Beispiel #1
int TDBTBL::Cardinality(PGLOBAL g)
  if (!g)
    return 0;                 // Cannot make the table list
  else if (Cardinal < 0) {
    int tsz;

    if (!Tablist && InitTableList(g))
      return 0;               // Cannot be calculated at this stage

    Cardinal = 0;

    for (PTABLE tabp = Tablist; tabp; tabp = tabp->GetNext()) {
      if ((tsz = tabp->GetTo_Tdb()->Cardinality(g)) < 0) {
        Cardinal = -1;
        return tsz;
        } // endif mxsz

      Cardinal += tsz;
      } // endfor i

    } // endif Cardinal

  return Cardinal;
  } // end of Cardinality
Beispiel #2
bool TDBTBL::TestFil(PGLOBAL g, PCFIL filp, PTABLE tabp)
  char *body, *fil, op[8], tn[NAME_LEN];
  bool  neg;

  if (!filp)
    return TRUE;
    body = filp->Body;

  if (strstr(body, " OR ") || strstr(body, " AND "))
    return TRUE;               // Not handled yet
    fil = body + (*body == '(' ? 1 : 0);

  if (sscanf(fil, "TABID %s", op) != 1)
    return TRUE;               // ignore invalid filter

  if ((neg = !strcmp(op, "NOT")))
    strcpy(op, "IN");

  if (!strcmp(op, "=")) {
    // Temporarily, filter must be "TABID = 'value'" only
    if (sscanf(fil, "TABID = '%[^']'", tn) != 1)
      return TRUE;             // ignore invalid filter

    return !stricmp(tn, tabp->GetName());
  } else if (!strcmp(op, "IN")) {
    char *p, *tnl = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(fil) - 10);
    int   n;

    if (neg)
      n = sscanf(fil, "TABID NOT IN (%[^)])", tnl);
      n = sscanf(fil, "TABID IN (%[^)])", tnl);

    if (n != 1)
      return TRUE;             // ignore invalid filter

    while (tnl) {
      if ((p = strchr(tnl, ',')))
        *p++ = 0;

      if (sscanf(tnl, "'%[^']'", tn) != 1)
        return TRUE;           // ignore invalid filter
      else if (!stricmp(tn, tabp->GetName()))
        return !neg;           // Found

      tnl = p;
      } // endwhile

    return neg;                // Not found
  } // endif op

  return TRUE;                 // invalid operator
  } // end of TestFil
Beispiel #3
bool TBLDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR, int)
  char   *tablist, *dbname, *def = NULL;

  Desc = "Table list table";
  tablist = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Tablist", "");
  dbname = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Dbname", "*");
  def = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Srcdef", NULL);
  Ntables = 0;

  if (*tablist) {
    char  *p, *pn, *pdb;
    PTABLE tbl;

    for (pdb = tablist; ;) {
      if ((p = strchr(pdb, ',')))
        *p = 0;

      // Analyze the table name, it may have the format:
      // [dbname.]tabname
      if ((pn = strchr(pdb, '.'))) {
        *pn++ = 0;
      } else {
        pn = pdb;
        pdb = dbname;
      } // endif p

      // Allocate the TBLIST block for that table
      tbl = new(g) XTAB(pn, def);
      if (trace)
        htrc("TBL: Name=%s db=%s\n", tbl->GetName(), tbl->GetSchema());

      // Link the blocks
      if (Tablep)
        Tablep = tbl;


      if (p)
        pdb = pn + strlen(pn) + 1;

      } // endfor pdb

    Maxerr = GetIntCatInfo("Maxerr", 0);
    Accept = GetBoolCatInfo("Accept", false);
    Thread = GetBoolCatInfo("Thread", false);
    } // endif tablist

  return FALSE;
  } // end of DefineAM
Beispiel #4
void TDBTBM::ResetDB(void)
  for (PCOL colp = Columns; colp; colp = colp->GetNext())
    if (colp->GetAmType() == TYPE_AM_TABID)

  for (PTABLE tabp = Tablist; tabp; tabp = tabp->GetNext())

  Tdbp = (Tablist) ? (PTDBASE)Tablist->GetTo_Tdb() : NULL;
  Crp = 0;
  } // end of ResetDB
Beispiel #5
int TDBTBL::GetMaxSize(PGLOBAL g)
  if (MaxSize < 0) {
    int mxsz;

    if (!Tablist && InitTableList(g))
      return 0;               // Cannot be calculated at this stage

    MaxSize = 0;

    for (PTABLE tabp = Tablist; tabp; tabp = tabp->GetNext()) {
      if ((mxsz = tabp->GetTo_Tdb()->GetMaxSize(g)) < 0) {
        MaxSize = -1;
        return mxsz;
        } // endif mxsz

      MaxSize += mxsz;
      } // endfor i

    } // endif MaxSize

  return MaxSize;
  } // end of GetMaxSize
Beispiel #6
bool TDBPIVOT::GetSourceTable(PGLOBAL g)
  if (Tdbp)
    return false;             // Already done

  if (!Tabsrc && Tabname) {
    // Get the table description block of this table
    if (!(Tdbp = GetSubTable(g, ((PPIVOTDEF)To_Def)->Tablep, true)))
      return true;

    if (!GBdone) {
      char   *colist;
      PCOLDEF cdp;

      if (FindDefaultColumns(g))
        return true;
      // Locate the suballocated colist (size is not known yet)
      *(colist = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, 0)) = 0;
      // Make the column list
      for (cdp = To_Def->GetCols(); cdp; cdp = cdp->GetNext())
        if (!cdp->GetOffset())
          strcat(strcat(colist, cdp->GetName()), ", ");
      // Add the Pivot column at the end of the list
      strcat(colist, Picol);
      // Now we know how much was suballocated
      PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(colist) + 1);
      // Locate the source string (size is not known yet)
      Tabsrc = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, 0);
      // Start making the definition
      strcat(strcat(strcpy(Tabsrc, "SELECT "), colist), ", ");
      // Make it suitable for Pivot by doing the group by
      strcat(strcat(Tabsrc, Function), "(");
      strcat(strcat(strcat(Tabsrc, Fncol), ") "), Fncol);
      strcat(strcat(Tabsrc, " FROM "), Tabname);
      strcat(strcat(Tabsrc, " GROUP BY "), colist);
      if (Tdbp->IsView())     // Until MariaDB bug is fixed
        strcat(strcat(Tabsrc, " ORDER BY "), colist);

      // Now we know how much was suballocated
      PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(Tabsrc) + 1);
      } // endif !GBdone

  } else if (!Tabsrc) {
    strcpy(g->Message, MSG(SRC_TABLE_UNDEF));
    return true;
  } // endif

  if (Tabsrc) {
    // Get the new table description block of this source table
    PTABLE tablep = new(g) XTAB("whatever", Tabsrc);


    if (!(Tdbp = GetSubTable(g, tablep, true)))
      return true;

    } // endif Tabsrc

  return false;
  } // end of GetSourceTable
Beispiel #7
PTDBASE TDBPRX::GetSubTable(PGLOBAL g, PTABLE tabp, bool b)
  const char  *sp = NULL;
  char        *db, *name;
  bool         mysql = true;
  PTDB         tdbp = NULL;
  Field*      *fp = NULL;
  PCATLG       cat = To_Def->GetCat();
  PHC          hc = ((MYCAT*)cat)->GetHandler();
  LPCSTR       cdb, curdb = hc->GetDBName(NULL);
  THD         *thd = (hc->GetTable())->in_use;

  db = (char*)tabp->GetQualifier();
  name = (char*)tabp->GetName();

  // Check for eventual loop
  for (PTABLE tp = To_Table; tp; tp = tp->Next) {
    cdb = (tp->Qualifier) ? tp->Qualifier : curdb;

    if (!stricmp(name, tp->Name) && !stricmp(db, cdb)) {
      sprintf(g->Message, "Table %s.%s pointing on itself", db, name);
      return NULL;
      } // endif

    } // endfor tp

  if (!tabp->GetSrc()) {
    if (!(s = GetTableShare(g, thd, db, name, mysql)))
      return NULL;

    if (s->is_view && !b)
      s->field = hc->get_table()->s->field;

    hc->tshp = s;
  } else if (b) {
    // Don't use caller's columns
    fp = hc->get_table()->field;
    hc->get_table()->field = NULL;

    // Make caller use the source definition
    sp = hc->get_table()->s->option_struct->srcdef;
    hc->get_table()->s->option_struct->srcdef = tabp->GetSrc();
  } // endif srcdef

  if (mysql) {
#if defined(MYSQL_SUPPORT)
    // Access sub-table via MySQL API
    if (!(tdbp= cat->GetTable(g, tabp, Mode, "MYPRX"))) {
      char buf[MAX_STR];

      strcpy(buf, g->Message);
      sprintf(g->Message, "Error accessing %s.%s: %s", db, name, buf);
      hc->tshp = NULL;
      goto err;
      } // endif Define

    if (db)

    if (Mode == MODE_UPDATE || Mode == MODE_DELETE)
      tdbp->SetName(Name);      // For Make_Command

#else   // !MYSQL_SUPPORT
      sprintf(g->Message, "%s.%s is not a CONNECT table",
                          db, tblp->Name);
      goto err;
#endif   // MYSQL_SUPPORT
  } else {
    // Sub-table is a CONNECT table
    tabp->Next = To_Table;          // For loop checking
    tdbp = cat->GetTable(g, tabp, Mode);
  } // endif mysql

  if (s) {
    if (s->is_view && !b)
      s->field = NULL;

    hc->tshp = NULL;
  } else if (b) {
    // Restore s structure that can be in cache
    hc->get_table()->field = fp;
    hc->get_table()->s->option_struct->srcdef = sp;
  } // endif s

  if (trace && tdbp)
    htrc("Subtable %s in %s\n", 
          name, SVP(((PTDBASE)tdbp)->GetDef()->GetDB()));
  if (s)

  return (PTDBASE)tdbp;
  } // end of GetSubTable