Beispiel #1
// LoadContract will call this function at the right time.
// return -1 if error, 0 if nothing, and 1 if the node was processed.
int OTLedger::ProcessXMLNode(irr::io::IrrXMLReader*& xml)
	OTString strKeyName;
	OTString strKeyValue;
	OTString strTransaction;
	OTASCIIArmor ascTransaction;
	if (!strcmp("accountLedger", xml->getNodeName()))
		OTString strType, strLedgerAcctID, strLedgerAcctServerID, strUserID;
		strType = xml->getAttributeValue("type");
		if (strType.Compare("message"))
			m_Type = OTLedger::message;
		else if (strType.Compare("inbox"))
			m_Type = OTLedger::inbox;
		else if (strType.Compare("outbox"))
			m_Type = OTLedger::outbox;
		else if (strType.Compare("nymbox"))
			m_Type = OTLedger::nymbox;
			m_Type = OTLedger::error_state;
		m_strVersion			= xml->getAttributeValue("version");	
		strLedgerAcctID			= xml->getAttributeValue("accountID"); 
		strLedgerAcctServerID	= xml->getAttributeValue("serverID");
		strUserID				= xml->getAttributeValue("userID");
		OTIdentifier ACCOUNT_ID(strLedgerAcctID), SERVER_ID(strLedgerAcctServerID), USER_ID(strUserID);
		OTLog::vOutput(2, "Loaded account ledger of type \"%s\", version: %s\n",
//				"accountID:\n%s\n userID:\n%s\n serverID:\n%s\n----------\n", 
//				strLedgerAcctID.Get(), strUserID.Get(), strLedgerAcctServerID.Get()
		// Since we just loaded this stuff, let's verify it.
		// We may have to remove this verification here and do it outside this call.
		// But for now...
		if (VerifyContractID())
			return 1;
		else {
			return -1;

	else if (!strcmp("transaction", xml->getNodeName()))
		// go to the next node and read the text.
		if (EXN_TEXT == xml->getNodeType())
			// the ledger contains a series of transactions.
			// Each transaction is initially stored as an OTASCIIArmor string.
			ascTransaction.Set(xml->getNodeData());		// Put the ascii-armored node data into the ascii-armor object
			ascTransaction.GetString(strTransaction);	// Decode that into strTransaction, so we can load the transaction object from that string.
			OTTransaction * pTransaction = new OTTransaction(GetUserID(), GetPurportedAccountID(), GetPurportedServerID());
			// If we're able to successfully base64-decode the string and load it up as
			// a transaction, then let's add it to the ledger's list of transactions
			if (pTransaction && pTransaction->LoadContractFromString(strTransaction)
				&& pTransaction->VerifyContractID())
				// I responsible here to call pTransaction->VerifyContract() since
				// I am loading it here and adding it to the ledger. (So I do.)
				m_mapTransactions[pTransaction->GetTransactionNum()] = pTransaction;
//				OTLog::Output(5, "Loaded transaction and adding to m_mapTransactions in OTLedger\n");
			else {
				OTLog::Error("ERROR: loading transaction in OTLedger::ProcessXMLNode\n");
				if (pTransaction)
					delete pTransaction;
					pTransaction = NULL;
				return (-1);

		else {
			OTLog::Error("Error in OTLedger::ProcessXMLNode: transaction without value.\n");
			return (-1); // error condition
		return 1;
	return 0;