Beispiel #1
    try {
        /* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
        const wstring searchpath = L"../data";
        const wstring outfile = L"starter_graphics.pdf";

        PDFlib p;
        double xt=20, x = 210, y=770, dy=90;
        int font;

        p.set_parameter(L"SearchPath", searchpath);

        /* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */
        p.set_parameter(L"errorpolicy", L"return");

        if (p.begin_document(outfile, L"") == -1) {
            wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

        p.set_info(L"Creator", L"PDFlib starter sample");
        p.set_info(L"Title", L"starter_graphics");

        font = p.load_font(L"Helvetica", L"winansi", L"");
        if (font == -1) {
            wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

        /* Start an A4 page */
        p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, L"width=a4.width height=a4.height");

        /* Set the font */
        p.setfont(font, 14);

        /* Set the line width */

        /* Set the stroke color */
        p.setcolor(L"stroke", L"rgb", 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0);

        /* Set the fill color */
        p.setcolor(L"fill", L"rgb", 0.0, 0.85, 0.85, 0.0);

        /* -------------
         * Stroke a line
         * -------------

        /* Set the current point for graphics output */
        p.moveto(x, y);

        /* Draw a line from the current point to the supplied point */
        p.lineto(x+300, y+50);

        /* Stroke the path using the current line width and stroke color, and
         * clear it

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"lineto() and stroke()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}");

        /* --------------
         * Stroke a curve
         * --------------

        /* Set the current point for graphics output */
        p.moveto(x, y-=dy);

        /* Draw a Bézier curve from the current point to (x3, y3), using three
         * control points
        p.curveto(x+50, y+40, x+200, y+80, x+300, y+30);

        /* Stroke the path using the current line width and stroke color, and
         * clear it

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"curveto() and stroke()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}");

        /* ---------------
         * Stroke a circle
         * ---------------

        /* Draw a circle at position (x, y) with a radius of 40 */, y-=dy, 40);

        /* Stroke the path using the current line width and stroke color, and
         * clear it

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"circle() and stroke()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}");

        /* ---------------------
         * Stroke an arc segment
         * ---------------------

        /* Draw an arc segment counterclockwise at position (x, y) with a radius
         * of 40 starting at an angle of 90 degrees and ending at 180 degrees
        p.arc(x, y-=dy+20, 40, 90, 180);

        /* Stroke the path using the current line width and stroke color, and
         * clear it

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"arc() and stroke()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}");

        /* ------------------
         * Stroke a rectangle
         * ------------------

        /* Draw a rectangle at position (x, y) with a width of 200 and a height
         * of 50
        p.rect(x, y-=dy, 200, 50);

        /* Stroke the path using the current line width and stroke color, and
         * clear it

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"rect() and stroke()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}");

        /* ----------------
         * Fill a rectangle
         * ----------------

        /* Draw a rectangle at position (x, y) with a width of 200 and a height
         * of 50
        p.rect(x, y-=dy, 200, 50);

        /* Fill the path using current fill color, and clear it */

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"rect() and fill()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}");

        /* ---------------------------
         * Fill and stroke a rectangle
         * ---------------------------

        /* Draw a rectangle at position (x, y) with a width of 200 and a height
         * of 50
        p.rect(x, y-=dy, 200, 50);

        /* Fill and stroke the path using the current line width, fill color,
         * and stroke color, and clear it

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"rect() and fill_stroke()", xt, y,
            L"fillcolor={gray 0}");

        /* -------------------------------------------------------------
         * Draw a line and an arc, close the path and fill and stroke it
         * -------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Set the current point for graphics output */
        p.moveto(x-40, y-=dy);

        /* Draw a line from the current point to the supplied point */
        p.lineto(x, y);

        /* Draw an arc segment counterclockwise at position (x, y) with a radius
         * of 40 starting at an angle of 90 degrees and ending at 180 degrees
        p.arc(x, y, 40, 90, 180);

        /* Close the path and stroke and fill it, i.e. close the current subpath
         * (add a straight line segment from the current point to the starting
         * point of the path), and stroke and fill the complete current path

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"lineto(), arc(), and", xt, y+20,
            L"fillcolor={gray 0}");
        p.fit_textline(L"closepath_fill_stroke()", xt, y,
            L"fillcolor={gray 0}");

        /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
         * Draw a rectangle and use it as the clipping a path. Draw and fill
         * a circle and clip it according to the clipping path defined.
         * -----------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Save the current graphics state including the current clipping
         * path which is set to the entire page by default

        /* Draw a rectangle at position (x, y) with a width of 200 and a height
         * of 50
        p.rect(x, y-=dy, 200, 50);

        /* Use the current path as the clipping path for subsequent operations

        /* Draw a circle at position (x, y) with a radius of 100 */, y, 80);

        /* Fill the path with the current fill color and clear it

        /* Restore the graphics state which has been saved above */

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"rect(), clip(),", xt, y+20,
            L"fillcolor={gray 0}");
        p.fit_textline(L"circle(), and fill()", xt, y,
            L"fillcolor={gray 0}");


    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
        wcerr << L"PDFlib exception occurred:" << endl
              << L"[" << ex.get_errnum() << L"] " << ex.get_apiname()
              << L": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
        return 2;

    return 0;
Beispiel #2
    try {

        /* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
        const wstring searchpath = L"../data";
        const wstring outfile = L"starter_color.pdf";

        PDFlib p;
        int font, spot;
        int y = 800, x = 50, xoffset1=80, xoffset2 = 100, yoffset = 70, r = 30;
        double icchandle;

        p.set_parameter(L"SearchPath", searchpath);

        /* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */
        p.set_parameter(L"errorpolicy", L"return");

        if (p.begin_document(outfile, L"") == -1) {
            wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

        p.set_info(L"Creator", L"PDFlib starter sample");
        p.set_info(L"Title", L"starter_color");

        /* Load the font */
        font = p.load_font(L"Helvetica", L"winansi", L"");

        if (font == -1) {
            wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

        /* Start the page */
        p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, L"width=a4.width height=a4.height");

        p.setfont(font, 14);

        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Use default colors
         * If no special color is set the default values will be used. The
         * default values are restored at the beginning of the page.
         * 0=black in the Gray color space is the default fill and stroke
         * color in many cases, as shown in our sample.
         * -------------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Fill a circle with the default black fill color */, y-=yoffset, r);

        /* Output text with default black fill color */
        p.fit_textline( L"Circle and text filled with default color {gray 0}",
                x+xoffset2, y, L"");

        p.fit_textline(L"1.",  x+xoffset1, y, L"");

        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Use the Gray color space
         * Gray color is defined by Gray values between 0=black and 1=white.
         * -------------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Using setcolor(), set the current fill color to a light gray
         * represented by (0.5, 0, 0, 0) which defines 50% gray. Since gray
         * colors are defined by only one value, the last three function
         * parameters must be set to 0.
        p.setcolor(L"fill", L"gray", 0.5, 0, 0, 0);

        /* Fill a circle with the current fill color defined above */, y-=yoffset, r);

        /* Output text with the current fill color */
        p.fit_textline(L"Circle and text filled with {gray 0.5}",
                x+xoffset2, y, L"");

        /* Alternatively, you can set the fill color in the call to
         * fit_textline() using the L"fillcolor" option. This case applies the
         * fill color just the single function call. The current fill color
         * won't be affected.
        p.fit_textline(L"2.", x+xoffset1, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0.5}");

        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Use the RGB color space
         * RGB color is defined by RGB triples, i.e. three values between 0 and
         * 1 specifying the percentage of red, green, and blue.
         * (0, 0, 0) is black and (1, 1, 1) is white. The commonly used RGB
         * color values in the range 0...255 must be divided by 255 in order to
         * scale them to the range 0...1 as required by PDFlib.
         * --------------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Use setcolor() to set the fill color to a grass-green
         * represented by (0.1, 0.95, 0.3, 0) which defines 10% red, 95% green,
         * 30% blue. Since RGB colors are defined by only three values, the last
         * function parameter must be set to 0.
        p.setcolor(L"fill", L"rgb", 0.1, 0.95, 0.3, 0);

        /* Draw a circle with the current fill color defined above */, y-=yoffset, r);

        /* Output a text line with the RGB fill color defined above */
        p.fit_textline(L"Circle and text filled with {rgb 0.1 0.95 0.3}",
                x+xoffset2, y, L"");

        /* Alternatively, you can set the fill color in the call to
         * fit_textline() using the L"fillcolor" option. This case applies the
         * fill color just the single function call. The current fill color
         * won't be affected.
        p.fit_textline(L"3.", x+xoffset1, y, L"fillcolor={rgb 0.1 0.95 0.3}");

        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Use the CMYK color space
         * CMYK color is defined by four CMYK values between 0 = no color and
         * 1 = full color representing cyan, magenta, yellow, and black values;
         * (0, 0, 0, 0) is white and (0, 0, 0, 1) is black.
         * --------------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Use setcolor() to set the current fill color to a pale
         * orange, represented by (0.1, 0.7, 0.7, 0.1) which defines 10% Cyan,
         * 70% Magenta, 70% Yellow, and 10% Black.
        p.setcolor(L"fill", L"cmyk", 0.1, 0.7, 0.7, 0.1);

        /* Fill a circle with the current fill color defined above */, y-=yoffset, r);

        /* Output a text line with the CMYK fill color defined above */
        p.fit_textline(L"Circle and text filled with {cmyk 0.1 0.7 0.7 0.1}",
                x+xoffset2, y, L"");

        /* Alternatively, you can set the fill color in the call to
         * fit_textline() using the L"fillcolor" option. This case applies the
         * fill color just the single function call. The current fill color
         * won't be affected.
        p.fit_textline(L"4.", x+xoffset1, y,
                                L"fillcolor={cmyk 0.1 0.7 0.7 0.1}");

        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Use a Lab color
         * Device-independent color in the CIE L*a*b* color space is specified
         * by a luminance value in the range 0-100 and two color values in the
         * range -127 to 128. The first value contains the green-red axis,
         * while the second value contains the blue-yellow axis.
         * --------------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Set the current fill color to a loud blue, represented by
         * (100, -127, -127, 0). Since Lab colors are defined by only three
         * values, the last function parameter must be set to 0.
        p.setcolor(L"fill", L"lab", 100, -127, -127, 0);

        /* Fill a circle with the fill color defined above */, y-=yoffset, r);

        /* Output a text line with the Lab fill color defined above */
        p.fit_textline(L"Circle and text filled with {lab 100 -127 -127}",
                x+xoffset2, y, L"");

        /* Alternatively, you can set the fill color in the call to
         * fit_textline() using the L"fillcolor" option. This case applies the
         * fill color just the single function call. The current fill color
         * won't be affected.
        p.fit_textline(L"5.", x+xoffset1, y, L"fillcolor={lab 100 -127 -127}");

        /* ---------------------------------------------------------------
         * Use an ICC based color
         * ICC-based colors are specified with the help of an ICC profile.
         * ---------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Load the sRGB profile. sRGB is guaranteed to be always available */
        icchandle = p.load_iccprofile(L"sRGB", L"usage=iccbased");

        /* Set the sRGB profile. (Accordingly, you can use
         * L"setcolor:iccprofilergb" or L"setcolor:iccprofilegray" with an
         * appropriate profile)
        p.set_value(L"setcolor:iccprofilergb", icchandle);

        /* Use setcolor() with the L"iccbasedrgb" color space to set the current
         * fill and stroke color to a grass-green, represented
         * by the RGB color values (0.1 0.95 0.3 0) which define 10% Red,
         * 95% Green, and 30% Blue. Since iccbasedrgb colors are defined by only
         * three values, the last function parameter must be set to 0.
        p.setcolor(L"fill", L"iccbasedrgb", 0.1, 0.95, 0.3, 0);

        /* Fill a circle with the ICC based RGB fill color defined above */, y-=yoffset, r);

        /* Output a text line with the ICC based RGB fill color defined above */
                L"Circle and text filled with {iccbasedrgb 0.1 0.95 0.3}",
                x+xoffset2, y, L"");

        /* Alternatively, you can set the fill color in the call to
         * fit_textline() using the L"fillcolor" option. This case applies the
         * fill color just the single function call. The current fill color
         * won't be affected.
        p.fit_textline(L"6.", x+xoffset1, y,
                L"fillcolor={iccbasedrgb 0.1 0.95 0.3}");

        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Use a spot color
         * Spot color (separation color space) is a predefined or arbitrarily
         * named custom color with an alternate representation in one of the
         * other color spaces above; this is generally used for preparing
         * documents which are intended to be printed on an offset printing
         * machine with one or more custom colors. The tint value (percentage)
         * ranges from 0 = no color to 1 = maximum intensity of the spot color.
         * --------------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Define the spot color L"PANTONE 281 U" from the builtin color
         * library PANTONE
        spot = p.makespotcolor(L"PANTONE 281 U");

        /* Set the spot color L"PANTONE 281 U" with a tint value of 1 (=100%)
         * and output some text. Since spot colors are defined by only two
         * values, the last two function parameters must be set to 0.
        p.setcolor(L"fill", L"spot", spot, 1.0, 0, 0);

        /* Fill a circle with the ICC based RGB fill color defined above */, y-=yoffset, r);

                L"Circle and text filled with {spotname {PANTONE 281 U} 1}",
                x+xoffset2, y, L"");

        /* Alternatively, you can set the fill color in the call to
         * fit_textline() using the L"fillcolor" option. This case applies the
         * fill color just the single function call. The current fill color
         * won't be affected.
        p.fit_textline(L"7.", x+xoffset1, y,
            L"fillcolor={spotname {PANTONE 281 U} 1}");

        /* or */
        wostringstream buf;
        buf << L"fillcolor={spot " << spot << L" 1}";
        p.fit_textline(L"7.", x+xoffset1, y, buf.str());

        /* ----------------------------------------------------------
         * For using the Pattern color space, see the Cookbook topics
         * graphics/fill_pattern and images/background_pattern.
         * ----------------------------------------------------------

        /* ---------------------------------------------------------
         * For using the Shading color space, see the Cookbook topic
         * color/color_gradient.
         * ---------------------------------------------------------


    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
        wcerr << L"PDFlib exception occurred:" << endl
              << L"[" << ex.get_errnum() << L"] " << ex.get_apiname()
              << L": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
        return 2;

    return 0;