bool OTPassword::Compare(OTPassword & rhs) const
    OT_ASSERT(this->isPassword() || this->isMemory());
    OT_ASSERT(rhs.isPassword()   || rhs.isMemory());
    if (this->isPassword() && !rhs.isPassword())
        return false;
    if (this->isMemory() && !rhs.isMemory())
        return false;
    const int nThisSize = this->isPassword() ? this->getPasswordSize() : this->getMemorySize();
    const int nRhsSize  = rhs.isPassword()   ? rhs.getPasswordSize()   : rhs.getMemorySize();
    if (nThisSize != nRhsSize)
        return false;
    if (0 == memcmp(this->isPassword() ? this->getPassword()   : this->getMemory(), 
                    rhs.isPassword()   ? rhs.getPassword()     : rhs.getMemory(), 
                    rhs.isPassword()   ? rhs.getPasswordSize() : rhs.getMemorySize()) )
        return true;
    return false;
Beispiel #2
bool OTPassword::Compare(OTPassword& rhs) const
    OT_ASSERT(isPassword() || isMemory());
    OT_ASSERT(rhs.isPassword() || rhs.isMemory());

    if (isPassword() && !rhs.isPassword()) return false;
    if (isMemory() && !rhs.isMemory()) return false;

    const uint32_t nThisSize =
        isPassword() ? getPasswordSize() : getMemorySize();
    const uint32_t nRhsSize =
        rhs.isPassword() ? rhs.getPasswordSize() : rhs.getMemorySize();

    if (nThisSize != nRhsSize) return false;

    if (0 ==
        memcmp(isPassword() ? getPassword_uint8() : getMemory_uint8(),
               rhs.isPassword() ? rhs.getPassword_uint8()
                                : rhs.getMemory_uint8(),
               rhs.isPassword() ? rhs.getPasswordSize() : rhs.getMemorySize()))
        return true;

    return false;
Beispiel #3
OTPassword::OTPassword(const OTPassword& rhs)
    : size_(0)
    , isText_(rhs.isPassword())
    , isBinary_(rhs.isMemory())
    , isPageLocked_(false)
    , blockSize_(
          rhs.blockSize_) // The buffer has this size+1 as its static size.
    if (isText_) {
        data_[0] = '\0';
        setPassword_uint8(rhs.getPassword_uint8(), rhs.getPasswordSize());
    else if (isBinary_) {
        setMemory(rhs.getMemory_uint8(), rhs.getMemorySize());
OTPassword::OTPassword(const OTPassword & rhs)
:	m_nPasswordSize(0),
    m_theBlockSize(rhs.m_theBlockSize) // The buffer has this size+1 as its static size.
    if (m_bIsText)
        m_szPassword[0] = '\0';
        setPassword_uint8(rhs.getPassword_uint8(), rhs.getPasswordSize());
    else if (m_bIsBinary)
        setMemory(rhs.getMemory_uint8(), rhs.getMemorySize());
Beispiel #5
bool OTEnvelope::Decrypt(String& theOutput, const OTSymmetricKey& theKey,
                         const OTPassword& thePassword)
    const char* szFunc = "OTEnvelope::Decrypt";

        (thePassword.isPassword() && (thePassword.getPasswordSize() > 0)) ||
        (thePassword.isMemory() && (thePassword.getMemorySize() > 0)));

    OTPassword theRawSymmetricKey;

    if (false ==
        theKey.GetRawKeyFromPassphrase(thePassword, theRawSymmetricKey)) {
        otErr << szFunc << ": Failed trying to retrieve raw symmetric key "
                           "using password. (Wrong password?)\n";
        return false;

    uint32_t nRead = 0;
    uint32_t nRunningTotal = 0;

    m_dataContents.reset(); // Reset the fread position on this object to 0.

    // Read the ENVELOPE TYPE (as network order version -- and convert to host
    // version.)
    // 0 == Error
    // 1 == Asymmetric Key  (this function -- Seal / Open)
    // 2 == Symmetric Key   (other functions -- Encrypt / Decrypt use this.)
    // Anything else: error.
    uint16_t env_type_n = 0;

    if (0 == (nRead = m_dataContents.OTfread(
                  static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(env_type_n))))) {
        otErr << szFunc << ": Error reading Envelope Type. Expected "
                           "asymmetric(1) or symmetric (2).\n";
        return false;
    nRunningTotal += nRead;
    OT_ASSERT(nRead == static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(env_type_n)));

    // convert that envelope type from network to HOST endian.
    const uint16_t env_type = ntohs(env_type_n);
    //  nRunningTotal += env_type;    // NOPE! Just because envelope type is 1
    // or 2, doesn't mean we add 1 or 2 extra bytes to the length here. Nope!

    if (2 != env_type) {
        const uint32_t l_env_type = static_cast<uint32_t>(env_type);
        otErr << szFunc << ": Error: Expected Envelope for Symmetric key (type "
                           "2) but instead found type: " << l_env_type << ".\n";
        return false;

    // Read network-order IV size (and convert to host version)
    const uint32_t max_iv_length =
        OTCryptoConfig::SymmetricIvSize(); // I believe this is a max length, so
                                           // it may not match the actual length
                                           // of the IV.

    // Read the IV SIZE (network order version -- convert to host version.)
    uint32_t iv_size_n = 0;

    if (0 == (nRead = m_dataContents.OTfread(
                  static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(iv_size_n))))) {
        otErr << szFunc << ": Error reading IV Size.\n";
        return false;
    nRunningTotal += nRead;
    OT_ASSERT(nRead == static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(iv_size_n)));

    // convert that iv size from network to HOST endian.
    const uint32_t iv_size_host_order = ntohl(iv_size_n);

    if (iv_size_host_order > max_iv_length) {
        otErr << szFunc << ": Error: iv_size ("
              << static_cast<int64_t>(iv_size_host_order)
              << ") is larger than max_iv_length ("
              << static_cast<int64_t>(max_iv_length) << ").\n";
        return false;
    //  nRunningTotal += iv_size_host_order; // Nope!

    // Then read the IV (initialization vector) itself.
    OTData theIV;

    if (0 == (nRead = m_dataContents.OTfread(
                  static_cast<uint32_t>(iv_size_host_order)))) {
        otErr << szFunc << ": Error reading initialization vector.\n";
        return false;
    nRunningTotal += nRead;
    OT_ASSERT(nRead == static_cast<uint32_t>(iv_size_host_order));

    OT_ASSERT(nRead <= max_iv_length);

    // We create an OTData object to store the ciphertext itself, which
    // begins AFTER the end of the IV.
    // So we see pointer + nRunningTotal as the starting point for the
    // ciphertext.
    // the size of the ciphertext, meanwhile, is the size of the entire thing,
    // MINUS nRunningTotal.
    OTData theCipherText(
        static_cast<const void*>(
            static_cast<const uint8_t*>(m_dataContents.GetPointer()) +
        m_dataContents.GetSize() - nRunningTotal);

    // Now we've got all the pieces together, let's try to decrypt it...
    OTData thePlaintext; // for output.

    const bool bDecrypted = OTCrypto::It()->Decrypt(
        theRawSymmetricKey, // The symmetric key, in clear form.
        static_cast<const char*>(
            theCipherText.GetPointer()), // This is the Ciphertext.
        theIV, thePlaintext); // OUTPUT. (Recovered plaintext.) You can pass
                              // OTPassword& OR OTData& here (either will
                              // work.)

    // theOutput is where we'll put the decrypted data.

    if (bDecrypted) {

        // Make sure it's null-terminated...
        uint32_t nIndex = thePlaintext.GetSize() - 1;
            const_cast<void*>(thePlaintext.GetPointer())))[nIndex] = '\0';

        // Set it into theOutput (to return the plaintext to the caller)
        theOutput.Set(static_cast<const char*>(thePlaintext.GetPointer()));

    return bDecrypted;
Beispiel #6
bool OTEnvelope::Encrypt(const String& theInput, OTSymmetricKey& theKey,
                         const OTPassword& thePassword)
        (thePassword.isPassword() && (thePassword.getPasswordSize() > 0)) ||
        (thePassword.isMemory() && (thePassword.getMemorySize() > 0)));

    // Generate a random initialization vector.
    OTData theIV;

    if (!theIV.Randomize(OTCryptoConfig::SymmetricIvSize())) {
        otErr << __FUNCTION__ << ": Failed trying to randomly generate IV.\n";
        return false;

    // If the symmetric key hasn't already been generated, we'll just do that
    // now...
    // (The passphrase is used to derive another key that is used to encrypt the
    // actual symmetric key, and to access it later.)
    if ((false == theKey.IsGenerated()) &&
        (false == theKey.GenerateKey(thePassword))) {
        otErr << __FUNCTION__
              << ": Failed trying to generate symmetric key using password.\n";
        return false;

    if (!theKey.HasHashCheck()) {
        if (!theKey.GenerateHashCheck(thePassword)) {
            otErr << __FUNCTION__
                  << ": Failed trying to generate hash check using password.\n";
            return false;


    OTPassword theRawSymmetricKey;

    if (false ==
        theKey.GetRawKeyFromPassphrase(thePassword, theRawSymmetricKey)) {
        otErr << __FUNCTION__ << ": Failed trying to retrieve raw symmetric "
                                 "key using password.\n";
        return false;

    OTData theCipherText;

    const bool bEncrypted = OTCrypto::It()->Encrypt(
        theRawSymmetricKey,       // The symmetric key, in clear form.
        theInput.Get(),           // This is the Plaintext.
        theInput.GetLength() + 1, // for null terminator
        theIV,                    // Initialization vector.
        theCipherText);           // OUTPUT. (Ciphertext.)

    // Success?
    if (!bEncrypted) {
        otErr << __FUNCTION__ << ": (static) call failed to encrypt. Wrong "
                                 "key? (Returning false.)\n";
        return false;

    // This is where the envelope final contents will be placed,
    // including the envelope type, the size of the IV, the IV
    // itself, and the ciphertext.

    // Write the ENVELOPE TYPE (network order version.)
    // 0 == Error
    // 1 == Asymmetric Key  (other functions -- Seal / Open.)
    // 2 == Symmetric Key   (this function -- Encrypt / Decrypt.)
    // Anything else: error.

    // Calculate "network-order" version of envelope type 2.
    uint16_t env_type_n = htons(static_cast<uint16_t>(2));

                               // (uint32_t here is the 2nd parameter to
                               // Concatenate, and has nothing to do with
                               // env_type_n being uint16_t)

    // Write IV size (in network-order)
    uint32_t ivlen =
        OTCryptoConfig::SymmetricIvSize(); // Length of IV for this cipher...
    OT_ASSERT(ivlen >= theIV.GetSize());
    uint32_t ivlen_n = htonl(
        theIV.GetSize()); // Calculate "network-order" version of iv length.


    // Write the IV itself.
    m_dataContents.Concatenate(theIV.GetPointer(), theIV.GetSize());

    // Write the Ciphertext.

    // We don't write the size of the ciphertext before the ciphertext itself,
    // since the decryption is able to deduce the size based on the total
    // envelope
    // size minus the other pieces. We might still want to add that size here,
    // however.
    // (for security / safety reasons.)

    return true;