Beispiel #1
void RuntimeDebugBuilder::createFlush(PollyIRBuilder &Builder) {
  Module *M = Builder.GetInsertBlock()->getParent()->getParent();
  const char *Name = "fflush";
  Function *F = M->getFunction(Name);

  if (!F) {
    GlobalValue::LinkageTypes Linkage = Function::ExternalLinkage;
    FunctionType *Ty =
        FunctionType::get(Builder.getInt32Ty(), Builder.getInt8PtrTy(), false);
    F = Function::Create(Ty, Linkage, Name, M);

  // fflush(NULL) flushes _all_ open output streams.
  // fflush is declared as 'int fflush(FILE *stream)'. As we only pass on a NULL
  // pointer, the type we point to does conceptually not matter. However, if
  // fflush is already declared in this translation unit, we use the very same
  // type to ensure that LLVM does not complain about mismatching types.
  Builder.CreateCall(F, Constant::getNullValue(F->arg_begin()->getType()));