bool TextBlockUserData::findPreviousBlockOpenParenthesis(QTextCursor *cursor, bool checkStartPosition) { QTextBlock block = cursor->block(); int position = cursor->position(); int ignore = 0; while (block.isValid()) { Parentheses parenList = BaseTextDocumentLayout::parentheses(block); if (!parenList.isEmpty() && !BaseTextDocumentLayout::ifdefedOut(block)) { for (int i = parenList.count()-1; i >= 0; --i) { Parenthesis paren =; if (paren.chr != QLatin1Char('{') && paren.chr != QLatin1Char('}') && paren.chr != QLatin1Char('+') && paren.chr != QLatin1Char('-') && paren.chr != QLatin1Char('[') && paren.chr != QLatin1Char(']')) continue; if (block == cursor->block()) { if (position - block.position() <= paren.pos + (paren.type == Parenthesis::Closed ? 1 : 0)) continue; if (checkStartPosition && paren.type == Parenthesis::Opened && paren.pos== cursor->position()) { return true; } } if (paren.type == Parenthesis::Closed) { ++ignore; } else if (ignore > 0) { --ignore; } else { cursor->setPosition(block.position() + paren.pos); return true; } } } block = block.previous(); } return false; }
bool TextBlockUserData::findNextBlockClosingParenthesis(QTextCursor *cursor) { QTextBlock block = cursor->block(); int position = cursor->position(); int ignore = 0; while (block.isValid()) { Parentheses parenList = BaseTextDocumentLayout::parentheses(block); if (!parenList.isEmpty() && !BaseTextDocumentLayout::ifdefedOut(block)) { for (int i = 0; i < parenList.count(); ++i) { Parenthesis paren =; if (paren.chr != QLatin1Char('{') && paren.chr != QLatin1Char('}') && paren.chr != QLatin1Char('+') && paren.chr != QLatin1Char('-') && paren.chr != QLatin1Char('[') && paren.chr != QLatin1Char(']')) continue; if (block == cursor->block() && (position - block.position() > paren.pos - (paren.type == Parenthesis::Opened ? 1 : 0))) continue; if (paren.type == Parenthesis::Opened) { ++ignore; } else if (ignore > 0) { --ignore; } else { cursor->setPosition(block.position() + paren.pos+1); return true; } } } block =; } return false; }
bool TextBlockUserData::findPreviousOpenParenthesis(QTextCursor *cursor, bool select, bool onlyInCurrentBlock) { QTextBlock block = cursor->block(); int position = cursor->position(); int ignore = 0; while (block.isValid()) { Parentheses parenList = BaseTextDocumentLayout::parentheses(block); if (!parenList.isEmpty() && !BaseTextDocumentLayout::ifdefedOut(block)) { for (int i = parenList.count()-1; i >= 0; --i) { Parenthesis paren =; if (block == cursor->block() && (position - block.position() <= paren.pos + (paren.type == Parenthesis::Closed ? 1 : 0))) continue; if (paren.type == Parenthesis::Closed) { ++ignore; } else if (ignore > 0) { --ignore; } else { cursor->setPosition(block.position() + paren.pos, select ? QTextCursor::KeepAnchor : QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); return true; } } } if (onlyInCurrentBlock) return false; block = block.previous(); } return false; }
int Parenthesis::collapseAtPos(const Parentheses &parentheses, QChar *character) { int result = -1; QChar c; int depth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < parentheses.size(); ++i) { const Parenthesis &p =; if (p.chr == QLatin1Char('{') || p.chr == QLatin1Char('+') || p.chr == QLatin1Char('[')) { if (depth == 0) { result = p.pos; c = p.chr; } ++depth; } else if (p.chr == QLatin1Char('}') || p.chr == QLatin1Char('-') || p.chr == QLatin1Char(']')) { if (--depth < 0) depth = 0; result = -1; } } if (result >= 0 && character) *character = c; return result; }
void Highlighter::highlightBlock(const QString &text) { if (!m_defaultContext.isNull() && !m_isBroken) { try { setupDataForBlock(text); handleContextChange(m_currentContext->lineBeginContext(), m_currentContext->definition()); ProgressData *progress = new ProgressData; const int length = text.length(); while (progress->offset() < length) iterateThroughRules(text, length, progress, false, m_currentContext->rules()); if (extractObservableState(currentBlockState()) != WillContinue) { handleContextChange(m_currentContext->lineEndContext(), m_currentContext->definition(), false); } if (length == 0) { handleContextChange(m_currentContext->lineEmptyContext(), m_currentContext->definition(), false); } delete progress; m_contexts.clear(); if (m_indentationBasedFolding) { applyIndentationBasedFolding(text); } else { applyRegionBasedFolding(); // In the case region depth has changed since the last time the state was set. setCurrentBlockState(computeState(extractObservableState(currentBlockState()))); } Parentheses parentheses; for (int pos = 0; pos < length; ++pos) { const QChar c =; if (isOpeningParenthesis(c)) parentheses.push_back(Parenthesis(Parenthesis::Opened, c, pos)); else if (isClosingParenthesis(c)) parentheses.push_back(Parenthesis(Parenthesis::Closed, c, pos)); } TextDocumentLayout::setParentheses(currentBlock(), parentheses); } catch (const HighlighterException &e) { Core::MessageManager::write( QCoreApplication::translate("GenericHighlighter", "Generic highlighter error: %1") .arg(e.message()), Core::MessageManager::WithFocus); m_isBroken = true; } } formatSpaces(text); }
void BaseTextDocumentLayout::setParentheses(const QTextBlock &block, const Parentheses &parentheses) { if (parentheses.isEmpty()) { if (TextBlockUserData *userData = testUserData(block)) userData->clearParentheses(); } else { userData(block)->setParentheses(parentheses); } }
static void countBrackets(QTextCursor cursor, int from, int end, QChar open, QChar close, int *errors, int *stillopen) { cursor.setPosition(from); QTextBlock block = cursor.block(); while (block.isValid() && block.position() < end) { Parentheses parenList = TextDocumentLayout::parentheses(block); if (!parenList.isEmpty() && !TextDocumentLayout::ifdefedOut(block)) { for (int i = 0; i < parenList.count(); ++i) { Parenthesis paren =; int position = block.position() + paren.pos; if (position < from || position >= end) continue; countBracket(open, close, paren.chr, errors, stillopen); } } block =; } }
TextBlockUserData::MatchType TextBlockUserData::matchCursorForward(QTextCursor *cursor) { cursor->clearSelection(); const QTextBlock block = cursor->block(); if (!BaseTextDocumentLayout::hasParentheses(block) || BaseTextDocumentLayout::ifdefedOut(block)) return NoMatch; const int relPos = cursor->position() - block.position(); Parentheses parentheses = BaseTextDocumentLayout::parentheses(block); const Parentheses::const_iterator cend = parentheses.constEnd(); for (Parentheses::const_iterator it = parentheses.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it) { const Parenthesis &paren = *it; if (paren.pos == relPos && paren.type == Parenthesis::Opened) { return checkOpenParenthesis(cursor, paren.chr); } } return NoMatch; }
int Parenthesis::closeCollapseAtPos(const Parentheses &parentheses, QChar *character) { int depth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < parentheses.size(); ++i) { const Parenthesis &p =; if (p.chr == QLatin1Char('{') || p.chr == QLatin1Char('+') || p.chr == QLatin1Char('[')) { ++depth; } else if (p.chr == QLatin1Char('}') || p.chr == QLatin1Char('-') || p.chr == QLatin1Char(']')) { if (--depth < 0) { if (character) *character = p.chr; return p.pos; } } } return -1; }
TextBlockUserData::MatchType TextBlockUserData::checkOpenParenthesis(QTextCursor *cursor, QChar c) { QTextBlock block = cursor->block(); if (!BaseTextDocumentLayout::hasParentheses(block) || BaseTextDocumentLayout::ifdefedOut(block)) return NoMatch; Parentheses parenList = BaseTextDocumentLayout::parentheses(block); Parenthesis openParen, closedParen; QTextBlock closedParenParag = block; const int cursorPos = cursor->position() - closedParenParag.position(); int i = 0; int ignore = 0; bool foundOpen = false; for (;;) { if (!foundOpen) { if (i >= parenList.count()) return NoMatch; openParen =; if (openParen.pos != cursorPos) { ++i; continue; } else { foundOpen = true; ++i; } } if (i >= parenList.count()) { for (;;) { closedParenParag =; if (!closedParenParag.isValid()) return NoMatch; if (BaseTextDocumentLayout::hasParentheses(closedParenParag) && !BaseTextDocumentLayout::ifdefedOut(closedParenParag)) { parenList = BaseTextDocumentLayout::parentheses(closedParenParag); break; } } i = 0; } closedParen =; if (closedParen.type == Parenthesis::Opened) { ignore++; ++i; continue; } else { if (ignore > 0) { ignore--; ++i; continue; } cursor->clearSelection(); cursor->setPosition(closedParenParag.position() + closedParen.pos + 1, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); if ((c == QLatin1Char('{') && closedParen.chr != QLatin1Char('}')) || (c == QLatin1Char('(') && closedParen.chr != QLatin1Char(')')) || (c == QLatin1Char('[') && closedParen.chr != QLatin1Char(']')) || (c == QLatin1Char('+') && closedParen.chr != QLatin1Char('-')) ) return Mismatch; return Match; } } }
TextBlockUserData::MatchType TextBlockUserData::checkClosedParenthesis(QTextCursor *cursor, QChar c) { QTextBlock block = cursor->block(); if (!BaseTextDocumentLayout::hasParentheses(block) || BaseTextDocumentLayout::ifdefedOut(block)) return NoMatch; Parentheses parenList = BaseTextDocumentLayout::parentheses(block); Parenthesis openParen, closedParen; QTextBlock openParenParag = block; const int cursorPos = cursor->position() - openParenParag.position(); int i = parenList.count() - 1; int ignore = 0; bool foundClosed = false; for (;;) { if (!foundClosed) { if (i < 0) return NoMatch; closedParen =; if (closedParen.pos != cursorPos - 1) { --i; continue; } else { foundClosed = true; --i; } } if (i < 0) { for (;;) { openParenParag = openParenParag.previous(); if (!openParenParag.isValid()) return NoMatch; if (BaseTextDocumentLayout::hasParentheses(openParenParag) && !BaseTextDocumentLayout::ifdefedOut(openParenParag)) { parenList = BaseTextDocumentLayout::parentheses(openParenParag); break; } } i = parenList.count() - 1; } openParen =; if (openParen.type == Parenthesis::Closed) { ignore++; --i; continue; } else { if (ignore > 0) { ignore--; --i; continue; } cursor->clearSelection(); cursor->setPosition(openParenParag.position() + openParen.pos, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); if ((c == '}' && openParen.chr != '{') || (c == ')' && openParen.chr != '(') || (c == ']' && openParen.chr != '[') || (c == '-' && openParen.chr != '+')) return Mismatch; return Match; } } }