Header::writeTo (OStream &os, bool isTiled) const
    // Write a "magic number" to identify the file as an image file.
    // Write the current file format version number.

    Xdr::write <StreamIO> (os, MAGIC);

    int version = isTiled ? makeTiled (EXR_VERSION) : EXR_VERSION;
    Xdr::write <StreamIO> (os, version);

    // Write all attributes.  If we have a preview image attribute,
    // keep track of its position in the file.

    Int64 previewPosition = 0;

    const Attribute *preview =
        findTypedAttribute <PreviewImageAttribute> ("preview");

    for (ConstIterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i)
        // Write the attribute's name and type.

        Xdr::write <StreamIO> (os,;
        Xdr::write <StreamIO> (os, i.attribute().typeName());

        // Write the size of the attribute value,
        // and the value itself.

        StdOSStream oss;
        i.attribute().writeValueTo (oss, version);

        std::string s = oss.str();
        Xdr::write <StreamIO> (os, (int) s.length());

        if (&i.attribute() == preview)
            previewPosition = os.tellp();

        os.write (, s.length());

    // Write zero-length attribute name to mark the end of the header.

    Xdr::write <StreamIO> (os, "");

    return previewPosition;
Beispiel #2
TileOffsets::writeTo (OStream &os) const
    // Write the tile offset table to the file, and
    // return the position of the start of the table
    // in the file.
    Int64 pos = os.tellp();

    if (pos == -1)
	Iex::throwErrnoExc ("Cannot determine current file position (%T).");

    for (unsigned int l = 0; l < _offsets.size(); ++l)
	for (unsigned int dy = 0; dy < _offsets[l].size(); ++dy)
	    for (unsigned int dx = 0; dx < _offsets[l][dy].size(); ++dx)
		Xdr::write <StreamIO> (os, _offsets[l][dy][dx]);

    return pos;