Beispiel #1
// Add intersections to queue
void AddIsects( const Ray3D &ray, const Box3D &box, PointQueue &isects )
  const unsigned nPairs = 3;
  Point3D rayEnd( ray.origin + ray.direction );

  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < nPairs; ++i )
    unsigned j = ( i + 1 ) % nPairs, k = ( i + 2 ) % nPairs;

    if ( rayEnd[i] != ray.origin[i] )
      for ( unsigned m = 0; m < 2; ++m)
        float t = (!m) ? ( box.origin[i] - ray.origin[i] ) / ( ray.direction[i] )
                       : ( box.extent[i] - ray.origin[i] ) / ( ray.direction[i] );

        if ( t >= -epsilon && t <= 1.f + epsilon )
          Point3D isect = ray.origin + t * ray.direction;
          if ( ( isect[j] >= box.origin[j] && isect[j] <= box.extent[j] ) &&
               ( isect[k] >= box.origin[k] && isect[k] <= box.extent[k] ) )
            TimedPoint point = { t, isect };
            if ( isects.c.end() == std::find( isects.c.begin(), isects.c.end(), point ) )
              isects.push( point );
Beispiel #2
// Update live tracker data, non blocking
void LiveTrackerUpdate(NMEA_INFO *Basic, DERIVED_INFO *Calculated)
    livetracker_point_t newpoint;
    static int logtime = 0;

    if (!_inited) return;               // Do nothing if not inited
    if (Basic->NAVWarning) return;      // Do not log if no gps fix
    if (LiveTrackerInterval==0) return; // Disabled

    CCriticalSection::CGuard guard(_t_mutex);

    _t_barodevice = Basic->BaroDevice;

    //Check if sending needed (time interval)
    if (Basic->Time >= logtime) {
        logtime = (int)Basic->Time + LiveTrackerInterval;
        if (logtime>=86400) logtime-=86400;
    } else return;

    // Half hour FIFO must be enough
    if (_t_points.size() > (unsigned int)(1800 / LiveTrackerInterval)) {
        // points in queue are full, drop oldest point

    struct tm t;
    time_t t_of_day;
    t.tm_year = Basic->Year - 1900;
    t.tm_mon = Basic->Month - 1; // Month, 0 - jan
    t.tm_mday = Basic->Day;
    t.tm_hour = Basic->Hour;
    t.tm_min = Basic->Minute;
    t.tm_sec = Basic->Second;
    t.tm_isdst = 0; // Is DST on? 1 = yes, 0 = no, -1 = unknown
    t_of_day = mkgmtime(&t);

    newpoint.unix_timestamp = t_of_day;
    newpoint.flying = Calculated->Flying;
    newpoint.latitude = Basic->Latitude;
    newpoint.longitude = Basic->Longitude;
    newpoint.alt = Calculated->NavAltitude;
    newpoint.ground_speed = Basic->Speed;
    newpoint.course_over_ground = Calculated->Heading;

Beispiel #3
// Determines if 3D ray and AABB have a 0, 1, or 2 intersections.  
// If any exist and rpoint is not NULL, returns intersection point(s).
int Intersects(const Ray3D& ray, const Box3D& box, std::pair<Point3D, Point3D> *rpoints)
  PointQueue isects;
  AddIsects( ray, box, isects );

  std::sort( isects.c.begin(), isects.c.end(), TimedPointLess );

  size_t nIsects = isects.size();

  if ( rpoints )
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < nIsects; ++i )
      if ( i == 0 ) rpoints->first = isects.c[i].p;
      else          rpoints->second = isects.c[i].p;

  return nIsects;
Beispiel #4
// Leonardo Live Tracker ( data exchange thread
static void LiveTrackerThread()
  int tracker_fsm = 0;
  livetracker_point_t sendpoint = {0};
  bool sendpoint_valid = false;
  bool sendpoint_processed = false;
  bool sendpoint_processed_old = false;
  // Session variables
  unsigned int packet_id = 0;
  unsigned int session_id = 0;               
  int userid = -1;
  _t_end = false;
  _t_run = true;


  do {
    if (NewDataEvent.tryWait(5000)) NewDataEvent.reset();
    if (!_t_run) break;
    do {
      if (1) {
        sendpoint_valid = false;
        ScopeLock guard(_t_mutex);
        if (!_t_points.empty()) {
          sendpoint = _t_points.front();
          sendpoint_valid = true;
      } //mutex
        if (sendpoint_valid) {
          sendpoint_processed = false;
          do {
            switch (tracker_fsm) {
              case 0:   // Wait for flying
                if (!sendpoint.flying) {
                  sendpoint_processed = true;
              case 1:
                // Get User ID
                userid = GetUserIDFromServer();
                sendpoint_processed = false;
                if (userid>=0) tracker_fsm++;
              case 2:
                //Start of track packet
                sendpoint_processed = SendStartOfTrackPacket(&packet_id, &session_id, userid);
                if (sendpoint_processed) {
                  StartupStore(TEXT(". Livetracker new track started.%s"),NEWLINE);
                  sendpoint_processed_old = true;

              case 3:
                //Gps point packet
                sendpoint_processed = SendGPSPointPacket(&packet_id, &session_id, &sendpoint);
                //Connection lost to server
                if (sendpoint_processed_old && !sendpoint_processed) {
                  StartupStore(TEXT(". Livetracker connection to server lost.%s"), NEWLINE);
                //Connection established to server
                if (!sendpoint_processed_old && sendpoint_processed) {
                  ScopeLock guard(_t_mutex);
                  int queue_size = _t_points.size();
                  StartupStore(TEXT(". Livetracker connection to server established, start sending %d queued packets.%s"), queue_size, NEWLINE);
                sendpoint_processed_old = sendpoint_processed;
                if (!sendpoint.flying) {

              case 4:
                //End of track packet
                sendpoint_processed = SendEndOfTrackPacket(&packet_id, &session_id);
                if (sendpoint_processed) {
                  StartupStore(TEXT(". Livetracker track finished, sent %d points.%s"), packet_id, NEWLINE);
            }// sw
            if (sendpoint_processed) {
              ScopeLock guard(_t_mutex);
            } else InterruptibleSleep(2500);
            sendpoint_processed_old = sendpoint_processed;
          } while (!sendpoint_processed && _t_run);
    } while (sendpoint_valid && _t_run);
  } while (_t_run);
  _t_end = true;
Beispiel #5
// Leonardo Live Tracker ( data exchange thread
static DWORD WINAPI LiveTrackerThread (LPVOID lpvoid)
    int tracker_fsm = 0;
    livetracker_point_t sendpoint = {0};
    bool sendpoint_valid = false;
    bool sendpoint_processed = false;
    bool sendpoint_processed_old = false;
    // Session variables
    unsigned int packet_id = 0;
    unsigned int session_id = 0;
    int userid = -1;

    _t_end = false;
    _t_run = true;


    do {
        if (WaitForSingleObject(_hNewDataEvent, 5000) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) ResetEvent(_hNewDataEvent);
        if (!_t_run) break;
        do {
            if (1) {
                sendpoint_valid = false;
                CCriticalSection::CGuard guard(_t_mutex);
                if (!_t_points.empty()) {
                    sendpoint = _t_points.front();
                    sendpoint_valid = true;
            } //mutex
            if (sendpoint_valid) {
                sendpoint_processed = false;
                do {
                    switch (tracker_fsm) {
                    case 0:   // Wait for flying
                        if (!sendpoint.flying) {
                            sendpoint_processed = true;

                    case 1:
                        // Get User ID
                        userid = GetUserIDFromServer();
                        sendpoint_processed = false;
                        if (userid>=0) tracker_fsm++;

                    case 2:
                        //Start of track packet
                        sendpoint_processed = SendStartOfTrackPacket(&packet_id, &session_id, userid);
                        if (sendpoint_processed) {
                            StartupStore(TEXT(". Livetracker new track started.%s"),NEWLINE);
                            sendpoint_processed_old = true;

                    case 3:
                        //Gps point packet
                        sendpoint_processed = SendGPSPointPacket(&packet_id, &session_id, &sendpoint);

                        //Connection lost to server
                        if (sendpoint_processed_old && !sendpoint_processed) {
                            StartupStore(TEXT(". Livetracker connection to server lost.%s"), NEWLINE);
                        //Connection established to server
                        if (!sendpoint_processed_old && sendpoint_processed) {
                            CCriticalSection::CGuard guard(_t_mutex);
                            int queue_size = _t_points.size();
                            StartupStore(TEXT(". Livetracker connection to server established, start sending %d queued packets.%s"), queue_size, NEWLINE);
                        sendpoint_processed_old = sendpoint_processed;

                        if (!sendpoint.flying) {

                    case 4:
                        //End of track packet
                        sendpoint_processed = SendEndOfTrackPacket(&packet_id, &session_id);
                        if (sendpoint_processed) {
                            StartupStore(TEXT(". Livetracker track finished, sent %d points.%s"), packet_id, NEWLINE);
                    }// sw

                    if (sendpoint_processed) {
                        CCriticalSection::CGuard guard(_t_mutex);
                    } else InterruptibleSleep(2500);
                    sendpoint_processed_old = sendpoint_processed;
                } while (!sendpoint_processed && _t_run);
        } while (sendpoint_valid && _t_run);
    } while (_t_run);

    _t_end = true;
    return 0;