Beispiel #1
void ACSAnt::construct_pseudorandom_proportional_solution(OptimizationProblem &op, PheromoneMatrix &pheromones, double alpha, double beta) {
  while(!op.is_tour_complete(tour->get_vertices())) {
    std::multimap<double,unsigned int,MultiMapComp> vertices = get_feasible_vertices(op, pheromones, 1.0, beta);
    unsigned int q = Util::random_number(RAND_MAX);
    double q0 = q0_ * RAND_MAX;
    unsigned int vertex;
    if (q < q0) {
      vertex = (*vertices.begin()).second;
    } else {
      vertex = choose_next_vertex_with_likelihood(vertices);
    add_vertex_to_tour(op, vertex);

  //local pheromone update
  for(unsigned int i=0;i<tour->size();i++) {
    if(i==0) {
      ((ACSPheromoneMatrix &) pheromones).local_pheromone_update(pheromones.size()-1, (*tour)[i]);
    } else {
      ((ACSPheromoneMatrix &) pheromones).local_pheromone_update((*tour)[i-1], (*tour)[i]);
Beispiel #2
SolutionResult MosekSolver::Solve(OptimizationProblem& prog) const {
  if (!prog.GetSolverOptionsStr("Mosek").empty()) {
    if (prog.GetSolverOptionsStr("Mosek").at("problemtype").find("linear")
        != std::string::npos) {
      return MosekLP::Solve(prog);
  }  // TODO(alexdunyak): add more mosek solution types.
  return kUnknownError;
Beispiel #3
void Ant::construct_rational_solution(OptimizationProblem &op, PheromoneMatrix &pheromones, double alpha, double beta) {
  while(!op.is_tour_complete(tour->get_vertices())) {
    std::multimap<double,unsigned int,MultiMapComp> vertices = get_feasible_vertices(op, pheromones, alpha, beta);
    unsigned int vertex = (*vertices.begin()).second;
    add_vertex_to_tour(op, vertex);
Beispiel #4
void Ant::construct_random_proportional_solution(OptimizationProblem &op, PheromoneMatrix &pheromones, double alpha, double beta) {
  while(!op.is_tour_complete(tour->get_vertices())) {
    std::multimap<double,unsigned int,MultiMapComp> vertices = get_feasible_vertices(op, pheromones, alpha, beta);
    unsigned int vertex = choose_next_vertex_with_likelihood(vertices);
    add_vertex_to_tour(op, vertex);
Beispiel #5
std::multimap<double,unsigned int,Ant::MultiMapComp> Ant::get_feasible_vertices(OptimizationProblem &op, PheromoneMatrix &pheromones, double alpha, double beta) {
  std::map<unsigned int,double> vertices;
  bool should_debug = false;
  if(current_vertex() == -1) {
    vertices = op.get_feasible_start_vertices();
  } else {
    vertices = op.get_feasible_neighbours(current_vertex());
  double denominator = 0.0;
  std::map<unsigned int,double>::iterator it;
  for(it=vertices.begin();it!=vertices.end();it++) {
    unsigned int vertex = (*it).first;
    double heuristic_value = (*it).second;
    if(current_vertex() == -1) {
      double numerator = pow(pheromones.get(pheromones.size()-1, vertex), alpha) * pow(heuristic_value, beta);
      (*it).second = numerator;
      denominator += numerator;
    } else {

      double numerator = pow(pheromones.get(current_vertex(), vertex), alpha) * pow(heuristic_value, beta);
      (*it).second = numerator;
      denominator += numerator;
      if (should_debug) {
        std::cerr << "\tEdge to " << vertex  << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "\tpow(" << pheromones.get(current_vertex(), vertex) << "," << alpha << ") * pow(" << heuristic_value << "," << beta << ")" << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "\tNumertor is " << numerator << " and current denom = " << denominator << std::endl;

  std::multimap<double,unsigned int,MultiMapComp> probabilities;
  for(it=vertices.begin();it!=vertices.end();it++) {
    //std::cout << pheromones.get(pheromones.size()-1, (*it).first) << std::endl;
    unsigned int vertex = (*it).first;
    //double heuristic_value = (*it).second;
    double probability;
    if(denominator == 0) {
      probability = 1.0 / vertices.size();
    } else {
      probability = (*it).second / denominator;
    if (should_debug) 
      std::cerr << "Edge to " << vertex << " has probability " << probability << std::endl;
    //std::cout << pheromones.get(current_vertex(), vertex) << " " << heuristic_value << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "vertex: " << vertex << " heuristic: " << heuristic_value << " probability: " << probability << std::endl;
    probabilities.insert(std::pair<double,unsigned int>(probability, vertex));
  //std::cout << "***************************************" << std::endl;
  return probabilities;
Beispiel #6
double compute_average_pheromone_update(OptimizationProblem &op) {
  SimpleAnt ant(op.get_max_tour_size());
  PheromoneMatrix matrix(op.number_of_vertices(), 0.0, 1.0);
  ant.construct_rational_solution(op, matrix, 0, 1);
  std::vector<unsigned int> tour = ant.get_vertices();
  double tour_length = op.eval_tour(tour);
  double pheromone_sum = 0.0;
  for(unsigned int i=0;i<tour.size();i++) {
    pheromone_sum += op.pheromone_update(tour[i], tour_length);
  double pheromone_avg = pheromone_sum / tour.size();
  return pheromone_avg;
int GetIKSolverInfo(const OptimizationProblem& prog, SolutionResult result) {
  std::string solver_name;
  int solver_result = 0;
  prog.GetSolverResult(&solver_name, &solver_result);

  if (solver_name == "SNOPT") {
    // We can return SNOPT results directly.
    return solver_result;

  // Make a SNOPT-like return code out of the generic result.
  switch (result) {
    case SolutionResult::kSolutionFound: {
      return 1;
    case SolutionResult::kInvalidInput: {
      return 91;
    case SolutionResult::kInfeasibleConstraints: {
      return 13;
    case SolutionResult::kUnknownError: {
      return 100;  // Not a real SNOPT error.

  return -1;
Beispiel #8
void ACSAnt::offline_pheromone_update(OptimizationProblem &op, PheromoneMatrix &pheromones, double weight) {
  for(unsigned int i=0;i<tour->size();i++) {
    double pheromone = op.pheromone_update((*tour)[i], tour->get_length());
    if(i==0) {
      pheromones.add(pheromones.size()-1, (*tour)[i], weight * pheromones.get_evaporation_rate() * pheromone);
    } else {
      pheromones.add((*tour)[i-1], (*tour)[i], weight * pheromones.get_evaporation_rate() * pheromone);
DRAKERBSYSTEM_EXPORT RigidBodySystem::StateVector<double>
Drake::getInitialState(const RigidBodySystem& sys) {
  VectorXd x0(sys.tree->num_positions + sys.tree->num_velocities);
  default_random_engine generator;
  x0 << sys.tree->getRandomConfiguration(generator),

  // todo: implement joint limits, etc.

  if (sys.tree->getNumPositionConstraints()) {
    // todo: move this up to the system level?

    OptimizationProblem prog;
    std::vector<RigidBodyLoop, Eigen::aligned_allocator<RigidBodyLoop> > const&
        loops = sys.tree->loops;

    int nq = sys.tree->num_positions;
    auto qvar = prog.AddContinuousVariables(nq);

    Matrix<double, 7, 1> bTbp = Matrix<double, 7, 1>::Zero();
    bTbp(3) = 1.0;
    Vector2d tspan;
    tspan << -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(),
    Vector3d zero = Vector3d::Zero();
    for (int i = 0; i < loops.size(); i++) {
      auto con1 = make_shared<RelativePositionConstraint>(
          sys.tree.get(), zero, zero, zero, loops[i].frameA->frame_index,
          loops[i].frameB->frame_index, bTbp, tspan);
      std::shared_ptr<SingleTimeKinematicConstraintWrapper> con1wrapper(
          new SingleTimeKinematicConstraintWrapper(con1));
      prog.AddGenericConstraint(con1wrapper, {qvar});
      auto con2 = make_shared<RelativePositionConstraint>(
          sys.tree.get(), loops[i].axis, loops[i].axis, loops[i].axis,
          loops[i].frameA->frame_index, loops[i].frameB->frame_index, bTbp,
      std::shared_ptr<SingleTimeKinematicConstraintWrapper> con2wrapper(
          new SingleTimeKinematicConstraintWrapper(con2));
      prog.AddGenericConstraint(con2wrapper, {qvar});

    VectorXd q_guess = x0.topRows(nq);
    prog.AddQuadraticCost(MatrixXd::Identity(nq, nq), q_guess);

    x0 << qvar.value(), VectorXd::Zero(sys.tree->num_velocities);
  return x0;
Beispiel #10
RigidBodySystem::StateVector<double> RigidBodySystem::dynamics(const double& t, const RigidBodySystem::StateVector<double>& x, const RigidBodySystem::InputVector<double>& u) const {
  using namespace std;
  using namespace Eigen;
  eigen_aligned_unordered_map<const RigidBody *, Matrix<double, 6, 1> > f_ext;

  // todo: make kinematics cache once and re-use it (but have to make one per type)
  auto nq = tree->num_positions;
  auto nv = tree->num_velocities;
  auto num_actuators = tree->actuators.size();
  auto q = x.topRows(nq);
  auto v = x.bottomRows(nv);
  auto kinsol = tree->doKinematics(q,v);

  // todo: preallocate the optimization problem and constraints, and simply update them then solve on each function eval.
  // happily, this clunkier version seems fast enough for now
  // the optimization framework should support this (though it has not been tested thoroughly yet)
  OptimizationProblem prog;
  auto const & vdot = prog.addContinuousVariables(nv,"vdot");

  auto H = tree->massMatrix(kinsol);
  Eigen::MatrixXd H_and_neg_JT = H;

  { // loop through rigid body force elements and accumulate f_ext

    // todo: distinguish between AppliedForce and ConstraintForce
    // todo: have AppliedForce output tau (instead of f_ext).  it's more direct, and just as easy to compute.

    int u_index = 0;
    const NullVector<double> force_state;  // todo:  will have to handle this case
    for (auto const & prop : props) {
      RigidBodyFrame* frame = prop->getFrame();
      RigidBody* body = frame->body.get();
      int num_inputs = 1;  // todo: generalize this
      RigidBodyPropellor::InputVector<double> u_i(u.middleRows(u_index,num_inputs));
      // todo: push the frame to body transform into the dynamicsBias method?
      Matrix<double,6,1> f_ext_i = transformSpatialForce(frame->transform_to_body,prop->output(t,force_state,u_i,kinsol));
      if (f_ext.find(body)==f_ext.end()) f_ext[body] = f_ext_i;
      else f_ext[body] = f_ext[body]+f_ext_i;
      u_index += num_inputs;

  VectorXd C = tree->dynamicsBiasTerm(kinsol,f_ext);
  if (num_actuators > 0) C -= tree->B*u.topRows(num_actuators);

  { // apply contact forces
    const bool use_multi_contact = false;
    VectorXd phi;
    Matrix3Xd normal, xA, xB;
    vector<int> bodyA_idx, bodyB_idx;
    if (use_multi_contact)

    for (int i=0; i<phi.rows(); i++) {
      if (phi(i)<0.0) { // then i have contact
        double mu = 1.0; // todo: make this a parameter

        // todo: move this entire block to a shared an updated "contactJacobian" method in RigidBodyTree
        auto JA = tree->transformPointsJacobian(kinsol, xA.col(i), bodyA_idx[i], 0, false);
        auto JB = tree->transformPointsJacobian(kinsol, xB.col(i), bodyB_idx[i], 0, false);
        Vector3d this_normal = normal.col(i);

        // compute the surface tangent basis
        Vector3d tangent1;
        if (1.0 - this_normal(2) < EPSILON) { // handle the unit-normal case (since it's unit length, just check z)
          tangent1 << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0;
        } else if (1 + this_normal(2) < EPSILON) {
          tangent1 << -1.0, 0.0, 0.0;  //same for the reflected case
        } else {// now the general case
          tangent1 << this_normal(1), -this_normal(0), 0.0;
          tangent1 /= sqrt(this_normal(1)*this_normal(1) + this_normal(0)*this_normal(0));
        Vector3d tangent2 = tangent1.cross(this_normal);
        Matrix3d R;  // rotation into normal coordinates
        R << tangent1, tangent2, this_normal;
        auto J = R*(JA-JB);  // J = [ D1; D2; n ]
        auto relative_velocity = J*v;  // [ tangent1dot; tangent2dot; phidot ]

        if (false) {
          // spring law for normal force:  fA_normal = -k*phi - b*phidot
          // and damping for tangential force:  fA_tangent = -b*tangentdot (bounded by the friction cone)
          double k = 150, b = k / 10;  // todo: put these somewhere better... or make them parameters?
          Vector3d fA;
          fA(2) = -k * phi(i) - b * relative_velocity(2);
          fA.head(2) = -std::min(b, mu*fA(2)/(relative_velocity.head(2).norm()+EPSILON)) * relative_velocity.head(2);  // epsilon to avoid divide by zero

          // equal and opposite: fB = -fA.
          // tau = (R*JA)^T fA + (R*JB)^T fB = J^T fA
          C -= J.transpose()*fA;
        } else { // linear acceleration constraints (more expensive, but less tuning required for robot mass, etc)
          // note: this does not work for the multi-contact case (it overly constrains the motion of the link).  Perhaps if I made them inequality constraints...
          static_assert(!use_multi_contact, "The acceleration contact constraints do not play well with multi-contact");

          // phiddot = -2*alpha*phidot - alpha^2*phi   // critically damped response
          // tangential_velocity_dot = -2*alpha*tangential_velocity
          double alpha = 20;  // todo: put this somewhere better... or make them parameters?
          Vector3d desired_relative_acceleration = -2*alpha*relative_velocity;
          desired_relative_acceleration(2) += -alpha*alpha*phi(i);
          // relative_acceleration = J*vdot + R*(JAdotv - JBdotv) // uses the standard dnormal/dq = 0 assumption

          cout << "phi = " << phi << endl;
          cout << "desired acceleration = " << desired_relative_acceleration.transpose() << endl;
//          cout << "acceleration = " << (J*vdot + R*(JAdotv - JBdotv)).transpose() << endl;

          prog.addContinuousVariables(3,"contact normal force");
          auto JAdotv = tree->transformPointsJacobianDotTimesV(kinsol, xA.col(i).eval(), bodyA_idx[i], 0);
          auto JBdotv = tree->transformPointsJacobianDotTimesV(kinsol, xB.col(i).eval(), bodyB_idx[i], 0);

          prog.addLinearEqualityConstraint(J,desired_relative_acceleration - R*(JAdotv - JBdotv),{vdot});
          H_and_neg_JT.rightCols(3) = -J.transpose();

  if (tree->getNumPositionConstraints()) {
    int nc = tree->getNumPositionConstraints();
    const double alpha = 5.0;  // 1/time constant of position constraint satisfaction (see my latex rigid body notes)

    prog.addContinuousVariables(nc,"position constraint force");  // don't actually need to use the decision variable reference that would be returned...

    // then compute the constraint force
    auto phi = tree->positionConstraints(kinsol);
    auto J = tree->positionConstraintsJacobian(kinsol,false);
    auto Jdotv = tree->positionConstraintsJacDotTimesV(kinsol);

    // phiddot = -2 alpha phidot - alpha^2 phi  (0 + critically damped stabilization term)
    prog.addLinearEqualityConstraint(J,-(Jdotv + 2*alpha*J*v + alpha*alpha*phi),{vdot});
    H_and_neg_JT.rightCols(J.rows()) = -J.transpose();

  // add [H,-J^T]*[vdot;f] = -C

  //      prog.printSolution();

  StateVector<double> dot(nq+nv);
  dot << kinsol.transformPositionDotMappingToVelocityMapping(Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>::Identity(nq, nq))*v, vdot.value();
  return dot;
Beispiel #11
SolutionResult Drake::SnoptSolver::Solve(
    OptimizationProblem& prog) const {
  auto d = prog.GetSolverData<SNOPTData>();
  SNOPTRun cur(*d);

  Drake::OptimizationProblem const* current_problem = &prog;

  // Set the "maxcu" value to tell snopt to reserve one 8-char entry of user
  // workspace.  We are then allowed to use cw(snopt_mincw+1:maxcu), as
  // expressed in Fortran array slicing.   Use the space to pass our problem
  // instance pointer to our userfun.
  cur.snSeti("User character workspace", snopt_mincw + 1);
    char const* const pcp = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&current_problem);
    char* const cu_cp = d-> + 8 * snopt_mincw;
    std::copy(pcp, pcp + sizeof(current_problem), cu_cp);

  snopt::integer nx = prog.num_vars();
  snopt::doublereal* x = d->;
  snopt::doublereal* xlow = d->;
  snopt::doublereal* xupp = d->;
  const Eigen::VectorXd x_initial_guess = prog.initial_guess();
  for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
    x[i] = static_cast<snopt::doublereal>(x_initial_guess(i));
    xlow[i] =
    xupp[i] =
  for (auto const& binding : prog.bounding_box_constraints()) {
    auto const& c = binding.constraint();
    for (const DecisionVariableView& v : binding.variable_list()) {
      auto const lb = c->lower_bound(), ub = c->upper_bound();
      for (int k = 0; k < v.size(); k++) {
        xlow[v.index() + k] = std::max<snopt::doublereal>(
            static_cast<snopt::doublereal>(lb(k)), xlow[v.index() + k]);
        xupp[v.index() + k] = std::min<snopt::doublereal>(
            static_cast<snopt::doublereal>(ub(k)), xupp[v.index() + k]);

  size_t num_nonlinear_constraints = 0, max_num_gradients = nx;
  for (auto const& binding : prog.generic_constraints()) {
    auto const& c = binding.constraint();
    size_t n = c->num_constraints();
    for (const DecisionVariableView& v : binding.variable_list()) {
      max_num_gradients += n * v.size();
    num_nonlinear_constraints += n;
  size_t num_linear_constraints = 0;
  for (auto const& binding : prog.linear_equality_constraints()) {
    num_linear_constraints += binding.constraint()->num_constraints();

  snopt::integer nF = 1 + num_nonlinear_constraints + num_linear_constraints;
  snopt::doublereal* Flow = d->;
  snopt::doublereal* Fupp = d->;
  Flow[0] =
  Fupp[0] =

  snopt::integer lenG = static_cast<snopt::integer>(max_num_gradients);
  snopt::integer* iGfun = d->;
  snopt::integer* jGvar = d->;
  for (snopt::integer i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
    iGfun[i] = 1;
    jGvar[i] = i + 1;

  size_t constraint_index = 1, grad_index = nx;  // constraint index starts at 1
                                                 // because the objective is the
                                                 // first row
  for (auto const& binding : prog.generic_constraints()) {
    auto const& c = binding.constraint();
    size_t n = c->num_constraints();

    auto const lb = c->lower_bound(), ub = c->upper_bound();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      Flow[constraint_index + i] = static_cast<snopt::doublereal>(lb(i));
      Fupp[constraint_index + i] = static_cast<snopt::doublereal>(ub(i));

    for (const DecisionVariableView& v : binding.variable_list()) {
      for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (size_t j = 0; j < v.size(); j++) {
          iGfun[grad_index] = constraint_index + i + 1;  // row order
          jGvar[grad_index] = v.index() + j + 1;
    constraint_index += n;

  typedef Eigen::Triplet<double> T;
  std::vector<T> tripletList;
  tripletList.reserve(num_linear_constraints * prog.num_vars());

  size_t linear_constraint_index = 0;
  for (auto const& binding : prog.linear_equality_constraints()) {
    auto const& c = binding.constraint();
    size_t n = c->num_constraints();
    size_t var_index = 0;
    Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> A_constraint = c->GetSparseMatrix();
    for (const DecisionVariableView& v : binding.variable_list()) {
      for (size_t k = 0; k < v.size(); ++k) {
        for (Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>::InnerIterator it(
                 A_constraint, var_index + k);
             it; ++it) {
              T(linear_constraint_index + it.row(), v.index() + k, it.value()));
      var_index += v.size();

    auto const lb = c->lower_bound(), ub = c->upper_bound();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      Flow[constraint_index + i] = static_cast<snopt::doublereal>(lb(i));
      Fupp[constraint_index + i] = static_cast<snopt::doublereal>(ub(i));
    constraint_index += n;
    linear_constraint_index += n;

  snopt::integer lenA = static_cast<snopt::integer>(tripletList.size());
  snopt::doublereal* A = d->;
  snopt::integer* iAfun = d->;
  snopt::integer* jAvar = d->;
  size_t A_index = 0;
  for (auto const& it : tripletList) {
    A[A_index] = it.value();
    iAfun[A_index] = 1 + num_nonlinear_constraints + it.row() + 1;
    jAvar[A_index] = it.col() + 1;

  snopt::integer nxname = 1, nFname = 1, npname = 0;
  char xnames[8 * 1];  // should match nxname
  char Fnames[8 * 1];  // should match nFname
  char Prob[200] = "drake.out";

  snopt::integer nS, nInf;
  snopt::doublereal sInf;
  if (true) {  // print to output file (todo: make this an option)
    cur.iPrint = 9;
    char print_file_name[50] = "snopt.out";
    snopt::integer print_file_name_len =
    snopt::integer inform;
    snopt::snopenappend_(&cur.iPrint, print_file_name, &inform,
    cur.snSeti("Major print level", static_cast<snopt::integer>(11));
    cur.snSeti("Print file", cur.iPrint);

  snopt::integer minrw, miniw, mincw;
  cur.snMemA(nF, nx, nxname, nFname, lenA, lenG, &mincw, &miniw, &minrw);
  d->min_alloc_w(mincw, miniw, minrw);
  cur.snSeti("Total character workspace", d->lencw);
  cur.snSeti("Total integer workspace", d->leniw);
  cur.snSeti("Total real workspace", d->lenrw);

  snopt::integer Cold = 0;
  snopt::doublereal* xmul = d->;
  snopt::integer* xstate = d->;
  memset(xstate, 0, sizeof(snopt::integer) * nx);

  snopt::doublereal* F = d->;
  snopt::doublereal* Fmul = d->;
  snopt::integer* Fstate = d->;
  memset(Fstate, 0, sizeof(snopt::integer) * nF);

  snopt::doublereal ObjAdd = 0.0;
  snopt::integer ObjRow = 1;  // feasibility problem (for now)

  // TODO(sam.creasey) These should be made into options when #1879 is
  // resolved or deleted.
    mysnseti("Major iterations
    mysnseti("Minor iterations
    mysnsetr("Major optimality
    mysnsetr("Major feasibility
    mysnsetr("Minor feasibility
    mysnseti("New basis
    mysnseti("Old basis
    mysnseti("Backup basis

  snopt::integer info;
      &Cold, &nF, &nx, &nxname, &nFname, &ObjAdd, &ObjRow, Prob, snopt_userfun,
      iAfun, jAvar, &lenA, &lenA, A, iGfun, jGvar, &lenG, &lenG, xlow, xupp,
      xnames, Flow, Fupp, Fnames, x, xstate, xmul, F, Fstate, Fmul, &info,
      &mincw, &miniw, &minrw, &nS, &nInf, &sInf, d->, &d->lencw,
      d->, &d->leniw, d->, &d->lenrw,
      // Pass the snopt workspace as the user workspace.  We already set
      // the maxcu option to reserve some of it for our user code.
      d->, &d->lencw, d->, &d->leniw, d->, &d->lenrw,
      npname, 8 * nxname, 8 * nFname, 8 * d->lencw, 8 * d->lencw);

  Eigen::VectorXd sol(nx);
  for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
    sol(i) = static_cast<double>(x[i]);
  prog.SetSolverResult("SNOPT", info);

  // todo: extract the other useful quantities, too.

  if (info >= 1 && info <= 6) {
    return SolutionResult::kSolutionFound;
  } else if (info >= 11 && info <= 16) {
    return SolutionResult::kInfeasibleConstraints;
  } else if (info == 91) {
    return SolutionResult::kInvalidInput;
  return SolutionResult::kUnknownError;
RigidBodySystem::StateVector<double> RigidBodySystem::dynamics(
    const double& t, const RigidBodySystem::StateVector<double>& x,
    const RigidBodySystem::InputVector<double>& u) const {
  using namespace std;
  using namespace Eigen;
  eigen_aligned_unordered_map<const RigidBody*, Matrix<double, 6, 1> > f_ext;

  // todo: make kinematics cache once and re-use it (but have to make one per
  // type)
  auto nq = tree->num_positions;
  auto nv = tree->num_velocities;
  auto num_actuators = tree->actuators.size();
  auto q = x.topRows(nq);
  auto v = x.bottomRows(nv);
  auto kinsol = tree->doKinematics(q, v);

  // todo: preallocate the optimization problem and constraints, and simply
  // update them then solve on each function eval.
  // happily, this clunkier version seems fast enough for now
  // the optimization framework should support this (though it has not been
  // tested thoroughly yet)
  OptimizationProblem prog;
  auto const& vdot = prog.AddContinuousVariables(nv, "vdot");

  auto H = tree->massMatrix(kinsol);
  Eigen::MatrixXd H_and_neg_JT = H;

  VectorXd C = tree->dynamicsBiasTerm(kinsol, f_ext);
  if (num_actuators > 0) C -= tree->B * u.topRows(num_actuators);

  // loop through rigid body force elements
    // todo: distinguish between AppliedForce and ConstraintForce

    size_t u_index = 0;
    for (auto const& f : force_elements) {
      size_t num_inputs = f->getNumInputs();
      VectorXd force_input(u.middleRows(u_index, num_inputs));
      C -= f->output(t, force_input, kinsol);
      u_index += num_inputs;

  // apply joint limit forces
    for (auto const& b : tree->bodies) {
      if (!b->hasParent()) continue;
      auto const& joint = b->getJoint();
      if (joint.getNumPositions() == 1 &&
          joint.getNumVelocities() ==
              1) {  // taking advantage of only single-axis joints having joint
                    // limits makes things easier/faster here
        double qmin = joint.getJointLimitMin()(0),
               qmax = joint.getJointLimitMax()(0);
        // tau = k*(qlimit-q) - b(qdot)
        if (q(b->position_num_start) < qmin)
          C(b->velocity_num_start) -=
              penetration_stiffness * (qmin - q(b->position_num_start)) -
              penetration_damping * v(b->velocity_num_start);
        else if (q(b->position_num_start) > qmax)
          C(b->velocity_num_start) -=
              penetration_stiffness * (qmax - q(b->position_num_start)) -
              penetration_damping * v(b->velocity_num_start);

  // apply contact forces
    VectorXd phi;
    Matrix3Xd normal, xA, xB;
    vector<int> bodyA_idx, bodyB_idx;
    if (use_multi_contact)
      tree->potentialCollisions(kinsol, phi, normal, xA, xB, bodyA_idx,
      tree->collisionDetect(kinsol, phi, normal, xA, xB, bodyA_idx, bodyB_idx);

    for (int i = 0; i < phi.rows(); i++) {
      if (phi(i) < 0.0) {  // then i have contact
        // todo: move this entire block to a shared an updated "contactJacobian"
        // method in RigidBodyTree
        auto JA = tree->transformPointsJacobian(kinsol, xA.col(i), bodyA_idx[i],
                                                0, false);
        auto JB = tree->transformPointsJacobian(kinsol, xB.col(i), bodyB_idx[i],
                                                0, false);
        Vector3d this_normal = normal.col(i);

        // compute the surface tangent basis
        Vector3d tangent1;
        if (1.0 - this_normal(2) < EPSILON) {  // handle the unit-normal case
                                               // (since it's unit length, just
                                               // check z)
          tangent1 << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0;
        } else if (1 + this_normal(2) < EPSILON) {
          tangent1 << -1.0, 0.0, 0.0;  // same for the reflected case
        } else {                       // now the general case
          tangent1 << this_normal(1), -this_normal(0), 0.0;
          tangent1 /= sqrt(this_normal(1) * this_normal(1) +
                           this_normal(0) * this_normal(0));
        Vector3d tangent2 = this_normal.cross(tangent1);
        Matrix3d R;  // rotation into normal coordinates
        R.row(0) = tangent1;
        R.row(1) = tangent2;
        R.row(2) = this_normal;
        auto J = R * (JA - JB);          // J = [ D1; D2; n ]
        auto relative_velocity = J * v;  // [ tangent1dot; tangent2dot; phidot ]

          // spring law for normal force:  fA_normal = -k*phi - b*phidot
          // and damping for tangential force:  fA_tangent = -b*tangentdot
          // (bounded by the friction cone)
          Vector3d fA;
          fA(2) =
              std::max<double>(-penetration_stiffness * phi(i) -
                                   penetration_damping * relative_velocity(2),
          fA.head(2) =
                  friction_coefficient * fA(2) /
                      (relative_velocity.head(2).norm() + EPSILON)) *
              relative_velocity.head(2);  // epsilon to avoid divide by zero

          // equal and opposite: fB = -fA.
          // tau = (R*JA)^T fA + (R*JB)^T fB = J^T fA
          C -= J.transpose() * fA;

  if (tree->getNumPositionConstraints()) {
    int nc = tree->getNumPositionConstraints();
    const double alpha = 5.0;  // 1/time constant of position constraint
                               // satisfaction (see my latex rigid body notes)

        nc, "position constraint force");  // don't actually need to use the
                                           // decision variable reference that
                                           // would be returned...

    // then compute the constraint force
    auto phi = tree->positionConstraints(kinsol);
    auto J = tree->positionConstraintsJacobian(kinsol, false);
    auto Jdotv = tree->positionConstraintsJacDotTimesV(kinsol);

    // phiddot = -2 alpha phidot - alpha^2 phi  (0 + critically damped
    // stabilization term)
        J, -(Jdotv + 2 * alpha * J * v + alpha * alpha * phi), {vdot});
    H_and_neg_JT.conservativeResize(NoChange, H_and_neg_JT.cols() + J.rows());
    H_and_neg_JT.rightCols(J.rows()) = -J.transpose();

  // add [H,-J^T]*[vdot;f] = -C
  prog.AddLinearEqualityConstraint(H_and_neg_JT, -C);

  //      prog.PrintSolution();

  StateVector<double> dot(nq + nv);
  dot << kinsol.transformPositionDotMappingToVelocityMapping(
             Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>::Identity(
                 nq, nq)) *
  return dot;
Beispiel #13
void Ant::apply_local_search(OptimizationProblem &op) {
  std::vector<unsigned int> vertices = op.apply_local_search(tour->get_vertices());
Beispiel #14
void Ant::update_tour_length(OptimizationProblem &op) {
Beispiel #15
void Ant::add_vertex_to_tour(OptimizationProblem &op, unsigned int vertex) {
Beispiel #16
void inverseKinBackend(
    RigidBodyTree* model, const int nT,
    const double* t, const MatrixBase<DerivedA>& q_seed,
    const MatrixBase<DerivedB>& q_nom, const int num_constraints,
    RigidBodyConstraint** const constraint_array,
    const IKoptions& ikoptions, MatrixBase<DerivedC>* q_sol,
    int* info, std::vector<std::string>* infeasible_constraint) {

  // Validate some basic parameters of the input.
  if (q_seed.rows() != model->number_of_positions() || q_seed.cols() != nT ||
      q_nom.rows() != model->number_of_positions() || q_nom.cols() != nT) {
    throw std::runtime_error(
        "Drake::inverseKinBackend: q_seed and q_nom must be of size "
        "nq x nT");

  KinematicsCacheHelper<double> kin_helper(model->bodies);

  // TODO(sam.creasey) I really don't like rebuilding the
  // OptimizationProblem for every timestep, but it's not possible to
  // enable/disable (or even remove) a constraint from an
  // OptimizationProblem between calls to Solve() currently, so
  // there's not actually another way.
  for (int t_index = 0; t_index < nT; t_index++) {
    OptimizationProblem prog;
    SetIKSolverOptions(ikoptions, &prog);

    DecisionVariableView vars =

    MatrixXd Q;
    auto objective = std::make_shared<InverseKinObjective>(model, Q);
    prog.AddCost(objective, {vars});

    for (int i = 0; i < num_constraints; i++) {
      RigidBodyConstraint* constraint = constraint_array[i];
      const int constraint_category = constraint->getCategory();
      if (constraint_category ==
          RigidBodyConstraint::SingleTimeKinematicConstraintCategory) {
        SingleTimeKinematicConstraint* stc =
        if (!stc->isTimeValid(&t[t_index])) { continue; }
        auto wrapper = std::make_shared<SingleTimeKinematicConstraintWrapper>(
            stc, &kin_helper);
        prog.AddConstraint(wrapper, {vars});
      } else if (constraint_category ==
                 RigidBodyConstraint::PostureConstraintCategory) {
        PostureConstraint* pc = static_cast<PostureConstraint*>(constraint);
        if (!pc->isTimeValid(&t[t_index])) { continue; }
        VectorXd lb;
        VectorXd ub;
        pc->bounds(&t[t_index], lb, ub);
        prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(lb, ub, {vars});
      } else if (
          constraint_category ==
          RigidBodyConstraint::SingleTimeLinearPostureConstraintCategory) {
            &t[t_index], constraint, model->number_of_positions(),
            vars, &prog);
      } else if (constraint_category ==
                 RigidBodyConstraint::QuasiStaticConstraintCategory) {
        AddQuasiStaticConstraint(&t[t_index], constraint, &kin_helper,
                                 vars, &prog);
      } else if (constraint_category ==
                 RigidBodyConstraint::MultipleTimeKinematicConstraintCategory) {
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "MultipleTimeKinematicConstraint is not supported"
            " in pointwise mode.");
      } else if (
          constraint_category ==
          RigidBodyConstraint::MultipleTimeLinearPostureConstraintCategory) {
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "MultipleTimeLinearPostureConstraint is not supported"
            " in pointwise mode.");

    // Add a bounding box constraint from the model.
        model->joint_limit_min, model->joint_limit_max,

    // TODO(sam.creasey) would this be faster if we stored the view
    // instead of copying into a VectorXd?
    if (!ikoptions.getSequentialSeedFlag() || (t_index == 0)) {
      prog.SetInitialGuess(vars, q_seed.col(t_index));
    } else {
      prog.SetInitialGuess(vars, q_sol->col(t_index - 1));

    SolutionResult result = prog.Solve();
    q_sol->col(t_index) = vars.value();
    info[t_index] = GetIKSolverInfo(prog, result);