void interp_nodal_hessian(
      const int hess_id,
      PerceptMesh& eMesh, 
      VectorFieldType* nodal_hessian_field)
      const int spatial_dim = eMesh.get_spatial_dim();

      stk::mesh::Selector selector = 
	eMesh.get_fem_meta_data()->locally_owned_part() | 

      std::vector<stk::mesh::Bucket*> buckets;
      stk::mesh::get_buckets( selector, eMesh.get_bulk_data()->buckets( eMesh.node_rank() ), buckets );
      for ( vector<stk::mesh::Bucket*>::const_iterator k = buckets.begin() ; k != buckets.end() ; ++k ) {

	stk::mesh::Bucket & bucket = **k ;
	const unsigned num_nodes_in_bucket = bucket.size();	

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_nodes_in_bucket; i++) {

	  stk::mesh::Entity& node = bucket[i];

	  const double *coords = stk::mesh::field_data( *eMesh.get_coordinates_field() , node);
	  double *hess = stk::mesh::field_data( *nodal_hessian_field , node);
	  exact_hessian(hess_id, coords, hess, spatial_dim);
double PMMParallelReferenceMeshSmoother2::run_one_iteration( Mesh* mesh, MeshDomain *domain,
        MsqError& err )
    PerceptMesquiteMesh *pmm = dynamic_cast<PerceptMesquiteMesh *>(mesh);
    PerceptMesh *eMesh = pmm->getPerceptMesh();

    int spatialDim = m_eMesh->get_spatial_dim();

    stk_classic::mesh::FieldBase *cg_g_field    = eMesh->get_field("cg_g");
    stk_classic::mesh::FieldBase *cg_r_field    = eMesh->get_field("cg_r");
    stk_classic::mesh::FieldBase *cg_d_field    = eMesh->get_field("cg_d");
    stk_classic::mesh::FieldBase *cg_s_field    = eMesh->get_field("cg_s");

    stk_classic::mesh::Selector on_locally_owned_part =  ( eMesh->get_fem_meta_data()->locally_owned_part() );
    stk_classic::mesh::Selector on_globally_shared_part =  ( eMesh->get_fem_meta_data()->globally_shared_part() );
    bool total_valid=true;

    bool reduced_metric=false;

    m_dmax = 0.0;
    get_gradient(mesh, domain);

        /// r = -g
        eMesh->nodal_field_axpby(-1.0, cg_g_field, 0.0, cg_r_field);
        /// s = r  (allows for preconditioning later s = M^-1 r)
        eMesh->copy_field(cg_s_field, cg_r_field);
        /// d = s
        eMesh->copy_field(cg_d_field, cg_s_field);
        /// dnew = r.d
        m_dnew = eMesh->nodal_field_dot(cg_r_field, cg_d_field);

    double metric_orig = total_metric(mesh, 0.0, 1.0, total_valid);
    m_total_metric = metric_orig;
    if (check_convergence() || metric_orig == 0.0)
        PRINT_1( "tmp srk already converged m_dnew= " << m_dnew << " gradNorm= " << gradNorm << " m_d0= " << m_d0 );
        return total_metric(mesh,0.0,1.0, total_valid);

    // node loop: local line search
    double alpha_min = 1.e+30;
    double alpha_max = 0.0;
        const std::vector<stk_classic::mesh::Bucket*> & buckets = eMesh->get_bulk_data()->buckets( eMesh->node_rank() );
        for ( std::vector<stk_classic::mesh::Bucket*>::const_iterator k = buckets.begin() ; k != buckets.end() ; ++k )
            // update local and globally shared
            //if (on_locally_owned_part(**k) || on_globally_shared_part(**k))
            if (on_locally_owned_part(**k))
                stk_classic::mesh::Bucket & bucket = **k ;
                const unsigned num_nodes_in_bucket = bucket.size();

                for (unsigned i_node = 0; i_node < num_nodes_in_bucket; i_node++)
                    stk_classic::mesh::Entity& node = bucket[i_node];
                    bool fixed = pmm->get_fixed_flag(&node);
                    bool isGhostNode = !(on_locally_owned_part(node) || on_globally_shared_part(node));
                    if (fixed || isGhostNode)

                    //double edge_length_ave = m_eMesh->edge_length_ave(element);
                    double edge_length_ave = nodal_edge_length_ave(node);

                    double *coord_current = PerceptMesh::field_data(m_coord_field_current, node);
                    double *cg_d = PerceptMesh::field_data(cg_d_field, node);
                    double *cg_g = PerceptMesh::field_data(cg_g_field, node);

                    double local_scale = 0.0;
                    for (int i=0; i < spatialDim; i++)
                        local_scale = std::max(local_scale, std::abs(cg_g[i])/edge_length_ave);

                    local_scale = (local_scale < 1.0) ? 1.0 : 1.0/local_scale;
                    //PRINT("tmp srk node= " << node.identifier() << " iter= " << m_iter << " local_scale= " << local_scale);

                    /// line search

                    //get_nodal_gradient(node, cg_g_local);
                    double norm_gradient2 = 0.0;
                    for (int i=0; i < spatialDim; i++)
                        norm_gradient2 += cg_g[i]*cg_g[i];

                    double alpha = local_scale;  // m_scale
                    if (std::sqrt(norm_gradient2) > edge_length_ave*1.e-8)
                        bool local_valid=true, local_valid_0=true, local_valid_1=true;
                        double metric_0 = nodal_metric(node, 0.0, coord_current, cg_d, local_valid_0);
                        double metric=0.0;
                        //double sigma=0.95;
                        double tau = 0.5;
                        double c0 = 1.e-4;

                        double armijo_offset_factor = c0*norm_gradient2;
                        bool converged = false;
                        while (!converged)
                            metric = nodal_metric(node, alpha, coord_current, cg_d, local_valid);

                            //converged = (metric > sigma*metric_0) && (alpha > 1.e-16);
                            double mfac = alpha*armijo_offset_factor;
                            converged = metric == 0.0 || (metric < metric_0 + mfac);
                            if (m_untangled) converged = converged && local_valid;
                            PRINT(  "tmp srk node= " << node.identifier() << " iter= " << m_iter
                                    << " alpha= " << alpha << " metric_0= " << metric_0 << " metric= " << metric << " diff= " << metric - (metric_0 + mfac)
                                    << " m_untangled = " << m_untangled << " norm_gradient2= " << norm_gradient2
                                    << " local_valid= " << local_valid );
                            if (!converged)
                                alpha *= tau;
                            if (alpha < std::max(1.e-6*m_scale, 1.e-16))
                                PRINT_1(  "tmp srk not conv node= " << node.identifier() << " iter= " << m_iter
                                          << " alpha= " << alpha << " metric_0= " << metric_0 << " metric= " << metric << " diff= " << metric - (metric_0 + mfac)
                                          << " m_untangled = " << m_untangled << " norm_gradient2= " << norm_gradient2
                                          << " local_valid= " << local_valid    );

                        //if (metric > sigma*metric_0)
                        if (!converged)
                            metric_0 = nodal_metric(node, 0.0, coord_current, cg_d, local_valid_0);
                            double metric_1 = nodal_metric(node, 1.e-6, coord_current, cg_d, local_valid_1);
                            PRINT_1(  "tmp srk can't reduce metric, node= " << node.identifier() << " iter= " << m_iter
                                      << " alpha= " << alpha << " metric_0= " << metric_0 << " metric[1.e-6]= " << metric_1 << " diff[want neg]= " << metric_1 - metric_0
                                      << "\n m_untangled = " << m_untangled << " norm_gradient2= " << norm_gradient2
                                      << " local_valid= " << local_valid
                                      << " local_valid_0= " << local_valid_0
                                      << " local_valid_1= " << local_valid_1
                                      << " cg_d= " << cg_d[0] << " " << cg_d[1] << " edge_length_ave= " << edge_length_ave);
                            alpha = 0.0;
                            reduced_metric = true;
                            double a1 = alpha/2.;
                            double a2 = alpha;
                            double f0 = metric_0,
                                   f1 = nodal_metric(node, a1, coord_current, cg_d, total_valid),
                                   f2 = nodal_metric(node, a2, coord_current, cg_d, total_valid);
                            double den = 2.*(a2*(-f0 + f1) + a1*(f0 - f2));
                            double num = a2*a2*(f1-f0)+a1*a1*(f0-f2);
                            if (std::fabs(den) > 1.e-10)
                                double alpha_quadratic = num/den;
                                if (alpha_quadratic < 2.0*alpha)
                                    double fm = nodal_metric(node, alpha_quadratic, coord_current, cg_d, total_valid);
                                    //if (fm < f2 && (!m_untangled || total_valid))
                                    if (fm < f2)
                                        alpha = alpha_quadratic;
                                        PRINT( "tmp srk alpha_quadratic= " << alpha_quadratic << " alpha= " << a2 );
                    alpha_min = std::min(alpha_min, alpha);
                    alpha_max = std::max(alpha_max, alpha);
                    // scale cg_d by local alpha
                    for (int i=0; i < spatialDim; i++)
                        cg_d[i] *= alpha;
                } // node in bucket loop
        } // bucket loop

    /// check for valid mesh
    double alpha_global = 1.0;
    if (m_stage == 1)
        bool converged = false;
        while (!converged)
            int num_invalid=0;
            double metric_new = total_metric(mesh, alpha_global, 1.0, total_valid, &num_invalid);
            PRINT_1(  "tmp srk global alpha = " << alpha_global << " metric_new= " << metric_new << " total_valid= " << total_valid << " num_invalid= " << num_invalid);
            if (total_valid)
                converged = true;
                alpha_global *= 0.5;
            if (alpha_global < 1.e-10)
        //if (metric > sigma*metric_0)
        if (!converged)
            bool local_valid_0=true, local_valid_1=true;
            double metric_0 = total_metric(mesh,0.0, 1.0, local_valid_0);
            double metric_1 = total_metric(mesh, 1.e-6, 1.0, local_valid_1);
            PRINT_1(  "tmp srk can't get valid mesh... "
                      " metric_0= " << metric_0 << " metric[1.e-6]= " << metric_1 << " diff[want neg]= " << metric_1 - metric_0
                      << "\n m_untangled = " << m_untangled
                      << " local_valid_0= " << local_valid_0
                      << " local_valid_1= " << local_valid_1 );

    /// x = x + alpha*d
    update_node_positions(mesh, alpha_global);
    double metric_new = total_metric(mesh,0.0, 1.0, total_valid);
    PRINT_1( "tmp srk iter= "<< m_iter << " dmax= " << m_dmax << " alpha_min= " << alpha_min << " alpha_max= " << alpha_max << " total_valid= " << total_valid);
    if (m_stage == 1 && !total_valid)
        throw std::runtime_error("created bad mesh");

    //if (!reduced_metric || metric_new >= metric_orig)
    if (!reduced_metric )
        PRINT_1( "can't reduce metric, metric_new= " << metric_new << " metric_0 = " << metric_orig << " reduced_metric= " << reduced_metric);
        throw std::runtime_error("can't reduce metric");

    return metric_new;
void compute_elem_mesh_size_ratio(
    PerceptMesh& eMesh,
    ScalarFieldType* elem_ratio_field,
    const double &global_error_tol)
    const int spatial_dim = eMesh.get_spatial_dim();
    double local_error_tol = global_error_tol;

    static bool first_run = true;

    stk::mesh::Part * activeElementsPart = eMesh.get_non_const_part("refine_active_elements_part");

    stk::mesh::Selector selector = first_run  ?
                                   eMesh.get_fem_meta_data()->locally_owned_part() :
                                   ( eMesh.get_fem_meta_data()->locally_owned_part() & (*activeElementsPart) );

    first_run = false;

    std::vector<unsigned> count ;
    stk::mesh::count_entities( selector, *eMesh.get_bulk_data(), count );

    const double num_elems = (double) count[eMesh.element_rank()];
    local_error_tol /= sqrt(num_elems);

    std::vector<stk::mesh::Bucket*> buckets;
    stk::mesh::get_buckets( selector, eMesh.get_bulk_data()->buckets( eMesh.element_rank() ), buckets );

    for ( vector<stk::mesh::Bucket*>::const_iterator k = buckets.begin() ; k != buckets.end() ; ++k ) {

        stk::mesh::Bucket & bucket = **k ;

        shards::CellTopology ct = stk::mesh::fem::get_cell_topology(bucket);
        const int Nnpe = ct.getNodeCount();

        std::vector<double> nodal_interp(Nnpe);
        std::vector<double> nodal_coords(Nnpe*spatial_dim);

        const unsigned num_elems_in_bucket = bucket.size();
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_elems_in_bucket; i++) {

            stk::mesh::Entity& element = bucket[i];

            // gather nodal coords and compute centroid
            std::vector<double> centroid(spatial_dim, 0.0);
            stk::mesh::PairIterRelation elem_nodes = element.relations(stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK);
            for (unsigned inode=0; inode < elem_nodes.size(); inode++) {
                stk::mesh::Entity *node = elem_nodes[inode].entity();
                double *coords = stk::mesh::field_data( *eMesh.get_coordinates_field() , *node);

                for (int d=0; d<spatial_dim; d++) {
                    centroid[d] += coords[d];
                    nodal_coords[inode*spatial_dim+d] = coords[d];

                exact_nodal_solution(coords, &nodal_interp[inode], spatial_dim);

            for (int d=0; d<spatial_dim; d++) {
                centroid[d] /= (double) Nnpe;

            // calc interpolation error at midpoint
            double eval_centroid;
            exact_nodal_solution(&centroid[0], &eval_centroid, spatial_dim);

            double interp_centroid = 0.0;
            for (unsigned inode=0; inode < elem_nodes.size(); inode++) {
                interp_centroid += nodal_interp[inode];
            interp_centroid /= (double) Nnpe;

            const double err_centroid = eval_centroid - interp_centroid;

            // HACK triangles for now
            const double area = triangle_area(nodal_coords);

            const double local_error = fabs(err_centroid) * area;

            double *ratio = stk::mesh::field_data( *elem_ratio_field , element);

            // calc elem ratio
            *ratio = sqrt(local_error / local_error_tol);