    WriteInt(fp, nLastVal);
                        int nVal = ((short*)pTileBuffer)[(nReqYSize - k - 1) * nReqXSize + l];
                        int nDiff = nVal - nLastVal;
                        if (nWordSize == 1)
                            CPLAssert(nDiff >= -128 && nDiff <= 127);
                            signed char chDiff = (signed char)nDiff;
                            VSIFWriteL(&chDiff, 1, 1, fp);
                        else if (nWordSize == 2)
                            CPLAssert(nDiff >= -32768 && nDiff <= 32767);
                            WriteShort(fp, (short)nDiff);
                            WriteInt(fp, nDiff);
                        nLastVal = nVal;
                float fMinVal = ((float*)pTileBuffer)[0];
                float fMaxVal = fMinVal;
                    float fVal = ((float*)pTileBuffer)[k];
                    if (fVal < fMinVal) fMinVal = fVal;
                    if (fVal > fMaxVal) fMaxVal = fVal;

                float fIntRange = (fMaxVal - fMinVal) / fVertPres;
                float fScale = (fMinVal == fMaxVal) ? 1 : (fMaxVal - fMinVal) / fIntRange;
                float fOffset = fMinVal;
                WriteFloat(fp, fScale); /* scale */
                WriteFloat(fp, fOffset); /* offset */
                    float fLastVal = ((float*)pTileBuffer)[(nReqYSize - k - 1) * nReqXSize + 0];
                    float fIntLastVal = (fLastVal - fOffset) / fScale;
                    CPLAssert(fIntLastVal >= -2147483648.0f && fIntLastVal <= 2147483647.0f);
                    int nLastVal = (int)fIntLastVal;
                    GByte nWordSize = 1;
                        float fVal = ((float*)pTileBuffer)[(nReqYSize - k - 1) * nReqXSize + l];
                        float fIntVal = (fVal - fOffset) / fScale;
                        CPLAssert(fIntVal >= -2147483648.0f && fIntVal <= 2147483647.0f);
                        int nVal = (int)fIntVal;
                        int nDiff = nVal - nLastVal;
                        CPLAssert((int)((GIntBig)nVal - nLastVal) == nDiff);
                        if (nDiff < -32768 || nDiff > 32767)
                            nWordSize = 4;
                        if (nDiff < -128 || nDiff > 127)
                            nWordSize = 2;
                        nLastVal = nVal;

                    VSIFWriteL(&nWordSize, 1, 1, fp);
                    fLastVal = ((float*)pTileBuffer)[(nReqYSize - k - 1) * nReqXSize + 0];
                    fIntLastVal = (fLastVal - fOffset) / fScale;
                    nLastVal = (int)fIntLastVal;
                    WriteInt(fp, nLastVal);
                        float fVal = ((float*)pTileBuffer)[(nReqYSize - k - 1) * nReqXSize + l];
                        float fIntVal = (fVal - fOffset) / fScale;
                        int nVal = (int)fIntVal;
                        int nDiff = nVal - nLastVal;
                        CPLAssert((int)((GIntBig)nVal - nLastVal) == nDiff);
                        if (nWordSize == 1)
                            CPLAssert(nDiff >= -128 && nDiff <= 127);
                            signed char chDiff = (signed char)nDiff;
                            VSIFWriteL(&chDiff, 1, 1, fp);
                        else if (nWordSize == 2)
                            CPLAssert(nDiff >= -32768 && nDiff <= 32767);
                            WriteShort(fp, (short)nDiff);
                            WriteInt(fp, nDiff);
                        nLastVal = nVal;

            if( pfnProgress && !pfnProgress( (j * nXBlocks + i + 1) * 1.0 / (nXBlocks * nYBlocks), NULL, pProgressData ) )
                eErr = CE_Failure;



    if (eErr != CE_None)
        return NULL;

    return (GDALDataset*) GDALOpen(osFilename.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly);
OGRErr OGRPGDumpLayer::CreateGeomField( OGRGeomFieldDefn *poGeomFieldIn,
                                        CPL_UNUSED int bApproxOK )
    OGRwkbGeometryType eType = poGeomFieldIn->GetType();
    if( eType == wkbNone )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Cannot create geometry field of type wkbNone");
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;

    CPLString               osCommand;
    OGRPGDumpGeomFieldDefn *poGeomField =
        new OGRPGDumpGeomFieldDefn( poGeomFieldIn );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Do we want to "launder" the column names into Postgres          */
    /*      friendly format?                                                */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( bLaunderColumnNames )
        char    *pszSafeName = poDS->LaunderName( poGeomField->GetNameRef() );

        poGeomField->SetName( pszSafeName );
        CPLFree( pszSafeName );

    OGRSpatialReference* poSRS = poGeomField->GetSpatialRef();
    int nSRSId = nUnknownSRSId;
    if( nForcedSRSId != -2 )
        nSRSId = nForcedSRSId;
    else if( poSRS != NULL )
        const char* pszAuthorityName = poSRS->GetAuthorityName(NULL);
        if( pszAuthorityName != NULL && EQUAL( pszAuthorityName, "EPSG" ) )
            /* Assume the EPSG Id is the SRS ID. Might be a wrong guess ! */
            nSRSId = atoi( poSRS->GetAuthorityCode(NULL) );
            const char* pszGeogCSName = poSRS->GetAttrValue("GEOGCS");
            if (pszGeogCSName != NULL && EQUAL(pszGeogCSName, "GCS_WGS_1984"))
                nSRSId = 4326;

    int nDimension = 3;
    if( wkbFlatten(eType) == eType )
        nDimension = 2;
    poGeomField->nSRSId = nSRSId;
    poGeomField->nCoordDimension = nDimension;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Create the new field.                                           */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (bCreateTable)
        const char *pszGeometryType = OGRToOGCGeomType(poGeomField->GetType());
            "SELECT AddGeometryColumn(%s,%s,%s,%d,'%s',%d)",
            nSRSId, pszGeometryType, nDimension );


        if( bCreateSpatialIndexFlag )
            osCommand.Printf("CREATE INDEX %s ON %s USING GIST (%s)",
                                 CPLSPrintf("%s_%s_geom_idx", GetName(), poGeomField->GetNameRef())).c_str(),


    poFeatureDefn->AddGeomFieldDefn( poGeomField, FALSE );

    return OGRERR_NONE;
Beispiel #4
GDALJP2Box *GDALJP2Metadata::CreateGMLJP2( int nXSize, int nYSize )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      This is a backdoor to let us embed a literal gmljp2 chunk       */
/*      supplied by the user as an external file.  This is mostly       */
/*      for preparing test files with exotic contents.                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( CPLGetConfigOption( "GMLJP2OVERRIDE", NULL ) != NULL )
        VSILFILE *fp = VSIFOpenL( CPLGetConfigOption( "GMLJP2OVERRIDE",""), "r" );
        char *pszGML = NULL;

        if( fp == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                      "Unable to open GMLJP2OVERRIDE file." );
            return NULL;
        VSIFSeekL( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
        int nLength = (int) VSIFTellL( fp );
        pszGML = (char *) CPLCalloc(1,nLength+1);
        VSIFSeekL( fp, 0, SEEK_SET );
        VSIFReadL( pszGML, 1, nLength, fp );
        VSIFCloseL( fp );

        GDALJP2Box *apoGMLBoxes[2];

        apoGMLBoxes[0] = GDALJP2Box::CreateLblBox( "" );
        apoGMLBoxes[1] = 
            GDALJP2Box::CreateLabelledXMLAssoc( "gml.root-instance", 
                                                pszGML );

        GDALJP2Box *poGMLData = GDALJP2Box::CreateAsocBox( 2, apoGMLBoxes);
        delete apoGMLBoxes[0];
        delete apoGMLBoxes[1];

        CPLFree( pszGML );
        return poGMLData;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try do determine a PCS or GCS code we can use.                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    OGRSpatialReference oSRS;
    char *pszWKTCopy = (char *) pszProjection;
    int nEPSGCode = 0;
    char szSRSName[100];
    int  bNeedAxisFlip = FALSE;

    if( oSRS.importFromWkt( &pszWKTCopy ) != OGRERR_NONE )
        return NULL;

    if( oSRS.IsProjected() )
        const char *pszAuthName = oSRS.GetAuthorityName( "PROJCS" );

        if( pszAuthName != NULL && EQUAL(pszAuthName,"epsg") )
            nEPSGCode = atoi(oSRS.GetAuthorityCode( "PROJCS" ));
    else if( oSRS.IsGeographic() )
        const char *pszAuthName = oSRS.GetAuthorityName( "GEOGCS" );

        if( pszAuthName != NULL && EQUAL(pszAuthName,"epsg") )
            nEPSGCode = atoi(oSRS.GetAuthorityCode( "GEOGCS" ));
            bNeedAxisFlip = TRUE;

    if( nEPSGCode != 0 )
        sprintf( szSRSName, "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::%d", nEPSGCode );
        strcpy( szSRSName, 
                "gmljp2://xml/CRSDictionary.gml#ogrcrs1" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Prepare coverage origin and offset vectors.  Take axis          */
/*      order into account if needed.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    double adfOrigin[2];
    double adfXVector[2];
    double adfYVector[2];
    adfOrigin[0] = adfGeoTransform[0] + adfGeoTransform[1] * 0.5
        + adfGeoTransform[4] * 0.5;
    adfOrigin[1] = adfGeoTransform[3] + adfGeoTransform[2] * 0.5
        + adfGeoTransform[5] * 0.5;
    adfXVector[0] = adfGeoTransform[1];
    adfXVector[1] = adfGeoTransform[2];
    adfYVector[0] = adfGeoTransform[4];
    adfYVector[1] = adfGeoTransform[5];
    if( bNeedAxisFlip
        && CSLTestBoolean( CPLGetConfigOption( "GDAL_IGNORE_AXIS_ORIENTATION",
                                               "FALSE" ) ) )
        bNeedAxisFlip = FALSE;
        CPLDebug( "GMLJP2", "Supressed axis flipping on write based on GDAL_IGNORE_AXIS_ORIENTATION." );

    if( bNeedAxisFlip )
        double dfTemp;
        CPLDebug( "GMLJP2", "Flipping GML coverage axis order." );
        dfTemp = adfOrigin[0];
        adfOrigin[0] = adfOrigin[1];
        adfOrigin[1] = dfTemp;

        dfTemp = adfXVector[0];
        adfXVector[0] = adfXVector[1];
        adfXVector[1] = dfTemp;

        dfTemp = adfYVector[0];
        adfYVector[0] = adfYVector[1];
        adfYVector[1] = dfTemp;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      For now we hardcode for a minimal instance format.              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLString osDoc;

"   xmlns:gml=\"\"\n"
"   xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n"
"   xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">\n"
"  <gml:boundedBy>\n"
"    <gml:Null>withheld</gml:Null>\n"
"  </gml:boundedBy>\n"
"  <gml:featureMember>\n"
"    <gml:FeatureCollection>\n"
"      <gml:featureMember>\n"
"        <gml:RectifiedGridCoverage dimension=\"2\" gml:id=\"RGC0001\">\n"
"          <gml:rectifiedGridDomain>\n"
"            <gml:RectifiedGrid dimension=\"2\">\n"
"              <gml:limits>\n"
"                <gml:GridEnvelope>\n"
"                  <gml:low>0 0</gml:low>\n"
"                  <gml:high>%d %d</gml:high>\n"
"                </gml:GridEnvelope>\n"
"              </gml:limits>\n"
"              <gml:axisName>x</gml:axisName>\n"
"              <gml:axisName>y</gml:axisName>\n"
"              <gml:origin>\n"
"                <gml:Point gml:id=\"P0001\" srsName=\"%s\">\n"
"                  <gml:pos>%.15g %.15g</gml:pos>\n"
"                </gml:Point>\n"
"              </gml:origin>\n"
"              <gml:offsetVector srsName=\"%s\">%.15g %.15g</gml:offsetVector>\n"
"              <gml:offsetVector srsName=\"%s\">%.15g %.15g</gml:offsetVector>\n"
"            </gml:RectifiedGrid>\n"
"          </gml:rectifiedGridDomain>\n"
"          <gml:rangeSet>\n"
"            <gml:File>\n"
"              <gml:fileName>gmljp2://codestream/0</gml:fileName>\n"
"              <gml:fileStructure>Record Interleaved</gml:fileStructure>\n"
"            </gml:File>\n"
"          </gml:rangeSet>\n"
"        </gml:RectifiedGridCoverage>\n"
"      </gml:featureMember>\n"
"    </gml:FeatureCollection>\n"
"  </gml:featureMember>\n"
             nXSize-1, nYSize-1, szSRSName, adfOrigin[0], adfOrigin[1],
             szSRSName, adfXVector[0], adfXVector[1], 
             szSRSName, adfYVector[0], adfYVector[1] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If we need a user defined CRSDictionary entry, prepare it       */
/*      here.                                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLString osDictBox;

    if( nEPSGCode == 0 )
        char *pszGMLDef = NULL;

        if( oSRS.exportToXML( &pszGMLDef, NULL ) == OGRERR_NONE )
"<gml:Dictionary gml:id=\"CRSU1\" \n"
"        xmlns:gml=\"\"\n"
"        xmlns:xlink=\"\"\n"
"        xmlns:xsi=\"\">\n"
"  <gml:dictionaryEntry>\n"
"  </gml:dictionaryEntry>\n"
                     pszGMLDef );
        CPLFree( pszGMLDef );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup the label.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALJP2Box *apoGMLBoxes[5];
    int nGMLBoxes = 0;

    apoGMLBoxes[nGMLBoxes++] = GDALJP2Box::CreateLblBox( "" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup gml.root-instance.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    apoGMLBoxes[nGMLBoxes++] = 
        GDALJP2Box::CreateLabelledXMLAssoc( "gml.root-instance", osDoc );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add optional dictionary.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( strlen(osDictBox) > 0 )
        apoGMLBoxes[nGMLBoxes++] = 
            GDALJP2Box::CreateLabelledXMLAssoc( "CRSDictionary.gml",
                                                osDictBox );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Bundle boxes into an association.                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALJP2Box *poGMLData = GDALJP2Box::CreateAsocBox( nGMLBoxes, apoGMLBoxes);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup working boxes.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    while( nGMLBoxes > 0 )
        delete apoGMLBoxes[--nGMLBoxes];

    return poGMLData;
int OGRGeoPackageDataSource::GetSrsId(const OGRSpatialReference * cpoSRS)
    char *pszWKT = NULL;
    char *pszSQL = NULL;
    const char* pszAuthorityName;
    int nAuthorityCode = 0;
    OGRErr err;
    OGRBoolean bCanUseAuthorityCode = FALSE;

    if( cpoSRS == NULL )
        return UNDEFINED_SRID;

    OGRSpatialReference *poSRS = cpoSRS->Clone();

    pszAuthorityName = poSRS->GetAuthorityName(NULL);

    if ( pszAuthorityName == NULL || strlen(pszAuthorityName) == 0 )
        // Try to force identify an EPSG code                                    

        pszAuthorityName = poSRS->GetAuthorityName(NULL);
        if (pszAuthorityName != NULL && EQUAL(pszAuthorityName, "EPSG"))
            const char* pszAuthorityCode = poSRS->GetAuthorityCode(NULL);
            if ( pszAuthorityCode != NULL && strlen(pszAuthorityCode) > 0 )
                /* Import 'clean' SRS */
                poSRS->importFromEPSG( atoi(pszAuthorityCode) );

                pszAuthorityName = poSRS->GetAuthorityName(NULL);
    // Check whether the EPSG authority code is already mapped to a
    // SRS ID.                                                         
    if ( pszAuthorityName != NULL && strlen(pszAuthorityName) > 0 )
        // For the root authority name 'EPSG', the authority code
        // should always be integral
        nAuthorityCode = atoi( poSRS->GetAuthorityCode(NULL) );

        pszSQL = sqlite3_mprintf(
                         "SELECT srs_id FROM gpkg_spatial_ref_sys WHERE "
                         "upper(organization) = upper('%q') AND organization_coordsys_id = %d",
                         pszAuthorityName, nAuthorityCode );
        nSRSId = SQLGetInteger(m_poDb, pszSQL, &err);
        // Got a match? Return it!
        if ( OGRERR_NONE == err )
            delete poSRS;
            return nSRSId;
        // No match, but maybe we can use the nAuthorityCode as the nSRSId?
        pszSQL = sqlite3_mprintf(
                         "SELECT Count(*) FROM gpkg_spatial_ref_sys WHERE "
                         "srs_id = %d", nAuthorityCode );
        // Yep, we can!
        if ( ! SQLGetInteger(m_poDb, pszSQL, &err) && err == OGRERR_NONE )
            bCanUseAuthorityCode = TRUE;

    // Translate SRS to WKT.                                           
    if( poSRS->exportToWkt( &pszWKT ) != OGRERR_NONE )
        delete poSRS;
        return UNDEFINED_SRID;

    // Reuse the authority code number as SRS_ID if we can
    if ( bCanUseAuthorityCode )
        nSRSId = nAuthorityCode;
    // Otherwise, generate a new SRS_ID number (max + 1)
        // Get the current maximum srid in the srs table.                  
        int nMaxSRSId = SQLGetInteger(m_poDb, "SELECT MAX(srs_id) FROM gpkg_spatial_ref_sys", &err);
        if ( OGRERR_NONE != err )
            delete poSRS;
            return UNDEFINED_SRID;        

        nSRSId = nMaxSRSId + 1;
    // Add new SRS row to gpkg_spatial_ref_sys
    if( pszAuthorityName != NULL && nAuthorityCode > 0 )
        pszSQL = sqlite3_mprintf(
                 "INSERT INTO gpkg_spatial_ref_sys "
                 "(srs_name,srs_id,organization,organization_coordsys_id,definition) "
                 "VALUES ('%s', %d, upper('%s'), %d, '%q')",
                 GetSrsName(poSRS), nSRSId, pszAuthorityName, nAuthorityCode, pszWKT
        pszSQL = sqlite3_mprintf(
                 "INSERT INTO gpkg_spatial_ref_sys "
                 "(srs_name,srs_id,organization,organization_coordsys_id,definition) "
                 "VALUES ('%s', %d, upper('%s'), %d, '%q')",
                 GetSrsName(poSRS), nSRSId, "NONE", nSRSId, pszWKT

    // Add new row to gpkg_spatial_ref_sys
    err = SQLCommand(m_poDb, pszSQL);

    // Free everything that was allocated.
    delete poSRS;
    return nSRSId;
static OGRErr importGeogCSFromXML(OGRSpatialReference *poSRS,
                                  CPLXMLNode *psCRS)

    const char *pszGeogName, *pszDatumName, *pszEllipsoidName, *pszPMName;
    double     dfSemiMajor, dfInvFlattening, dfPMOffset = 0.0;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set the GEOGCS name from the srsName.                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszGeogName =
        CPLGetXMLValue(psCRS, "srsName", "Unnamed GeogCS");

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If we don't seem to have a detailed coordinate system           */
/*      definition, check if we can define based on an EPSG code.       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psDatum;

    psDatum = CPLGetXMLNode(psCRS, "usesGeodeticDatum.GeodeticDatum");

    if (psDatum == NULL)
        OGRSpatialReference oIdSRS;

        importXMLAuthority(psCRS, &oIdSRS, "srsID", "LOCAL_CS");

        if (oIdSRS.GetAuthorityCode("LOCAL_CS") != NULL
            && oIdSRS.GetAuthorityName("LOCAL_CS") != NULL
            && EQUAL(oIdSRS.GetAuthorityName("LOCAL_CS"), "EPSG"))
            return poSRS->importFromEPSG(

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get datum name.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszDatumName =
        CPLGetXMLValue(psDatum, "datumName", "Unnamed Datum");

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get ellipsoid information.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psE;

    psE              = CPLGetXMLNode(psDatum, "usesEllipsoid.Ellipsoid");
    pszEllipsoidName =
        CPLGetXMLValue(psE, "ellipsoidName", "Unnamed Ellipsoid");

    dfSemiMajor = getNormalizedValue(psE, "semiMajorAxis", "Linear",

    dfInvFlattening =
        getNormalizedValue(psE, "secondDefiningParameter.inverseFlattening",
                           "Unitless", 0.0);

    if (dfInvFlattening == 0.0)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Ellipsoid inverseFlattening corrupt or missing.");
        return OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get the prime meridian.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psPM;

    psPM = CPLGetXMLNode(psDatum, "usesPrimeMeridian.PrimeMeridian");
    if (psPM == NULL)
        pszPMName  = "Greenwich";
        dfPMOffset = 0.0;
        pszPMName = CPLGetXMLValue(psPM, "meridianName",
                                   "Unnamed Prime Meridian");
        dfPMOffset =
            getNormalizedValue(psPM, "greenwichLongitude.angle",
                               "Angular", 0.0);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set the geographic definition.                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poSRS->SetGeogCS(pszGeogName, pszDatumName,
                     pszEllipsoidName, dfSemiMajor, dfInvFlattening,
                     pszPMName, dfPMOffset);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Look for angular units.  We don't check that all axes match     */
/*      at this time.                                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifdef notdef
    CPLXMLNode *psAxis;

    psAxis = CPLGetXMLNode(psGeo2DCRS,
    importXMLUnits(psAxis, "AngularUnit", poSRS, "GEOGCS");

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Can we set authorities for any of the levels?                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    importXMLAuthority(psCRS, poSRS, "srsID", "GEOGCS");
    importXMLAuthority(psDatum, poSRS, "datumID", "GEOGCS|DATUM");
    importXMLAuthority(psE, poSRS, "ellipsoidID",
    importXMLAuthority(psDatum, poSRS,


    return OGRERR_NONE;
Beispiel #7
OGRSpatialReference *OGRMySQLDataSource::FetchSRS( int nId )
    if( nId < 0 )
        return nullptr;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      First, we look through our SRID cache, is it there?             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( int i = 0; i < nKnownSRID; i++ )
        if( panSRID[i] == nId )
            return papoSRS[i];

    OGRSpatialReference *poSRS = nullptr;

    // make sure to attempt to free any old results
    MYSQL_RES *hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() );
    if( hResult != nullptr )
        mysql_free_result( hResult );
    hResult = nullptr;

    char szCommand[128] = {};
    if( GetMajorVersion() < 8 || IsMariaDB() )
        snprintf( szCommand, sizeof(szCommand),
                "SELECT srtext FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srid = %d",
                nId );
        snprintf( szCommand, sizeof(szCommand),
                nId );

    if( !mysql_query( GetConn(), szCommand ) )
        hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() );

    char  *pszWKT = nullptr;
    char **papszRow = nullptr;

    if( hResult != nullptr )
        papszRow = mysql_fetch_row( hResult );

    if( papszRow != nullptr && papszRow[0] != nullptr )
        pszWKT = CPLStrdup(papszRow[0]);

    if( hResult != nullptr )
        mysql_free_result( hResult );
    hResult = nullptr;

    poSRS = new OGRSpatialReference();
    if( pszWKT == nullptr || poSRS->importFromWkt( pszWKT ) != OGRERR_NONE )
        delete poSRS;
        poSRS = nullptr;


    if( poSRS )
        // The WKT found in MySQL 8 ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEMS is not
        // compatible of what GDAL understands.
        const char* pszAuthorityName = poSRS->GetAuthorityName(nullptr);
        const char* pszAuthorityCode = poSRS->GetAuthorityCode(nullptr);
        if (pszAuthorityName != nullptr && EQUAL(pszAuthorityName, "EPSG") &&
            pszAuthorityCode != nullptr && strlen(pszAuthorityCode) > 0 )
            /* Import 'clean' SRS */
            poSRS->importFromEPSG( atoi(pszAuthorityCode) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add to the cache.                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    panSRID = (int *) CPLRealloc(panSRID,sizeof(int) * (nKnownSRID+1) );
    papoSRS = (OGRSpatialReference **)
        CPLRealloc(papoSRS, sizeof(void*) * (nKnownSRID + 1) );
    panSRID[nKnownSRID] = nId;
    papoSRS[nKnownSRID] = poSRS;
    nKnownSRID ++;

    return poSRS;