Beispiel #1
void Selector::checkImpedance()
    Options& options = getOptions();
    m_ignoreDefault = options.getValueOrDefault<bool>("ignore_default", true);
    std::vector<Option>::const_iterator i;
        Option ignored = options.getOption("ignore");
        boost::optional<Options const&> ignored_options = ignored.getOptions();
        if (ignored_options)
            std::vector<Option> ignored_dimensions = ignored_options->getOptions("dimension");
            for (i = ignored_dimensions.begin(); i != ignored_dimensions.end(); ++i)
                m_ignoredMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, bool>(i->getValue<std::string>(), true));
    catch (option_not_found&)

        Option keep = options.getOption("keep");
        boost::optional<Options const&> keep_options = keep.getOptions();
        if (keep_options)
            std::vector<Option> keep_dimensions = keep_options->getOptions("dimension");
            for (i = keep_dimensions.begin(); i != keep_dimensions.end(); ++i)
                m_ignoredMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, bool>(i->getValue<std::string>(), false));
    catch (option_not_found&)

Beispiel #2
//! The (overloaded) initializeControl routine is responsible for the following
//! tasks:
//!  - Ensuring the control displays the appropriate options based on the
//!    contents of the OptionDatabase.
//!  - Adding the ToolTip documentation found in the database.
//!  - Adding connections (signals & slots) between the Nodes in the
//!    OptionRegister and the control.  This allows for synchronization of the
//!    logic in InitializeQChemLogic and initializeQuiLogic.
//!  - Binding an Action to enable the control to be reset to the default value.
//!  - Binding an Update to enable the control to be reset to a string value.
void InputDialog::initializeControl(Option const& opt, QComboBox* combo) {

   QString name = opt.getName();
   QStringList opts = opt.getOptions();
   QStringList split;

   // This allows for ad hoc text replacements.  This is useful so that more
   // informative text can be presented to the user which is then obfiscated
   // before being passed to QChem.  The replacements should be set in the
   // option database and have the form text//replacement.
   for (int i = 0; i < opts.size(); ++i) {
       split = opts[i].split("//");

       if (split.size() == 1) {
          opts[i] = split[0];
       }else if (split.size() == 2) {
          opts[i] = split[0];
          QString key(name.toUpper() + "::" + split[0]);
          RemSection::addAdHoc(name, split[0], split[1]);
       }else {
          qDebug() << "InputDialog::initialiseComboBox:\n"
                   << " replacement for option" << name << "is invalid:" << opts[i];


#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040400
   // This just allows us to add some spacers to the lists
   bool keepLooking(true);
   while (keepLooking) {
      int i = combo->findText("---", Qt::MatchStartsWith);
      if (i > 0) {
      }else {
         keepLooking = false;

   connectControl(opt, combo);

   Action* action = new Action(
      boost::bind(&QComboBox::setCurrentIndex, combo, opt.getDefaultIndex()) );

   Update* update = new Update(
         static_cast<void(*)(QComboBox*, QString const&)>(SetControl), combo, _1));
   m_setUpdates[name] = update;
Beispiel #3
inline ptree toPTree(const Option& option)
    ptree t;
    t.put("Name", option.getName());
    t.put("Value", option.getValue<std::string>());
    if (option.getDescription() != "")
        t.put("Description", option.getDescription());
    boost::optional<Options const&> options = option.getOptions();

    if (options != boost::none)
        t.add_child("Options", toPTree(*options));
    return t;