void GamePlay::thirdhand2() { Checks b; PlayerHandValue = 0; CpuHandValue = 0; result = ""; int x = 24; int y = 3; showc = true; shows = true; PressEnterToContinue = "Press Enter To Continue..."; Checks ck; Poker a; system("cls"); a.tablecards(deck, 10); a.createhand(hand, 25, 40); a.createtable(tablehand, 5, 17); // this will create the table, passing in the table hand, always pass in 5 and 7 for location Cards(); a.createtable(cpuhand, x, y);//creating the hands PlayerHandValue = ck.DetermineHand(PlayerValues, psuits);// determine the player hand storing value in PlayerHandValue CpuHandValue = ck.DetermineHand(cvalues, csuits);// determine the cpu hand storing value in CpuHandValue if (foldv) { PlayerHandValue = 0; } ck.determine(PlayerHandValue, CpuHandValue); if (showc) { chand = chand; } if (shows) { PressEnterToContinue = PressEnterToContinue; } if (!foldc) { fold = " "; } if (foldc == true) { //fold = "YOU LOSE!"; } Text(); // method to display the text on screen cout << chand; cin.get(); g = 0; cash = 0; if (cash == 0) { Clear(); system("cls"); NGameMenu(); } NewHand(); }
Poker* Poker::create(const char *pszFileName, const CCRect& rect){ Poker* pk = new Poker(); if (pk && pk->initWithFile(pszFileName,rect)) { pk->autorelease(); return pk; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(pk); return pk; }
//============================ Poker ============================= Poker * Poker::create(pokerColor color, int number){ Poker* poker = new Poker(); if (poker && poker->init(color, number)) { poker->autorelease(); poker->retain(); return poker; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(poker); return nullptr; }
Poker* Poker::copy(){ Poker* pk; if(m_huaSe != Gui) pk = Poker::create("poker.png",CCRect(this->m_num*pkWidth,this->m_huaSe*pkHeight,pkWidth,pkHeight)); else pk = Poker::create("poker.png",CCRect((this->m_num-XiaoGui)*pkWidth,this->m_huaSe*pkHeight,pkWidth,pkHeight)); pk->m_isDianJi = this->m_isDianJi; pk->m_isSelect = this->m_isSelect; pk->setHuaSe(this->getHuaSe()); pk->setNum(this->getNum()); pk->m_gameMain = this->m_gameMain; return pk; }
void GamePlay::CpuFold(int CpuHandValue) { Poker a; if (cpucash > 0) { if (CpuHandValue < 5) { cpubet = 0; cpucash = cpucash - cpubet; pot = pot + cpubet; a.tablecards(deck, 10); //thirdhand(); Fold(); } } }
void GamePlay::NewHand() { Poker a; foldc = false; //call the NewHand method to begin a new hand without changing the pot and cash values Clear();// clearing all stored variables cash = cash; cpucash = cpucash; system("cls"); // clearing the screen a.createdeck(deck); // creating a deck of cards a.tablecards(deck, 8); // creating the table cards passing value for amount of cards // begins at 5, so 8 for 3 cards 9 for 4 cards and 10 for 5 cards, should be able to clear tablecards and pass in //new value as long as deck is not shuffled so starts at 8, bet 1 add card bet 2 add another, bet 3 determine winner a.playercard(deck);// creates the players hand with 2 cards a.cpucard(deck);//creates the players hand with 2 cards Game(); // begins the game }
//creating the cards in hand void GamePlay::Cards() { Poker a; a.playertest(tablehand, hand); a.playerval(playerhand); a.playersuit(playerhand); a.computertest(tablehand, cpuhand); a.computerval(computerhand); a.computersuit(computerhand); }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { char selection; while (true) { menu(); selection = getSelection(); if (selection == 'b' || selection == 'B') // BlackJack { cout << "Loading BlackJack..." << endl; BlackJack * game = new BlackJack(); game->play(); delete game; game = NULL; } else if (selection == 'p' || selection == 'P') // Poker { cout << "Loading Poker..." << endl; Poker * game = new Poker(); game->play(); delete game; game = NULL; } else if (selection == 't' || selection == 'T') // Texas Holdem { cout << "Under construction. . ." << endl << endl; cin.get(); } else if (selection == 'q' || selection == 'Q') // Quit break; else cout << "Please make a selection." << endl << endl; } cout << "Thanks for playing!" << endl; cout << "Happy Coding!" << endl; _getch(); return 0; }
//resets all game stuff void GamePlay::Start() //What user will see first, displays start money (Omoney) { Poker a; //call the Start method when you want to start a new game Clear();// clearing all stored variables //GamePlay(); system("cls"); // clearing the screen cash = 200; // initializing player cash amount cpucash = 200; // initializing cpu cash amount pot = 0; // initializing pot value to 0 a.createdeck(deck); // creating a deck of cards //a.shuffle(deck); // shuffling the deck a.tablecards(deck, 8); // creating the table cards passing value for amount of cards // begins at 5, so 8 for 3 cards 9 for 4 cards and 10 for 5 cards, should be able to clear tablecards and pass in //new value as long as deck is not shuffled so starts at 8, bet 1 add card bet 2 add another, bet 3 determine winner a.playercard(deck);// creates the players hand with 2 cards a.cpucard(deck);//creates the players hand with 2 cards a.createhand(hand, 25, 40); // draw player cards, passing in hand, 5 and 20 stay the same for location a.createtable(tablehand, 5, 17);// drawing the table cards passing in table hand, 5 and 7 stay for location Game(); // begins the game }
int main() { int playerCash = 1000; int betAmt = 0; cout << "Welcome to Five Card Draw Poker!\n\n"; bool cont = true; char contChar = 'y'; char fold; while (cont == true) { Poker a; //initialize and shuffle deck cout << "You currently have $" << playerCash << " in your wallet\n\n"; cout << "How much would you like to bet initially?\n\n"; cin >> betAmt; a.bet(betAmt); playerCash -= betAmt; cout << "\nYou now have $" << playerCash << " in your wallet\n"; a.dealPlayer(); a.oppDeal(); a.oppSort(); //deal opponent initial cards a.sort(); a.printCards(); //show players hand cout << "You currently have $" << playerCash << " in your wallet\n\n"; cout << "Do you want to fold?(y/n)\n"; cin >> fold; if (fold == 'n'|| fold == 'N') { a.newCards(); a.sort(); a.printCards(); a.outputHand(a.evalHand()); a.oppEval(); a.oppDraw(); if (a.detWinner(a.evalHand(), a.oppEval()) == true) { a.printOppCards(); cout << "Opponent had " << a.oppString() << "\n\n"; cout << "You win!\n\n"; playerCash += a.giveWinnings(); cout << "You now have $" << playerCash << "in your pot\n\n"; } else { a.printOppCards(); cout << "Opponent had " << a.oppString() << "\n\n"; cout << "You lost\n\n"; } } cout << "Play again?(y/n)\n"; cin >> contChar; cout << "\n\n"; if (contChar == 'n' || contChar == 'N') return 0; } }
void GamePlay::thirdhand() { Checks b; PlayerHandValue = 0; CpuHandValue = 0; result = ""; int x = 24; int y = 3; showc = true; shows = true; PressEnterToContinue = "Press Enter To Continue..."; Checks ck; Poker a; Aesthetics cb; system("cls"); a.createhand(hand, 25, 40); a.createtable(tablehand, 5, 17); // this will create the table, passing in the table hand, always pass in 5 and 7 for location Cards(); a.createtable(cpuhand, x, y);//creating the hands PlayerHandValue = ck.DetermineHand(PlayerValues, psuits);// determine the player hand storing value in PlayerHandValue CpuHandValue = ck.DetermineHand(cvalues, csuits);// determine the cpu hand storing value in CpuHandValue if (foldv) { PlayerHandValue = 0; } ck.determine(PlayerHandValue, CpuHandValue); if (showc) { chand = chand; } if (shows) { PressEnterToContinue = PressEnterToContinue; } if (!foldc) { fold = " "; } if (foldc == true) { //fold = "YOU LOSE!"; } Text(); // method to display the text on screen cin.get(); cout << chand; g = 0; duringhand = true; if (!duringhand) { cb.text1("You Ran Out of Money!"); cin.get(); system("cls"); Clear(); NGameMenu(); } if (cash == 0) { Clear(); system("cls"); NGameMenu(); } if (cpucash == 0) { system("cls"); Aesthetics a; a.textattr(13); cout << " " << endl; cout << " " << endl; cout << " /////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl; cout << " // "; a.textattr(3); cout << "* * * * * * "; a.textattr(13); cout << "//" << endl; cout << " // "; a.textattr(3); cout << " * "; a.textattr(6); cout << " CPU RAN OUT OF MONEY! "; a.textattr(3); cout << "* "; a.textattr(13); cout << "//" << endl; cout << " // "; a.textattr(3); cout << "* * "; a.textattr(13); cout << "//" << endl; cout << " // "; a.textattr(3); cout << "* "; a.textattr(6); cout << "You Win! "; a.textattr(3); cout << "* "; a.textattr(13); cout << "//" << endl; cout << " // "; a.textattr(3); cout << "* "; a.textattr(3); cout << "* * * "; a.textattr(13); cout << "//" << endl; a.textattr(13); cout << " //"; a.textattr(3); cout << "*********************************************"; a.textattr(13); cout << "//" << endl; a.textattr(13); cout << " /////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl; cout << " " << endl; cout << " " << endl; cout << " " << endl; NGameMenu2(); } NewHand(); }
// main game logic goes in here void GamePlay::Game() { Checks ck1; Checks ck2; Checks ck3; Poker a; int x = 24; int y = 3; duringhand = true; if (g == 0) { PlayerHandValue = 0; CpuHandValue = 0; result = ""; system("cls"); showc = false; shows = false; foldc = false; fold = " "; a.createhand(hand, 25, 40); a.createtable(tablehand, 5, 17); // this will create the table, passing in the table hand, always pass in 5 and 7 for location Cards();//creating the hands a.drawdefaultcpu(cpuhand, x, y); PlayerHandValue = ck1.DetermineHand(PlayerValues, psuits);// determine the player hand storing value in PlayerHandValue CpuHandValue = ck1.DetermineHand(cvalues, csuits);// determine the cpu hand storing value in CpuHandValue if (!showc) { chand = "?????"; } if (!shows) { PressEnterToContinue = " "; } if (!foldc) { fold = " "; } random = rand() % 10; if (random < 3) { CpuFold(CpuHandValue); } Text(); // method to display the text on screen // //betting logic // method for cpu betting logic, passing in CpuHandValue to determine what it does bet = menu(); // storing the variable returned from menu class to bet Betting(bet); // player betting method passing in the value stored at bet CpuBetting(bet); g++; Game(); } if (g == 1) { PlayerHandValue = 0; CpuHandValue = 0; result = ""; system("cls"); a.createhand(hand, 25, 40); if (!allin) { a.tablecards(deck, 9); } a.createtable(tablehand, 5, 17); a.createtable(tablehand, 5, 17);// this will create the table, passing in the table hand, always pass in 5 and 7 for location Cards();//creating the hands a.drawdefaultcpu(cpuhand, x, y); PlayerHandValue = ck2.DetermineHand(PlayerValues, psuits);// determine the player hand storing value in PlayerHandValue CpuHandValue = ck2.DetermineHand(cvalues, csuits);// determine the cpu hand storing value in CpuHandValue if (!showc) { chand = "?????"; } if (!shows) { PressEnterToContinue = " "; } if (!foldc) { fold = " "; } random = rand() % 10; if (random < 3) { CpuFold(CpuHandValue); } Text(); // method to display the text on screen // bet = menu(); // storing the variable returned from menu class to bet Betting(bet); // player betting method passing in the value stored at bet CpuBetting(bet); g = 2; //Game(); } if (g == 2) { PlayerHandValue = 0; CpuHandValue = 0; result = ""; system("cls"); a.createhand(hand, 25, 40); if (!allin) { a.tablecards(deck, 10); } a.createtable(tablehand, 5, 17); // this will create the table, passing in the table hand, always pass in 5 and 7 for location Cards();//creating the hands a.drawdefaultcpu(cpuhand, x, y); PlayerHandValue = ck3.DetermineHand(PlayerValues, psuits);// determine the player hand storing value in PlayerHandValue CpuHandValue = ck3.DetermineHand(cvalues, csuits);// determine the cpu hand storing value in CpuHandValue if (!showc) { chand = "?????"; } if (!shows) { PressEnterToContinue = " "; } if (!foldc) { fold = " "; } random = rand() % 10; if (random < 3) { CpuFold(CpuHandValue); } Text(); // method to display the text on screen // bet = menu(); // storing the variable returned from menu class to bet Betting(bet); // player betting method passing in the value stored at bet CpuBetting(bet); g = 3; //Game(); } if (g == 3) { thirdhand(); } }