Beispiel #1
    void addSolution(const Permutation& sol)
        D_ASSERT(sol.size() == orbit_mins.size());
        debug_out(3, "SS", "Old orbit_mins:" << orbit_mins);
        for(int i : range1(sol.size()))
            if(sol[i] != i)
                int val1 = walkToMinimum(i);
                int val2 = walkToMinimum(sol[i]);
                int orbit_min = -1;
                if(comparison(val1, val2))
                    orbit_min = val1;
                    orbit_min = val2;

                update_orbit_mins(orbit_min, val1);
                update_orbit_mins(orbit_min, val2);
                update_orbit_mins(orbit_min, i);
                update_orbit_mins(orbit_min, sol[i]);
        debug_out(1, "SS", "Solution found");
        debug_out(3, "SS", "Sol:" << sol);
        debug_out(3, "SS", "New orbit_mins:" << orbit_mins);
Beispiel #2
DateSet::permute(const Permutation& p)
  if (p.size() != size())
    throw Exception_SizesDoNotMatch();
float Permutation::calculateKendall(const Permutation & compare) const
  float score=0;
  vector<int> compareArray = compare.getArray();
  if (getLength() != compare.getLength()) {
    cerr << "1stperm: " << getLength() << " 2ndperm: " << compare.getLength() << endl;
    throw runtime_error("Length of permutations not equal");
  if (getLength() == 0) {
    cerr << "Empty permutation" << endl;
    return 0;
  for (size_t i=0; i<getLength(); i++) {
    for (size_t j=0; j<getLength(); j++) {
      if ((m_array[i] < m_array[j]) && (compareArray[i] > compareArray[j])) {
  score = (score / ((getLength()*getLength() - getLength()) /2  ) );
  //Adjusted Kendall's tau correlates better with human judgements
  score = sqrt (score);
  score = 1 - score;

  return score;
Word ThRightNormalForm::getShortWord( ) const
  Word result;
  Permutation omega = Permutation::getHalfTwistPermutation( getRank( ) );
  int power = getPower( );

  if( power<0 ) {

    const list< Permutation >& decomp = getDecomposition( );
    list<Permutation>:: const_iterator it = decomp.begin( );
    for( int j=0 ; it!=decomp.end( ) ; ++it, ++j ) {
      int n = j - decomp.size( ) - power;
      if( n<0 ) {
	vector< int > gd = (*it).geodesic();
	for( size_t t=0 ; t<gd.size() ; ++t )
	  result.push_back( gd[t]+1 );
      } else {
	Permutation p = ( n%2 == 1 ? (*it).inverse() * omega : omega * (*it).inverse() );
	vector<int> gd = p.geodesic();
	for( int t=gd.size( )-1 ; t>=0 ; --t )
	  result.push_back( -gd[t]-1 );
    Word omega_w = Word(omega.geodesicWord( ));
    omega_w = -omega_w;
    for( int j=decomp.size( ) ; j<-power ; ++j )
      result = omega_w*result;
  } else
    result = getWord( );
  return result;
	pair<std::vector<Permutation<element_type, rank_type>* >, std::map<string, int> >  load_format_trec(string qresult){
		std::string line;
		std::map<string, int> map_queries;
		std::vector<Permutation<element_type, rank_type>* > rankings;
		ifstream infile;;

    	while(infile.good() && std::getline( infile, line )){
    		std::vector<std::string> strs = split(line, ' ');

    		element_type elem = atoi(&(strs[2]).c_str()[0]);
    		rank_type pos = atoi(&(strs[3]).c_str()[0]);

    		std::map<string, int>::iterator it = map_queries.find(strs[0]);
            if(it != map_queries.end()){
                rankings[it->second]->addElement(elem, pos);
            	Permutation<element_type, rank_type>* p = new perm_imp_type();
    			p->addElement(elem, pos);
    			map_queries[strs[0]] = map_queries.size() - 1;

    	return make_pair(rankings, map_queries);
Beispiel #6
Word ThLeftNormalForm::getReducedWord() const {
  if (theOmegaPower >= 0 || theDecomposition.size() == 0)
    return getWord();

  const auto p = -theOmegaPower;
  const auto d = theDecomposition.size();
  const auto a = p < d ? p : d;

  Word result;

  // 1. Process omega
  const Permutation omega = Permutation::getHalfTwistPermutation(theRank);
  Word omegaWord = Word(omega.geodesicWord());
  omegaWord = -omegaWord;
  result = omegaWord.power(p - a);

  // 2. Cancel omega^-1 with positive permutations
  auto it = theDecomposition.begin();
  for (int i = 0; i < a; ++i, ++it) {
    auto perm = (-(*it)) * omega;
    if ((a - i - 1) % 2 != 0)
      perm = perm.flip();
    result *= -Word(perm.geodesicWord());
  // 3. process the rest of positive permutations
  for (; it != theDecomposition.end(); ++it) {
    result *= Word((*it).geodesicWord());

  return result;
Beispiel #7
 Permutation operator()(Permutation lhs, Permutation rhs) const {
     assert(lhs.size() == rhs.size());
     value_type result(lhs.size());
     for (size_t i = 0; i < lhs.size(); ++i)
         result[i] = rhs[lhs[i]];
     return result;
	void union_perm(Permutation<element_type, rank_type> &sigma, Permutation<element_type, rank_type> &tau){
		for (typename Permutation<element_type, rank_type>::iterator it = tau.begin(); it != tau.end(); ++it)
			sigma.addElement(it->first, sigma(it->first));
Word ThRightNormalForm::getWord( ) const
  Word result;
  vector< int > decomposition;
  vector< int > geodesic;
  list<Permutation>::const_iterator it = theDecomposition.begin( );
  for( ; it!=theDecomposition.end( ) ; ++it ) {
    geodesic = (*it).geodesic( );
    for( size_t j=0 ; j<geodesic.size( ) ; ++j )
      result.push_back( geodesic[j]+1 );

  if( theOmegaPower==0 )
    return result;
  Word omegaWord;
  const Permutation omega = Permutation::getHalfTwistPermutation( theRank );
  geodesic = omega.geodesic( );
  for( size_t i=0 ; i<geodesic.size( ) ; ++i )
    omegaWord.push_back( geodesic[i]+1 );
  if( theOmegaPower<0 )
    omegaWord = -omegaWord;
  for( int i=0 ; i<abs(theOmegaPower) ; ++i )
    result *= omegaWord;
  return result;
Beispiel #10
StringSet::permute(const Permutation& p)
  if (size() != p.size())
    throw Exception("Permutation and data are not of the same size");

TEST(PermutationTest, Inverse) {
  Permutation p = Permutation(create_image(3, 1, 2, 0));

  Permutation inverse = p.inverse();

  EXPECT_EQ(2, inverse(0));
  EXPECT_EQ(0, inverse(1));
  EXPECT_EQ(1, inverse(2));
Beispiel #12
set<Upair<size_t> >
permDiff(const Permutation& p1, const Permutation& p2)
    set<Upair<size_t> > ret;

    assert(p1.size() == p2.size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < p1.size(); ++i)
        if (p1[i] != p2[i])
            ret.insert(Upair<size_t>(p1[i], p2[i]));

    return ret;
Beispiel #13
void KRMB::applyTo(Permutation &p)
  for (size_t i = 1; i <= k; ++i)
    if (param.c[i] < param.d[i]) {
      p.applyReversal(param.c[i], param.d[i]);
  if (param.a < param.b) {
    p.applyReversal(param.a, param.b);
Beispiel #14
/* ************************************************************************* */
void Ordering::permuteInPlace(const Permutation& selector, const Permutation& permutation) {
  if(selector.size() != permutation.size())
    throw invalid_argument("Ordering::permuteInPlace (partial permutation version) called with selector and permutation of different sizes.");
  // Create new index the size of the permuted entries
  OrderingIndex newIndex(selector.size());
  // Permute the affected entries into the new index
  for(size_t dstSlot = 0; dstSlot < selector.size(); ++dstSlot)
    newIndex[dstSlot] = orderingIndex_[selector[permutation[dstSlot]]];
  // Put the affected entries back in the new order and fix the indices
  for(size_t slot = 0; slot < selector.size(); ++slot) {
    orderingIndex_[selector[slot]] = newIndex[slot];
    orderingIndex_[selector[slot]]->second = selector[slot];
Beispiel #15
pair< ThLeftNormalForm , ThLeftNormalForm > ThLeftNormalForm::cycle( ) const
  if( theDecomposition.empty( ) )
    return pair< ThLeftNormalForm , ThLeftNormalForm >( *this , ThLeftNormalForm( theRank ) );

  ThLeftNormalForm result = *this;
  Permutation first = *(theDecomposition.begin( ));
  if( theOmegaPower%2!=0 )
    first = first.flip( );
  result.theDecomposition.push_back( first );
  result.theDecomposition.pop_front( );
  result.adjust( );
  return pair< ThLeftNormalForm , ThLeftNormalForm >( result , ThLeftNormalForm(first) );
Beispiel #16
    void calcK(vector<int> & v, int K) {
        Permutation perm;
        vector<vector<int> > vs = perm.permuteUnique(v);
        for (int i = 0; i < vs.size(); ++ i) {
            vector<int> & in = vs[i];

            if (DEBUG) cout << "input: "; dump(in);
            if (DEBUG) cout << "all possible results: " << endl;

            //if (DEBUG) cout << "results equal to " << K << ": " << endl;
            map<double, vector<string> > m = calc2(in);
            dumpMap(m, K);
//TODO default to HAMMING
//Note: it returns the distance that is not normalised
float Permutation::distance(const Permutation &permCompare, const distanceMetric_t &type) const
  float score=0;

  //cout << "*****Permutation::distance" <<endl;
  //cout << "Ref:" << endl;
  //cout << "Comp:" << endl;

  if (type == HAMMING_DISTANCE) {
    score = calculateHamming(permCompare);
  } else if (type == KENDALL_DISTANCE) {
    score = calculateKendall(permCompare);
  } else {
    throw runtime_error("Distance type not valid");

  float brevityPenalty = 1.0 - (float) permCompare.getTargetLength()/getTargetLength()  ;//reflength divided by trans length
  if (brevityPenalty < 0.0) {
    score = score * exp(brevityPenalty);

  //cout << "Distance type:" <<  type << endl;
  //cout << "Score: "<< score << endl;
  return score;
Beispiel #18
void TestCorrectness
( bool print, 
  const Matrix<Field>& A,
  const Permutation& P,
  const Matrix<Field>& AOrig,
        Int numRHS=100 )
    typedef Base<Field> Real;
    const Int n = AOrig.Width();
    const Real eps = limits::Epsilon<Real>();
    const Real oneNormA = OneNorm( AOrig );

    Output("Testing error...");

    // Generate random right-hand sides
    Matrix<Field> X;
    Uniform( X, n, numRHS );
    auto Y( X );
    const Real oneNormY = OneNorm( Y );
    P.PermuteRows( Y );
    lu::SolveAfter( NORMAL, A, Y );

    // Now investigate the residual, ||AOrig Y - X||_oo
    Gemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, Field(-1), AOrig, Y, Field(1), X );
    const Real infError = InfinityNorm( X );
    const Real relError = infError / (eps*n*Max(oneNormA,oneNormY));

    // TODO(poulson): Use a rigorous failure condition
    Output("||A X - Y||_oo / (eps n Max(||A||_1,||Y||_1)) = ",relError);
    if( relError > Real(1000) )
        LogicError("Unacceptably large relative error");
ColumnPtr ColumnFixedString::permute(const Permutation & perm, size_t limit) const
    size_t col_size = size();

    if (limit == 0)
        limit = col_size;
        limit = std::min(col_size, limit);

    if (perm.size() < limit)
        throw Exception("Size of permutation is less than required.", ErrorCodes::SIZES_OF_COLUMNS_DOESNT_MATCH);

    if (limit == 0)
        return ColumnFixedString::create(n);

    auto res = ColumnFixedString::create(n);

    Chars_t & res_chars = res->chars;

    res_chars.resize(n * limit);

    size_t offset = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < limit; ++i, offset += n)
        memcpySmallAllowReadWriteOverflow15(&res_chars[offset], &chars[perm[i] * n], n);

    return std::move(res);
Beispiel #20
// Checks a solution satisfies all the constraints, and
// adds to the solutionStore if it is. Returns true if
// the solution is real
bool handlePossibleSolution(Problem* p, SolutionStore* ss, RBase* rbase)
    D_ASSERT(p->p_stack.cellCount() == p->p_stack.domainSize());
    Permutation perm = getRawPermutation(p->p_stack.domainSize());

    for(int i = 1 ; i <= perm.size(); ++i)
        perm.raw(rbase->initial_permstack->val(i)) = p->p_stack.val(i);
        return false;
    info_out(1, "Solution: " << perm);
    return true;
Beispiel #21
pair< ThLeftNormalForm , ThLeftNormalForm > ThLeftNormalForm::decycle( ) const
  if( theDecomposition.empty( ) )
    return pair< ThLeftNormalForm , ThLeftNormalForm >( *this , ThLeftNormalForm( theRank ) );
  ThLeftNormalForm result = *this;
  Permutation last = *(--theDecomposition.end( ));
  if( theOmegaPower%2==0 )
    result.theDecomposition.push_front( last );
    result.theDecomposition.push_front( last.flip( ) );
  result.theDecomposition.pop_back( );
  result.adjust( );
  return pair< ThLeftNormalForm , ThLeftNormalForm >( result , -ThLeftNormalForm(last) );
Beispiel #22
generateCombinations(const size_t n, const size_t k, 
                     Permutation perm,
                     vector<Permutation>& rPerms)
    if (perm.size() == k){
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){
        perm.back() = i;
        generateCombinations(n, k, perm, rPerms);
Beispiel #23
void SymmetryGroup::computeClosure(Permutation const &v) //does this work??
  ElementContainer newOnes;


      Permutation v=*newOnes.begin();
      for(ElementContainer::const_iterator i=elements.begin();i!=elements.end();i++)
            Permutation n=i->apply(v);
            Permutation n=v.apply(v);
Beispiel #24
Permutation Permutation::applyInverse(Permutation const &b)const
  IntVector ret(size());
  for(int i=0;i<size();i++)ret[(*this)[i]]=b[i];
  return Permutation(ret);
    bool SystemSolver_FASTCG::solve(const SparseMatrix& A_in, Vector& x_in, const Vector& b_in) {

        typedef double CoeffType ;
        typedef Array1d<CoeffType> VectorType ;
        typedef SparseMatrixBCRS<CoeffType, 2, 2> MatrixType ;

        unsigned int N0 = A_in.n() ;
        std::cerr << "N0 = " << N0 << std::endl ;
        Permutation permutation; 
        compute_permutation(A_in, permutation) ;

        MatrixType A ;
        ::OGF::convert_matrix(A_in, A, permutation) ;

//      ::OGF::compress_indices(A) ;

        std::cerr << "filling ratio:" << (A.filling_ratio() * 100.0) << "%" << std::endl ;
        if(false) {
            std::cerr << "Saving matrix to disk (matrix.dat)" << std::endl ;
            std::ofstream out("matrix.dat") ;
//            A.print(out) ;
            ::OGF::output_matrix(A, out) ;

        unsigned int N = A.n() ; // Can be greater than N0 due to blocking
        N = QuickBLAS::aligned_size(N, sizeof(CoeffType)) ;

        std::cerr <<"N = " << N << std::endl ;

        int max_iter = (nb_iters_ == 0) ? 5 * N : nb_iters_ ;
        double eps = threshold_ ;

        std::cerr << "nb iters = " << max_iter << "  threshold = " << eps << std::endl ;

        VectorType b(N, alignment_for_SSE2) ;
        VectorType x(N, alignment_for_SSE2) ;

        permutation.invert_permute_vector(b_in, b) ;
        permutation.invert_permute_vector(x_in, x) ;

        solve_cg(A, x, b, eps, max_iter) ;

        permutation.permute_vector(x, x_in) ;

        return true ;
 static void compute_permutation(const SparseMatrix& A, Permutation& permutation) {
     permutation.allocate(A.n()) ;
     bool RCMK = false ;
     if(RCMK) {
         SparseMatrixPatternCRS A_pattern ;
         ::OGF::convert_matrix(A, A_pattern) ;
         A_pattern.compute_RCMK_ordering(permutation) ;
         if(true) {
             std::cerr << "Bandwidth before permutation: " << A_pattern.bandwidth() << std::endl ;
             SparseMatrixCRS<double> A_crs ;
             ::OGF::convert_matrix(A, A_crs, true, permutation) ;            
             std::cerr << "Bandwidth after permutation: " << A_crs.bandwidth() << std::endl ;
     } else {
         permutation.load_identity() ;
 void Permutation::invert(Permutation& result) const {
     // Rem: this is coherent with the convention 
     // size()==0 <=> this is the identity permutation
     result.allocate(size()) ;
     for(index_t i=0; i<size(); i++) {
         result[(*this)[i]] = i ;
Beispiel #28
Permutation::Permutation(const Permutation &other)
  const size_t dim=other.size();
  if(dim==0) P=NULL;
  else {
  TiledArray::detail::DistEval<typename Op::result_type, Policy> make_contract_eval(
      const TiledArray::detail::DistEval<LeftTile, Policy>& left,
      const TiledArray::detail::DistEval<RightTile, Policy>& right,
      TiledArray::World& world,
      const typename TiledArray::detail::DistEval<typename Op::result_type, Policy>::shape_type& shape,
      const std::shared_ptr<typename TiledArray::detail::DistEval<typename Op::result_type, Policy>::pmap_interface>& pmap,
      const Permutation& perm,
      const Op& op)
    TA_ASSERT(left.range().rank() == op.left_rank());
    TA_ASSERT(right.range().rank() == op.right_rank());
    TA_ASSERT((perm.dim() == op.result_rank()) || !perm);

    // Define the impl type
    typedef TiledArray::detail::Summa<
        TiledArray::detail::DistEval<LeftTile, Policy>,
        TiledArray::detail::DistEval<RightTile, Policy>, Op, Policy> impl_type;

    // Precompute iteration range data
    const unsigned int num_contract_ranks = op.num_contract_ranks();
    const unsigned int left_end = op.left_rank();
    const unsigned int left_middle = left_end - num_contract_ranks;
    const unsigned int right_end = op.right_rank();

    // Construct a vector TiledRange1 objects from the left- and right-hand
    // arguments that will be used to construct the result TiledRange. Also,
    // compute the fused outer dimension sizes, number of tiles and elements,
    // for the contraction.
    typename impl_type::trange_type::Ranges ranges(op.result_rank());
    std::size_t M = 1ul, m = 1ul, N = 1ul, n = 1ul;
    std::size_t pi = 0ul;
    for(unsigned int i = 0ul; i < left_middle; ++i) {
      ranges[(perm ? perm[pi++] : pi++)] = left.trange().data()[i];
      M *= left.range().extent_data()[i];
      m *= left.trange().elements().extent_data()[i];
    for(std::size_t i = num_contract_ranks; i < right_end; ++i) {
      ranges[(perm ? perm[pi++] : pi++)] = right.trange().data()[i];
      N *= right.range().extent_data()[i];
      n *= right.trange().elements().extent_data()[i];

    // Compute the number of tiles in the inner dimension.
    std::size_t K = 1ul;
    for(std::size_t i = left_middle; i < left_end; ++i)
      K *= left.range().extent_data()[i];

    // Construct the result range
    typename impl_type::trange_type trange(ranges.begin(), ranges.end());

    // Construct the process grid
    TiledArray::detail::ProcGrid proc_grid(world, M, N, m, n);

    return TiledArray::detail::DistEval<typename Op::result_type, Policy>(
        std::shared_ptr<impl_type>( new impl_type(left, right, world, trange,
        shape, pmap, perm, op, K, proc_grid)));
Beispiel #30
		 * Composition operator ie (P1*P2)[k] = P1[P2[k]]
		Permutation operator*(const Permutation & P2) const
			MTOOLS_INSURE(_perm.size() == P2.size());
			const int l = (int)_perm.size();
			Permutation R;
			R._perm.resize(l); R._invperm.resize(l);
			for (int i = 0;i < l;i++) { R._perm[i] = _perm[P2._perm[i]]; R._invperm[i] = P2._invperm[_invperm[i]]; }
			return R;