Beispiel #1
// OTCron IS responsible for cleaning up theMarket, and takes ownership.
// So make SURE it is allocated on the HEAP before you pass it in here, and
// also make sure to delete it again if this call fails!
bool OTCron::AddMarket(OTMarket & theMarket, bool bSaveMarketFile/*=true*/)
	OT_ASSERT(NULL != GetServerNym());

	theMarket.SetCronPointer(*this); // This way every Market has a pointer to Cron.
	OTIdentifier	MARKET_ID(theMarket);
	std::string		std_MARKET_ID = str_MARKET_ID.Get();
	// See if there's something else already there with the same market ID.
	mapOfMarkets::iterator ii = m_mapMarkets.find(std_MARKET_ID);
	// If it's not already on the list, then add it...
	if ( ii == m_mapMarkets.end() )
		// If I've been instructed to save the market, and Cron did NOT successfully save the market
		//  (to its own file), then return false.  This will happen if filesystem problems.
		if (bSaveMarketFile && !theMarket.SaveMarket())
			OTLog::vError("Error saving market file while adding new Market to Cron:\n%s\n",
			return false;
		m_mapMarkets[std_MARKET_ID] = &theMarket;
		bool bSuccess = true;
		// When Cron serializes, it stores a list of all its markets in the main cron file.
		// The actual markets themselves serialize separately to the market folder.
		if (bSaveMarketFile)	// This executes only the first time that a market is added to Cron. 
			// (versus when it's just being reloaded from file and added back to the internal list.)
			// Since we added a market to the Cron, we SAVE it. 
			bSuccess = SaveCron(); // If we're loading from file, and bSaveMarketFile is false, I don't want to save here. that's why it's in this block.
			if (bSuccess) 
				OTLog::Output(3, "New Market has been added to Cron.\n");
				OTLog::Error("Error saving while adding new Market to Cron.\n");
		return bSuccess; 
	// Otherwise, if it was already there, log an error.
		OTLog::vError("Attempt to add Market that was already there: %s\n", std_MARKET_ID.c_str());
	return false;
Beispiel #2
// return -1 if error, 0 if nothing, and 1 if the node was processed.
int OTCron::ProcessXMLNode(irr::io::IrrXMLReader*& xml)
	OT_ASSERT(NULL != GetServerNym());
	int nReturnVal = 0;
	// Here we call the parent class first.
	// If the node is found there, or there is some error,
	// then we just return either way.  But if it comes back
	// as '0', then nothing happened, and we'll continue executing.
	// -- Note you can choose not to call the parent if
	// you don't want to use any of those xml tags.
	// As I do below, in the case of OTAccount.
	//if (nReturnVal = OTContract::ProcessXMLNode(xml))
	//	return nReturnVal;
	if (!strcmp("cron", xml->getNodeName())) 
		m_strVersion		= xml->getAttributeValue("version");
		// ---------------------
		const OTString	strServerID(xml->getAttributeValue("serverID"));
		// ---------------------
		OTLog::vOutput(0, "\n\nLoading an OTCron object. ServerID:\n%s\n", 
		nReturnVal = 1;
	else if (!strcmp("transactionNum", xml->getNodeName()))
		long lTransactionNum = 0;
		lTransactionNum	= atol(xml->getAttributeValue("value"));
		OTLog::vOutput(1, "Transaction Number %ld available for Cron.\n",
		AddTransactionNumber(lTransactionNum); // This doesn't save to disk. Make sure to save Cron when it changes.

		nReturnVal = 1;
	else if (!strcmp("cronItem", xml->getNodeName())) 
		OTString strData;
		if (!LoadEncodedTextField(xml, strData) || !strData.Exists())
			OTLog::Error("Error in OTCron::ProcessXMLNode: cronItem field without value.\n");
			return (-1); // error condition
			OTCronItem * pItem = OTCronItem::NewCronItem(strData);
			if (NULL == pItem)
				OTLog::Error("Unable to create cron item from data in cron file.\n");
				return (-1);
			if (AddCronItem(*pItem, false))	// bSaveReceipt=false. The receipt is only saved once: When item FIRST added to cron.
			{								// But here, the item was ALREADY in cron, and is merely being loaded from disk. Thus,
				// it would be wrong to try to create the "original record" as if it were brand new
				// and still had the user's signature on it. (Once added to Cron, the signatures are 
				// released and the SERVER signs it from there. That's why the user's version is saved
				// as a receipt in the first place -- so we have a record of the user's authorization.)
				OTLog::Output(2, "Successfully loaded cron item and added to list.\n");
				OTLog::Error("Though loaded successfully, unable to add cron item (from cron file) to cron list.\n");
				delete pItem;
				pItem = NULL;
				return (-1);
		nReturnVal = 1;
	else if (!strcmp("market", xml->getNodeName()))
		const OTString	strMarketID(xml->getAttributeValue("marketID"));
		const OTString	strAssetID(xml->getAttributeValue("assetID"));
		const OTString	strCurrencyID(xml->getAttributeValue("currencyID"));
		const long		lScale = atol(xml->getAttributeValue("marketScale"));
		const OTIdentifier	ASSET_ID(strAssetID), CURRENCY_ID(strCurrencyID);
		OTLog::vOutput(1, "Loaded cron entry for Market:\n%s.\n", strMarketID.Get());
		// LoadMarket() needs this info to do its thing.
		OTMarket * pMarket = new OTMarket(m_SERVER_ID, ASSET_ID, CURRENCY_ID, lScale);
		OT_ASSERT(NULL != pMarket);
		pMarket->SetCronPointer(*this); // This way every Market has a pointer to Cron.

		//	AddMarket normally saves to file, but we don't want that when we're LOADING from file, now do we?
		if (!pMarket->LoadMarket() || !pMarket->VerifySignature(*GetServerNym()) ||
			!AddMarket(*pMarket, false)) // bSaveFile=false: don't save this file WHILE loading it!!! 
			OTLog::Error("Somehow error while loading, verifying, or adding market while loading Cron file.\n");
			delete pMarket; pMarket = NULL;
			return (-1);
			OTLog::Output(1, "Loaded market entry from cronfile, and also loaded the market file itself.\n");
		nReturnVal = 1;
	return nReturnVal;	