bool Edge::intersects(Edge* other) {
  Point2 p = first;
  Point2 q = other->getFirst();
  Point2 r = second.minus(first);
  Point2 s = other->getSecond().minus(other->getFirst());
  Point2 sub = q.minus(p);
  real rcs = r.wedgeProduct(s);
  real tnum = sub.wedgeProduct(s);
  real unum = sub.wedgeProduct(r);
  // first case
  if(rcs == 0.0 && unum == 0.0) {
    // colinier case .. don't need to worry about I think
    return false;
  // second case
  if(rcs == 0.0 && unum != 0.0) {
    // parallel and non-intersecting
    return false;
  // third case
  real t = tnum / rcs;
  real u = unum / rcs;
  if(rcs != 0.0 && t < 1.0 && t > 0.0 && u < 1.0 && u > 0.0) {
    // points meet at ::
    // p + t*r
    // q + u*s
    return true;
  // fourth case
  // not parallel and do not intersect
  return false;