Beispiel #1
 * Flattens the Call function to simplify the formula
 * @param[in] form:     traversed Call node
AST* Flattener::visit(ASTForm_Call* form) {
    int calledNumber = form->n;

    PredLibEntry* called = predicateLib.lookup(calledNumber);

    /* So far, we will treat predicate and macro the same */
    return unfoldFormula(called, form->args);
Beispiel #2
 * Unfolds formal parameters to real parameters in called function
 * @param fParams: list of formal parameters
 * @param rParams: list of real parameters
 * @return: unfolded macro
ASTForm* unfoldCall(ASTForm* form, IdentList* fParams, ASTList* rParams) {
	assert(form->kind == aCall);
	ASTForm_Call* callForm = static_cast<ASTForm_Call*>(form);

	PredLibEntry* called = predicateLib.lookup(callForm->n);
	ASTList* realParams = static_cast<ASTList*>(callForm->args->copy());

	for(AST** ast = realParams->begin(); ast != realParams->end(); ++ast) {
		(*ast) = (*ast)->unfoldMacro(fParams, rParams);

	ASTForm* clonnedFormula = (called->ast)->clone();
	ASTForm* unfoldedFormula = _unfoldCore(clonnedFormula, called->formals, realParams);
	// Fixme: this is segfaulting something i guess? 
	//delete realParams;
	//delete callForm;

	return unfoldedFormula;