void DroidMaintenanceSessionImplementation::sendMaintenanceTransferBox(){
	// add result
	if (selectedStructure == NULL) {
	ManagedReference<CreatureObject*> creature = this->player.get();
	ManagedReference<DroidMaintenanceModuleDataComponent*> module = this->maintModule.get();
	// create transfer box
	ManagedReference<SuiTransferBox*> sui = new SuiTransferBox(creature,SuiWindowType::DROID_ADD_STRUCTURE_AMOUNT);
	sui->setCallback(new DroidMaintenanceSessionAddCreditsSuiCallback(creature->getZoneServer()));
	sui->setPromptTitle("@pet/droid_modules:droid_maint_amount_title"); //Select Amount
	bool offplanet = false;
	if (selectedStructure->getZone()->getZoneName() != creature->getZone()->getZoneName())
		offplanet = true;
	StringBuffer promptText = "@pet/droid_modules:droid_maint_amount_prompt \n@player_structure:current_maint_pool "+ String::valueOf(selectedStructure->getSurplusMaintenance())+"cr";
	selectedFees = 0;
	if (offplanet) {
		PlanetManager* planetManager = creature->getZone()->getPlanetManager();
		if (planetManager == NULL) {
		int fee = planetManager->getTravelFare(selectedStructure->getZone()->getZoneName(),creature->getZone()->getZoneName());
		selectedFees = fee;
		promptText << "\n@pet/droid_modules:droid_maint_diff_planet_prefix " << fee << " @pet/droid_modules:droid_maint_diff_planet_suffix \n";
	// check for off planet, it has a fee
	sui->addFrom("@player_structure:total_funds",String::valueOf(availableCredits),String::valueOf(availableCredits), "1");
	sui->addTo("@player_structure:to_pay", "0", "0", "1");
bool PlanetManagerImplementation::isTravelToLocationPermitted(const String& departurePoint, const String& arrivalPlanet, const String& arrivalPoint) {
	//Check to see that the departure point exists.
	if (!isExistingPlanetTravelPoint(departurePoint))
		return false;

	//Check to see that the arrival planet exists.
	ManagedReference<Zone*> arrivalZone = zone->getZoneServer()->getZone(arrivalPlanet);

	if (arrivalZone == NULL)
		return false;

	PlanetManager* arrivalPlanetManager = arrivalZone->getPlanetManager();

	//Check to see that the arrival point exists.
	if (!arrivalPlanetManager->isExistingPlanetTravelPoint(arrivalPoint))
		return false;

	//Check to see if incoming Travel is allowed
	if (!arrivalPlanetManager->isIncomingTravelAllowed(arrivalPoint))
		return false;

	//If both zones are the same, then intraplanetary travel is allowed.
	if (arrivalZone == zone)
		return true;

	//Check to see if interplanetary travel is allowed between both points.
	if (!isInterplanetaryTravelAllowed(departurePoint) || !arrivalPlanetManager->isInterplanetaryTravelAllowed(arrivalPoint))
		return false;

	return true;
void ZoneImplementation::unregisterObjectWithPlanetaryMap(SceneObject* object) {
#ifndef WITH_STM
	Locker locker(mapLocations);

	// If the object is a valid location for entertainer missions then remove it
	// from the planet's mission map.
	if (objectIsValidPlanetaryMapPerformanceLocation(object)) {
		PlanetManager* planetManager = getPlanetManager();
		if (planetManager != NULL) {
Vector3 DestroyMissionObjectiveImplementation::findValidSpawnPosition(Zone* zone) {
	Vector3 position;

	float newX = spawnActiveArea->getPositionX() + (256.0f - (float) System::random(512));
	float newY = spawnActiveArea->getPositionY() + (256.0f - (float) System::random(512));

	float height = zone->getHeight(newX, newY);

	float waterHeight;
	PlanetManager* planetManager = zone->getPlanetManager();

	float distance = 128;
	int tries = 0;
	float size = mission.get()->getSize();

	position.set(newX, height, newY);

	while ((!planetManager->isSpawningPermittedAt(newX, newY, size)
			|| CollisionManager::checkSphereCollision(position, size + 25.f , zone)) && tries < 256) {
		newX = spawnActiveArea->getPositionX() + (distance - (float) System::random(distance * 2));
		newY = spawnActiveArea->getPositionY() + (distance - (float) System::random(distance * 2));
		height = zone->getHeight(newX, newY);

		position.set(newX, height, newY);


		//Increase distance every if 32 tries failed.
		if (tries % 32 == 0) {
			distance = distance * 2;

	if (tries == 128) {
		//Failed to find a spawn point for the lair, fail mission.

	//info("found with tries " + String::valueOf(tries), true);

	return position;
bool DeliverMissionObjectiveImplementation::activateWithResult() {
	ManagedReference<CreatureObject*> owner = getPlayerOwner();
	ManagedReference<MissionObject* > mission = this->mission.get();

	if (owner == NULL || mission == NULL) {
		return false;
	Zone* zone = owner->getZone();
	if (zone == NULL) {
		return false;

	CreatureManager* creatureManager = zone->getCreatureManager();

	PlanetManager* planetManager = zone->getPlanetManager();
	if (planetManager == NULL) {
		return false;
	TerrainManager* terrainManager = planetManager->getTerrainManager();
	if (terrainManager == NULL) {
		return false;

	ZoneServer* zoneServer = owner->getZoneServer();
	if (zoneServer == NULL) {
		return false;

	MissionManager* missionManager = zoneServer->getMissionManager();
	if (missionManager == NULL) {
		return false;

	//Select spawn type.
	int spawnType = NpcSpawnPoint::NEUTRALSPAWN;
	switch (mission->getFaction()) {
	case FactionManager::FACTIONIMPERIAL:
		spawnType = NpcSpawnPoint::IMPERIALSPAWN;
	case FactionManager::FACTIONREBEL:
		spawnType = NpcSpawnPoint::REBELSPAWN;
		spawnType = NpcSpawnPoint::NEUTRALSPAWN;

	//Spawn target and destination NPC's.

	//Target NPC
	//Find a free spawn point.
	targetSpawnPoint = missionManager->getFreeNpcSpawnPoint(mission->getStartPlanetCRC(), mission->getStartPositionX(), mission->getStartPositionY(), spawnType);
	if (targetSpawnPoint == NULL) {
		return false;
	Vector3* targetPosition = targetSpawnPoint->getPosition();
	if (targetPosition == NULL) {
		return false;

	//Destination NPC.
	//Find a free spawn point.
	int retries = 10;
	destinationSpawnPoint = NULL;
	while (retries > 0 && (destinationSpawnPoint == NULL || destinationSpawnPoint == targetSpawnPoint)) {
		destinationSpawnPoint = missionManager->getFreeNpcSpawnPoint(mission->getEndPlanet().hashCode(), mission->getEndPositionX(), mission->getEndPositionY(), spawnType);
	if (destinationSpawnPoint == NULL || destinationSpawnPoint == targetSpawnPoint) {
		return false;

	missionManager->allocateMissionNpcs(targetSpawnPoint, destinationSpawnPoint, terrainManager, creatureManager);

	//Create waypoint and activate it.
	if (objectiveStatus == 0) {
		WaypointObject* waypoint = mission->getWaypointToMission();

		Locker locker(waypoint);

		waypoint->setPosition(targetPosition->getX(), 0, targetPosition->getY());

	} else {

	return true;
float CollisionManager::getWorldFloorCollision(float x, float y, Zone* zone, bool testWater) {
	SortedVector<ManagedReference<QuadTreeEntry*> > closeObjects;
	zone->getInRangeObjects(x, y, 128, &closeObjects, true);

	PlanetManager* planetManager = zone->getPlanetManager();

	if (planetManager == NULL)
		return 0.f;

	float height = 0;

	TerrainManager* terrainManager = planetManager->getTerrainManager();

	//need to include exclude affectors in the terrain calcs
	height = terrainManager->getHeight(x, y);

	Vector3 rayStart(x, 16384.f, y);
	Vector3 rayEnd(x, -16384.f, y);

	Triangle* triangle = NULL;

	if (testWater) {
		float waterHeight;

		if (terrainManager->getWaterHeight(x, y, waterHeight))
			if (waterHeight > height)
				height = waterHeight;

	float intersectionDistance;

	for (int i = 0; i < closeObjects.size(); ++i) {
		BuildingObject* building = dynamic_cast<BuildingObject*>(closeObjects.get(i).get());

		if (building == NULL)


		SharedObjectTemplate* templateObject = building->getObjectTemplate();

		if (templateObject == NULL)

		PortalLayout* portalLayout = templateObject->getPortalLayout();

		if (portalLayout == NULL)

		if (portalLayout->getFloorMeshNumber() == 0)

		//find nearest entrance
		FloorMesh* exteriorFloorMesh = portalLayout->getFloorMesh(0); // get outside layout
		AABBTree* aabbTree = exteriorFloorMesh->getAABBTree();

		if (aabbTree == NULL)

		Ray ray = convertToModelSpace(rayStart, rayEnd, building);

		if (aabbTree->intersects(ray, 16384 * 2, intersectionDistance, triangle, true)) {
			float floorHeight = 16384 - intersectionDistance;

			if (floorHeight > height)
				height = floorHeight;

	return height;
int EventPerkDeedImplementation::handleObjectMenuSelect(CreatureObject* player, byte selectedID) {

	if (selectedID == 20) {
		if (generated) {
			return 1;

		Zone* zone = player->getZone();

		if (zone == NULL) {
			return 1;

		PlanetManager* planetManager = zone->getPlanetManager();
		if (planetManager == NULL) {
			return 1;

		EventPerkDeedTemplate* deedTemplate = cast<EventPerkDeedTemplate*>(getObjectTemplate());
		if (deedTemplate == NULL) {
			return 1;

		if (zone->getZoneName().contains("space_")) {
			player->sendSystemMessage("@event_perk:not_in_space"); // You may not deploy a Rental in space. Return to the ground first.
			return 1;

		if (!deedTemplate->isAllowedZone(zone->getZoneName())) {
			player->sendSystemMessage("@event_perk:not_on_this_planet"); // You cannot deploy this rental on this planet. Examine the deed to determine the intended planet for this rental.
			return 1;

		if (!isASubChildOf(player)) {
			player->sendSystemMessage("@event_perk:from_inventory_only"); // This rental must be in your inventory in order to be deployed.
			return 1;

		if (player->getParent() != NULL) {
			player->sendSystemMessage("@event_perk:not_inside"); // You cannot deploy a Rental indoors. You must move outside.
			return 1;

		if (player->isInCombat()) {
			player->sendSystemMessage("@event_perk:not_in_combat"); // You cannot deploy a Rental while in combat.
			return 1;

		if (player->isSwimming()) {
			player->sendSystemMessage("@event_perk:not_while_swimming"); // You cannot deploy a Rental while swimming.
			return 1;

		ManagedReference<CityRegion*> city = player->getCityRegion().get();

		if (city != NULL) {
			if (city->isClientRegion()) {
				player->sendSystemMessage("@event_perk:not_in_municipal_zone"); // You may not place a Rental in a municipal zone.
				return 1;

			if (city->isZoningEnabled() && !city->hasZoningRights(player->getObjectID())) {
				player->sendSystemMessage("@event_perk:no_zoning_rights"); // You must have zoning rights to place a Rental in this city.
				return 1;

		int x = player->getWorldPositionX();
		int y = player->getWorldPositionY();
		int nearbyPerks = 0;

		TerrainManager* terrainManager = planetManager->getTerrainManager();
		if ( terrainManager == NULL || terrainManager->getHighestHeightDifference(x - 10, y - 10, x + 10, y + 10) > 15.0) {
			player->sendSystemMessage("@event_perk:bad_area"); // This rental could not be deployed due to the surrounding terrain. Please move to another area and try again.
			return 1;

		SortedVector<ManagedReference<QuadTreeEntry* > >* closeObjects = player->getCloseObjects();

		if (closeObjects == NULL) {
			error("Player has NULL closeObjectsVector in EventPerkDeedImplementation::handleObjectMenuSelect");
			return 1;

		for (int i = 0; i < closeObjects->size(); ++i) {
			SceneObject* obj = cast<SceneObject*>(closeObjects->get(i).get());

			if (obj == NULL) {

			SharedObjectTemplate* objectTemplate = obj->getObjectTemplate();
			if (objectTemplate == NULL) {

			float radius = objectTemplate->getNoBuildRadius();

			if (obj->isLairObject() && player->isInRange(obj, radius)) {
				player->sendSystemMessage("@event_perk:too_close_lair"); // You cannot place a Rental this close to a lair.
				return 1;

			if (obj->isCampStructure() && player->isInRange(obj, radius)) {
				player->sendSystemMessage("@event_perk:too_close_camp"); // You cannot place a Rental this close to a camp.
				return 1;

			if (radius > 0 && player->isInRange(obj, radius)) {
				player->sendSystemMessage("@event_perk:too_close_something"); // You are too close to an object to deploy your Rental here. Move away from it.
				return 1;

			if (objectTemplate->isSharedStructureObjectTemplate()) {
				if (StructureManager::instance()->isInStructureFootprint(cast<StructureObject*>(obj), x, y, 0)) {
					player->sendSystemMessage("@event_perk:too_close_building"); // You may not place a Rental this close to a building.
					return 1;

			if (obj->isEventPerk() && player->isInRange(obj, 32) && ++nearbyPerks > 2) {
				player->sendSystemMessage("@event_perk:too_many_perks"); // There are too many Rentals already deployed in this area. Please move to another location.
				return 1;

		SortedVector<ManagedReference<ActiveArea* > > activeAreas;
		zone->getInRangeActiveAreas(x, y, &activeAreas, true);

		for (int i = 0; i < activeAreas.size(); ++i) {
			ActiveArea* area = activeAreas.get(i);

			if (area->isNoBuildArea()) {
				player->sendSystemMessage("@event_perk:too_close_something"); // You are too close to an object to deploy your Rental here. Move away from it.
				return 1;

		if (planetManager->isInRangeWithPoi(x, y, 150)) {
			player->sendSystemMessage("@event_perk:too_close_something"); // You are too close to an object to deploy your Rental here. Move away from it.
			return 1;

		if (perkType != EventPerkDeedTemplate::STATIC) {
			player->sendSystemMessage("This type of event perk deed is not functional yet.");
			return 1;

		ManagedReference<TangibleObject*> object = generatedObject.get();

		if (object == NULL) {
			object = (server->getZoneServer()->createObject(generatedObjectTemplate.hashCode(), "playerstructures", 1)).castTo<TangibleObject*>();

			if (object == NULL) {
				player->sendSystemMessage("Error generating object. Wrong generatedObjectTemplate or is not a tangible object.");
				return 1;

			generatedObject = object;

		EventPerkDataComponent* data = cast<EventPerkDataComponent*>(object->getDataObjectComponent()->get());

		if (data == NULL) {
			player->sendSystemMessage("Error: no dataObjectComponent.");
			return 1;


		object->initializePosition(player->getPositionX(), player->getPositionZ(), player->getPositionY());
		zone->transferObject(object, -1, true);

		generated = true;

		return 0;

	return DeedImplementation::handleObjectMenuSelect(player, selectedID);