Beispiel #1
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Test output stream
// -------------------------------------------------------
TEST(MemStreamTest, OutputStream) {
  OMemStream ms;
  std::stringstream ss;

  for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
    ms << i << " ";
    ss << i << " ";

  const char *dataP = ms.str();
  size_t size = ms.pcount();
  std::string msStr(dataP, size);
  std::string ssStr = ss.str();
  ASSERT_EQ(msStr, ssStr) << "out data";
  ASSERT_EQ(ms.eof(), ss.eof()) << "out eof";
  ASSERT_EQ(, << "out fail";
void RandomTest::RunTests()
  UInt32 r1, r2, r3;
  // make sure the global instance is seeded from time()
  // in the test situation, we can be sure we were seeded less than 100000 seconds ago
  // make sure random number system is initialized by creating a random
  // object. Use the object to make sure the compiler doesn't complain about
  // an unused variable
  Random r;
  UInt64 x = r.getUInt64();
  TEST(x != 0);

  Random rWithSeed(148);
  for (auto & elem : expected)
    r2 = rWithSeed.getUInt32();
    r3 = myrandom();
    // Uncomment to generate expected values
    // NTA_DEBUG << "expected[" << i << "] = " << r1 << ";";
    if ((r2 != r3) || (r3 != elem))
      // only create a test result if we get a failure. Otherwise we
      // end up creating and saving a lot of unnecessary test results.
      TESTEQUAL(r2, r3);

  if (r2 == r3)
    // create one positive test result if everything is good
  TESTEQUAL(148U, rWithSeed.getSeed());

    // same test, different seed
    Random r(98765);
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
      r1 = r.getUInt32();
      r2 = myrandom();
      if (r1 != r2)
        TESTEQUAL(r1, r2);
    if (r1 == r2)
      // create one positive test result if everything is good
    TESTEQUAL(98765U, r.getSeed());

    // test copy constructor.
    Random r1(289436);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    Random r2(r1);

    UInt32 v1, v2;
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
      v1 = r1.getUInt32();
      v2 = r2.getUInt32();
      if (v1 != v2)
    TEST2("copy constructor", v1 == v2);

    // test operator=
    Random r1(289436);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    Random r2(86726008);
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)

    r2 = r1;
    UInt32 v1, v2;
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
      v1 = r1.getUInt32();
      v2 = r2.getUInt32();
      if (v1 != v2)
    TEST2("operator=", v1 == v2);

    // test serialization/deserialization
    Random r1(862973);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)

    // serialize
    OMemStream ostream;
    ostream << r1;

    // print out serialization for debugging
    std::string x(ostream.str(), ostream.pcount());
    NTA_INFO << "random serialize string: '" << x << "'";
    // Serialization should be deterministic and platform independent
    std::string expectedString = "random-v1 862973 randomimpl-v1 31 1624753037 2009419031 633377166 -1574892086 1144529851 1406716263 1553314465 1423305391 27869257 -777179591 -476654188 -1158534456 1569565720 -1530107687 -689150702 2101555921 1535380948 1896399958 -452440042 1943129361 -1905643199 -1174375166 2019813130 -1490833398 1624596014 -694914945 517970867 1155092552 -244858627 -823365838 -938489650 7 10 endrandom-v1";
    TESTEQUAL(expectedString, x);

    // deserialize into r2
    std::string s(ostream.str(), ostream.pcount());
    std::stringstream ss(s);
    Random r2;
    ss >> r2;

    // r1 and r2 should be identical
    TESTEQUAL(r1.getSeed(), r2.getSeed());

    UInt32 v1, v2;
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
      v1 = r1.getUInt32();
      v2 = r2.getUInt32();
      NTA_CHECK(v1 == v2);
    TESTEQUAL2("serialization", v1, v2);

    // make sure that we are returning values in the correct range
    // @todo perform statistical tests
    Random r;
    UInt32 seed = r.getSeed();
    TEST2("seed not zero", seed != 0);
    int i;
    UInt32 max32 = 10000000;
    UInt64 max64 = (UInt64)max32 * (UInt64)max32;
    for (i = 0; i < 200; i++)
      UInt32 i32 = r.getUInt32(max32);
      TEST2("UInt32",  i32 < max32);
      UInt64 i64 = r.getUInt64(max64);
      TEST2("UInt64",  i64 < max64);
      Real64 r64 = r.getReal64();
      TEST2("Real64", r64 >= 0.0 && r64 < 1.0);

    // tests for sampling

    UInt32 population[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    Random r(42);

      // choose 0 elements
      UInt32 choices[0];
      r.sample(population, 4, choices, 0);

      // choose some elements
      UInt32 choices[2];
      r.sample(population, 4, choices, 2);
      TESTEQUAL2("check element 0", 2, choices[0]);
      TESTEQUAL2("check element 1", 4, choices[1]);

      // choose all elements
      UInt32 choices[4];
      r.sample(population, 4, choices, 4);
      TESTEQUAL2("check element 0", 1, choices[0]);
      TESTEQUAL2("check element 1", 2, choices[1]);
      TESTEQUAL2("check element 2", 3, choices[2]);
      TESTEQUAL2("check element 3", 4, choices[3]);

      // nChoices > nPopulation
      UInt32 choices[5];
      bool caught = false;
        r.sample(population, 4, choices, 5);
      catch (LoggingException& exc)
        caught = true;
      TEST2("checking for exception from population too small", caught);

    // tests for shuffling
    Random r(42);
    UInt32 arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};

    UInt32* start = arr;
    UInt32* end = start + 4;
    r.shuffle(start, end);

    TESTEQUAL2("check element 0", 3, arr[0]);
    TESTEQUAL2("check element 1", 2, arr[1]);
    TESTEQUAL2("check element 2", 4, arr[2]);
    TESTEQUAL2("check element 3", 1, arr[3]);

    // tests for Cap'n Proto serialization
    Random r1, r2;
    UInt32 v1, v2;

    const char* outputPath = "RandomTest1.temp";

      std::ofstream out(outputPath);
      std::ifstream in(outputPath);;
    v1 = r1.getUInt32();
    v2 = r2.getUInt32();
    TESTEQUAL2("check serialization for unused Random object", v1, v2);

      std::ofstream out(outputPath);
      std::ifstream in(outputPath);;
    v1 = r1.getUInt32();
    v2 = r2.getUInt32();
    TESTEQUAL2("check serialization for used Random object", v1, v2);

    // clean up

Beispiel #3
  void MemStreamTest::RunTests() 
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // Test input stream
    // -------------------------------------------------------
      std::string test("hi there");  
      IMemStream ms((char*)(, test.size());
      std::stringstream ss(test);
      for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
        std::string s1, s2;
        ms >> s1;
        ss >> s2;
        TESTEQUAL2("in", s2, s1);
        TESTEQUAL2("in fail",,;
        TESTEQUAL2("in eof", ss.eof(), ms.eof());

      // Test changing the buffer 
      std::string test2("bye now");  
      ms.str((char*)(, test2.size());
      std::stringstream ss2(test2);
      for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
        std::string s1, s2;
        ms >> s1;
        ss2 >> s2;
        TESTEQUAL2("in2", s2, s1);
        TESTEQUAL2("in2 fail",,;
        TESTEQUAL2("in2 eof", ss2.eof(), ms.eof());

    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // Test setting the buffer on a default input stream
    // -------------------------------------------------------
      std::string test("third test");  
      IMemStream ms;
      ms.str((char*)(, test.size());
      std::stringstream ss(test);
      for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
        std::string s1, s2;
        ms >> s1;
        ss >> s2;
        TESTEQUAL2("in2", s2, s1);
        TESTEQUAL2("in2 fail",,;
        TESTEQUAL2("in2 eof", ss.eof(), ms.eof());
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // Test output stream
    // -------------------------------------------------------
      OMemStream ms;
      std::stringstream ss;
      for (int i=0; i<500; i++)
        ms << i << " ";
        ss << i << " ";
      const char* dataP = ms.str();
      size_t size = ms.pcount();
      std::string msStr(dataP, size);
      std::string ssStr = ss.str();
      TESTEQUAL2("out data", msStr, ssStr);
      TESTEQUAL2("out eof", ms.eof(), ss.eof());
      TESTEQUAL2("out fail",,;
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // Test memory limits
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // Set max at 0x10000000 for day to day testing so that test doesn't take too long.
    // To determine the actual memory limits, change this max to something very large and
    // see where we break. 
    size_t max = 0x10000000L;
    size_t sizeLimit = memLimitsTest(max);
    TESTEQUAL2("maximum stream size", sizeLimit >= max, true);  