Beispiel #1
void PlyWriter::writePoint(PointRef& point, PointLayoutPtr layout)
    for (auto it = m_dims.begin(); it != m_dims.end();)
        Dimension::Id dim = *it;
        writeValue(point, dim, layout->dimType(dim));
        if (m_format == Format::Ascii && it != m_dims.end())
            *m_stream << " ";
    if (m_format == Format::Ascii)
        *m_stream << std::endl;
Beispiel #2
void FerryFilter::addDimensions(PointLayoutPtr layout)
    for (auto& info : m_dims)
        const Dimension::Id fromId = layout->findDim(info.m_fromName);
        // Dimensions being created with the "=>Dim" syntax won't
        // be in the layout, so we have to assign a default type.
        Dimension::Type fromType = layout->dimType(fromId);
        if (fromType == Dimension::Type::None)
            fromType = Dimension::Type::Double;

        info.m_toId = layout->registerOrAssignDim(info.m_toName, fromType);
Beispiel #3
inline MetadataNode toMetadata(PointTableRef table)
    const PointLayoutPtr layout(table.layout());
    MetadataNode root;

    for (const auto& id : layout->dims())
        MetadataNode dim("dimensions");
        dim.add("name", layout->dimName(id));
        Dimension::Type::Enum t = layout->dimType(id);
        dim.add("type", Dimension::toName(Dimension::base(t)));
        dim.add("size", layout->dimSize(id));

    return root;
Beispiel #4
void PlyWriter::writeHeader(PointLayoutPtr layout) const
    *m_stream << "ply" << std::endl;
    *m_stream << "format " << m_format << " 1.0" << std::endl;
    *m_stream << "comment Generated by PDAL" << std::endl;
    *m_stream << "element vertex " << pointCount() << std::endl;

    auto ni = m_dimNames.begin();
    for (auto dim : m_dims)
        std::string name = *ni++;
        std::string typeString = getType(layout->dimType(dim));
        *m_stream << "property " << typeString << " " << name << std::endl;
    if (m_faces)
        *m_stream << "element face " << faceCount() << std::endl;
        *m_stream << "property list uint8 uint32 vertex_indices" << std::endl;
    *m_stream << "end_header" << std::endl;