Color Raytracer::CalnDiffusion( Collider* collider , int* hash, int rc, Color weight) {
	Primitive* pri = collider->GetPrimitive();
	Color color = pri->GetMaterial()->color;
	if (pri->GetMaterial()->texture != NULL)
		if (pri->getName() == 0)
			color = color * pri->GetTexture(collider->C);
			color = color * pri->GetTexture(Vector3(collider->u, collider->v, 0));
	Color ret = color * scene->GetBackgroundColor() * pri->GetMaterial()->diff;
	for ( Light* light = scene->GetLightHead() ; light != NULL ; light = light->GetNext() )
		ret += color * light->GetIrradiance( collider , scene->GetPrimitiveHead() , scene->GetCamera()->GetShadeQuality() , hash );
	if (camera->GetAlgorithm() == "PM")
		ret += color * photonmap->GetIrradiance( collider , camera->GetSampleDist() , camera->GetSamplePhotons() );
	if (camera->GetAlgorithm() == "PPM" || camera->GetAlgorithm() == "SPPM") {
		Hitpoint hitpoint;
		hitpoint.pos = collider->C;
		hitpoint.dir = collider->I;
		hitpoint.N = collider->N;
		hitpoint.primitive = collider->GetPrimitive();
		hitpoint.rc = rc;
		hitpoint.weight = weight * color;
		hitpoint.R2 = photonmap->GetRadius2(collider, camera->GetSampleDist(), camera->GetSamplePhotons());
	return ret;
Beispiel #2
bool Engine::render(void)
	std::ofstream debugfile;"E:\\code\\debug2.txt", std::ios_base::app);
	debugfile << "Starting currLine = " << currLine << std::endl;
	// render scene
	Vector3 o(0.0, 0.0, -5.0);

	// initialize timer
	unsigned int msecs = get_msec();

	// reset last found primitive pointer
	Primitive *lastprim = nullptr;

	// render remaining lines
	for (unsigned int y = currLine; y < (height - 20); y++)
		SX = WX1;
		// render pixels for current line
		for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width; x++)
			// fire primary ray
			Color acc(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			Vector3 dir = Vector3(SX, SY, 0) - o;
			Ray r(o, dir);
			double dist;
			unsigned int prev = get_msec();
			Primitive *prim = raytrace(r, acc, 1, 1.0, dist);
			unsigned int post = get_msec();
			if (post - prev != 0) {
				if (prim)
					debugfile << prim->getName() << " @ ";
				debugfile << x << ", " << y << ": ";
				debugfile << post - prev << std::endl;
			int red = (int)(acc.R() * 256);
			int green = (int)(acc.G() * 256);
			int blue = (int)(acc.B() * 256);
			if (red > 255) red = 255;
			if (green > 255) green = 255;
			if (blue > 255) blue = 255;
			dest[ppos++] = RGBA_to_Pixel(red, green, blue);
			SX += DX;
		SY += DY;
		// see if we've been working to long already
		// TODO
		if ((get_msec() - msecs) > 100)
			// return control to windows so the screen gets updated
			currLine = y + 1;
			debugfile << "exiting currLine = " << currLine << std::endl;
			return false;

	// all done
	return true;