Beispiel #1
void retrieve(OSCommandLine *oscommandline, OSnl2OS *nl2OS)
    FileUtil *fileUtil = NULL;
    fileUtil = new FileUtil();
    std::string osrl = "";
    OSSolverAgent* osagent = NULL;

        if (oscommandline->serviceLocation != "")
            if (!nl2OS->readNl(oscommandline->nlFile))
                throw ErrorClass("Error reading .nl file.");

            osagent = new OSSolverAgent(oscommandline->serviceLocation);

            if (oscommandline->osol == "")
                // we need to construct the OSoL
                OSOption *osOption = NULL;
                osOption = new OSOption();
                // get a jobId if necessary
                if (oscommandline->jobID == "") throw ErrorClass("there is no JobID");
                //set the jobID
                osOption->setJobID( oscommandline->jobID);
                // now read the osOption object into a string
                OSoLWriter *osolWriter = NULL;
                osolWriter = new OSoLWriter();
                oscommandline->osol = osolWriter->writeOSoL( osOption);
                delete osOption;
                osOption = NULL;
                delete osolWriter;
                osolWriter = NULL;

            osrl = osagent->retrieve(oscommandline->osol);
            reportResults(oscommandline, osrl, nl2OS);
            delete osagent;
            osagent = NULL;
            delete osagent;
            osagent = NULL;
            throw ErrorClass("please specify service location (url)");
        delete fileUtil;
        fileUtil = NULL;
    catch (const ErrorClass& eclass)
        reportErrors(oscommandline, eclass.errormsg, nl2OS);
        if (osagent != NULL)
            delete osagent;
        osagent = NULL;

        delete fileUtil;
        fileUtil = NULL;
}//end retrieve
bool OSServiceMethods::executeServiceMethod(OSCommandLine *oscommandline)
    OSSolverAgent* osagent = NULL;
	 *  The required file conversions are all assumed 
	 *  to have been taken care of in the nonstandard constructor,
	 *  so this wrapper merely directs traffic
		/** the only local service method is solve() */
		if	(oscommandline->serviceLocation == "")
			if (oscommandline->serviceMethod == "solve")
				//resultString = runSolver(oscommandline->solverName, oscommandline->osoption, oscommandline->osinstance);
				int junk;
				throw ErrorClass("No service location (URL) specified. Only \"solve\" is available locally");

		/** Here we have a remote call --- reuse as much code as possible */
            osagent = new OSSolverAgent(oscommandline->serviceLocation);
			if (oscommandline->serviceMethod == "solve")
	            resultString = osagent->solve(oscommandline->osil, oscommandline->osol);
//send --- first check that there is a jobID. If not, get one
			else if (oscommandline->serviceMethod == "send")
                if (oscommandline->osol.find( "<jobID") == std::string::npos)
	                OSoLReader *osolreader = NULL;
		            osolreader = new OSoLReader();
	                OSoLWriter *osolwriter = NULL;
		            osolwriter = new OSoLWriter();

						if (oscommandline->osol != "")
							oscommandline->osoption = osolreader->readOSoL(oscommandline->osol);

						// now write the osOption object into a string
				        oscommandline->osol = osolwriter->writeOSoL(oscommandline->osoption);

		                delete osolreader;
			            osolreader = NULL;
		                delete osolwriter;
			            osolwriter = NULL;
					catch (const ErrorClass& eclass)
						delete osolreader;
			            osolreader = NULL;
		                delete osolwriter;
			            osolwriter = NULL;
						throw ErrorClass(eclass.errormsg);
				bool sendResult;
				sendResult = osagent->send(oscommandline->osil, oscommandline->osol);
				if (sendResult == false)
					throw ErrorClass("send() method failed");
			else if (oscommandline->serviceMethod == "retrieve")
	            if (oscommandline->osol.find( "<jobID") == std::string::npos)
		            throw ErrorClass("there is no JobID to retrieve");
			    resultString = osagent->retrieve(oscommandline->osol);
			else if (oscommandline->serviceMethod == "getJobID")
	            resultString = osagent->getJobID(oscommandline->osol);
			else if (oscommandline->serviceMethod == "knock")
	            resultString = osagent->knock(oscommandline->osplInput, oscommandline->osol);
			else if (oscommandline->serviceMethod == "kill")
	            if (oscommandline->osol.find( "<jobID") == std::string::npos)
		            throw ErrorClass("there is no JobID to kill");
			    resultString = osagent->kill(oscommandline->osol);
		            throw ErrorClass("serviceMethod not recognized");

			delete osagent;
            osagent = NULL;
		return true;
    catch (const ErrorClass& eclass)
        OSResult *osresult = NULL;
        OSrLWriter *osrlwriter = NULL;
        osrlwriter = new OSrLWriter();
        osresult = new OSResult();
        resultString = osrlwriter->writeOSrL(osresult);
        //catch garbage collection
        delete osresult;
        osresult = NULL;
        delete osrlwriter;
        osrlwriter = NULL;

		if (osagent != NULL) delete osagent;
            osagent = NULL;
        return false;