Beispiel #1
static void drawScale(drawContext *ctx, PView *p, double xmin, double ymin,
                      double width, double height, double tic, int horizontal)
  // use adaptive data if available
  PViewData *data = p->getData(true);
  PViewOptions *opt = p->getOptions();

  if(opt->externalViewIndex >= 0){
    opt->tmpMin = opt->externalMin;
    opt->tmpMax = opt->externalMax;
  else if(opt->rangeType == PViewOptions::Custom){
    opt->tmpMin = opt->customMin;
    opt->tmpMax = opt->customMax;
  else if(opt->rangeType == PViewOptions::PerTimeStep){
    opt->tmpMin = data->getMin(opt->timeStep);
    opt->tmpMax = data->getMax(opt->timeStep);
    opt->tmpMin = data->getMin();
    opt->tmpMax = data->getMax();

  drawScaleBar(p, xmin, ymin, width, height, tic, horizontal);
  drawScaleValues(ctx, p, xmin, ymin, width, height, tic, horizontal);
  drawScaleLabel(ctx, p, xmin, ymin, width, height, tic, horizontal);
double PViewEvaluator::operator()(double x, double y, double z) const
  PViewData *pvd = _pv->getData();
  double value;
  bool found = pvd->searchScalar(x, y, z, &value, _step);
  //  printf("found %d %g %g %g %g\n",found,x,y,value,x*x+y*y);
  if(found) return value;
  return 1.e22;
Beispiel #3
PViewData *GMSH_PostPlugin::getPossiblyAdaptiveData(PView *view)
  if(!view) return 0;
  PViewData *data = view->getData();
  if(data->getAdaptiveData() && data->getNumTimeSteps() > 1)
    Msg::Warning("Using adapted data from view '%s': only the current time step (%d/%d) "
                 "is available to the plugin", view->getData()->getName().c_str(),
                 view->getOptions()->timeStep, data->getNumTimeSteps());
  return view->getData(true);
Beispiel #4
// This version sends VArrays using MPI
static void computeAndSendVertexArrays()
  // compute...
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < PView::list.size(); i++)

  // ...and send
  int nbArrays = PView::list.size()* 4;

  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < PView::list.size(); i++){
    PView *p = PView::list[i];
    PViewData *data = p->getData();
    PViewOptions *opt = p->getOptions();
    double min = data->getMin(), max = data->getMax();
    if(opt->rangeType == PViewOptions::PerTimeStep){
      min = data->getMin(opt->timeStep);
      max = data->getMax(opt->timeStep);
    VertexArray *va[4] =
      {p->va_points, p->va_lines, p->va_triangles, p->va_vectors};
    for(int type = 0; type < 4; type++){
        int len;
        char *str = va[type]->toChar
          (p->getTag(), data->getName(), type + 1, min, max,
           data->getNumTimeSteps(), data->getTime(opt->timeStep),
           data->getBoundingBox(), len);
        MPI_Send(str, len, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_GMSH_VARRAY, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        delete [] str;
Beispiel #5
static void computeAndSendVertexArrays(GmshClient *client, bool compute=true)
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < PView::list.size(); i++){
    PView *p = PView::list[i];
    if(compute) p->fillVertexArrays();
    PViewData *data = p->getData();
    PViewOptions *opt = p->getOptions();
    double min = data->getMin(), max = data->getMax();
    if(opt->rangeType == PViewOptions::PerTimeStep){
      min = data->getMin(opt->timeStep);
      max = data->getMax(opt->timeStep);
    VertexArray *va[4] =
      {p->va_points, p->va_lines, p->va_triangles, p->va_vectors};
    for(int type = 0; type < 4; type++){
        int len;
        char *str = va[type]->toChar
          (p->getTag(), data->getName(), type + 1, min, max,
           data->getNumTimeSteps(), data->getTime(opt->timeStep),
           data->getBoundingBox(), len);
        client->SendMessage(GmshSocket::GMSH_VERTEX_ARRAY, len, str);
        delete [] str;
Beispiel #6
// Merge the vertex arrays
static void addToVertexArrays(int length, const char* bytes, int swap)
  std::string name;
  int num, type, numSteps;
  double min, max, time, xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax;
  VertexArray::decodeHeader(length, bytes, swap, name, num, type, min, max,
                            numSteps, time, xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax);

  PView *p = PView::list[num - 1];
  PViewData *data = p->getData();

  VertexArray *varrays[4] =
    {p->va_points, p->va_lines, p->va_triangles, p->va_vectors};

  VertexArray *va = varrays[type - 1];

  if (data->getMin() > min) data->setMin(min);
  if (data->getMax() < max) data->setMax(max);

  SBoundingBox3d bbox(xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax);
  SBoundingBox3d bb = data->getBoundingBox();
  bb += bbox;


  if (type == 4) type = 2;
  VertexArray* toAdd = new VertexArray(type, 100);
  toAdd->fromChar(length, bytes, swap);
  delete toAdd;
Beispiel #7
static void drawScaleLabel(drawContext *ctx, PView *p, double xmin, double ymin,
                           double width, double height, double tic, int horizontal)
  PViewOptions *opt = p->getOptions();
  PViewData *data;

  // requested by Laurent: but is this really what we should be doing?
  if(opt->externalViewIndex >= 0 && opt->externalViewIndex < (int)PView::list.size())
    data = PView::list[opt->externalViewIndex]->getData();
    data = p->getData();

  double font_h = drawContext::global()->getStringHeight();

  char label[1024];

  int nt = data->getNumTimeSteps();
  if((opt->showTime == 1 && nt > 1) || opt->showTime == 2){
    char tmp[256];
    sprintf(tmp, opt->format.c_str(), data->getTime(opt->timeStep));
    sprintf(label, "%s (%s)", data->getName().c_str(), tmp);
  else if((opt->showTime == 3 && nt > 1) || opt->showTime == 4){
    sprintf(label, "%s (%d/%d)", data->getName().c_str(), opt->timeStep,
            data->getNumTimeSteps() - 1);
    sprintf(label, "%s", data->getName().c_str());

    glRasterPos2d(xmin + width / 2., ymin + height + tic + 1.4 * font_h);
    ctx->drawString(label, CTX::instance()->glFontTitle,
                    CTX::instance()->glFontSizeTitle, 1);
    glRasterPos2d(xmin, ymin - 2 * font_h);
    ctx->drawString(label, CTX::instance()->glFontTitle,
                    CTX::instance()->glFontSizeTitle, 0);
Beispiel #8
PView *GMSH_MathEvalPlugin::execute(PView *view)
  int timeStep = (int)MathEvalOptions_Number[0].def;
  int iView = (int)MathEvalOptions_Number[1].def;
  int otherTimeStep = (int)MathEvalOptions_Number[2].def;
  int iOtherView = (int)MathEvalOptions_Number[3].def;
  int forceInterpolation = (int)MathEvalOptions_Number[4].def;
  int physicalRegion = (int)MathEvalOptions_Number[5].def;
  std::vector<std::string> expr(9);
  for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) expr[i] = MathEvalOptions_String[i].def;

  PView *v1 = getView(iView, view);
  if(!v1) return view;
  PViewData *data1 = getPossiblyAdaptiveData(v1);

    Msg::Error("MathEval plugin cannot be applied to multi-mesh views");
    return view;

  PView *otherView = v1;
  if(iOtherView >= 0){
    otherView = getView(iOtherView, view);
      Msg::Error("MathEval plugin could not find other view %i", iOtherView);
      return view;

  PViewData *otherData = getPossiblyAdaptiveData(otherView);
    Msg::Error("MathEval plugin cannot be applied to multi-mesh views");
    return view;

  if(otherTimeStep < 0 && otherData->getNumTimeSteps() != data1->getNumTimeSteps()){
    Msg::Error("Number of time steps don't match: using step 0");
    otherTimeStep = 0;
  else if(otherTimeStep > otherData->getNumTimeSteps() - 1){
    Msg::Error("Invalid time step (%d) in View[%d]: using step 0 instead",
               otherTimeStep, otherView->getIndex());
    otherTimeStep = 0;

  int numComp2;
  if(expr[3].size() || expr[4].size() || expr[5].size() ||
     expr[6].size() || expr[7].size() || expr[8].size()){
    numComp2 = 9;
    for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
      if(expr[i].empty()) expr[i] = "0";
  else if(expr[1].size() || expr[2].size()){
    numComp2 = 3;
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      if(expr[i].empty()) expr[i] = "0";
    numComp2 = 1;

  const char *names[] =
    { "x", "y", "z", "v0", "v1", "v2", "v3", "v4", "v5", "v6", "v7", "v8",
      "w0", "w1", "w2", "w3", "w4", "w5", "w6", "w7", "w8" };
  unsigned int numVariables = sizeof(names) / sizeof(names[0]);
  std::vector<std::string> variables(numVariables);
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numVariables; i++) variables[i] = names[i];
  mathEvaluator f(expr, variables);
  if(expr.empty()) return view;
  std::vector<double> values(numVariables), res(numComp2);

  OctreePost *octree = 0;
  if(forceInterpolation ||
     (data1->getNumEntities() != otherData->getNumEntities()) ||
     (data1->getNumElements() != otherData->getNumElements())){
    Msg::Info("Other view based on different grid: interpolating...");
    octree = new OctreePost(otherView);

  PView *v2 = new PView();
  PViewDataList *data2 = getDataList(v2);

  if(timeStep < 0){
    timeStep = - data1->getNumTimeSteps();
  else if(timeStep > data1->getNumTimeSteps() - 1){
    Msg::Error("Invalid time step (%d) in View[%d]: using all steps instead",
               timeStep, v1->getIndex());
    timeStep = - data1->getNumTimeSteps();

  int firstNonEmptyStep =  data1->getFirstNonEmptyTimeStep();
  int timeBeg = (timeStep < 0) ? firstNonEmptyStep : timeStep;
  int timeEnd = (timeStep < 0) ? -timeStep : timeStep + 1;
  for(int ent = 0; ent < data1->getNumEntities(timeBeg); ent++){
    bool ok = (physicalRegion <= 0);
    if(physicalRegion > 0){
      GEntity *ge = data1->getEntity(timeBeg, ent);
        std::vector<int>::iterator it = std::find
          (ge->physicals.begin(), ge->physicals.end(), physicalRegion);
        ok = (it != ge->physicals.end());
    if(!ok) continue;
    for(int ele = 0; ele < data1->getNumElements(timeBeg, ent); ele++){
      if(data1->skipElement(timeBeg, ent, ele)) continue;
      int numNodes = data1->getNumNodes(timeBeg, ent, ele);
      int type = data1->getType(timeBeg, ent, ele);
      int numComp = data1->getNumComponents(timeBeg, ent, ele);
      int otherNumComp = (!otherData || octree) ? 9 :
        otherData->getNumComponents(timeBeg, ent, ele);
      std::vector<double> *out = data2->incrementList(numComp2, type, numNodes);
      std::vector<double> v(std::max(9, numComp), 0.);
      std::vector<double> w(std::max(9, otherNumComp), 0.);
      std::vector<double> x(numNodes), y(numNodes), z(numNodes);
      for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++)
        data1->getNode(timeBeg, ent, ele, nod, x[nod], y[nod], z[nod]);
      for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out->push_back(x[nod]);
      for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out->push_back(y[nod]);
      for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out->push_back(z[nod]);
      for(int step = timeBeg; step < timeEnd; step++){
	if(!data1->hasTimeStep(step)) continue;
        int step2 = (otherTimeStep < 0) ? step : otherTimeStep;
        for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++){
          for(int comp = 0; comp < numComp; comp++)
            data1->getValue(step, ent, ele, nod, comp, v[comp]);
              int qn = forceInterpolation ? numNodes : 0;
              if(!octree->searchScalar(x[nod], y[nod], z[nod], &w[0], step2,
                                       0, qn, &x[0], &y[0], &z[0]))
                if(!octree->searchVector(x[nod], y[nod], z[nod], &w[0], step2,
                                         0, qn, &x[0], &y[0], &z[0]))
                  octree->searchTensor(x[nod], y[nod], z[nod], &w[0], step2,
                                       0, qn, &x[0], &y[0], &z[0]);
              for(int comp = 0; comp < otherNumComp; comp++)
                otherData->getValue(step2, ent, ele, nod, comp, w[comp]);
          values[0] = x[nod]; values[1] = y[nod]; values[2] = z[nod];
          for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) values[3 + i] = v[i];
          for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) values[12 + i] = w[i];
          if(f.eval(values, res)){
            for(int i = 0; i < numComp2; i++)
            goto end;

  if(octree) delete octree;

  if(timeStep < 0){
    for(int i = firstNonEmptyStep; i < data1->getNumTimeSteps(); i++) {
      if(!data1->hasTimeStep(i)) continue;

  data2->setName(data1->getName() + "_MathEval");
  data2->setFileName(data1->getName() + "_MathEval.pos");

  return v2;
Beispiel #9
void drawContext::drawScale()

  double size = std::max(_right -_left, _top - _bottom);
  double width = size / 3.5;
  double height = size / 10.;
  double dh = height / 5;

	// Draw the scale bar
  int nPview = 0;
  for(int i=0; i<PView::list.size();i++){
    PView *p = PView::list[i];
    PViewOptions *opt = p->getOptions();
    if(!opt->visible) continue;
    PViewData *data = p->getData();

    double box = width / (opt->nbIso ? opt->nbIso : 1);
    double xmin = _left + (_right - _left - width)/2.;
    double ymin = _bottom + 0.7 * height + height * nPview;

    std::vector<GLfloat> vertex(opt->nbIso*3*4);
    std::vector<GLubyte> color(opt->nbIso*4*4);
    for(int i = 0; i < opt->nbIso; i++){
      if(opt->intervalsType == PViewOptions::Discrete ||
         opt->intervalsType == PViewOptions::Numeric){
        unsigned int col = opt->getColor(i, opt->nbIso);
        color[i*4*4+0] = color[i*4*4+4] = color[i*4*4+8] = color[i*4*4+12] =
        color[i*4*4+1] = color[i*4*4+5] = color[i*4*4+9] = color[i*4*4+13] =
        color[i*4*4+2] = color[i*4*4+6] = color[i*4*4+10] = color[i*4*4+14] =
        color[i*4*4+3] = color[i*4*4+7] = color[i*4*4+11] = color[i*4*4+15] =
        vertex[i*3*4+0] = xmin + i * box;
        vertex[i*3*4+1] = ymin;
        vertex[i*3*4+2] = 0.;
        vertex[i*3*4+3] = xmin + i * box;
        vertex[i*3*4+4] = ymin + dh;
        vertex[i*3*4+5] = 0.;
        vertex[i*3*4+6] = xmin + (i + 1) * box;
        vertex[i*3*4+7] = ymin;
        vertex[i*3*4+8] = 0.;
        vertex[i*3*4+9] = xmin + (i + 1) * box;
        vertex[i*3*4+10] = ymin + dh;
        vertex[i*3*4+11] = 0.;
      else if(opt->intervalsType == PViewOptions::Continuous){
        double dv = (opt->tmpMax - opt->tmpMin) / (opt->nbIso ? opt->nbIso : 1);
        double v1 = opt->tmpMin + i * dv;
        unsigned int col1 = opt->getColor(v1, opt->tmpMin, opt->tmpMax, true);
        color[i*4*4+0] = color[i*4*4+4] = (GLubyte)CTX::instance()->unpackRed(col1);
        color[i*4*4+1] = color[i*4*4+5] = (GLubyte)CTX::instance()->unpackGreen(col1);
        color[i*4*4+2] = color[i*4*4+6] = (GLubyte)CTX::instance()->unpackBlue(col1);
        color[i*4*4+3] = color[i*4*4+7] = (GLubyte)CTX::instance()->unpackAlpha(col1);
        vertex[i*3*4+0] = xmin + i * box;
        vertex[i*3*4+1] = ymin;
        vertex[i*3*4+2] = 0.;
        vertex[i*3*4+3] = xmin + i * box;
        vertex[i*3*4+4] = ymin + dh;
        vertex[i*3*4+5] = 0.;
        double v2 = opt->tmpMin + (i + 1) * dv;
        unsigned int col2 = opt->getColor(v2, opt->tmpMin, opt->tmpMax, true);
        color[i*4*4+8] = color[i*4*4+12] = (GLubyte)CTX::instance()->unpackRed(col2);
        color[i*4*4+9] = color[i*4*4+13] = (GLubyte)CTX::instance()->unpackGreen(col2);
        color[i*4*4+10] = color[i*4*4+14] = (GLubyte)CTX::instance()->unpackBlue(col2);
        color[i*4*4+11] = color[i*4*4+15] = (GLubyte)CTX::instance()->unpackAlpha(col2);
        vertex[i*3*4+6] = xmin + (i + 1) * box;
        vertex[i*3*4+7] = ymin;
        vertex[i*3*4+8] = 0.;
        vertex[i*3*4+9] = xmin + (i + 1) * box;
        vertex[i*3*4+10] = ymin + dh;
        vertex[i*3*4+11] = 0.;
        unsigned int col = opt->getColor(i, opt->nbIso);
        color[i*4*4+0] = color[i*4*4+4] = color[i*4*4+8] = color[i*4*4+12] =
        color[i*4*4+1] = color[i*4*4+5] = color[i*4*4+9] = color[i*4*4+13] =
        color[i*4*4+2] = color[i*4*4+6] = color[i*4*4+10] = color[i*4*4+14] =
        color[i*4*4+3] = color[i*4*4+7] = color[i*4*4+11] = color[i*4*4+15] =
        vertex[i*3*4+0] = xmin + i * box;
        vertex[i*3*4+1] = ymin;
        vertex[i*3*4+2] = 0.;
        vertex[i*3*4+3] = xmin + i * box;
        vertex[i*3*4+4] = ymin + dh;
        vertex[i*3*4+5] = 0.;
        vertex[i*3*4+6] = xmin + (i + 1) * box;
        vertex[i*3*4+7] = ymin;
        vertex[i*3*4+8] = 0.;
        vertex[i*3*4+9] = xmin + (i + 1) * box;
        vertex[i*3*4+10] = ymin + dh;
        vertex[i*3*4+11] = 0.;

    glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, &vertex[0]);
    glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, &color[0]);
    if(opt->intervalsType == PViewOptions::Discrete ||
       opt->intervalsType == PViewOptions::Numeric ||
       opt->intervalsType == PViewOptions::Continuous)
      glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, opt->nbIso*4);
      glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, opt->nbIso*4);

    char label[1024];
    int nt = data->getNumTimeSteps();
    if((opt->showTime == 1 && nt > 1) || opt->showTime == 2){
      char tmp[256];
      sprintf(tmp, opt->format.c_str(), data->getTime(opt->timeStep));
      sprintf(label, "%s (%s)", data->getName().c_str(), tmp);
    else if((opt->showTime == 3 && nt > 1) || opt->showTime == 4){
      sprintf(label, "%s (%d/%d)", data->getName().c_str(), opt->timeStep,
              data->getNumTimeSteps() - 1);
      sprintf(label, "%s", data->getName().c_str());
    drawString lbl(label, 20 * _fontFactor);
    lbl.draw(xmin + width / 2, ymin + 2.8 * dh, 0.,
             _width/(_right-_left), _height/(_top-_bottom));

    drawString val(data->getName().c_str(), 15 * _fontFactor);
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      double v = opt->getScaleValue(i, 3, opt->tmpMin, opt->tmpMax);
      sprintf(label, opt->format.c_str(), v);
      val.draw(xmin + i * width/ 2, ymin + 1.5 * dh, 0.,
               _width/(_right-_left), _height/(_top-_bottom));
Beispiel #10
PView *GMSH_Scal2VecPlugin::execute(PView *v)
  int iViewX = (int)Scal2VecOptions_Number[0].def;
  int iViewY = (int)Scal2VecOptions_Number[1].def;
  int iViewZ = (int)Scal2VecOptions_Number[2].def;
  std::string nameNewView = Scal2VecOptions_String[0].def;
  PView *vRef = 0, *vX = 0, *vY = 0, *vZ = 0;
  PViewData *dataRef = 0, *dataX = 0, *dataY = 0, *dataZ = 0;
  // Load data
  if(iViewX >= 0){
    vX = getView(iViewX, v);
      Msg::Error("Scal2Vec plugin could not find View X: %i", iViewX);
      return v;
    dataX = vX->getData();
      vRef = vX;
      dataRef = dataX;
  if(iViewY >= 0){
    vY = getView(iViewY, v);
      Msg::Error("Scal2Vec plugin could not find View Y: %i", iViewY);
      return v;
    dataY = vY->getData();
      vRef = vY;
      dataRef = dataY;
  if(iViewZ >= 0){
    vZ = getView(iViewZ, v);
      Msg::Error("Scal2Vec plugin could not find View Z: %i", iViewZ);
      return v;
    dataZ = vZ->getData();
      vRef = vZ;
      dataRef = dataZ;
    Msg::Error("Scal2Vec plugin could not find any view.", iViewZ);
    return v;
  // Initialize the new view
  PView *vNew = new PView();
  PViewDataList *dataNew = getDataList(vNew);
  for(int ent = 0; ent < dataRef->getNumEntities(0); ent++){
    for(int ele = 0; ele < dataRef->getNumElements(0, ent); ele++){
      if(dataRef->skipElement(0, ent, ele)) continue;
      int numComp = 3; // The 3 components of the new view: x,y,z
      int type = dataRef->getType(0, ent, ele);
      int numNodes = dataRef->getNumNodes(0, ent, ele);
      std::vector<double> *out = dataNew->incrementList(numComp, type, numNodes); // Pointer in data of the new view
      if(!out) continue;
      double x[8], y[8], z[8], valX, valY, valZ;
      for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++)
        dataRef->getNode(0, ent, ele, nod, x[nod], y[nod], z[nod]);
      int dim = dataRef->getDimension(0, ent, ele);
      elementFactory factory;
      element *element = factory.create(numNodes, dim, x, y, z);
      if(!element) continue;
      for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out->push_back(x[nod]); // Save coordinates (x,y,z)
      for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out->push_back(y[nod]);
      for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out->push_back(z[nod]);
      for(int step = 0; step < dataRef->getNumTimeSteps(); step++){
        for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++){
          if(vX) dataX->getValue(step, ent, ele, nod, 0, valX); else valX = 0;
          if(vY) dataY->getValue(step, ent, ele, nod, 0, valY); else valY = 0;
          if(vZ) dataZ->getValue(step, ent, ele, nod, 0, valZ); else valZ = 0;
          out->push_back(valX); // Save values (fx,fy,fz)
      delete element;
  for(int step = 0; step < dataRef->getNumTimeSteps(); step++){
      double time = dataRef->getTime(step);
  dataNew->setFileName(nameNewView + ".pos");
  return vNew;
Beispiel #11
void drawContext::drawScales()
  std::vector<PView*> scales;
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < PView::list.size(); i++){
    PViewData *data = PView::list[i]->getData();
    PViewOptions *opt = PView::list[i]->getOptions();
    if(!data->getDirty() && opt->visible && opt->showScale &&
       opt->type == PViewOptions::Plot3D && data->getNumElements() &&
  if(scales.empty()) return;

  char label[1024];
  double maxw = 0.;
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < scales.size(); i++) {
    PViewOptions *opt = scales[i]->getOptions();
    sprintf(label, opt->format.c_str(), -M_PI * 1.e-4);
    maxw = std::max(maxw, drawContext::global()->getStringWidth(label));

  const double tic = 10., bar_size = 16.;
  double width = 0., width_prev = 0., width_total = 0.;

  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < scales.size(); i++) {
    PView *p = scales[i];
    PViewData *data = p->getData();
    PViewOptions *opt = p->getOptions();

    if(!opt->autoPosition) {
      double w = opt->size[0], h = opt->size[1];
      double x = opt->position[0], y = opt->position[1] - h;
      int c = fix2dCoordinates(&x, &y);
      if(c & 1) x -= w / 2.;
      if(c & 2) y += h / 2.;
      drawScale(this, p, x, y, w, h, tic, CTX::instance()->post.horizontalScales);
    else if(CTX::instance()->post.horizontalScales){
      double ysep = 20.;
      double xc = (viewport[2] - viewport[0]) / 2.;
      if(scales.size() == 1){
        double w = (viewport[2] - viewport[0]) / 2., h = bar_size;
        double x = xc - w / 2., y = viewport[1] + ysep;
        drawScale(this, p, x, y, w, h, tic, 1);
        double xsep = maxw / 4. + (viewport[2] - viewport[0]) / 10.;
        double w = (viewport[2] - viewport[0] - 4 * xsep) / 2.;
        if(w < 20.) w = 20.;
        double h = bar_size;
        double x = xc - (i % 2 ? -xsep / 1.5 : w + xsep / 1.5);
        double y = viewport[1] + ysep +
          (i / 2) * (bar_size + tic +
                     2 * drawContext::global()->getStringHeight() + ysep);
        drawScale(this, p, x, y, w, h, tic, 1);
      double xsep = 20.;
      double dy = 2. * drawContext::global()->getStringHeight();
      if(scales.size() == 1){
        double ysep = (viewport[3] - viewport[1]) / 6.;
        double w = bar_size, h = viewport[3] - viewport[1] - 2 * ysep - dy;
        double x = viewport[0] + xsep, y = viewport[1] + ysep + dy;
        drawScale(this, p, x, y, w, h, tic, 0);
        double ysep = (viewport[3] - viewport[1]) / 15.;
        double w = bar_size;
        double h = (viewport[3] - viewport[1] - 3 * ysep - 2.5 * dy) / 2.;
        double x = viewport[0] + xsep + width_total + (i / 2) * xsep;
        double y = viewport[1] + ysep + dy + (1 - i % 2) * (h + 1.5 * dy + ysep);
        drawScale(this, p, x, y, w, h, tic, 0);
      // compute width
      width_prev = width;
      sprintf(label, opt->format.c_str(), -M_PI * 1.e-4);
      width = bar_size + tic + drawContext::global()->getStringWidth(label);
        char tmp[256];
        sprintf(tmp, opt->format.c_str(), data->getTime(opt->timeStep));
        sprintf(label, "%s (%s)", data->getName().c_str(), tmp);
        sprintf(label, "%s", data->getName().c_str());
      width = std::max(width, drawContext::global()->getStringWidth(label));
      if(i % 2) width_total += std::max(bar_size + width, bar_size + width_prev);
Beispiel #12
void PView::combine(bool time, int how, bool remove)
  // time == true: combine the timesteps (oherwise combine the elements)
  // how == 0: try to combine all visible views
  //        1: try to combine all views
  //        2: try to combine all views having identical names

  std::vector<nameData> nds;
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
    PView *p = list[i];
    PViewData *data = p->getData();
    if(how || p->getOptions()->visible) {
      nameData nd;
      // this will lead to weird results if there are views named
      // "__all__" or "__vis__" :-)
      if(how == 2) = data->getName();
      else if(how == 1) = "__all__";
      else = "__vis__";
      unsigned int j = 0;
      while(j < nds.size()){
        if(nds[j].name =={
      if(j == nds.size()){;

  std::set<PView*> rm;
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nds.size(); i++){
    if(nds[i].data.size() > 1){ // there's potentially something to combine
      // sanity checks:
      bool allListBased = true, allModelBased = true;
      for(unsigned int j = 0; j < nds[i].data.size(); j++){
        PViewDataList *d1 = dynamic_cast<PViewDataList*>(nds[i].data[j]);
        if(!d1) allListBased = false;
        PViewDataGModel *d2 = dynamic_cast<PViewDataGModel*>(nds[i].data[j]);
        if(!d2) allModelBased = false;
      PViewData *data = 0;
        data = new PViewDataList();
      else if(allModelBased){
        PViewDataGModel *d2 = dynamic_cast<PViewDataGModel*>(nds[i].data[0]);
        data = new PViewDataGModel(d2->getType());
        Msg::Error("Cannot combine hybrid list/mesh-based datasets");
      PView *p = new PView(data);
      bool res = time ? data->combineTime(nds[i]) : data->combineSpace(nds[i]);
        for(unsigned int j = 0; j < nds[i].indices.size(); j++)
        PViewOptions *opt = p->getOptions();
          // the (empty) adaptive data created in PView() must be
          // recreated, since we added some data
            (opt->timeStep, opt->maxRecursionLevel, opt->targetError);
        delete p;
    for(std::set<PView*>::iterator it = rm.begin(); it != rm.end(); it++)
      delete *it;
Beispiel #13
PView *GMSH_Scal2VecPlugin::execute(PView *v)
  // Load options
  int iView[3];
  for (int comp=0; comp<3; comp++)
    iView[comp] = (int)Scal2VecOptions_Number[comp].def;
  // Load data
  PView *vRef=0, *vComp[3];
  for (int comp=0; comp<3; comp++) {
    if (iView[comp]<0) vComp[comp] = 0;
    else {
      vComp[comp] = getView(iView[comp], v);
      if (!vComp[comp]) {
        Msg::Error("Scal2Vec plugin could not find View '%i'", iView[comp]);
        return v;
      if (!vRef) vRef = vComp[comp];
  if (!vRef) {
    Msg::Error("Scal2Vec plugin could not find any view.");
    return v;
  PViewData *dataRef = vRef->getData();
  // Initialize the new view
  PView *vNew = new PView();
  PViewDataList *dataNew = getDataList(vNew);
  int step0 = dataRef->getFirstNonEmptyTimeStep();
  for (int ent=0; ent < dataRef->getNumEntities(step0); ent++) {
    for (int ele=0; ele < dataRef->getNumElements(step0, ent); ele++) {
      if (dataRef->skipElement(step0, ent, ele)) continue;
      int type = dataRef->getType(step0, ent, ele);
      int numNodes = dataRef->getNumNodes(step0, ent, ele);
      std::vector<double> *out = dataNew->incrementList(3, type, numNodes); // Pointer in data of the new view
      if (!out) continue;
      double x[8], y[8], z[8];
      for (int nod=0; nod<numNodes; nod++)
        dataRef->getNode(step0, ent, ele, nod, x[nod], y[nod], z[nod]);
      int dim = dataRef->getDimension(step0, ent, ele);
      elementFactory factory;
      element *element = factory.create(numNodes, dim, x, y, z);
      if (!element) continue;
      for (int nod=0; nod<numNodes; nod++) out->push_back(x[nod]); // Save coordinates (x,y,z)
      for (int nod=0; nod<numNodes; nod++) out->push_back(y[nod]);
      for (int nod=0; nod<numNodes; nod++) out->push_back(z[nod]);
      for (int step=step0; step < dataRef->getNumTimeSteps(); step++) {
        if (!dataRef->hasTimeStep(step)) continue;
        for (int nod=0; nod<numNodes; nod++) {
          for (int comp=0; comp<3; comp++) {
            double val=0.;
            if(vComp[comp]) vComp[comp]->getData()->getValue(step, ent, ele, nod, 0, val);
            out->push_back(val); // Save value
      delete element;
  for (int step=step0; step < dataRef->getNumTimeSteps(); step++) {
    if (!dataRef->hasTimeStep(step)) continue;
  std::string nameNewView = Scal2VecOptions_String[0].def;
  dataNew->setFileName(nameNewView + ".pos");
  return vNew;
Beispiel #14
PView *GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::execute(PView *v)
  // for adapted views we can only run the plugin on one step at a time
    PViewOptions *opt = v->getOptions();
      (opt->timeStep, _recurLevel, _targetError, this);

  PViewData *vdata = getPossiblyAdaptiveData(v), *wdata;
  if(_valueView < 0) {
    wdata = vdata;
  else if(_valueView > (int)PView::list.size() - 1){
    Msg::Error("View[%d] does not exist: reverting to View[%d]",
               _valueView, v->getIndex());
    wdata = vdata;
    wdata = getPossiblyAdaptiveData(PView::list[_valueView]);

  // sanity checks
  if(vdata->getNumEntities() != wdata->getNumEntities() ||
     vdata->getNumElements() != wdata->getNumElements()){
    Msg::Error("Incompatible views");
    return v;
  if(_valueTimeStep >= wdata->getNumTimeSteps()) {
    Msg::Error("Wrong time step %d in view", _valueTimeStep);
    return v;

  // Force creation of one view per time step if we have multi meshes
  if(vdata->hasMultipleMeshes()) _valueIndependent = 0;

  double x[8], y[8], z[8], levels[8];
  double scalarValues[8] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};

  if(_valueIndependent) {
    // create a single output view containing the (possibly
    // multi-step) levelset
    int firstNonEmptyStep = vdata->getFirstNonEmptyTimeStep();
    PViewDataList *out = getDataList(new PView());
    for(int ent = 0; ent < vdata->getNumEntities(firstNonEmptyStep); ent++){
      for(int ele = 0; ele < vdata->getNumElements(firstNonEmptyStep, ent); ele++){
        if(vdata->skipElement(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele)) continue;
        for(int nod = 0; nod < vdata->getNumNodes(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele); nod++){
          vdata->getNode(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele, nod, x[nod], y[nod], z[nod]);
          levels[nod] = levelset(x[nod], y[nod], z[nod], 0.);
        _cutAndAddElements(vdata, wdata, ent, ele, -1, _valueTimeStep, x, y, z,
                           levels, scalarValues, out);
    out->setName(vdata->getName() + "_Levelset");
    out->setFileName(vdata->getFileName() + "_Levelset.pos");
    // create one view per timestep
    for(int step = 0; step < vdata->getNumTimeSteps(); step++){
      if(!vdata->hasTimeStep(step)) continue;
      PViewDataList *out = getDataList(new PView());
      for(int ent = 0; ent < vdata->getNumEntities(step); ent++){
        for(int ele = 0; ele < vdata->getNumElements(step, ent); ele++){
          if(vdata->skipElement(step, ent, ele)) continue;
          for(int nod = 0; nod < vdata->getNumNodes(step, ent, ele); nod++){
            vdata->getNode(step, ent, ele, nod, x[nod], y[nod], z[nod]);
            vdata->getScalarValue(step, ent, ele, nod, scalarValues[nod]);
            levels[nod] = levelset(x[nod], y[nod], z[nod], scalarValues[nod]);
          int wstep = (_valueTimeStep < 0) ? step : _valueTimeStep;
          _cutAndAddElements(vdata, wdata, ent, ele, step, wstep, x, y, z,
                             levels, scalarValues, out);
      char tmp[246];
      sprintf(tmp, "_Levelset_%d", step);
      out->setName(vdata->getName() + tmp);
      out->setFileName(vdata->getFileName() + tmp + ".pos");

  return 0;