OTDB::OTPacker * OTASCIIArmor::GetPacker() 
	if (NULL == s_pPacker)
	{ // WARNING: Do not change OTDB_DEFAULT_PACKER below unless you also change SetAndPackData() since it ASSUMES this.
		s_pPacker = OTDB::OTPacker::Create(OTDB_DEFAULT_PACKER); // Protobuf is the only one that works on all platforms right now.
		OT_ASSERT(NULL != s_pPacker);
	return s_pPacker;
Beispiel #2
// currently only "simple" accounts (normal user asset accounts) are added to this list
// Any "special" accounts, such as basket reserve accounts, or voucher reserve accounts,
// or cash reserve accounts, are not included on this list.
bool OTAssetContract::ForEachAccountRecord(OTAcctFunctor & theAction)  // Loops through all the accounts for a given asset type, and calls Functor on each.
    // Load up account list stringmap
    // if success, iterate through map and trigger theAction.
    // loop
    //    theAction.Trigger(theAcct);
    OTString strAssetTypeID, strAcctRecordFile;
    strAcctRecordFile.Format("%s.a", strAssetTypeID.Get());
    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    OTDB::Storable * pStorable = OTDB::QueryObject(OTDB::STORED_OBJ_STRING_MAP, OTFolders::Contract().Get(), strAcctRecordFile.Get());
    OTCleanup<OTDB::Storable> theAngel(pStorable); // It will definitely be cleaned up.
    OTDB::StringMap * pMap = (NULL == pStorable) ? NULL : dynamic_cast<OTDB::StringMap *>(pStorable);
    // --------------------------------------------------------------    
    // There was definitely a StringMap loaded from local storage. 
    // (Even an empty one, possibly.) This is the only block that matters in this function.
    if (NULL != pMap) 
        OTIdentifier * pServerID = theAction.GetServerID();        
        OT_ASSERT_MSG(NULL != pServerID, "Assert: NULL Server ID on functor. (How did you even construct the thing?)");
        // -------------------------------------
        mapOfStrings & theMap = pMap->the_map;
        // todo: optimize: will probably have to use a database for this, int64_t term. 
        // (What if there are a million acct IDs in this flat file? Not scaleable.)
        FOR_EACH(mapOfStrings, theMap) 
            const std::string & str_acct_id  = (*it).first;	 // Containing the account ID.
            const std::string & str_asset_id = (*it).second; // Containing the asset type ID. (Just in case someone copied the wrong file here...)
            // --------------------------------
            if (false == strAssetTypeID.Compare(str_asset_id.c_str()))
                OTLog::vError("OTAssetContract::ForEachAccountRecord: Error: wrong asset type ID (%s) when expecting: %s\n",
                              str_asset_id.c_str(), strAssetTypeID.Get());
                OTAccount * pAccount = NULL;
                OTCleanup<OTAccount> theAcctAngel;
                bool  bAlreadyLoaded = false;
                const OTIdentifier theAccountID(str_acct_id.c_str());
                // Before loading it from local storage, let's first make sure it's not already loaded.
                // (theAction functor has a list of 'already loaded' accounts, just in case.)
                mapOfAccounts * pLoadedAccounts = theAction.GetLoadedAccts();
                if (NULL != pLoadedAccounts) // there are some accounts already loaded, 
                {                            // let's see if the one we're looking for is there...
                    mapOfAccounts::iterator found_it = pLoadedAccounts->find(str_acct_id);
                    if (pLoadedAccounts->end() != found_it) // FOUND IT.
                        bAlreadyLoaded = true;
                        pAccount = (*found_it).second;
                        OT_ASSERT(NULL != pAccount);
                        if (theAccountID != pAccount->GetPurportedAccountID())
                            OTLog::Error("Error: the actual account didn't have the ID that the std::map SAID it had! (Should never happen.)\n");
                            bAlreadyLoaded = false;
                            pAccount       = NULL;
                // ------------------------------------------------
                // I guess it wasn't already loaded...
                // Let's try to load it.
                if (NULL == pAccount)
                    pAccount = OTAccount::LoadExistingAccount(theAccountID, *pServerID);
                // --------------------------------            
                const bool bSuccessLoadingAccount = ((pAccount != NULL) ? true:false );
                if (bSuccessLoadingAccount)
                    const bool bTriggerSuccess = theAction.Trigger(*pAccount);
					if (!bTriggerSuccess) OTLog::vError("%s: Error: Trigger Failed.", __FUNCTION__);
                    OTLog::vError("%s: Error: Failed Loading Account!", __FUNCTION__);
                // --------------------------------            
        } // FOR_EACH
        return true;
    } // if pMap != NULL