// Purpose: Callback for when the panel size has been changed
void EditablePanel::OnSizeChanged(int wide, int tall)
	BaseClass::OnSizeChanged(wide, tall);

	int dx = wide - _baseWide;
	int dy = tall - _baseTall;

	for (int i = 0; i < GetChildCount(); i++)
		// perform auto-layout on the child panel
		Panel *child = GetChild(i);

		int x, y, w, t;
		child->GetBounds(x, y, w, t);

		if (child->GetPinCorner() == PIN_TOPRIGHT || child->GetPinCorner() == PIN_BOTTOMRIGHT)
			// move along with the right edge
			x += dx;

		if (child->GetPinCorner() == PIN_BOTTOMLEFT || child->GetPinCorner() == PIN_BOTTOMRIGHT)
			// move along with the lower edge
			y += dy;

		// check for resize
		if (child->GetAutoResize() == AUTORESIZE_RIGHT || child->GetAutoResize() == AUTORESIZE_DOWNANDRIGHT)
			w += dx;

		if (child->GetAutoResize() == AUTORESIZE_DOWN || child->GetAutoResize() == AUTORESIZE_DOWNANDRIGHT)
			t += dy;

		// make sure the child isn't too big...

		child->SetBounds(x, y, w, t);

	// update the baselines
	_baseWide = wide;
	_baseTall = tall;
void GenericPanelList::ScrollToPanelItem( unsigned short index )
	if( index < m_PanelItems.Count() )
		Panel* targetPanelItem = m_PanelItems[index];

		int targetX, targetY, targetWide, targetTall;
		targetPanelItem->GetBounds( targetX, targetY, targetWide, targetTall );

		int x, y, wide, tall;
		m_PnlItemRegion->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall );

		int firstVisi = GetFirstVisibleItemNumber();
		int lastVisi  = GetLastVisibleItemNumber();

		if( index <= firstVisi || index >= lastVisi  ) // outside or on the border (allow re-alignment if it's at the border)
			int travelDistance = 0;

			if( index <= firstVisi ) // the target item is above the clipping region
				travelDistance = targetY - m_PanelItemBorder; //align to top
			else // below the clipping region
				travelDistance = targetY - ( lastVisi - firstVisi ) * ( targetTall + m_PanelItemBorder ) - m_PanelItemBorder; //align to be last item

				int topX, topY;
				m_PanelItems[0]->GetPos( topX, topY );
				if( topY - travelDistance > 0 ) //don't pull the topmost item away from the top
					travelDistance = topY - m_PanelItemBorder;

			m_ScrVerticalScroll->SetValue( m_ScrVerticalScroll->GetValue() + travelDistance );

			for( int i = 0; i < m_PanelItems.Count(); ++i )
				int itemX, itemY;
				m_PanelItems[i]->GetPos( itemX, itemY );
				m_PanelItems[i]->SetPos( itemX, itemY - travelDistance );

			UpdateArrows( );
			UpdatePanels( );
// Purpose: 
int AnimationController::GetRelativeOffset( AnimAlign_t& align, bool xcoord )
	if ( !align.relativePosition )
		return 0;

	Panel *panel = GetParent()->FindChildByName(g_ScriptSymbols.String(align.alignPanel), true);
	if ( !panel )
		return 0;

	int x, y, w, h;
	panel->GetBounds( x, y, w, h );

	int offset =0;
	switch ( align.alignment )
	case a_northwest:
		offset = xcoord ? x : y;
	case a_north:
		offset = xcoord ? ( x + w ) / 2 : y;
	case a_northeast:
		offset = xcoord ? ( x + w ) : y;
	case a_west:
		offset = xcoord ? x : ( y + h ) / 2;
	case a_center:
		offset = xcoord ? ( x + w ) / 2 : ( y + h ) / 2;
	case a_east:
		offset = xcoord ? ( x + w ) : ( y + h ) / 2;
	case a_southwest:
		offset = xcoord ? x : ( y + h );
	case a_south:
		offset = xcoord ? ( x + w ) / 2 : ( y + h );
	case a_southeast:
		offset = xcoord ? ( x + w ) : ( y +  h );

	return offset;
// Purpose: Callback for when the panel size has been changed
void EditablePanel::OnSizeChanged(int wide, int tall)
	BaseClass::OnSizeChanged(wide, tall);

	for (int i = 0; i < GetChildCount(); i++)
		// perform auto-layout on the child panel
		Panel *child = GetChild(i);
		if ( !child )

		int x, y, w, h;
		child->GetBounds( x, y, w, h );

		int px, py;
		child->GetPinOffset( px, py );

		int ox, oy;
		child->GetResizeOffset( ox, oy );

		int ex;
		int ey;

		AutoResize_e resize = child->GetAutoResize(); 
		bool bResizeHoriz = ( resize == AUTORESIZE_RIGHT || resize == AUTORESIZE_DOWNANDRIGHT );
		bool bResizeVert = ( resize == AUTORESIZE_DOWN || resize == AUTORESIZE_DOWNANDRIGHT );

		PinCorner_e pinCorner = child->GetPinCorner();
		if ( pinCorner == PIN_TOPRIGHT || pinCorner == PIN_BOTTOMRIGHT )
			// move along with the right edge
			ex = wide + px;
			x = bResizeHoriz ? ox : ex - w;
			x = px;
			ex = bResizeHoriz ? wide + ox : px + w;

		if ( pinCorner == PIN_BOTTOMLEFT || pinCorner == PIN_BOTTOMRIGHT )
			// move along with the right edge
			ey = tall + py;
			y = bResizeVert ? oy : ey - h;
			y = py;
			ey = bResizeVert ? tall + oy : py + h;

		// Clamp..
		if ( ex < x )
			ex = x;
		if ( ey < y )
			ey = y;

		child->SetBounds( x, y, ex - x, ey - y );