bool GrayCodePattern_Impl::decode( const std::vector< std::vector<Mat> >& patternImages, OutputArray disparityMap,
                                   InputArrayOfArrays blackImages, InputArrayOfArrays whitheImages, int flags ) const
  const std::vector<std::vector<Mat> >& acquired_pattern = patternImages;

  if( flags == DECODE_3D_UNDERWORLD )
    // Computing shadows mask
    std::vector<Mat> shadowMasks;
    computeShadowMasks( blackImages, whitheImages, shadowMasks );

    int cam_width = acquired_pattern[0][0].cols;
    int cam_height = acquired_pattern[0][0].rows;

    Point projPixel;

    // Storage for the pixels of the two cams that correspond to the same pixel of the projector
    std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Point> > > camsPixels;
    camsPixels.resize( acquired_pattern.size() );

    // TODO: parallelize for (k and j)
    for( size_t k = 0; k < acquired_pattern.size(); k++ )
      camsPixels[k].resize( params.height * params.width );
      for( int i = 0; i < cam_width; i++ )
        for( int j = 0; j < cam_height; j++ )
          //if the pixel is not shadowed, reconstruct
          if( shadowMasks[k].at<uchar>( j, i ) )
            //for a (x,y) pixel of the camera returns the corresponding projector pixel by calculating the decimal number
            bool error = getProjPixel( acquired_pattern[k], i, j, projPixel );

            if( error )

            camsPixels[k][projPixel.x * params.height + projPixel.y].push_back( Point( i, j ) );

    std::vector<Point> cam1Pixs, cam2Pixs;

    Mat& disparityMap_ = *( Mat* ) disparityMap.getObj();
    disparityMap_ = Mat( cam_height, cam_width, CV_64F, double( 0 ) );

    double number_of_pixels_cam1 = 0;
    double number_of_pixels_cam2 = 0;

    for( int i = 0; i < params.width; i++ )
      for( int j = 0; j < params.height; j++ )
        cam1Pixs = camsPixels[0][i * params.height + j];
        cam2Pixs = camsPixels[1][i * params.height + j];

        if( cam1Pixs.size() == 0 || cam2Pixs.size() == 0 )

        Point p1;
        Point p2;

        double sump1x = 0;
        double sump2x = 0;

        number_of_pixels_cam1 += cam1Pixs.size();
        number_of_pixels_cam2 += cam2Pixs.size();
        for( int c1 = 0; c1 < (int) cam1Pixs.size(); c1++ )
          p1 = cam1Pixs[c1];
          sump1x += p1.x;
        for( int c2 = 0; c2 < (int) cam2Pixs.size(); c2++ )
          p2 = cam2Pixs[c2];
          sump2x += p2.x;

        sump2x /= cam2Pixs.size();
        sump1x /= cam1Pixs.size();
        for( int c1 = 0; c1 < (int) cam1Pixs.size(); c1++ )
          p1 = cam1Pixs[c1];
<double>( p1.y, p1.x ) = ( double ) (sump2x - sump1x);

        sump2x = 0;
        sump1x = 0;

    return true;
  }  // end if flags

  return false;
Beispiel #2
void convexHull( InputArray _points, OutputArray _hull, bool clockwise, bool returnPoints )

    CV_Assert(_points.getObj() != _hull.getObj());
    Mat points = _points.getMat();
    int i, total = points.checkVector(2), depth = points.depth(), nout = 0;
    int miny_ind = 0, maxy_ind = 0;
    CV_Assert(total >= 0 && (depth == CV_32F || depth == CV_32S));

    if( total == 0 )

    returnPoints = !_hull.fixedType() ? returnPoints : _hull.type() != CV_32S;

    bool is_float = depth == CV_32F;
    AutoBuffer<Point*> _pointer(total);
    AutoBuffer<int> _stack(total + 2), _hullbuf(total);
    Point** pointer = _pointer;
    Point2f** pointerf = (Point2f**)pointer;
    Point* data0 = points.ptr<Point>();
    int* stack = _stack;
    int* hullbuf = _hullbuf;


    for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
        pointer[i] = &data0[i];

    // sort the point set by x-coordinate, find min and max y
    if( !is_float )
        std::sort(pointer, pointer + total, CHullCmpPoints<int>());
        for( i = 1; i < total; i++ )
            int y = pointer[i]->y;
            if( pointer[miny_ind]->y > y )
                miny_ind = i;
            if( pointer[maxy_ind]->y < y )
                maxy_ind = i;
        std::sort(pointerf, pointerf + total, CHullCmpPoints<float>());
        for( i = 1; i < total; i++ )
            float y = pointerf[i]->y;
            if( pointerf[miny_ind]->y > y )
                miny_ind = i;
            if( pointerf[maxy_ind]->y < y )
                maxy_ind = i;

    if( pointer[0]->x == pointer[total-1]->x &&
        pointer[0]->y == pointer[total-1]->y )
        hullbuf[nout++] = 0;
        // upper half
        int *tl_stack = stack;
        int tl_count = !is_float ?
            Sklansky_( pointer, 0, maxy_ind, tl_stack, -1, 1) :
            Sklansky_( pointerf, 0, maxy_ind, tl_stack, -1, 1);
        int *tr_stack = stack + tl_count;
        int tr_count = !is_float ?
            Sklansky_( pointer, total-1, maxy_ind, tr_stack, -1, -1) :
            Sklansky_( pointerf, total-1, maxy_ind, tr_stack, -1, -1);

        // gather upper part of convex hull to output
        if( !clockwise )
            std::swap( tl_stack, tr_stack );
            std::swap( tl_count, tr_count );

        for( i = 0; i < tl_count-1; i++ )
            hullbuf[nout++] = int(pointer[tl_stack[i]] - data0);
        for( i = tr_count - 1; i > 0; i-- )
            hullbuf[nout++] = int(pointer[tr_stack[i]] - data0);
        int stop_idx = tr_count > 2 ? tr_stack[1] : tl_count > 2 ? tl_stack[tl_count - 2] : -1;

        // lower half
        int *bl_stack = stack;
        int bl_count = !is_float ?
            Sklansky_( pointer, 0, miny_ind, bl_stack, 1, -1) :
            Sklansky_( pointerf, 0, miny_ind, bl_stack, 1, -1);
        int *br_stack = stack + bl_count;
        int br_count = !is_float ?
            Sklansky_( pointer, total-1, miny_ind, br_stack, 1, 1) :
            Sklansky_( pointerf, total-1, miny_ind, br_stack, 1, 1);

        if( clockwise )
            std::swap( bl_stack, br_stack );
            std::swap( bl_count, br_count );

        if( stop_idx >= 0 )
            int check_idx = bl_count > 2 ? bl_stack[1] :
            bl_count + br_count > 2 ? br_stack[2-bl_count] : -1;
            if( check_idx == stop_idx || (check_idx >= 0 &&
                                          pointer[check_idx]->x == pointer[stop_idx]->x &&
                                          pointer[check_idx]->y == pointer[stop_idx]->y) )
                // if all the points lie on the same line, then
                // the bottom part of the convex hull is the mirrored top part
                // (except the exteme points).
                bl_count = MIN( bl_count, 2 );
                br_count = MIN( br_count, 2 );

        for( i = 0; i < bl_count-1; i++ )
            hullbuf[nout++] = int(pointer[bl_stack[i]] - data0);
        for( i = br_count-1; i > 0; i-- )
            hullbuf[nout++] = int(pointer[br_stack[i]] - data0);

    if( !returnPoints )
        Mat(nout, 1, CV_32S, hullbuf).copyTo(_hull);
        _hull.create(nout, 1, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, 2));
        Mat hull = _hull.getMat();
        size_t step = !hull.isContinuous() ? hull.step[0] : sizeof(Point);
        for( i = 0; i < nout; i++ )
            *(Point*)(hull.ptr() + i*step) = data0[hullbuf[i]];