Beispiel #1
void testPredictor(Predictor p){
  //Load sample structure
  SampleStructure sampleStructure = getTestSampleStructure();
  //Load test data
  Array<Sample> testData = getTestSampleData();
  unsigned errors = 0;
  for(unsigned s = 0; s < testData.length; s++){
    Sample predictedSample = p.predict(testData[s]);
    std::cout << "SAMPLE " << ((double)s) << ": ";
    for(unsigned f = 0; f < sampleStructure.contvarCount; f++){
      std::cout << testData[s].contvars[f] << ", ";
    for(unsigned f = 0; f < sampleStructure.catvarCount; f++){
      std::cout << ((double)testData[s].catvars[f]) << ", ";
    std::cout << "\nPREDICTIONS: ";
    for(unsigned f = 0; f < sampleStructure.contvarCount; f++){
      contvar_t prediction = predictedSample.contvars[f]; //p.classifiers[f]->predict(testData[s]);
      std::cout << ((double)prediction) << ", ";
      //if(prediction != testData[s].catvars[f]){
      //  errors++;
    }for(unsigned f = 0; f < sampleStructure.catvarCount; f++){
      catvar_t prediction = predictedSample.catvars[f]; //p.classifiers[f]->predict(testData[s]);
      std::cout << ((double)prediction) << ", ";
      if(prediction != testData[s].catvars[f]){
    std::cout << "\n";
  std::cout << "Catvar Accuracy: " << (1.0 - ((double)errors) / (testData.length * sampleStructure.catvarCount)) << ".\n";
void PredictorRegistryTest::testNext()
    ContextTracker* pointer = static_cast<ContextTracker*>((void*)0xdeadbeef);

    PredictorRegistry::Iterator it = registry->iterator();
    Predictor* predictor = 0;

    while (it.hasNext()) {
	predictor =;

    // since we've iterated till the end of the predictors list, predictor
    // is now pointing to the DummyPredictor, so let's test we got the
    // dummy prediction back
    Prediction prediction = predictor->predict(20, 0);

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(predictor != 0);
    size_t expected_size = 18;
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected_size, prediction.size());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Suggestion("foo1", 0.99), prediction.getSuggestion(0));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Suggestion("foobar6", 0.74), prediction.getSuggestion(17));
Beispiel #3
void testFrac(Predictor p){
  std::cout << "Testing FRaC.\n";
  SampleStructure st = getTestSampleStructure();
  Array<Sample> evaluationData = getEvaluationSampleData();
  ErrorModelCreators emc;
  emc.rc = [](SampleStructure* st, unsigned index, contvar_t* trueData, contvar_t* predictedData, unsigned length){
    return (ContinuousErrorModel*) new Gaussian(trueData, predictedData, length);
  }; = [](SampleStructure* st, unsigned index, catvar_t* trueData, catvar_t* predictedData, unsigned length){
    return (CategoricalErrorModel*) new SurprisalMatrix(st->catvarSizes[index], trueData, predictedData, length);
  emc.bcc = [](SampleStructure* st, unsigned index, binvar_t* trueData, binvar_t* predictedData, unsigned length){
    Array<catvar_t> trueConv = Array<binvar_t>(trueData, length).map<catvar_t>([](binvar_t bv){return (catvar_t)bv;});
    Array<catvar_t> predConv = Array<binvar_t>(predictedData, length).map<catvar_t>([](binvar_t bv){return (catvar_t)bv;});

    SurprisalMatrix catmodel = SurprisalMatrix(2,,, length);
    return (BinaryErrorModel*) new BinaryErrorModelFromCategoricalErrorModel<SurprisalMatrix>(SurprisalMatrix());
  //Note: Here we build error models on training data: we should be using new validation data.
  ErrorModelCollection e = ErrorModelCollection(st, emc, evaluationData, p);
  gaussian* rem = new gaussian[st.contvarCount];
  NormalizedSurprisalMatrix* cem = new NormalizedSurprisalMatrix[st.catvarCount];
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < st.catvarCount; i++){
    unsigned length = trainingData.length;
    catvar_t* trueData = new catvar_t[length];
    catvar_t* predictedData = new catvar_t[length];
    for(unsigned j = 0; j < length; j++){
      trueData[j] = trainingData[j].catvars[i];
      predictedData[j] = p.classifiers[i]->predict(trainingData[j]);
    cem[i] = NormalizedSurprisalMatrix(st.catvarSizes[i], trueData, predictedData, length);
  char* bcem = new char[st.binvarCount];
  ErrorModelCollection e = ErrorModelCollection(rem, cem, bcem);
  TraditionalFRaC frac(st, p, e);
  Array<Sample> testData = getTestSampleData();
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < testData.length; i++){
    double ns = frac.calculateNS(testData[i], p.predict(testData[i]));

    std::cout << "Normal Sample " << i << ": NS = " << ns << "\n";
    std::cout << StructuredSample(st, testData[i]) << "\n";
  Array<Sample> anomTestData = getAnomalousSampleData();
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < anomTestData.length; i++){
    double ns = frac.calculateNS(anomTestData[i], p.predict(testData[i]));

    std::cout << "Anomalous Sample " << i << ": NS = " << ns << "\n";
    std::cout << StructuredSample(st, anomTestData[i]) << "\n";

Beispiel #4
 * program main entry
 * @param argc number of program arguments
 * @param argv array of program arguments of length argc
int main(int argc, char **argv){

	try {

		// set overall logging style
		el::Loggers::reconfigureAllLoggers(el::ConfigurationType::Format, std::string("# %level : %msg"));
		// TODO setup log file
		el::Loggers::reconfigureAllLoggers(el::ConfigurationType::ToFile, std::string("false"));
		el::Loggers::reconfigureAllLoggers(el::ConfigurationType::ToStandardOutput, std::string("true"));
		// set additional logging flags

		// setup logging with given parameters

		// check if log file set and update all loggers before going on
		if (el::Helpers::commandLineArgs() != NULL && el::Helpers::commandLineArgs()->hasParamWithValue(el::base::consts::kDefaultLogFileParam))
			// default all to file
			el::Loggers::reconfigureAllLoggers(el::ConfigurationType::ToStandardOutput, std::string("false"));
			el::Loggers::reconfigureAllLoggers(el::ConfigurationType::ToFile, std::string("true"));
			// enforec error out to standard output
			el::Loggers::reconfigureAllLoggers(el::Level::Error, el::ConfigurationType::ToStandardOutput, std::string("true"));
			el::Loggers::reconfigureAllLoggers(el::Level::Error, el::ConfigurationType::ToFile, std::string("false"));

		// parse command line parameters
		CommandLineParsing parameters;
			VLOG(1) <<"parsing arguments"<<"...";
			int retCode = parameters.parse( argc, argv );
			if (retCode != CommandLineParsing::ReturnCode::KEEP_GOING) {
				return retCode;

		// OMP shared variables to enable exception forwarding from within OMP parallelized for loop
		bool threadAborted = false;
		std::exception_ptr exceptionPtrDuringOmp = NULL;
		std::stringstream exceptionInfoDuringOmp;

		// number of already reported interactions to enable IntaRNA v1 separator output
		size_t reportedInteractions = 0;

		// storage to avoid accessibility recomputation (init NULL)
		std::vector< ReverseAccessibility * > queryAcc(parameters.getQuerySequences().size(), NULL);

		// compute all query accessibilities to enable parallelization
		// parallelize this loop if possible; if not -> parallelize the query-loop
		# pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) num_threads( parameters.getThreads() ) shared(queryAcc,reportedInteractions,exceptionPtrDuringOmp,exceptionInfoDuringOmp)
		for (size_t qi=0; qi<queryAcc.size(); qi++) {
			// get accessibility handler
			#pragma omp flush (threadAborted)
			// explicit try-catch-block due to missing OMP exception forwarding
			if (!threadAborted) {
				try {
					// get query accessibility handler
					#pragma omp critical(intarna_omp_logOutput)
					VLOG(1) <<"computing accessibility for query '"<<parameters.getQuerySequences().at(qi).getId()<<"'...";
					Accessibility * queryAccOrig = parameters.getQueryAccessibility(qi);
					INTARNA_CHECK_NOT_NULL(queryAccOrig,"query initialization failed");
					// reverse indexing of target sequence for the computation
					queryAcc[qi] = new ReverseAccessibility(*queryAccOrig);

					// check if we have to warn about ambiguity
					if (queryAccOrig->getSequence().isAmbiguous()) {
						#pragma omp critical(intarna_omp_logOutput)
						LOG(INFO) <<"Sequence '"<<queryAccOrig->getSequence().getId()
								<<"' contains ambiguous nucleotide encodings. These positions are ignored for interaction computation.";
				////////////////////// exception handling ///////////////////////////
				} catch (std::exception & e) {
					// ensure exception handling for first failed thread only
					#pragma omp critical(intarna_omp_exception)
						if (!threadAborted) {
							// store exception information
							exceptionPtrDuringOmp = std::make_exception_ptr(e);
							exceptionInfoDuringOmp <<" #thread "<<omp_get_thread_num() <<" #query "<<qi <<" : "<<e.what();
							// trigger abortion of all threads
							threadAborted = true;
							#pragma omp flush (threadAborted)
					} // omp critical(intarna_omp_exception)
				} catch (...) {
					// ensure exception handling for first failed thread only
					#pragma omp critical(intarna_omp_exception)
						if (!threadAborted) {
							// store exception information
							exceptionPtrDuringOmp = std::current_exception();
							exceptionInfoDuringOmp <<" #thread "<<omp_get_thread_num() <<" #query "<<qi;
							// trigger abortion of all threads
							threadAborted = true;
							#pragma omp flush (threadAborted)
					} // omp critical(intarna_omp_exception)
			} // if not threadAborted

		// check which loop to parallelize
		const bool parallelizeTargetLoop = parameters.getTargetSequences().size() > 1;
		const bool parallelizeQueryLoop = !parallelizeTargetLoop && parameters.getQuerySequences().size() > 1;
		const bool parallelizeWindowsLoop = !parallelizeTargetLoop && !parallelizeQueryLoop;

		// run prediction for all pairs of sequences
		// first: iterate over all target sequences
		// parallelize this loop if possible; if not -> parallelize the query-loop
		# pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) num_threads( parameters.getThreads() ) shared(queryAcc,reportedInteractions,exceptionPtrDuringOmp,exceptionInfoDuringOmp) if(parallelizeTargetLoop)
		for ( size_t targetNumber = 0; targetNumber < parameters.getTargetSequences().size(); ++targetNumber )
			#pragma omp flush (threadAborted)
			// explicit try-catch-block due to missing OMP exception forwarding
			if (!threadAborted) {
				try {
					// get target accessibility handler
					#pragma omp critical(intarna_omp_logOutput)
					{ VLOG(1) <<"computing accessibility for target '"<<parameters.getTargetSequences().at(targetNumber).getId()<<"'..."; }

					// VRNA not completely threadsafe ...
					Accessibility * targetAcc = parameters.getTargetAccessibility(targetNumber);
					INTARNA_CHECK_NOT_NULL(targetAcc,"target initialization failed");

					// check if we have to warn about ambiguity
					if (targetAcc->getSequence().isAmbiguous()) {
						#pragma omp critical(intarna_omp_logOutput)
						{ LOG(INFO) <<"Sequence '"<<targetAcc->getSequence().getId()
								<<"' contains ambiguous IUPAC nucleotide encodings. These positions are ignored for interaction computation and replaced by 'N'.";}

					// second: iterate over all query sequences
					// this parallelization should only be enabled if the outer target-loop is not parallelized
					# pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) num_threads( parameters.getThreads() ) shared(queryAcc,reportedInteractions,exceptionPtrDuringOmp,exceptionInfoDuringOmp,targetAcc,targetNumber) if(parallelizeQueryLoop)
					for ( size_t queryNumber = 0; queryNumber < parameters.getQuerySequences().size(); ++queryNumber )
						#pragma omp flush (threadAborted)
						// explicit try-catch-block due to missing OMP exception forwarding
						if (!threadAborted) {
							try {
								// sanity check
								assert( != NULL );

								// get energy computation handler for both sequences
								InteractionEnergy* energy = parameters.getEnergyHandler( *targetAcc, *( );
								INTARNA_CHECK_NOT_NULL(energy,"energy initialization failed");

								// get output/storage handler
								OutputHandler * output = parameters.getOutputHandler( *energy );
								INTARNA_CHECK_NOT_NULL(output,"output handler initialization failed");

								// check if we have to add separator for IntaRNA v1 output
								if (reportedInteractions > 0 && dynamic_cast<OutputHandlerIntaRNA1*>(output) != NULL) {
									dynamic_cast<OutputHandlerIntaRNA1*>(output)->addSeparator( true );

								// setup collecting output handler to ensure
								// k-best output per query-target combination
								// and not per region combination if not requested
								OutputHandlerInteractionList bestInteractions(
										(parameters.reportBestPerRegion() ? std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() : 1 )
											* parameters.getOutputConstraint().reportMax );

								// run prediction for all range combinations
								BOOST_FOREACH(const IndexRange & tRange, parameters.getTargetRanges(*energy, targetNumber)) {
								BOOST_FOREACH(const IndexRange & qRange, parameters.getQueryRanges(*energy, queryNumber)) {

									// get windows for both ranges
									std::vector<IndexRange> queryWindows = qRange.overlappingWindows(parameters.getWindowWidth(), parameters.getWindowOverlap());
									std::vector<IndexRange> targetWindows = tRange.overlappingWindows(parameters.getWindowWidth(), parameters.getWindowOverlap());

									// iterate over all window combinations
									// this parallelization should only be enabled if neither the outer target-loop nor the inner query-loop are parallelized
									# pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) collapse(2) num_threads( parameters.getThreads() ) shared(queryAcc,reportedInteractions,exceptionPtrDuringOmp,exceptionInfoDuringOmp,targetAcc,targetNumber,queryNumber,queryWindows,targetWindows, bestInteractions, energy) if(parallelizeWindowsLoop)
									for (int qNumWindow = 0; qNumWindow < queryWindows.size(); ++qNumWindow) {
									for (int tNumWindow = 0; tNumWindow < targetWindows.size(); ++tNumWindow) {									
										#pragma omp flush (threadAborted)
										// explicit try-catch-block due to missing OMP exception forwarding
										if (!threadAborted) {
											try {
												IndexRange qWindow =;
												IndexRange tWindow =;
												#pragma omp critical(intarna_omp_logOutput)
												{ VLOG(1) <<"predicting interactions for"
														<<" target "<<targetAcc->getSequence().getId()
														<<" (range " <<(tWindow+1)<<")"
														<<" and"
														<<" query "<<>getSequence().getId()
														<<" (range " <<(qWindow+1)<<")"

														<<" in thread "<<omp_get_thread_num()
														<<" ..."; }
												// get interaction prediction handler
												Predictor * predictor = parameters.getPredictor( *energy, bestInteractions );
												INTARNA_CHECK_NOT_NULL(predictor,"predictor initialization failed");
												// run prediction for this window combination
												predictor->predict(	  tWindow
																	, parameters.getOutputConstraint()
												// garbage collection
											////////////////////// exception handling ///////////////////////////
											} catch (std::exception & e) {
												// ensure exception handling for first failed thread only
												#pragma omp critical(intarna_omp_exception)
													if (!threadAborted) {
														// store exception information
														exceptionPtrDuringOmp = std::make_exception_ptr(e);
														exceptionInfoDuringOmp <<" #thread "<<omp_get_thread_num() <<" #target "<<targetNumber <<" #query " <<queryNumber <<" : "<<e.what();
														// trigger abortion of all threads
														threadAborted = true;
														#pragma omp flush (threadAborted)
												} // omp critical(intarna_omp_exception)
											} catch (...) {
												// ensure exception handling for first failed thread only
												#pragma omp critical(intarna_omp_exception)
													if (!threadAborted) {
														// store exception information
														exceptionPtrDuringOmp = std::current_exception();
														exceptionInfoDuringOmp <<" #thread "<<omp_get_thread_num() <<" #target "<<targetNumber <<" #query " <<queryNumber;
														// trigger abortion of all threads
														threadAborted = true;
														#pragma omp flush (threadAborted)
												} // omp critical(intarna_omp_exception)
										} // if not threadAborted
									}} // window combinations
								} // target ranges
								} // query ranges
								#pragma omp critical(intarna_omp_outputHandlerUpdate)
								{// update final output handler
								BOOST_FOREACH( const Interaction * inter, bestInteractions) {
									// forward all reported interactions for all regions to final output handler

								#pragma omp atomic update
								reportedInteractions += output->reported();

								// garbage collection

							////////////////////// exception handling ///////////////////////////
							} catch (std::exception & e) {
								// ensure exception handling for first failed thread only
								#pragma omp critical(intarna_omp_exception)
									if (!threadAborted) {
										// store exception information
										exceptionPtrDuringOmp = std::make_exception_ptr(e);
										exceptionInfoDuringOmp <<" #thread "<<omp_get_thread_num() <<" #target "<<targetNumber <<" #query " <<queryNumber <<" : "<<e.what();
										// trigger abortion of all threads
										threadAborted = true;
										#pragma omp flush (threadAborted)
								} // omp critical(intarna_omp_exception)
							} catch (...) {
								// ensure exception handling for first failed thread only
								#pragma omp critical(intarna_omp_exception)
									if (!threadAborted) {
										// store exception information
										exceptionPtrDuringOmp = std::current_exception();
										exceptionInfoDuringOmp <<" #thread "<<omp_get_thread_num() <<" #target "<<targetNumber <<" #query " <<queryNumber;
										// trigger abortion of all threads
										threadAborted = true;
										#pragma omp flush (threadAborted)
								} // omp critical(intarna_omp_exception)
						} // if not threadAborted
					} // for queries

					// write accessibility to file if needed
					parameters.writeTargetAccessibility( *targetAcc );

					// garbage collection

				////////////////////// exception handling ///////////////////////////
				} catch (std::exception & e) {
					// ensure exception handling for first failed thread only
					#pragma omp critical(intarna_omp_exception)
						if (!threadAborted) {
							// store exception information
							exceptionPtrDuringOmp = std::make_exception_ptr(e);
							exceptionInfoDuringOmp <<" #thread "<<omp_get_thread_num() <<" #target "<<targetNumber <<" : "<<e.what();
							// trigger abortion of all threads
							threadAborted = true;
							#pragma omp flush (threadAborted)
					} // omp critical(intarna_omp_exception)
				} catch (...) {
					// ensure exception handling for first failed thread only
					#pragma omp critical(intarna_omp_exception)
						if (!threadAborted) {
							// store exception information
							exceptionPtrDuringOmp = std::current_exception();
							exceptionInfoDuringOmp <<" #thread "<<omp_get_thread_num() <<" #target "<<targetNumber;
							// trigger abortion of all threads
							threadAborted = true;
							#pragma omp flush (threadAborted)
					} // omp critical(intarna_omp_exception)
			} // if not threadAborted
void DejavuPredictorTest::testPredict()
    *stream << "polly wants a cracker ";

    // get pointer to dejavu predictor
    Predictor* predictor = predictorRegistry->iterator().next();
        *stream << "polly ";
        Prediction expected;
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, predictor->predict(SIZE, 0));

        *stream << "wants ";
        Prediction expected;
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, predictor->predict(SIZE, 0));

        *stream << "a ";
        Prediction expected;
        expected.addSuggestion(Suggestion("cracker", 1.0));
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, predictor->predict(SIZE, 0));

    *stream << "soda ";

        *stream << "polly ";
        Prediction expected;
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, predictor->predict(SIZE, 0));

        *stream << "wants ";
        Prediction expected;
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, predictor->predict(SIZE, 0));

        *stream << "a ";
        Prediction expected;
        expected.addSuggestion(Suggestion("cracker", 1.0));
        expected.addSuggestion(Suggestion("soda",    1.0));
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, predictor->predict(SIZE, 0));

    *stream << "cake ";

        *stream << "polly ";
        Prediction expected;
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, predictor->predict(SIZE, 0));

        *stream << "wants ";
        Prediction expected;
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, predictor->predict(SIZE, 0));

        *stream << "a ";
        Prediction expected;
        expected.addSuggestion(Suggestion("cake",    1.0));
        expected.addSuggestion(Suggestion("cracker", 1.0));
        expected.addSuggestion(Suggestion("soda",    1.0));
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, predictor->predict(SIZE, 0));

    *stream << "crumble ";

        // test filter
        const char* filter[] = { "cra", "so", 0 };

        *stream << "polly wants a ";
        Prediction expected;
        expected.addSuggestion(Suggestion("cracker",    1.0));
        expected.addSuggestion(Suggestion("soda",    1.0));
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, predictor->predict(SIZE, filter));

    *stream << "break ";

        // test filter
        const char* filter[] = { "r", 0 };

        *stream << "polly wants a c";
        Prediction expected;
        expected.addSuggestion(Suggestion("cracker",    1.0));
        expected.addSuggestion(Suggestion("crumble",    1.0));
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, predictor->predict(SIZE, filter));

    *stream << "uddle ";