Beispiel #1
	 * Runs the motors with Mecanum drive.
	void OperatorControl()//teleop code
		double liftHeight = 0; //variable for lifting thread
		int liftHeightBoxes = 0; //another variable for lifting thread
		int liftStep = 0; //height of step in inches
		int liftRamp = 0; //height of ramp in inches
		double grabPower;
		bool backOut;
		uint8_t toSend[10];//array of bytes to send over I2C
		uint8_t toReceive[10];//array of bytes to receive over I2C
		uint8_t numToSend = 1;//number of bytes to send
		uint8_t numToReceive = 0;//number of bytes to receive
		toSend[0] = 1;//set the byte to send to 1
		i2c.Transaction(toSend, 1, toReceive, 0);//send over I2C
		bool isGrabbing = false;//whether or not grabbing thread is running
		bool isLifting = false;//whether or not lifting thread is running
		bool isBraking = false;//whether or not braking thread is running
		float driveX = 0;
		float driveY = 0;
		float driveZ = 0;
		float driveGyro = 0;
		bool liftLastState = false;
		bool liftState = false; //button pressed
		double liftLastTime = 0;
		double liftTime = 0;
		bool liftRan = true;
		Timer switchTimer;
		Timer grabTimer;

		while (IsOperatorControl() && IsEnabled())
			// Use the joystick X axis for lateral movement, Y axis for forward movement, and Z axis for rotation.
			// This sample does not use field-oriented drive, so the gyro input is set to zero.

			toSend[0] = 1;
			numToSend = 1;

			driveX = driveStick.GetRawAxis(Constants::driveXAxis);//starts driving code
			driveY = driveStick.GetRawAxis(Constants::driveYAxis);
			driveZ = driveStick.GetRawAxis(Constants::driveZAxis);
			driveGyro = gyro.GetAngle() + Constants::driveGyroTeleopOffset;

			if (driveStick.GetRawButton(Constants::driveOneAxisButton)) {//if X is greater than Y and Z, then it will only go in the direction of X
				toSend[0] = 6;
				numToSend = 1;

				if (fabs(driveX) > fabs(driveY) && fabs(driveX) > fabs(driveZ)) {
					driveY = 0;
					driveZ = 0;
				else if (fabs(driveY) > fabs(driveX) && fabs(driveY) > fabs(driveZ)) {//if Y is greater than X and Z, then it will only go in the direction of Y
					driveX = 0;
					driveZ = 0;
				else {//if Z is greater than X and Y, then it will only go in the direction of Z
					driveX = 0;
					driveY = 0;

			if (driveStick.GetRawButton(Constants::driveXYButton)) {//Z lock; only lets X an Y function
				toSend[0] = 7;
				driveZ = 0;//Stops Z while Z lock is pressed

			if (!driveStick.GetRawButton(Constants::driveFieldLockButton)) {//robot moves based on the orientation of the field
				driveGyro = 0;//gyro stops while field lock is enabled

			driveX = Constants::scaleJoysticks(driveX, Constants::driveXDeadZone, Constants::driveXMax * (.5 - (driveStick.GetRawAxis(Constants::driveThrottleAxis) / 2)), Constants::driveXDegree);
			driveY = Constants::scaleJoysticks(driveY, Constants::driveYDeadZone, Constants::driveYMax * (.5 - (driveStick.GetRawAxis(Constants::driveThrottleAxis) / 2)), Constants::driveYDegree);
			driveZ = Constants::scaleJoysticks(driveZ, Constants::driveZDeadZone, Constants::driveZMax * (.5 - (driveStick.GetRawAxis(Constants::driveThrottleAxis) / 2)), Constants::driveZDegree);
			robotDrive.MecanumDrive_Cartesian(driveX, driveY, driveZ, driveGyro);//makes the robot drive

			if (pdp.GetCurrent(Constants::grabPdpChannel) < Constants::grabManualCurrent) {
				pickup.setGrabber(Constants::scaleJoysticks(grabStick.GetX(), Constants::grabDeadZone, Constants::grabMax, Constants::grabDegree)); //defines the grabber
				if(grabTimer.Get() < 1) {
					toSend[0] = 6;
			else {
				toSend[0] = 6;

			if (Constants::grabLiftInverted) {
				pickup.setLifter(-Constants::scaleJoysticks(grabStick.GetY(), Constants::liftDeadZone, Constants::liftMax, Constants::liftDegree)); //defines the lifter
			else {
				pickup.setLifter(Constants::scaleJoysticks(grabStick.GetY(), Constants::liftDeadZone, Constants::liftMax, Constants::liftDegree)); //defines the lifter

			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Lift Power", Constants::scaleJoysticks(grabStick.GetY(), Constants::liftDeadZone, Constants::liftMax, Constants::liftDegree));
			SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("Is Lifting", isLifting);

			if (Constants::scaleJoysticks(grabStick.GetY(), Constants::liftDeadZone, Constants::liftMax, Constants::liftDegree) != 0 || isLifting) { //if the robot is lifting
				isBraking = false; //stop braking thread
				SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("Braking", false);
			else if(!isBraking) {
				isBraking = true; //run braking thread
				pickup.lifterBrake(isBraking);//brake the pickup

			if (grabStick.GetRawButton(Constants::liftFloorButton)) {
				liftHeight = 0;
				pickup.lifterPosition(liftHeight, isLifting, grabStick);//start lifting thread
				liftRan = true;

			liftTime = timer.Get();
			liftState = grabStick.GetRawButton(Constants::liftButton);

			if (liftState) { //if button is pressed
				if (!liftLastState) {
					if (liftTime - liftLastTime < Constants::liftMaxTime) {
						if (liftHeightBoxes < Constants::liftMaxHeightBoxes) {
							liftHeightBoxes++; //adds 1 to liftHeightBoxes
					else {
						liftHeightBoxes = 1;
						liftRamp = 0;
						liftStep = 0;
				liftLastTime = liftTime;
				liftLastState = true;
				liftRan = false;
			else if (grabStick.GetRawButton(Constants::liftRampButton)) {
				if (liftTime - liftLastTime > Constants::liftMaxTime) {
					liftHeight = 0;
					liftStep = 0;
				liftRamp = 1; //prepares to go up ramp
				liftLastTime = liftTime;
				liftRan = false;
			else if (grabStick.GetRawButton(Constants::liftStepButton)) {
				if (liftTime - liftLastTime > Constants::liftMaxTime) {
					liftHeight = 0;
					liftRamp = 0;
				liftStep = 1; //prepares robot for step
				liftLastTime = liftTime;
				liftRan = false;
			else {
				if (liftTime - liftLastTime > Constants::liftMaxTime && !liftRan) {

					liftHeight = liftHeightBoxes * Constants::liftBoxHeight + liftRamp * Constants::liftRampHeight + liftStep * Constants::liftStepHeight; //sets liftHeight
					if (liftHeightBoxes > 0) {
						liftHeight -= Constants::liftBoxLip;
					pickup.lifterPosition(liftHeight, isLifting, grabStick);//start lifting thread
					liftRan = true;
				liftLastState = false;

			if (grabStick.GetRawButton(Constants::grabToteButton)) {//if grab button is pressed
				grabPower = Constants::grabToteCurrent;
				backOut = true;
				if (!isGrabbing) {
					pickup.grabberGrab(isGrabbing, grabPower, backOut, grabStick);//start grabber thread
			else if (grabStick.GetRawButton(Constants::grabBinButton)) {//if grab button is pressed
				grabPower = Constants::grabBinCurrent;

				backOut = false;
				if (!isGrabbing) {
					pickup.grabberGrab(isGrabbing, grabPower, backOut, grabStick);//start grabber thread
			else if (grabStick.GetRawButton(Constants::grabChuteButton)) {//if grab button is presset
				SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("Breakpoint -2", false);
				SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("Breakpoint -1", false);
				SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("Breakpoint 0", false);
				SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("Breakpoint 1", false);
				SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("Breakpoint 2", false);
				SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("Breakpoint 3", false);
				SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("Breakpoint 4", false);
				if (!isGrabbing) {
					//pickup.grabberChute(isGrabbing, grabStick);//start grabber thread

			//determines what the LED's look like based on what the Robot is doing
			if (isGrabbing) {
				toSend[0] = 5;
				numToSend = 1;
			if (isLifting) {//if the grabbing thread is running
				if (Constants::encoderToDistance(liftEncoder.Get(),Constants::liftEncoderTicks, Constants::liftEncoderBase, Constants::liftEncoderRadius) < liftHeight) {
					toSend[0] = 3;
				else {
					toSend[0] = 4;
				numToSend = 1;//sends 1 byte to I2C

			if(!grabOuterLimit.Get()) { //tells if outer limit is hit with lights
				if(switchTimer.Get() < 1) {
					toSend[0] = 6;
			else {

			if (driveStick.GetRawButton(Constants::sneakyMoveButton)) {
				toSend[0] = 0;
				numToSend = 1;

			float distance = prox.GetVoltage() * Constants::ultrasonicVoltageToInches / 12;	// distance from ultrasonic sensor
			float rotations = (float) liftEncoder.Get();	// rotations on encoder
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Distance", distance);	// write stuff to smart dash
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Current", pdp.GetCurrent(Constants::grabPdpChannel));
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("LED Current", pdp.GetCurrent(Constants::ledPdpChannel));
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Lift Encoder", rotations);
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Lift Height", liftHeight);
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Grab Encoder", grabEncoder.Get());
			SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("Grab Inner", grabInnerLimit.Get());
			SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("Grab Outer", grabOuterLimit.Get());
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Drive Front Left Current", pdp.GetCurrent(Constants::driveFrontLeftPin));
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Drive Front Right Current", pdp.GetCurrent(Constants::driveFrontRightPin));
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Drive Rear Left Current", pdp.GetCurrent(Constants::driveRearLeftPin));
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Drive Rear Right Current", pdp.GetCurrent(Constants::driveRearRightPin));
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Throttle", grabStick.GetZ());

			i2c.Transaction(toSend, 1, toReceive, 0);//send and receive information from arduino over I2C
			Wait(0.005); // wait 5ms to avoid hogging CPU cycles
		} //end of teleop
		isBraking = false;
		toSend[0] = 0;
		i2c.Transaction(toSend, numToSend, toReceive, numToReceive);
Beispiel #2
	void Autonomous()
		Timer timer;
		float power = 0;
		bool isLifting = false;
		bool isGrabbing = false;
		double liftHeight = Constants::liftBoxHeight-Constants::liftBoxLip;
		double grabPower = Constants::grabAutoCurrent;
		bool backOut;

		uint8_t toSend[1];//array of bytes to send over I2C
		uint8_t toReceive[0];//array of bytes to receive over I2C
		uint8_t numToSend = 1;//number of bytes to send
		uint8_t numToReceive = 0;//number of bytes to receive
		toSend[0] = 2;//set the byte to send to 1
		i2c.Transaction(toSend, numToSend, toReceive, numToReceive);//send over I2C

		bool isSettingUp = true;

		//pickup.setGrabber(-1); //open grabber all the way

		while (isSettingUp && IsEnabled() && IsAutonomous()) {
			isSettingUp = false;
			/*if (grabOuterLimit.Get() == false) {
				pickup.setGrabber(0); //open until limit
			else {
				isSettingUp = true;

			if (liftLowerLimit.Get()) {
				pickup.setLifter(0); //down till bottom
			else {
				isSettingUp = true;


		if (grabStick.GetZ() > .8) {
			while (timer.Get() < 1) {
				robotDrive.MecanumDrive_Cartesian(0, power, 0, gyro.GetAngle());	// drive back
			robotDrive.MecanumDrive_Cartesian(0, 0, 0, gyro.GetAngle());	// STOP!!!
		power = 0;

		while (isLifting && IsEnabled() && IsAutonomous()) {

		backOut = Constants::autoBackOut;
		pickup.grabberGrab(isGrabbing, grabPower, backOut, grabStick);

		while (isGrabbing && IsEnabled() && IsAutonomous()) {

		liftHeight = 3*Constants::liftBoxHeight;
		pickup.lifterPosition(liftHeight, isLifting, grabStick);
		while (isLifting && IsEnabled() && IsAutonomous()) {

		while(prox.GetVoltage() * Constants::ultrasonicVoltageToInches / 12 < 2 && IsEnabled() && IsAutonomous());	// while the nearest object is closer than 2 feet


		while(prox.GetVoltage() * Constants::ultrasonicVoltageToInches  < Constants::autoBackupDistance && timer.Get() < Constants::autoMaxDriveTime && IsEnabled() && IsAutonomous()) {	// while the nearest object is further than 12 feet
			if (power < .45) { //ramp up the power slowly
				power += .00375;
			robotDrive.MecanumDrive_Cartesian(0, power, 0, gyro.GetAngle());	// drive back
			float distance = prox.GetVoltage() * Constants::ultrasonicVoltageToInches / 12;	// distance from ultrasonic sensor
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Distance", distance);	// write stuff to smart dash
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Drive Front Left Current", pdp.GetCurrent(Constants::driveFrontLeftPin));
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Drive Front Right Current", pdp.GetCurrent(Constants::driveFrontRightPin));
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Drive Rear Left Current", pdp.GetCurrent(Constants::driveRearLeftPin));
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Drive Rear Right Current", pdp.GetCurrent(Constants::driveRearRightPin));
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Gyro Angle", gyro.GetAngle());
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Distance (in)", prox.GetVoltage() * Constants:: ultrasonicVoltageToInches);



		while(timer.Get() < Constants::autoBrakeTime && IsEnabled() && IsAutonomous()) {	// while the nearest object is further than 12 feet
			robotDrive.MecanumDrive_Cartesian(0,Constants::autoBrakePower,0); ///Brake

		float turn = 0;

		while (fabs(turn) < 85 && IsEnabled() && IsAutonomous())  { //turn 90(ish) degrees
			turn = gyro.GetAngle();
			if (turn > 180) {
				turn -= 360;

		robotDrive.MecanumDrive_Cartesian(0,0,0); ///STOP!!!

		toSend[0] = 8;
		i2c.Transaction(toSend, numToSend, toReceive, numToReceive);

		while(IsAutonomous() && IsEnabled());

		toSend[0] = 0;
		i2c.Transaction(toSend, numToSend, toReceive, numToReceive);