/// List the pairs used by the relative rotations
inline Pair_Set getPairs(const RelativeRotations & relRots)
  Pair_Set pairs;
  for (const auto & cur_rotation : relRots )
    pairs.insert({cur_rotation.i, cur_rotation.j});
  return pairs;
Beispiel #2
/// Generate the pairs that have a distance inferior to the overlapSize
/// Usable to match video sequence
inline Pair_Set contiguousWithOverlap(const size_t N, const size_t overlapSize)
  Pair_Set pairs;
  for (IndexT I = 0; I < static_cast<IndexT>(N); ++I)
    for (IndexT J = I+1; J < I+1+overlapSize && J < static_cast<IndexT>(N); ++J)
  return pairs;
Beispiel #3
TEST(matching_image_collection, IO)
  Pair_Set pairSetGT;
  pairSetGT.insert( std::make_pair(0,1) );
  pairSetGT.insert( std::make_pair(1,2) );
  pairSetGT.insert( std::make_pair(2,0) );

  Pair_Set pairSetGTsorted;
  pairSetGTsorted.insert( std::make_pair(0,1) );
  pairSetGTsorted.insert( std::make_pair(0,2) );
  pairSetGTsorted.insert( std::make_pair(1,2) );

  EXPECT_TRUE( savePairs("pairsT_IO.txt", pairSetGT));

  Pair_Set loaded_Pairs;
  EXPECT_TRUE( loadPairs(3, "pairsT_IO.txt", loaded_Pairs));
  EXPECT_TRUE( std::equal(loaded_Pairs.begin(), loaded_Pairs.end(), pairSetGTsorted.begin()) );
Beispiel #4
TEST(matching_image_collection, IO_InvalidInput)
  // A pair with index superior to the expected picture count
  Pair_Set pairSetGT;
  pairSetGT.insert( std::make_pair(0,1) );
  pairSetGT.insert( std::make_pair(10,20) );

  EXPECT_TRUE( savePairs("pairsT_IO_InvalidInput.txt", pairSetGT));

  Pair_Set loaded_Pairs;
  const int expectedPicCount = 2;
  EXPECT_FALSE( loadPairs(expectedPicCount, "pairsT_IO_InvalidInput.txt", loaded_Pairs));

  // A pair with equal index
  pairSetGT.insert( std::make_pair(0,1) );
  pairSetGT.insert( std::make_pair(0,0) );
  EXPECT_FALSE( loadPairs(expectedPicCount, "pairsT_IO_InvalidInput.txt", loaded_Pairs));
Beispiel #5
/// Load a set of Pair_Set from a file
/// I J K L (pair that link I)
inline bool loadPairs(
     const size_t N,  // number of image in the current project (to check index validity)
     const std::string &sFileName, // filename of the list file,
     Pair_Set & pairs)  // output pairs read from the list file
  std::ifstream in(sFileName.c_str());
  if (!in.is_open())
    std::cerr << std::endl
      << "loadPairs: Impossible to read the specified file: \"" << sFileName << "\"." << std::endl;
    return false;
  std::string sValue;
  std::vector<std::string> vec_str;
  while (std::getline( in, sValue ) )
    stl::split(sValue, ' ', vec_str);
    const IndexT str_size (vec_str.size());
    if (str_size < 2)
      std::cerr << "loadPairs: Invalid input file: \"" << sFileName << "\"." << std::endl;
      return false;
    std::stringstream oss;
    oss.clear(); oss.str(vec_str[0]);
    IndexT I, J;
    oss >> I;
    for (IndexT i=1; i<str_size; ++i)
      oss.clear(); oss.str(vec_str[i]);
      oss >> J;
      if ( I > N-1 || J > N-1) //I&J always > 0 since we use unsigned type
        std::cerr << "loadPairs: Invalid input file. Image out of range. "
                << "I: " << I << " J:" << J << " N:" << N << std::endl
                << "File: \"" << sFileName << "\"." << std::endl;
        return false;
      if ( I == J )
        std::cerr << "loadPairs: Invalid input file. Image " << I << " see itself. File: \"" << sFileName << "\"." << std::endl;
        return false;
      // Insert the pair such that .first < .second
      pairs.insert( {std::min(I, J), std::max(I,J)} );
  return true;
Pair_Set Frustum_Filter::getFrustumIntersectionPairs
  const std::vector<HalfPlaneObject>& bounding_volume
  Pair_Set pairs;
  // List active view Id
  std::vector<IndexT> viewIds;
  std::transform(z_near_z_far_perView.cbegin(), z_near_z_far_perView.cend(),
    std::back_inserter(viewIds), stl::RetrieveKey());

  C_Progress_display my_progress_bar(
    viewIds.size() * (viewIds.size()-1)/2,
    std::cout, "\nCompute frustum intersection\n");

  // Exhaustive comparison (use the fact that the intersect function is symmetric)
  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int i = 0; i < (int)viewIds.size(); ++i)
    // Prepare vector of intersecting objects (within loop to keep it
    // thread-safe)
    std::vector<HalfPlaneObject> objects = bounding_volume;
                   { frustum_perView.at(viewIds[i]), HalfPlaneObject() });

    for (size_t j = i+1; j < viewIds.size(); ++j)
      objects.back() = frustum_perView.at(viewIds[j]);
      if (intersect(objects))
        #pragma omp critical
          pairs.insert({viewIds[i], viewIds[j]});
      // Progress bar update
  return pairs;
Beispiel #7
/// Test to get back node id of each CC
// 1-2
// 3-4
// | |
// 5-6
// 7-8-9-10
//   |/
//   11
TEST(Subgraphs, CC_Subgraph_CC_count) {

  using namespace openMVG;

  Pair_Set pairs;

    std::set<IndexT> node_largest_cc = graph::KeepLargestCC_Nodes<Pair_Set, IndexT>(pairs);
    EXPECT_EQ(0, node_largest_cc.size());

  // two
    std::set<IndexT> node_largest_cc = graph::KeepLargestCC_Nodes<Pair_Set, IndexT>(pairs);
    EXPECT_EQ(2, node_largest_cc.size());

  // four
    std::set<IndexT> node_largest_cc = graph::KeepLargestCC_Nodes<Pair_Set, IndexT>(pairs);
    EXPECT_EQ(4, node_largest_cc.size());

  // five

    std::set<IndexT> node_largest_cc = graph::KeepLargestCC_Nodes<Pair_Set, IndexT>(pairs);
    EXPECT_EQ(5, node_largest_cc.size());

  // Test with a vector of pairs
  Pair_Vec pairs_vec(pairs.begin(), pairs.end());
  //random shuffle to assert that contiguous edges are close together.
  std::random_shuffle(pairs_vec.begin(), pairs_vec.end());
    std::set<IndexT> node_largest_cc = graph::KeepLargestCC_Nodes<Pair_Vec, IndexT>(pairs_vec);
    EXPECT_EQ(5, node_largest_cc.size());
/// Build a list of pair that share visibility content from the SfM_Data structure
Pair_Set BuildPairsFromStructureObservations(const SfM_Data & sfm_data)
  Pair_Set pairs;

  for (Landmarks::const_iterator itL = sfm_data.GetLandmarks().begin();
    itL != sfm_data.GetLandmarks().end(); ++itL)
    const Landmark & landmark = itL->second;
    for (Observations::const_iterator iterI = landmark.obs.begin();
      iterI != landmark.obs.end(); ++iterI)
      const IndexT id_viewI = iterI->first;
      Observations::const_iterator iterJ = landmark.obs.begin();
      std::advance(iterJ, 1);
      for (; iterJ != landmark.obs.end(); ++iterJ)
        const IndexT id_viewJ = iterJ->first;
        pairs.insert( std::make_pair(id_viewI,id_viewJ));
  return pairs;