Beispiel #1
int main () {
  try {
    cout << "Test 1, create a seeder" << endl;

    PvlGroup alg("PolygonSeederAlgorithm");

    if(!alg.HasKeyword("Name")) {
      cout << "Test without subgrid" << endl;
      alg += PvlKeyword("Name","Strip");
      alg += PvlKeyword("MinimumThickness", 0.3);
      alg += PvlKeyword("MinimumArea", 10);
      alg += PvlKeyword("XSpacing", 1500);
      alg += PvlKeyword("YSpacing", 1500);

    PvlObject o("AutoSeed");

    Pvl pvl;
    cout << pvl << endl << endl;

    PolygonSeeder *ps = PolygonSeederFactory::Create(pvl);

    std::cout << "Test to make sure Parse did it's job" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "MinimumThickness = " << ps->MinimumThickness() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "MinimumArea = " << ps->MinimumArea() << std::endl;

    cout << "Test 2, test a square polygon" << endl;
    try {
      // Call the seed member with a polygon
      geos::geom::CoordinateSequence *pts;
      vector<geos::geom::Geometry*> polys;
      // Create the A polygon
      pts = new geos::geom::CoordinateArraySequence();
      pts->add (geos::geom::Coordinate (0, 0));
      pts->add (geos::geom::Coordinate (0, 1.5));
      pts->add (geos::geom::Coordinate (0.5, 1.5));
      pts->add (geos::geom::Coordinate (0.5, 0));
      pts->add (geos::geom::Coordinate (0, 0));
      polys.push_back (Isis::globalFactory.createPolygon (
      geos::geom::MultiPolygon *mp = Isis::globalFactory.createMultiPolygon (polys);
      cout << "Lon/Lat polygon = " << mp->toString() << endl;
      // Create the projection necessary for seeding
      PvlGroup radii = Projection::TargetRadii("MARS");
      Isis::Pvl maplab;
      Isis::PvlGroup &mapGroup = maplab.FindGroup("Mapping");
      mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("EquatorialRadius",(string)radii["EquatorialRadius"]);
      mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("PolarRadius",(string)radii["PolarRadius"]);
      mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("LatitudeType","Planetocentric");
      mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("LongitudeDirection","PositiveEast");
      mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("LongitudeDomain",360);
      mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("CenterLatitude",0);
      mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("CenterLongitude",0);
      mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("ProjectionName","Sinusoidal");

      Projection *proj = Isis::ProjectionFactory::Create(maplab);

      This test doesn't make sense because there is no ground range on this                                                                               ;
      projection.                                                                                                                                                    ;
      double x1,x2,y1,y2;
      if(fabs(x1) < 0.00000001) x1 = 0.0;
      if(fabs(x2) < 0.00000001) x2 = 0.0;
      if(fabs(y1) < 0.00000001) y1 = 0.0;
      if(fabs(y2) < 0.00000001) y2 = 0.0;
      std::cout << "X: " << x1 << "-" << x2 << " Y: " << y1 << "-" << y2 << std::endl;

      vector<geos::geom::Point *> seedValues = ps->Seed(mp, proj);
      cout << setprecision(13);
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<seedValues.size(); i++) {
        cout << "  POINT (";
        cout << seedValues[i]->getX() << " " << seedValues[i]->getY() << ")" << endl;
    catch (iException &e) {

    cout << "Test 3, test for too thin" << endl;
    try {
      // Call the seed member with a polygon
      geos::geom::CoordinateSequence *pts;
      vector<geos::geom::Geometry*> polys;

      // Create the A polygon
      pts = new geos::geom::DefaultCoordinateSequence ();
      pts->add (geos::geom::Coordinate (0, 0));
      pts->add (geos::geom::Coordinate (0, 0.5));
      pts->add (geos::geom::Coordinate (0.0125, 0.5));
      pts->add (geos::geom::Coordinate (0.0125, 0));
      pts->add (geos::geom::Coordinate (0, 0));

      polys.push_back (Isis::globalFactory.createPolygon (

      geos::geom::MultiPolygon *mp = Isis::globalFactory.createMultiPolygon (polys);

      cout << "Lon/Lat polygon = " << mp->toString() << endl;

      // Create the projection necessary for seeding
      PvlGroup radii = Projection::TargetRadii("MARS");
      Isis::Pvl maplab;
      Isis::PvlGroup &mapGroup = maplab.FindGroup("Mapping");
      mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("EquatorialRadius",(string)radii["EquatorialRadius"]);
      mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("PolarRadius",(string)radii["PolarRadius"]);
      mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("LatitudeType","Planetocentric");
      mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("LongitudeDirection","PositiveEast");
      mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("LongitudeDomain",360);
      mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("CenterLatitude",0);
      mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("CenterLongitude",0);
      mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("ProjectionName","Sinusoidal");
      Projection *proj = Isis::ProjectionFactory::Create(maplab);

      // NOTHING SHOULD BE PRINTED (the thickness test should not have been met)
      vector<geos::geom::Point *> seedValues = ps->Seed(mp, proj);
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<seedValues.size(); i++) {
        cout << "Point(" << i << ") = " << seedValues[i]->toString() << endl;
    catch (iException &e) {
  catch (iException &e) {

  return 0;
Beispiel #2
int main() {
  try {
    cout << "Test 1, create a seeder" << endl;

    PvlGroup alg("PolygonSeederAlgorithm");

    do {
      if(!alg.hasKeyword("Name")) {
        cout << "Test without subgrid" << endl;
        alg += PvlKeyword("Name", "Grid");
        alg += PvlKeyword("MinimumThickness", toString(0.3));
        alg += PvlKeyword("MinimumArea", toString(10));
        alg += PvlKeyword("XSpacing", toString(1500));
        alg += PvlKeyword("YSpacing", toString(1500));
      else {
        cout << "Test with subgrid" << endl;
        alg += PvlKeyword("SubGrid", toString(true));

      PvlObject o("AutoSeed");

      Pvl pvl;
      cout << pvl << endl << endl;

      PolygonSeeder *ps = PolygonSeederFactory::Create(pvl);

      std::cout << "Test to make sure Parse did it's job" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "MinimumThickness = " << ps->MinimumThickness() << std::endl;
      std::cout << "MinimumArea = " << ps->MinimumArea() << std::endl;
      std::cout << "SubGrid = " << ((GridPolygonSeeder *)ps)->SubGrid() << std::endl;
      //    std::cout << "Spaceing = " << ((GridPolygonSeeder*)ps)->Spacing() << std::endl;

      cout << "Test 2, test a square polygon" << endl;
      try {
        // Call the seed member with a polygon
        geos::geom::CoordinateSequence *pts;
        vector<geos::geom::Geometry *> polys;

        // Create the A polygon
        pts = new geos::geom::CoordinateArraySequence();
        pts->add(geos::geom::Coordinate(0, 0));
        pts->add(geos::geom::Coordinate(0, 0.5));
        pts->add(geos::geom::Coordinate(0.5, 0.5));
        pts->add(geos::geom::Coordinate(0.5, 0));
        pts->add(geos::geom::Coordinate(0, 0));

                          Isis::globalFactory.createLinearRing(pts), NULL));

        geos::geom::MultiPolygon *mp = Isis::globalFactory.createMultiPolygon(polys);

        cout << "Lon/Lat polygon = " << mp->toString() << endl;
        // Create the projection necessary for seeding
        PvlGroup radii = TProjection::TargetRadii("MARS");
        Isis::Pvl maplab;
        Isis::PvlGroup &mapGroup = maplab.findGroup("Mapping");
        mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("EquatorialRadius", radii["EquatorialRadius"]);
        mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("PolarRadius", radii["PolarRadius"]);
        mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("LatitudeType", "Planetocentric");
        mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("LongitudeDirection", "PositiveEast");
        mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("LongitudeDomain", toString(360));
        mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("CenterLatitude", toString(0));
        mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("CenterLongitude", toString(0));
        mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("ProjectionName", "Sinusoidal");

        TProjection *proj = (TProjection *) Isis::ProjectionFactory::Create(maplab);

        geos::geom::MultiPolygon *xymp = PolygonTools::LatLonToXY(*mp, proj);
        vector<geos::geom::Point *> seedValues = ps->Seed(xymp);

        vector<geos::geom::Point *> points;
        for(unsigned int pt = 0; pt < seedValues.size(); pt ++) {
          if(proj->SetCoordinate(seedValues[pt]->getX(), seedValues[pt]->getY())) {
          else {
            IString msg = "Unable to convert to a (lon,lat)";
            throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);

        cout << setprecision(13);
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
          cout << "  POINT (";
          cout << points[i]->getX() << " " << points[i]->getY() << ")" << endl;
      catch(IException &e) {

      cout << "Test 3, test for too thin" << endl;
      try {
        // Call the seed member with a polygon
        geos::geom::CoordinateSequence *pts;
        vector<geos::geom::Geometry *> polys;

        // Create the A polygon
        pts = new geos::geom::CoordinateArraySequence();
        pts->add(geos::geom::Coordinate(0, 0));
        pts->add(geos::geom::Coordinate(0, 0.5));
        pts->add(geos::geom::Coordinate(0.0125, 0.5));
        pts->add(geos::geom::Coordinate(0.0125, 0));
        pts->add(geos::geom::Coordinate(0, 0));

                          Isis::globalFactory.createLinearRing(pts), NULL));

        geos::geom::MultiPolygon *mp = Isis::globalFactory.createMultiPolygon(polys);

        cout << "Lon/Lat polygon = " << mp->toString() << endl;

        // Create the projection necessary for seeding
        PvlGroup radii = TProjection::TargetRadii("MARS");
        Isis::Pvl maplab;
        Isis::PvlGroup &mapGroup = maplab.findGroup("Mapping");
        mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("EquatorialRadius", radii["EquatorialRadius"]);
        mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("PolarRadius", radii["PolarRadius"]);
        mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("LatitudeType", "Planetocentric");
        mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("LongitudeDirection", "PositiveEast");
        mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("LongitudeDomain", toString(360));
        mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("CenterLatitude", toString(0));
        mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("CenterLongitude", toString(0));
        mapGroup += Isis::PvlKeyword("ProjectionName", "Sinusoidal");
        TProjection *proj = (TProjection *) Isis::ProjectionFactory::Create(maplab);

        // NOTHING SHOULD BE PRINTED (the thickness test should not have been met)
        geos::geom::MultiPolygon *xymp = PolygonTools::LatLonToXY(*mp, proj);
        vector<geos::geom::Point *> seedValues = ps->Seed(xymp);
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < seedValues.size(); i++) {
          cout << "Point(" << i << ") = " << seedValues[i]->toString() << endl;
      catch(IException &e) {
  catch(IException &e) {

  return 0;