Beispiel #1
	Ode ode0 = getRaptorOde();
	Ode ode1 = getRaptorOde();

	ode0.dxdt = &dxdt0;
	ode1.dxdt = &dxdt1;

	Ocp ocp;
	SX tEnd = ocp.addParam("tEnd");

	MultipleShooting & r0 = ocp.addMultipleShooting("r0", ode0,    0,  2.5, 60);
	MultipleShooting & r1 = ocp.addMultipleShooting("r1", ode1,  2.5, tEnd, 20);

	ocp.objFun = -tEnd; // maximum time

	// Bounds
	ocp.boundParam("tEnd", 2.6, 6.25);
	for (int k=0; k<r0.N; k++){
		r0.boundStateAction( "xh", -100, 100, k );
		r0.boundStateAction( "yh", -100, 100, k );
		r0.boundStateAction( "x1", -100, 100, k );
		r0.boundStateAction( "y1", -100, 100, k );
		r0.boundStateAction( "x2", -100, 100, k );
		r0.boundStateAction( "y2", -100, 100, k );
		r0.boundStateAction( "x3", -100, 100, k );
		r0.boundStateAction( "y3", -100, 100, k );

		r0.boundStateAction( "theta", -10, 10.0, k);
		r0.boundStateAction("dtheta", -DTHETA_MAX_DEG*M_PI/180.0, DTHETA_MAX_DEG*M_PI/180.0, k);

		SX d1 = r0.getOutput("d1", k);
		SX d2 = r0.getOutput("d2", k);
		SX d3 = r0.getOutput("d3", k);

		ocp.addNonlconIneq( 0.1 - d1 );
		ocp.addNonlconIneq( 0.1 - d2 );
		ocp.addNonlconIneq( 0.1 - d3 );

	for (int k=0; k<r1.N; k++){
		r1.boundStateAction( "xh", -100, 100, k );
		r1.boundStateAction( "yh", -100, 100, k );
		r1.boundStateAction( "x1", -100, 100, k );
		r1.boundStateAction( "y1", -100, 100, k );
		r1.boundStateAction( "x2", -100, 100, k );
		r1.boundStateAction( "y2", -100, 100, k );
		r1.boundStateAction( "x3", -100, 100, k );
		r1.boundStateAction( "y3", -100, 100, k );

		r1.boundStateAction( "theta", -10, 10.0, k);
		r1.boundStateAction("dtheta", -DTHETA_MAX_DEG*M_PI/180.0, DTHETA_MAX_DEG*M_PI/180.0, k);

		SX d1 = r1.getOutput("d1", k);
		SX d2 = r1.getOutput("d2", k);
		SX d3 = r1.getOutput("d3", k);

		ocp.addNonlconIneq( 0.1 - d1 );
		ocp.addNonlconIneq( 0.1 - d2 );
		ocp.addNonlconIneq( 0.1 - d3 );

	// join stages
	SX x0finish = r0.getStateMat ( r0.N - 1 );
	SX u0finish = r0.getActionMat( r0.N - 1 );
	SX x1start = r1.getStateMat ( 0 );
	SX u1start = r1.getActionMat( 0 );

	ocp.addNonlconEq( x0finish - x1start );
	ocp.addNonlconEq( u0finish - u1start );

	// initial conditions
	r0.boundStateAction("xh", 0, 0, 0);
	r0.boundStateAction("yh", 10.0*sqrt(3.0)/3.0, 10.0*sqrt(3.0)/3.0, 0);

	r0.boundStateAction("x1", 0.0, 0.0, 0 );
	r0.boundStateAction("y1", 20.0*sqrt(3.0)/2.0, 20.0*sqrt(3.0)/2.0, 0 );

	r0.boundStateAction("x2", -10.0, -10.0, 0 );
	r0.boundStateAction("y2", 0.0, 0.0, 0 );

	r0.boundStateAction("x3", 10.0, 10.0, 0 );
	r0.boundStateAction("y3", 0.0, 0.0, 0 );

	// r0.boundStateAction("s1", 0.0, 0.0, 0 );
	// r0.boundStateAction("s2", 0.0, 0.0, 0 );
	// r0.boundStateAction("s3", 0.0, 0.0, 0 );

	// initial guesses
	ocp.setParamGuess("tEnd", 3.0);

	r0.setStateActionGuess("theta", 45*M_PI/180.0);
	r1.setStateActionGuess("theta", 45*M_PI/180.0);

	for (int k=0; k<r0.N; k++){
		r0.setStateActionGuess("xh", 0, k);
		r0.setStateActionGuess("yh", 10.0*sqrt(3.0)/3.0, k);

		r0.setStateActionGuess("x1", 0.0, k );
		r0.setStateActionGuess("y1", 20.0*sqrt(3.0)/2.0, k );

		r0.setStateActionGuess("x2", -10.0, k );
		r0.setStateActionGuess("y2", 0.0, k );

		r0.setStateActionGuess("x3", 10.0, k );
		r0.setStateActionGuess("y3", 0.0, k );

		// r0.setStateActionGuess("s1", 5.0, k );
		// r0.setStateActionGuess("s2", 5.0, k );
		// r0.setStateActionGuess("s3", 5.0, k );

	for (int k=0; k<r1.N; k++){
		r1.setStateActionGuess("xh", 0, k);
		r1.setStateActionGuess("yh", 10.0*sqrt(3.0)/3.0, k);

		r1.setStateActionGuess("x1", 0.0, k );
		r1.setStateActionGuess("y1", 20.0*sqrt(3.0)/2.0, k );

		r1.setStateActionGuess("x2", -10.0, k );
		r1.setStateActionGuess("y2", 0.0, k );

		r1.setStateActionGuess("x3", 10.0, k );
		r1.setStateActionGuess("y3", 0.0, k );

		// r1.setStateActionGuess("s1", 10.0, k );
		// r1.setStateActionGuess("s2", 12.5, k );
		// r1.setStateActionGuess("s3", 12.5, k );

	// Create the NLP solver
	SnoptInterface si(ocp);;

	// Print the optimal cost
	cout << "optimal time: " << -si.F[0] << endl;
	ocp.writeOctaveOutput( "raptor_out" );

	return 0;
Beispiel #2
  double trackLength = 4;
  Ode ode = getOde();
  Ocp ocp;
  SX tEnd = ocp.addParam("tEnd");
  MultipleShooting & ms = ocp.addMultipleShooting("cartpole", ode, 0.0, tEnd, 60);

	int N = ms.N;
  // cost function
  SX xf = ms.getState("x", ms.N-1);
  SX thetaf = ms.getState("theta", N-1);
  SX vthetaf = ms.getState("vtheta", N-1);

  ocp.objFun = tEnd+50*cos(thetaf)+5*(vthetaf)*vthetaf; // minimum time
  //ocp.objFun = tEnd;
  // bounds
  ocp.boundParam("tEnd", 4, 50);
  ms.boundStateAction("x", -trackLength/2, trackLength/2);
  ms.boundStateAction("vx", -22, 22);
  ms.boundStateAction("theta", -50, 50);
  ms.boundStateAction("vtheta", -50, 50);


  /// initial conditions

	ocp.addNonlconIneq(ms.getState("x",0), "startx");
	ocp.addNonlconEq(ms.getState("vx",N/2), "xstall");	

//   for(int k = 0; k < ms.N; k++) {
//     ms.setStateActionGuess("theta", double(k)*3.1415/ms.N, k);
//     ms.setStateActionGuess("vtheta", 3.1415/ms.N, k);
//   }

//   ms.boundStateAction("theta",3.1415,3.1415,ms.N-1);
//   ms.boundStateAction("x",0, 0, ms.N-1);
//   ms.boundStateAction("vx",0, 0, ms.N-1);
//   ms.boundStateAction("vtheta",0, 0, ms.N-1);

  // solve
  SnoptInterface si(ocp);;

  // Print the optimal cost
  cout << "optimal time: " << si.F[0] << endl;
  return 0;