Beispiel #1
PVideoFrame __stdcall MergeAll::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* env)
  if (weight<0.0039f) return child->GetFrame(n, env);
  if (weight>0.9961f) return clip->GetFrame(n, env);

  PVideoFrame src  = child->GetFrame(n, env);
  PVideoFrame src2 =  clip->GetFrame(n, env);

  BYTE* srcp  = src->GetWritePtr();
  const BYTE* srcp2 = src2->GetReadPtr();

  const int src_pitch = src->GetPitch();
  const int src_rowsize = src->GetRowSize();

  merge_plane(srcp, srcp2, src_pitch, src2->GetPitch(), src_rowsize, src->GetHeight(), weight, env);

  if (vi.IsPlanar()) {
    BYTE* srcpU  = (BYTE*)src->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_U);
    BYTE* srcpV  = (BYTE*)src->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_V);
    BYTE* srcp2U = (BYTE*)src2->GetReadPtr(PLANAR_U);
    BYTE* srcp2V = (BYTE*)src2->GetReadPtr(PLANAR_V);
    int src_rowsize = src->GetRowSize(PLANAR_U);

    merge_plane(srcpU, srcp2U, src->GetPitch(PLANAR_U), src2->GetPitch(PLANAR_U), src_rowsize, src->GetHeight(PLANAR_U), weight, env);
    merge_plane(srcpV, srcp2V, src->GetPitch(PLANAR_V), src2->GetPitch(PLANAR_V), src_rowsize, src->GetHeight(PLANAR_V), weight, env);

  return src;
Beispiel #2
static void make_black_background_planar_yuv
    PVideoFrame &frame,
    int          bitdepth_minus_8
    memset( frame->GetWritePtr( PLANAR_Y ), 0x00, frame->GetPitch( PLANAR_Y ) * frame->GetHeight( PLANAR_Y ) );
    memset( frame->GetWritePtr( PLANAR_U ), 0x80, frame->GetPitch( PLANAR_U ) * frame->GetHeight( PLANAR_U ) );
    memset( frame->GetWritePtr( PLANAR_V ), 0x80, frame->GetPitch( PLANAR_V ) * frame->GetHeight( PLANAR_V ) );
PVideoFrame TMaskCleaner::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* env) {
    PVideoFrame src = child->GetFrame(n,env);
    PVideoFrame dst = env->NewVideoFrame(child->GetVideoInfo());

    memset(dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_Y), 0, dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_Y) * dst->GetHeight(PLANAR_Y));
    memset(lookup, 0, child->GetVideoInfo().height * child->GetVideoInfo().width / 8);

    ClearMask(dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_Y), src->GetReadPtr(PLANAR_Y), dst->GetRowSize(PLANAR_Y), dst->GetHeight(PLANAR_Y),src->GetPitch(PLANAR_Y), dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_Y));
    return dst;
Beispiel #4
void AvisynthVideoSource::OutputFrame(const FFMS_Frame *Frame, PVideoFrame &Dst, IScriptEnvironment *Env) {
	if (VI.pixel_type == VideoInfo::CS_I420) {
		Env->BitBlt(Dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_Y), Dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_Y), Frame->Data[0], Frame->Linesize[0], Dst->GetRowSize(PLANAR_Y), Dst->GetHeight(PLANAR_Y)); 
		Env->BitBlt(Dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_U), Dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_U), Frame->Data[1], Frame->Linesize[1], Dst->GetRowSize(PLANAR_U), Dst->GetHeight(PLANAR_U)); 
		Env->BitBlt(Dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_V), Dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_V), Frame->Data[2], Frame->Linesize[2], Dst->GetRowSize(PLANAR_V), Dst->GetHeight(PLANAR_V)); 
	} else if (VI.IsYUY2()) {
		Env->BitBlt(Dst->GetWritePtr(), Dst->GetPitch(), Frame->Data[0], Frame->Linesize[0], Dst->GetRowSize(), Dst->GetHeight()); 
	} else { // RGB
		Env->BitBlt(Dst->GetWritePtr() + Dst->GetPitch() * (Dst->GetHeight() - 1), -Dst->GetPitch(), Frame->Data[0], Frame->Linesize[0], Dst->GetRowSize(), Dst->GetHeight()); 
Beispiel #5
PVideoFrame __stdcall Null::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* env) 
  PVideoFrame src = child->GetFrame(n, env);
  BYTE * foo = new BYTE[256];
  BYTE * bar = new BYTE[256];
  MemDebug md;
  md.randomFill(foo, 8, 8, 8);
  BitBlt(bar, 8, foo, 8, 8, 8);

  int i = md.randomCheck(bar, 9, 8, 8);
  if (i)
    env->ThrowError("bug found");

  delete [] foo;
  delete [] bar;

  if (!lstrcmpi(copy, "makewritable"))
    return src;

  // TODO: no support for planar formats!
  if (!lstrcmpi(copy, "memcopy"))
    PVideoFrame dst = env->NewVideoFrame(child->GetVideoInfo(), 16);
    if (dst->IsWritable() == false)
      env->ThrowError("new frame not writable"); // honestly don't know whether to expect this condition

    memcpy( dst->GetWritePtr(), src->GetReadPtr(), src->GetPitch() * src->GetHeight() );
    return dst;
  if (!lstrcmpi(copy, "bitblt"))
    PVideoFrame dst = env->NewVideoFrame(child->GetVideoInfo(), 16);
    if (dst->IsWritable() == false)
      env->ThrowError("new frame not writable"); // honestly don't know whether to expect this condition

    BitBlt( dst->GetWritePtr(), src->GetPitch(), src->GetReadPtr(), src->GetPitch(), 
            src->GetRowSize(), src->GetHeight() );
    return dst;

  //if (!lstrcmpi(copy, "none"))
    // do nothing
  return src;
Beispiel #6
static inline void as_assign_planar_yuv
    PVideoFrame  &as_frame,
    as_picture_t *as_picture
    as_picture->data    [0] = as_frame->GetWritePtr( PLANAR_Y );
    as_picture->data    [1] = as_frame->GetWritePtr( PLANAR_U );
    as_picture->data    [2] = as_frame->GetWritePtr( PLANAR_V );
    as_picture->linesize[0] = as_frame->GetPitch   ( PLANAR_Y );
    as_picture->linesize[1] = as_frame->GetPitch   ( PLANAR_U );
    as_picture->linesize[2] = as_frame->GetPitch   ( PLANAR_V );
Beispiel #7
PVideoFrame __stdcall TEMmod::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* env)
    const int planes[3] = {PLANAR_Y, PLANAR_U, PLANAR_V};

    PVideoFrame src = child->GetFrame(n, env);
    PVideoFrame dst = env->NewVideoFrame(vi);

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        if (process[i] == 0) {
        int p = planes[i];
        int dst_pitch = dst->GetPitch(p);
        uint8_t* dstp = dst->GetWritePtr(p);
        int height = src->GetHeight(p);

        if (process[i] == 2) {
            memset(dstp, 0, dst_pitch * height);
        int src_pitch = src->GetPitch(p);
        int width = src->GetRowSize(p);
        const uint8_t* srcp = src->GetReadPtr(p);

        if (((intptr_t)srcp & 15) && type > 2) {
            env->ThrowError("TEMmod: invalid memory alignment found!");

        calc_map(srcp, dstp, buff, src_pitch, dst_pitch, buff_pitch,
                 width, height, threshold[i], scale);


    if (link > 0) {

    if (!invert) {
        return dst;

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        if (process[i] == 0) {
        invert_plane(dst->GetWritePtr(planes[i]), dst->GetPitch(planes[i]),

    return dst;
Beispiel #8
void AvisynthVideoSource::OutputField(const FFMS_Frame *Frame, PVideoFrame &Dst, int Field, IScriptEnvironment *Env) {
	const FFMS_Frame *SrcPicture = (Frame);
	if (VI.pixel_type == VideoInfo::CS_I420) {
		if (Field) {
			Env->BitBlt(Dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_Y), Dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_Y) * 2, SrcPicture->Data[0], SrcPicture->Linesize[0] * 2, Dst->GetRowSize(PLANAR_Y), Dst->GetHeight(PLANAR_Y) / 2); 
			Env->BitBlt(Dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_U), Dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_U) * 2, SrcPicture->Data[1], SrcPicture->Linesize[1] * 2, Dst->GetRowSize(PLANAR_U), Dst->GetHeight(PLANAR_U) / 2); 
			Env->BitBlt(Dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_V), Dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_V) * 2, SrcPicture->Data[2], SrcPicture->Linesize[2] * 2, Dst->GetRowSize(PLANAR_V), Dst->GetHeight(PLANAR_V) / 2); 
		} else {
			Env->BitBlt(Dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_Y) + Dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_Y), Dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_Y) * 2, SrcPicture->Data[0] + SrcPicture->Linesize[0], SrcPicture->Linesize[0] * 2, Dst->GetRowSize(PLANAR_Y), Dst->GetHeight(PLANAR_Y) / 2); 
			Env->BitBlt(Dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_U) + Dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_U), Dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_U) * 2, SrcPicture->Data[1] + SrcPicture->Linesize[1], SrcPicture->Linesize[1] * 2, Dst->GetRowSize(PLANAR_U), Dst->GetHeight(PLANAR_U) / 2); 
			Env->BitBlt(Dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_V) + Dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_V), Dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_V) * 2, SrcPicture->Data[2] + SrcPicture->Linesize[2], SrcPicture->Linesize[2] * 2, Dst->GetRowSize(PLANAR_V), Dst->GetHeight(PLANAR_V) / 2); 
	} else if (VI.IsYUY2()) {
		if (Field)
			Env->BitBlt(Dst->GetWritePtr(), Dst->GetPitch() * 2, SrcPicture->Data[0], SrcPicture->Linesize[0] * 2, Dst->GetRowSize(), Dst->GetHeight() / 2); 
			Env->BitBlt(Dst->GetWritePtr() + Dst->GetPitch(), Dst->GetPitch() * 2, SrcPicture->Data[0] + SrcPicture->Linesize[0], SrcPicture->Linesize[0] * 2, Dst->GetRowSize(), Dst->GetHeight() / 2); 
	} else { // RGB
		if (Field)
			Env->BitBlt(Dst->GetWritePtr() + Dst->GetPitch() * (Dst->GetHeight() - 1), -Dst->GetPitch() * 2, SrcPicture->Data[0], SrcPicture->Linesize[0] * 2, Dst->GetRowSize(), Dst->GetHeight() / 2); 
			Env->BitBlt(Dst->GetWritePtr() + Dst->GetPitch() * (Dst->GetHeight() - 2), -Dst->GetPitch() * 2, SrcPicture->Data[0] + SrcPicture->Linesize[0], SrcPicture->Linesize[0] * 2, Dst->GetRowSize(), Dst->GetHeight() / 2); 
Beispiel #9
PVideoFrame VerticalReduceBy2::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* env) {
  PVideoFrame src = child->GetFrame(n, env);
  PVideoFrame dst = env->NewVideoFrame(vi);
  int src_pitch = src->GetPitch();
  int dst_pitch = dst->GetPitch();
  int row_size = src->GetRowSize();
  BYTE* dstp = dst->GetWritePtr();
  const BYTE* srcp = src->GetReadPtr();

  if (vi.IsPlanar()) {
    mmx_process(srcp,src_pitch, row_size, dstp,dst_pitch,dst->GetHeight(PLANAR_Y));

    if (src->GetRowSize(PLANAR_V)) {
      src_pitch = src->GetPitch(PLANAR_V);
      dst_pitch = dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_V);
      row_size = src->GetRowSize(PLANAR_V_ALIGNED);
      dstp = dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_V);
      srcp = src->GetReadPtr(PLANAR_V);
      mmx_process(srcp,src_pitch, row_size, dstp,dst_pitch,dst->GetHeight(PLANAR_V));

      src_pitch = src->GetPitch(PLANAR_U);
      dst_pitch = dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_U);
      row_size = src->GetRowSize(PLANAR_U_ALIGNED);
      dstp = dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_U);
      srcp = src->GetReadPtr(PLANAR_U);
      mmx_process(srcp,src_pitch, row_size, dstp,dst_pitch,dst->GetHeight(PLANAR_U));
    return dst;


  //if ((env->GetCPUFlags() & CPUF_MMX)) {
    if ((row_size&3)==0) {  // row width divideable with 4 (one dword per loop)
      mmx_process(srcp,src_pitch, row_size, dstp,dst_pitch,vi.height);
      return dst;
  for (int y=0; y<vi.height; ++y) {
    const BYTE* line0 = src->GetReadPtr() + (y*2)*src_pitch;
    const BYTE* line1 = line0 + src_pitch;
    const BYTE* line2 = (y*2 < original_height-2) ? (line1 + src_pitch) : line0;
    for (int x=0; x<row_size; ++x)
      dstp[x] = (line0[x] + 2*line1[x] + line2[x] + 2) >> 2;
    dstp += dst_pitch;

  return dst;
Beispiel #10
PVideoFrame SkewRows::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* env) {

  PVideoFrame src = child->GetFrame(n, env);
  PVideoFrame dst = env->NewVideoFrame(vi);

  const int srowsize = src->GetRowSize();
  const int spitch   = src->GetPitch();
  const BYTE *sptr   = src->GetReadPtr();

  const int drowsize = dst->GetRowSize();
  const int dpitch   = dst->GetPitch();
  BYTE *dptr         = dst->GetWritePtr();

  const int ssize = src->GetHeight()*srowsize;

  int s=0, d=0;
  for (int i=0; i < ssize; i++) {
    if (s >= srowsize) {
      s = 0;
      sptr += spitch;
    if (d >= drowsize) {
      d = 0;
      dptr += dpitch;
    dptr[d++] = sptr[s++];

  while (d < drowsize)
    dptr[d++] = 128;

  return dst;

PVideoFrame __stdcall Padding::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment *env)
    PVideoFrame src = child->GetFrame(n, env);
    PVideoFrame dst = env->NewVideoFrame(vi);

    // convert to frames
    unsigned char const *pSrc[3];
    unsigned char *pDst[3];
    int nDstPitches[3], nSrcPitches[3];
    SrcPlanes->ConvertVideoFrameToPlanes(&src, pSrc, nSrcPitches);
    DstPlanes->ConvertVideoFrameToPlanes(&dst, pDst, nDstPitches);

    int yRatioUV = (vi.IsYV12()) ? 2 : 1;

    PlaneCopy(pDst[0] + horizontalPadding + verticalPadding * nDstPitches[0], nDstPitches[0],
              pSrc[0], nSrcPitches[0], width, height, isse);
    PadReferenceFrame(pDst[0], nDstPitches[0], horizontalPadding, verticalPadding, width, height);

    PlaneCopy(pDst[1] + horizontalPadding/2 + verticalPadding/yRatioUV * nDstPitches[1], 
              nDstPitches[1],	pSrc[1], nSrcPitches[1], width/2, height/yRatioUV, isse);
    PadReferenceFrame(pDst[1], nDstPitches[1], horizontalPadding/2, verticalPadding/yRatioUV, width/2, height/yRatioUV);

    PlaneCopy(pDst[2] + horizontalPadding/2 + verticalPadding/yRatioUV * nDstPitches[2], 
              nDstPitches[2],	pSrc[2], nSrcPitches[2], width/2, height/yRatioUV, isse);
    PadReferenceFrame(pDst[2], nDstPitches[2], horizontalPadding/2, verticalPadding/yRatioUV, width/2, height/yRatioUV);

    // convert back from planes
    unsigned char *pDstYUY2 = dst->GetWritePtr();
    int nDstPitchYUY2 = dst->GetPitch();
    DstPlanes->YUY2FromPlanes(pDstYUY2, nDstPitchYUY2);

    return dst;
Beispiel #12
static void BlitField(const FFMS_Frame *Frame, PVideoFrame &Dst, IScriptEnvironment *Env, int Plane, int Field) {
	int PlaneId = 1 << Plane;
		Dst->GetWritePtr(PlaneId) + Dst->GetPitch(PlaneId) * Field, Dst->GetPitch(PlaneId) * 2,
		Frame->Data[Plane] + Frame->Linesize[Plane] * Field, Frame->Linesize[Plane] * 2,
		Dst->GetRowSize(PlaneId), Dst->GetHeight(PlaneId) / 2);
Beispiel #13
PVideoFrame PeculiarBlend::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* env) {
  PVideoFrame a = child->GetFrame(n, env);
  PVideoFrame b = child->GetFrame(n+1, env);
  BYTE* main = a->GetWritePtr();
  const BYTE* other = b->GetReadPtr();
  const int main_pitch = a->GetPitch();
  const int other_pitch = b->GetPitch();
  const int row_size = a->GetRowSize();

  if (cutoff-31 > 0) {
    int copy_top = min(cutoff-31, vi.height);
    BitBlt(main, main_pitch, other, other_pitch, row_size, copy_top);
    main += main_pitch * copy_top;
    other += other_pitch * copy_top;
  for (int y = max(0, cutoff-31); y < min(cutoff, vi.height-1); ++y) {
    int scale = cutoff - y;
    for (int x = 0; x < row_size; ++x)
      main[x] += ((other[x] - main[x]) * scale + 16) >> 5;
    main += main_pitch;
    other += other_pitch;

  return a;
Beispiel #14
static void make_black_background_packed_all_zero
    PVideoFrame &frame,
    int          bitdepth_minus_8
    memset( frame->GetWritePtr(), 0x00, frame->GetPitch() * frame->GetHeight() );
Beispiel #15
PVideoFrame WeaveRows::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* env) 
  const int b = n * period;
  const int e = b + period;

  PVideoFrame dst = env->NewVideoFrame(vi);
  BYTE *dstp = dst->GetWritePtr();
  const int dstpitch = dst->GetPitch();

  if (vi.IsRGB()) { // RGB upsidedown
    dstp += dstpitch * period;
    for (int i=b; i<e; i++) {
      dstp -= dstpitch;
      const int j = i < inframes ? i : inframes-1;
      PVideoFrame src = child->GetFrame(j, env);
      BitBlt( dstp,              dstpitch * period,
              src->GetReadPtr(), src->GetPitch(),
              src->GetRowSize(), src->GetHeight() );
  else {
    BYTE *dstpU = dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_U);
    BYTE *dstpV = dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_V);
    const int dstpitchUV = dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_U);
    for (int i=b; i<e; i++) {
      const int j = i < inframes ? i : inframes-1;
      PVideoFrame src = child->GetFrame(j, env);
      BitBlt( dstp,              dstpitch * period,
              src->GetReadPtr(), src->GetPitch(),
              src->GetRowSize(), src->GetHeight() );
      dstp += dstpitch;
      if (dstpitchUV) {
        BitBlt( dstpU,                     dstpitchUV * period,
                src->GetReadPtr(PLANAR_U), src->GetPitch(PLANAR_U),
                src->GetRowSize(PLANAR_U), src->GetHeight(PLANAR_U) );
        BitBlt( dstpV,                     dstpitchUV * period,
                src->GetReadPtr(PLANAR_V), src->GetPitch(PLANAR_V),
                src->GetRowSize(PLANAR_V), src->GetHeight(PLANAR_V) );
        dstpU += dstpitchUV;
        dstpV += dstpitchUV;
  return dst;
Beispiel #16
PVideoFrame __stdcall AlignPlanar::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* env) {
  int plane = (env->PlanarChromaAlignment(IScriptEnvironment::PlanarChromaAlignmentTest)) ? PLANAR_U_ALIGNED : PLANAR_Y_ALIGNED;

  PVideoFrame src = child->GetFrame(n, env);

  if (!(src->GetRowSize(plane)&(FRAME_ALIGN-1)))
    return src;

  PVideoFrame dst = env->NewVideoFrame(vi);

  if ((dst->GetRowSize(PLANAR_Y_ALIGNED)&(FRAME_ALIGN-1))) 
    env->ThrowError("AlignPlanar: [internal error] Returned frame was not aligned!");

  env->BitBlt(dst->GetWritePtr(), dst->GetPitch(), src->GetReadPtr(), src->GetPitch(), src->GetRowSize(), src->GetHeight());
  env->BitBlt(dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_V), dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_V), src->GetReadPtr(PLANAR_V), src->GetPitch(PLANAR_V), src->GetRowSize(PLANAR_V), src->GetHeight(PLANAR_V));
  env->BitBlt(dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_U), dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_U), src->GetReadPtr(PLANAR_U), src->GetPitch(PLANAR_U), src->GetRowSize(PLANAR_U), src->GetHeight(PLANAR_U));

  return dst;
Beispiel #17
PVideoFrame __stdcall Turn::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* env) {

	PVideoFrame src = child->GetFrame(n, env);

    PVideoFrame dst = env->NewVideoFrame(vi);

	if (vi.IsPlanar())
		TurnPlanFunc(src->GetReadPtr(PLANAR_Y), dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_Y),
					 src->GetReadPtr(PLANAR_U), dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_U),
					 src->GetReadPtr(PLANAR_V), dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_V),
					 src->GetRowSize(PLANAR_Y), src->GetHeight(PLANAR_Y),
					 src->GetRowSize(PLANAR_U), src->GetHeight(PLANAR_U),
					 src->GetPitch(PLANAR_Y), dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_Y),
					 src->GetPitch(PLANAR_U), dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_U),
					 src->GetPitch(PLANAR_V), direction);
    return dst;
Beispiel #18
static void make_black_background_packed_yuv422
    PVideoFrame &frame,
    int          bitdepth_minus_8
    uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *)frame->GetWritePtr();
    int num_loops = frame->GetPitch() * frame->GetHeight() / 4;
    for( int i = 0; i < num_loops; i++ )
        *dst++ = 0x00800080;
Beispiel #19
static void make_black_background_planar_yuv_interleaved
    PVideoFrame &frame,
    int          bitdepth_minus_8
    memset( frame->GetWritePtr( PLANAR_Y ), 0x00, frame->GetPitch( PLANAR_Y ) * frame->GetHeight( PLANAR_Y ) );
    uint8_t msb  = (uint8_t)((0x80U << bitdepth_minus_8) >> 8);
    int     size = frame->GetPitch( PLANAR_U ) * frame->GetHeight( PLANAR_U );
    for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
        if( i & 1 )
            *(frame->GetWritePtr( PLANAR_U ) + i) = msb;
            *(frame->GetWritePtr( PLANAR_V ) + i) = msb;
            *(frame->GetWritePtr( PLANAR_U ) + i) = 0x00;
            *(frame->GetWritePtr( PLANAR_V ) + i) = 0x00;
Beispiel #20
void copyPlanar(const uchar* srcp, PVideoFrame &dst, int bpp) {
	const int bytes_per_pixel = bpp / 8;
	const int cols = dst->GetRowSize();
	const int rows = dst->GetHeight();
	const int dst_pitch = dst->GetPitch();
	const int src_pitch = cols / bytes_per_pixel;
	uchar* dstp = dst->GetWritePtr();
	int y, x;

	const int dst_pitchUV = dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_U);
	const int dst_widthUV = dst->GetRowSize(PLANAR_U);
	const int dst_heightUV = dst->GetHeight(PLANAR_U);

	for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {                 // copy mask to Y plane
		for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
			dstp[x] = srcp[x / bytes_per_pixel];
		srcp += src_pitch;
		dstp += dst_pitch;

	dstp = dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_U);           // set U plane to no color

	for (y = 0; y < dst_heightUV; y++) {
		for (x = 0; x < dst_widthUV; x++) {
			dstp[x] = 128;                       // set chroma to none
		dstp += dst_pitchUV;

	// set V plane to no color
	dstp = dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_V);

	for (y = 0; y < dst_heightUV; y++) {
		for (x = 0; x < dst_widthUV; x++) {
			dstp[x] = 128;                       // set chroma to none
		dstp += dst_pitchUV;
PVideoFrame __stdcall AutoTraceFilter::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* env) {
	// Grab the child frame
	PVideoFrame childFrame = child->GetFrame(n, env);
	// Create the bitmap - AutoTrace always wants a 24-bpp bitmap for some dumb reason
	at_bitmap_type *bitmap;
	bitmap = at_bitmap_new(srcWidth, srcHeight, 3);
	size_t bitmap_size = srcWidth * srcHeight * 3;
	// Pull the bitmap data
	// We can just blt lines
	const BYTE* srcBitmap = childFrame->GetReadPtr();
	int pitch = childFrame->GetPitch();
	int rowSize = childFrame->GetRowSize();
	for (int y = 0; y < srcHeight; y++) {
		// Note that R and B are swapped in this. It doesn't really matter.
		memcpy_s(bitmap->bitmap + ((srcHeight - y - 1) * rowSize), bitmap_size, srcBitmap + (y * pitch), rowSize);
	// This does the actual tracing:
	at_splines_type* splines = at_splines_new(bitmap, fitting_opts, exception_handler, NULL);
	// Now create the new frame. First, blank out the old frame
	at_real tx = ((at_real)destWidth) / ((at_real)srcWidth);
	at_real ty = ((at_real)destHeight) / ((at_real)srcHeight);
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < splines->length; i++) {
		at_spline_list_type spline_list = splines->data[i];
		Gdiplus::GraphicsPath path;
		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < spline_list.length; j++) {
			at_spline_type* spline = &([j]);
			if (spline->degree == AT_LINEARTYPE) {
				path.AddLine((Gdiplus::REAL)(spline->v[0].x * tx), (Gdiplus::REAL)(spline->v[0].y * ty),
					(Gdiplus::REAL)(spline->v[3].x * tx), (Gdiplus::REAL)(spline->v[3].y * ty));
			} else {
					(Gdiplus::REAL)(spline->v[0].x * tx), (Gdiplus::REAL)(spline->v[0].y * ty),
					(Gdiplus::REAL)(spline->v[1].x * tx), (Gdiplus::REAL)(spline->v[1].y * ty),
					(Gdiplus::REAL)(spline->v[2].x * tx), (Gdiplus::REAL)(spline->v[2].y * ty),
					(Gdiplus::REAL)(spline->v[3].x * tx), (Gdiplus::REAL)(spline->v[3].y * ty));
		// Red and blue are swapped here, so swap them back.
		Gdiplus::Color color(spline_list.color.b, spline_list.color.g, spline_list.color.r);
		Gdiplus::SolidBrush brush(color);
		graphics->FillPath(&brush, &path);
	// Now we need to create our result frame
	PVideoFrame outputFrame = env->NewVideoFrame(vi);
	BYTE* outputData = outputFrame->GetWritePtr();
	env->BitBlt(outputData, outputFrame->GetPitch(), renderedFrameData, renderedFramePitch, destWidth*4, destHeight);
	return outputFrame;
Beispiel #22
static int make_frame_packed_rgb
    lw_video_output_handler_t *vohp,
    int                        height,
    AVFrame                   *av_frame,
    PVideoFrame               &as_frame
    as_picture_t as_picture = { { { NULL } } };    [0] = as_frame->GetWritePtr() + as_frame->GetPitch() * (as_frame->GetHeight() - 1);
    as_picture.linesize[0] = -as_frame->GetPitch();
    return convert_av_pixel_format( vohp->scaler.sws_ctx, height, av_frame, &as_picture );
Beispiel #23
void AvisynthVideoSource::OutputFrame(const FFMS_Frame *Frame, PVideoFrame &Dst, IScriptEnvironment *Env) {
	if (VI.pixel_type == VideoInfo::CS_I420) {
		BlitPlane(Frame, Dst, Env, 0);
		BlitPlane(Frame, Dst, Env, 1);
		BlitPlane(Frame, Dst, Env, 2);
	} else if (VI.IsYUY2()) {
		BlitPlane(Frame, Dst, Env, 0);
	} else { // RGB
			Dst->GetWritePtr() + Dst->GetPitch() * (Dst->GetHeight() - 1), -Dst->GetPitch(),
			Frame->Data[0], Frame->Linesize[0],
			Dst->GetRowSize(), Dst->GetHeight());
Beispiel #24
PVideoFrame FixLuminance::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* env) 
  PVideoFrame frame = child->GetFrame(n, env);
  BYTE* p = frame->GetWritePtr();
  const int pitch = frame->GetPitch();
  for (int y=0; y<=vertex-slope/16; ++y) 
    const int subtract = (vertex-y)*16/slope;
    for (int x=0; x<vi.width; ++x)
      p[x*2] = max(0, p[x*2]-subtract);
    p += pitch;
  return frame;
Beispiel #25
	void copyplane(PVideoFrame &result, const PVideoFrame &source, int plane, IScriptEnvironment *env)
	//  void __stdcall IScriptEnvironment::BitBlt
		//(BYTE* dstp, int dst_pitch, const BYTE* srcp, int src_pitch, int row_size, int height) = 0

		unsigned char *resultpointer = result->GetWritePtr(plane);
		const unsigned char *sourcepointer = source->GetReadPtr(plane);

		const int width = source->GetRowSize(plane);
		const int height = source->GetHeight(plane);
		const int sourcepitch = source->GetPitch(plane);
		const int resultpitch = result->GetPitch(plane);

		env->BitBlt(resultpointer, resultpitch, sourcepointer, sourcepitch, width, height);
Beispiel #26
PVideoFrame __stdcall CSRIAviSynth::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment *env)
	PVideoFrame avsframe = child->GetFrame(n, env);
	struct csri_frame frame;


	frame.pixfmt = GetPixfmt();
	frame.planes[0] = avsframe->GetWritePtr();
	frame.strides[0] = avsframe->GetPitch();
	if (csri_is_yuv_planar(frame.pixfmt)) {
		frame.planes[1] = avsframe->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_U);
		frame.strides[1] = avsframe->GetPitch(PLANAR_U);
		frame.planes[2] = avsframe->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_V);
		frame.strides[2] = avsframe->GetPitch(PLANAR_V);
	if (csri_is_rgb(frame.pixfmt)) {
		frame.planes[0] += (vi.height - 1) * frame.strides[0];
		frame.strides[0] = -frame.strides[0];

	csri_render(inst, &frame, n * spf);
	return avsframe;
Beispiel #27
PVideoFrame __stdcall FixBrokenChromaUpsampling::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* env) 
  PVideoFrame frame = child->GetFrame(n, env);
  const int pitch = frame->GetPitch();
  BYTE* p = frame->GetWritePtr() + pitch;
  for (int y = (frame->GetHeight()+1)/4; y > 0; --y) {
    for (int x = 0; x < frame->GetRowSize(); x += 4) {
      BYTE t1 = p[x+1], t3 = p[x+3];
      p[x+1] = p[pitch+x+1]; p[x+3] = p[pitch+x+3];
      p[pitch+x+1] = t1; p[pitch+x+3] = t3;
    p += pitch*4;
  return frame;
Beispiel #28
void AvisynthVideoSource::OutputField(const FFMS_Frame *Frame, PVideoFrame &Dst, int Field, IScriptEnvironment *Env) {
	const FFMS_Frame *SrcPicture = (Frame);

	if (VI.pixel_type == VideoInfo::CS_I420) {
		BlitField(Frame, Dst, Env, 0, Field);
		BlitField(Frame, Dst, Env, 1, Field);
		BlitField(Frame, Dst, Env, 2, Field);
	} else if (VI.IsYUY2()) {
		BlitField(Frame, Dst, Env, 0, Field);
	} else { // RGB
			Dst->GetWritePtr() + Dst->GetPitch() * (Dst->GetHeight() - 1 - Field), -Dst->GetPitch() * 2,
			SrcPicture->Data[0] + SrcPicture->Linesize[0] * Field, SrcPicture->Linesize[0] * 2,
			Dst->GetRowSize(), Dst->GetHeight() / 2);
Beispiel #29
void copyRGB(const uchar* srcp, PVideoFrame &dst, int bpp) {
	const int bytes_per_pixel = bpp / 8;
	const int cols = dst->GetRowSize();
	const int rows = dst->GetHeight();
	const int dst_pitch = dst->GetPitch();
	const int src_pitch = cols / bytes_per_pixel;
	uchar* dstp = dst->GetWritePtr();
	int y, x;

	for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
		for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
			dstp[x] = srcp[x / bytes_per_pixel];   // copy the same mask pixel to all channels
		srcp += src_pitch;
		dstp += dst_pitch;
Beispiel #30
void copyYUY2(const uchar* srcp, PVideoFrame &dst) {
	const int cols = dst->GetRowSize();
	const int rows = dst->GetHeight();
	const int dst_pitch = dst->GetPitch();
	const int width = cols / 2;
	const int src_pitch = width;
	uchar* dstp = dst->GetWritePtr();
	int y, x;

	for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
		for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
			dstp[x * 2] = srcp[x];                 // copy luma from mask
			dstp[x * 2 + 1] = 128;                 // set chroma to none
		srcp += src_pitch;
		dstp += dst_pitch;