Beispiel #1
void Points::Add_last(Points& other)
  Point buf;
  for (int i = 0, size = other.Size(); i < size; ++i)
    buf = other.Get(i);
    Add_last(buf.x, buf.y);
Beispiel #2
bool TableCloth::put_coockie(Points& reverse_list)
  char cookie = m_turn_player ? 'o' : 'x';
  Point put_point = { -1, -1, };

  int start_i_j  = ( m_turn_player ? 0 : 7 );
  int end_i_j    = ( m_turn_player ? 8 : -1);
  int change_num = ( m_turn_player ? 1 : -1);
  for (int i = start_i_j; i != end_i_j; i += change_num)
    for (int j = start_i_j; j != end_i_j; j += change_num)
      if ( m_table_cloth[i][j] != '.' ) continue;
      Point start = { i, j, };
      Points buf_list;
      for (int x = -1; x <= 1; ++x)
        for (int y = -1; y <= 1; ++y)
          if ( x == 0 and y == 0 ) continue;
          Find_place(start, x, y, cookie, buf_list);
      if (reverse_list.Size() < buf_list.Size() )
        reverse_list = buf_list;
        put_point.x = i;
        put_point.y = j;

  if ( put_point.x == -1 and put_point.y == -1 ) return false;
  m_table_cloth[put_point.x][put_point.y] = cookie;
  return true;