void LinearForceAffector::_affectParticles(ParticleSystem* pSystem, Real timeElapsed)
    ParticleIterator pi = pSystem->_getIterator();
    Particle *p;

    Vector3 scaledVector = Vector3::ZERO;

    // Precalc scaled force for optimisation
    if (mForceApplication == FA_ADD)
        // Scale force by time
        scaledVector = mForceVector * timeElapsed;

    while (!pi.end())
        p = pi.getNext();
        if (mForceApplication == FA_ADD)
            p->direction += scaledVector;
        else // FA_AVERAGE
            p->direction = (p->direction + mForceVector) / 2;
Beispiel #2
	void processParticles()
		static int pindex = 0 ;
		ParticleIterator pit = particleSystem->_getIterator() ;
		while(!pit.end()) {
			Particle *particle = pit.getNext();
			Vector3 ppos = particle->position;
			if (ppos.y<=0 && particle->timeToLive>0) { // hits the water!
				// delete particle
				particle->timeToLive = 0.0f;
				// push the water
				float x = ppos.x / PLANE_SIZE * COMPLEXITY ;
				float y = ppos.z / PLANE_SIZE * COMPLEXITY ;
				if (x<1) x=1 ;
				if (y<1) y=1 ;
				waterMesh->push(x,y,-h) ;
				WaterCircle *circle = new WaterCircle(
					x, y);
    void DirectionRandomiserAffector::_affectParticles(ParticleSystem* pSystem, Real timeElapsed)
        ParticleIterator pi = pSystem->_getIterator();
        Particle *p;
        Real length = 0;

        while (!pi.end())
            p = pi.getNext();
            if (mScope > Math::UnitRandom())
                if (!p->direction.isZeroLength())
                    if (mKeepVelocity)
                        length = p->direction.length();

                    p->direction += Vector3(Math::RangeRandom(-mRandomness, mRandomness) * timeElapsed,
                        Math::RangeRandom(-mRandomness, mRandomness) * timeElapsed,
                        Math::RangeRandom(-mRandomness, mRandomness) * timeElapsed);

                    if (mKeepVelocity)
                        p->direction *= length / p->direction.length();
    void DeflectorPlaneAffector::_affectParticles(ParticleSystem* pSystem, Real timeElapsed)
        // precalculate distance of plane from origin
        Real planeDistance = - mPlaneNormal.dotProduct(mPlanePoint) / Math::Sqrt(mPlaneNormal.dotProduct(mPlaneNormal));
        Vector3 directionPart;

        ParticleIterator pi = pSystem->_getIterator();

        while (!pi.end())
            Particle *p = pi.getNext();

            Vector3 direction(p->mDirection * timeElapsed);
            if (mPlaneNormal.dotProduct(p->mPosition + direction) + planeDistance <= 0.0)
                Real a = mPlaneNormal.dotProduct(p->mPosition) + planeDistance;
                if (a > 0.0)
                    // for intersection point
                    directionPart = direction * (- a / direction.dotProduct( mPlaneNormal ));
                    // set new position
                    p->mPosition = (p->mPosition + ( directionPart )) + (((directionPart) - direction) * mBounce);

                    // reflect direction vector
                    p->mDirection = (p->mDirection - (2.0f * p->mDirection.dotProduct( mPlaneNormal ) * mPlaneNormal)) * mBounce;
    void ScaleAffector::_affectParticles(ParticleSystem* pSystem, Real timeElapsed)
        ParticleIterator pi = pSystem->_getIterator();
        Particle *p;
        Real ds;

        // Scale adjustments by time
        ds = mScaleAdj * timeElapsed;

		Real NewWide, NewHigh;

        while (!pi.end())
            p = pi.getNext();

			if( p->hasOwnDimensions() == false )
            	NewWide = pSystem->getDefaultWidth() + ds;
	            NewHigh = pSystem->getDefaultHeight() + ds;

            	NewWide = p->getOwnWidth()  + ds;
            	NewHigh = p->getOwnHeight() + ds;
			p->setDimensions( NewWide, NewHigh ); 

	void MeshRotationAffector::_affectParticles(ParticleSystem* pSystem, Real timeElapsed)
		ParticleIterator pi = pSystem->_getIterator();
		Particle *p;
		Real ds;

		// Rotation adjustments by time
		ds = timeElapsed;

		while (!pi.end())
			p = pi.getNext();

			MeshParticleVisualData *data = static_cast<MeshParticleVisualData *>(p->getVisualData());

			data->mYawRotation = data->mYawRotation + ds * data->mYawRotationSpeed;

			data->mPitchRotation = data->mPitchRotation + ds * data->mPitchRotationSpeed;

			data->mRollRotation = data->mRollRotation + ds * data->mRollRotationSpeed;

			if ( data->mYawRotation != Radian(0) || data->mPitchRotation != Radian(0) || 
				data->mRollRotation != Radian(0) )

    void ColourImageAffector::_affectParticles(ParticleSystem* pSystem, Real timeElapsed)
        Particle*			p;
		ParticleIterator	pi				= pSystem->_getIterator();

        if (!mColourImageLoaded)

		int				   width			= (int)mColourImage.getWidth()  - 1;
		while (!pi.end())
			p = pi.getNext();
			const Real		life_time		= p->totalTimeToLive;
			Real			particle_time	= 1.0f - (p->timeToLive / life_time); 

			if (particle_time > 1.0f)
				particle_time = 1.0f;
			if (particle_time < 0.0f)
				particle_time = 0.0f;

			const Real		float_index		= particle_time * width;
			const int		index			= (int)float_index;

            if(index < 0)
				p->colour = mColourImage.getColourAt(0, 0, 0);
            else if(index >= width) 
                p->colour = mColourImage.getColourAt(width, 0, 0);
                // Linear interpolation
				const Real		fract		= float_index - (Real)index;
				const Real		to_colour	= fract;
				const Real		from_colour	= 1.0f - to_colour;
                ColourValue from=mColourImage.getColourAt(index, 0, 0),
							to=mColourImage.getColourAt(index+1, 0, 0);

				p->colour.r = from.r*from_colour + to.r*to_colour;
                p->colour.g = from.g*from_colour + to.g*to_colour;
                p->colour.b = from.b*from_colour + to.b*to_colour;
                p->colour.a = from.a*from_colour + to.a*to_colour;
void RotationAffector::_affectParticles(ParticleSystem* pSystem, Real timeElapsed)
    ParticleIterator pi = pSystem->_getIterator();
    Particle *p;
    Real ds;

    // Rotation adjustments by time
    ds = timeElapsed;

    Radian NewRotation;

    while (!pi.end())
        p = pi.getNext();
        NewRotation = p->rotation + (ds * p->rotationSpeed);
	p->setRotation( NewRotation );
    void ColourFaderAffector2::_affectParticles(ParticleSystem* pSystem, Real timeElapsed)
        ParticleIterator pi = pSystem->_getIterator();
        Particle *p;
        float dr1, dg1, db1, da1;
		float dr2, dg2, db2, da2;

		// Scale adjustments by time
		dr1 = mRedAdj1   * timeElapsed;
		dg1 = mGreenAdj1 * timeElapsed;
		db1 = mBlueAdj1  * timeElapsed;
		da1 = mAlphaAdj1 * timeElapsed;

		// Scale adjustments by time
		dr2 = mRedAdj2   * timeElapsed;
		dg2 = mGreenAdj2 * timeElapsed;
		db2 = mBlueAdj2  * timeElapsed;
		da2 = mAlphaAdj2 * timeElapsed;

        while (!pi.end())
			p = pi.getNext();

			if( p->timeToLive > StateChangeVal )
				applyAdjustWithClamp(&p->colour.r, dr1);
				applyAdjustWithClamp(&p->colour.g, dg1);
				applyAdjustWithClamp(&p->colour.b, db1);
				applyAdjustWithClamp(&p->colour.a, da1);
				applyAdjustWithClamp(&p->colour.r, dr2);
				applyAdjustWithClamp(&p->colour.g, dg2);
				applyAdjustWithClamp(&p->colour.b, db2);
				applyAdjustWithClamp(&p->colour.a, da2);

	void MeshAnimationAffector::_affectParticles(ParticleSystem* pSystem, Real timeElapsed)
		ParticleIterator pi = pSystem->_getIterator();
		Particle *p;

		while (!pi.end())
			p = pi.getNext();

			MeshParticleVisualData *data = static_cast<MeshParticleVisualData *>(p->getVisualData());

            data->mAnimationName = mAnimationName;

            data->mDeltaTime = timeElapsed;

            data->mAnimationLoop = mAnimationLoop;

            data->mAnimationSpeedFactor = mAnimationSpeedFactor;

            data->mAnimationUpdated = true;
    void ColourFaderAffector::_affectParticles(ParticleSystem* pSystem, Real timeElapsed)
        ParticleIterator pi = pSystem->_getIterator();
        Particle *p;
        float dr, dg, db, da;

        // Scale adjustments by time
        dr = mRedAdj * timeElapsed;
        dg = mGreenAdj * timeElapsed;
        db = mBlueAdj * timeElapsed;
        da = mAlphaAdj * timeElapsed;

        while (!pi.end())
            p = pi.getNext();
            applyAdjustWithClamp(&p->colour.r, dr);
            applyAdjustWithClamp(&p->colour.g, dg);
            applyAdjustWithClamp(&p->colour.b, db);
            applyAdjustWithClamp(&p->colour.a, da);

    void ColourInterpolatorAffector::_affectParticles(ParticleSystem* pSystem, Real timeElapsed)
        Particle*			p;
		ParticleIterator	pi				= pSystem->_getIterator();

		while (!pi.end())
            p = pi.getNext();
			const Real		life_time		= p->totalTimeToLive;
			Real			particle_time	= 1.0f - (p->timeToLive / life_time); 

			if (particle_time <= mTimeAdj[0])
				p->colour = mColourAdj[0];
			} else
			if (particle_time >= mTimeAdj[MAX_STAGES - 1])
				p->colour = mColourAdj[MAX_STAGES-1];
			} else
				for (int i=0;i<MAX_STAGES-1;i++)
					if (particle_time >= mTimeAdj[i] && particle_time < mTimeAdj[i + 1])
						particle_time -= mTimeAdj[i];
						particle_time /= (mTimeAdj[i+1]-mTimeAdj[i]);
						p->colour.r = ((mColourAdj[i+1].r * particle_time) + (mColourAdj[i].r * (1.0f - particle_time)));
						p->colour.g = ((mColourAdj[i+1].g * particle_time) + (mColourAdj[i].g * (1.0f - particle_time)));
						p->colour.b = ((mColourAdj[i+1].b * particle_time) + (mColourAdj[i].b * (1.0f - particle_time)));
						p->colour.a = ((mColourAdj[i+1].a * particle_time) + (mColourAdj[i].a * (1.0f - particle_time)));
	void FireExtinguisherAffector::_affectParticles(ParticleSystem* pSystem, Real timeElapsed)
		ExtinguishableFireAffectorFactory::affectorIterator affIt = mEfaf->getAffectorIterator();
		ExtinguishableFireAffector* fire;

			fire = (ExtinguishableFireAffector*)affIt.getNext();

			if (fire->isTemplate())

			Real squaredRadius = Math::Pow(fire->getRadius(), 2);
			Vector3 middlePoint = fire->getAbsoluteMiddlePoint();

			ParticleIterator pi = pSystem->_getIterator();
			Particle *p;
			int fireHits = 0;
			while (!pi.end())
				p = pi.getNext();

				if ( middlePoint.squaredDistance(p->position) < squaredRadius )
					// This particle is inside the fire, dispose of it in the next update
					p->timeToLive = 0;
			if (fireHits>0)
				Real intensity = fire->reduceIntensity(fireHits*mEffectiveness);
				if (intensity<0) delete fire->getParticleSystem();
    void RevolutionAffector::_affectParticles(ParticleSystem* pSystem, Real timeElapsed)
        // 因为timeElapsed有可能有0,加上判断,避免除0错
        if (false == Ogre::Math::RealEqual(timeElapsed, 0.0f))
            ParticleIterator pi = pSystem->_getIterator();
            Particle *p;

            Quaternion q( Radian(Degree(mRotationSpeed*timeElapsed).valueRadians()), mRotateAxis);
            Matrix3 mat(Matrix3::IDENTITY);

            Ogre::Vector3 randomPoint;
            randomPoint.x = Math::RangeRandom(mCenterOffsetMin.x, mCenterOffsetMax.x);
            randomPoint.y = Math::RangeRandom(mCenterOffsetMin.y, mCenterOffsetMax.y);
            randomPoint.z = Math::RangeRandom(mCenterOffsetMin.z, mCenterOffsetMax.z);

            Vector3 particleSystemPos(Vector3::ZERO);

            bool localSpace = pSystem->getKeepParticlesInLocalSpace();

            particleSystemPos = pSystem->getParentSceneNode()->_getDerivedPosition();

            Ogre::Vector3 destPoint = particleSystemPos + randomPoint;

            Vector3 particlePos(Vector3::ZERO);

            Vector3 RadiusIncrementDir(Vector3::ZERO);

            bool needFmod = mRepeatTimes != 1.0f;

            while (!pi.end())
                p = pi.getNext();

                particlePos = p->position;

                /** 如果是localSpace,那么p->position得到的是粒子的相对位置,所以要加上
                particlePos + particleSystemPos - destPoint
                =   particlePos + particleSystemPos - particleSystemPos - randomPoint
                =   particlePos - randomPoint
                if (localSpace)
                    RadiusIncrementDir = particlePos - randomPoint;

                    particlePos = mat *( particlePos - randomPoint ) + randomPoint - particlePos;
                    RadiusIncrementDir = particlePos - destPoint;

                    particlePos = mat *( particlePos - destPoint ) + destPoint - particlePos;

                p->direction = particlePos / timeElapsed;

                if (mUseRadiusIncrementScale)
                    const Real		life_time		= p->totalTimeToLive;
                    Real			particle_time	= 1.0f - (p->timeToLive / life_time); 

                    // wrap the particle time
                    Real            repeatedParticleTime = 
                        needFmod ? fmod( particle_time * mRepeatTimes, 1.0f ) : particle_time;

                    if (repeatedParticleTime <= mTimeAdj[0])
                        p->direction += RadiusIncrementDir * mRadiusIncrementAdj[0];
                    else if (repeatedParticleTime >= mTimeAdj[MAX_STAGES - 1])
                        p->direction += RadiusIncrementDir * mRadiusIncrementAdj[MAX_STAGES - 1];
                        for (int i=0;i<MAX_STAGES-1;i++)
                            if (repeatedParticleTime >= mTimeAdj[i] && repeatedParticleTime < mTimeAdj[i + 1])
                                repeatedParticleTime -= mTimeAdj[i];
                                repeatedParticleTime /= (mTimeAdj[i+1]-mTimeAdj[i]);
                                p->direction += RadiusIncrementDir * 
                                    ( (mRadiusIncrementAdj[i+1] * repeatedParticleTime) + (mRadiusIncrementAdj[i] * (1.0f - repeatedParticleTime)) );
                    p->direction += RadiusIncrementDir*mRadiusIncrement;

                //	case RotationType::OUTER_NORMAL:
                ////		p->direction.x += pos.x;
                //       //       p->direction.z += pos.z;
                //		p->direction = pos;

                //		break;

                //	case RotationType::OUTER_FAST:
                ////		p->direction.x += (p->direction.x + pos.x) /2;
                //     //         p->direction.z += (p->direction.z + pos.z) /2;
                //		p->direction += (p->direction + pos) /2;
                //		break;