Beispiel #1
void ScanAddress::ScanAddressesInRegion(PolyWord *region, PolyWord *end)
    PolyWord *pt = region;
    while (pt < end)
        pt++; // Skip length word.
        // pt actually points AT the object here.
        PolyObject *obj = (PolyObject*)pt;
        if (obj->ContainsForwardingPtr())    /* skip over moved object */
            // We can now get multiple forwarding pointers as a result
            // of applying ShareData repeatedly.  Perhaps we should
            // turn the forwarding pointers back into normal words in
            // an extra pass.
            while (obj->ContainsForwardingPtr())
                obj = obj->GetForwardingPtr();
            pt += obj->Length();
            POLYUNSIGNED length = obj->Length();
            if (pt+length > end)
                Crash("Malformed object at %p - length %lu\n", pt, length);
            if (length != 0)
            pt += length;
Beispiel #2
// Returns the new address if the argument is the address of an object that
// has moved, otherwise returns the original.
PolyWord SaveFixupAddress::GetNewAddress(PolyWord old)
    if (old.IsTagged() || old == PolyWord::FromUnsigned(0) || gMem.IsIOPointer(old.AsAddress()))
        return old; //  Nothing to do.

    // When we are updating addresses in the stack or in code segments we may have
    // code pointers.
    if (old.IsCodePtr())
        // Find the start of the code segment
        PolyObject *oldObject = ObjCodePtrToPtr(old.AsCodePtr());
        // Calculate the byte offset of this value within the code object.
        POLYUNSIGNED offset = old.AsCodePtr() - (byte*)oldObject;
        PolyWord newObject = GetNewAddress(oldObject);
        return PolyWord::FromCodePtr(newObject.AsCodePtr() + offset);


    PolyObject *obj = old.AsObjPtr();
    if (obj->ContainsForwardingPtr()) // tombstone is a pointer to a moved object
        PolyObject *newp = obj->GetForwardingPtr();
        ASSERT (newp->ContainsNormalLengthWord());
        return newp;
    ASSERT (obj->ContainsNormalLengthWord()); // object is not moved
    return old;
Beispiel #3
bool GetSharing::TestForScan(PolyWord *pt)
    PolyObject *obj;

    // This may be a forwarding pointer left over from a minor GC that did
    // not complete or it may be a sharing chain pointer that we've set up.
    while (1)
        PolyWord p = *pt;
        obj = p.AsObjPtr();
        PolyWord *lengthWord = ((PolyWord*)obj) - 1;
        LocalMemSpace *space = gMem.LocalSpaceForAddress(lengthWord);
        if (space == 0)
            return false; // Ignore it if it points to a permanent area

        if (space->bitmap.TestBit(space->wordNo(lengthWord)))
            return false;

        // Wasn't marked - must be a forwarding pointer.
        if (obj->ContainsForwardingPtr())
            obj = obj->GetForwardingPtr();
            *pt = obj;
        else break;


    totalVisited += 1;
    totalSize += obj->Length() + 1;

    return true;
Beispiel #4
static void CheckAddress(PolyWord *pt)
    MemSpace *space = gMem.SpaceForAddress(pt-1);
    if (space == 0)
        Log("Check: Bad pointer %p (no space found)\n", pt);
        ASSERT(space != 0);
    if (space->spaceType == ST_STACK) // This may not have valid length words.
    PolyObject *obj = (PolyObject*)pt;
    POLYUNSIGNED length = obj->Length();
    if (pt+length > space->top)
        Log("Check: Bad pointer %p (space %p) length %" POLYUFMT "\n", pt, space, length);
        ASSERT(pt+length <= space->top);
    if (space->spaceType == ST_LOCAL)
        LocalMemSpace *lSpace = (LocalMemSpace*)space;
        if (!((pt > lSpace->bottom && pt+length <= lSpace->lowerAllocPtr) ||
            (pt > lSpace->upperAllocPtr && pt+length <= space->top)))
            Log("Check: Bad pointer %p (space %p) length %" POLYUFMT " outside allocated area\n", pt, space, length);
            ASSERT((pt > lSpace->bottom && pt+length <= lSpace->lowerAllocPtr) ||
                (pt > lSpace->upperAllocPtr && pt+length <= space->top));
Beispiel #5
static void SetBitmaps(LocalMemSpace *space, PolyWord *pt, PolyWord *top)
    while (pt < top)
        PolyObject *obj = (PolyObject*)++pt;
        // If it has been copied by a minor collection skip it
        if (obj->ContainsForwardingPtr())
            obj = FollowForwarding(obj);
            pt += obj->Length();
            POLYUNSIGNED L = obj->LengthWord();
            if (L & _OBJ_GC_MARK)
                obj->SetLengthWord(L & ~(_OBJ_GC_MARK));
                POLYUNSIGNED bitno = space->wordNo(pt);
                space->bitmap.SetBits(bitno - 1, n + 1);

                if (OBJ_IS_MUTABLE_OBJECT(L))
                    space->m_marked += n + 1;
                    space->i_marked += n + 1;

                if ((PolyWord*)obj <= space->fullGCLowerLimit)
                    space->fullGCLowerLimit = (PolyWord*)obj-1;

                if (OBJ_IS_WEAKREF_OBJECT(L))
                    // Add this to the limits for the containing area.
                    PolyWord *baseAddr = (PolyWord*)obj;
                    PolyWord *startAddr = baseAddr-1; // Must point AT length word.
                    PolyWord *endObject = baseAddr + n;
                    if (startAddr < space->lowestWeak) space->lowestWeak = startAddr;
                    if (endObject > space->highestWeak) space->highestWeak = endObject;
            pt += n;
Beispiel #6
// Returns the new address if the argument is the address of an object that
// has moved, otherwise returns the original.
PolyWord ProcessFixupAddress::GetNewAddress(PolyWord old)
    if (old.IsTagged() || old == PolyWord::FromUnsigned(0) || gMem.IsIOPointer(old.AsAddress()))
        return old; //  Nothing to do.

    // When we are updating addresses in the stack or in code segments we may have
    // code pointers.
    if (old.IsCodePtr())
        // Find the start of the code segment
        PolyObject *oldObject = ObjCodePtrToPtr(old.AsCodePtr());
        // Calculate the byte offset of this value within the code object.
        POLYUNSIGNED offset = old.AsCodePtr() - (byte*)oldObject;
        PolyWord newObject = GetNewAddress(oldObject);
        return PolyWord::FromCodePtr(newObject.AsCodePtr() + offset);


    PolyObject *obj = old.AsObjPtr();
    POLYUNSIGNED L = obj->LengthWord();

    // Generally each address will point to an object processed at a lower depth.
    // The exception is if we have a cycle and have assigned the rest of the
    // structure to a higher depth.
    // N.B. We return the original address here but this could actually share
    // with something else and not be retained.
    if (OBJ_IS_DEPTH(L))
        return old;

    if (obj->ContainsForwardingPtr()) // tombstone is a pointer to a shared object
        PolyObject *newp = obj->GetForwardingPtr();
//        ASSERT (newp->ContainsNormalLengthWord());
        return newp;

    ASSERT (obj->ContainsNormalLengthWord()); // object is not shared
    return old;