Beispiel #1
 * Generate the actual code from problem object
std::string CppCode::generateCode(Problem& problem) {
    //All header file list
    std::string theCode = this->cppHeaderfiles();
    theCode += std::string("\n#define Zclr(arr) memset(arr, 0, sizeof(arr))\n") +
                "#define Nclr(arr) memset(arr, -1, sizeof(arr))\n" +
                "#define M31 1<<30\n" +
                "#define Pi (2.0*acos(0.0))\n" +
                "#define Eps (1e-9)\n"+
                "#define Rep(_var, _N) for (int _var=0; _var<_N; _var++ )\n"+
                "#define For(_var, _S,  _N) for (int _var=_S; _var<=_N; _var++ )\n\n";

    theCode += "class "+problem.getClassName()+" {\n" +
               "public:\n"+this->methodCode(problem.getMethod()) +
               "};\n\n"; //end of class code

    theCode += "// <editor-fold defaultstate=\"collapsed\" desc=\"Generated Code\">\n";
    theCode += "namespace otocoder {\n" +
               this->generateRunTest() +
               this->generateFormatResult(problem.getMethod()->getReturnVariable()) +
               this->generateVerifyCase(problem) +
               this->generateRunTestCase(problem) +
    theCode += this->generateDefaultMain();
    theCode += "// </editor-fold>\n";

    return theCode;
Beispiel #2
std::string CppCode::generateRunTestCase(Problem& problem) {
    std::string mCode;
    mCode = "    int run_test_case(int casenum) {\n";
    mCode += "        switch (casenum) {\n";
    char arr[200];
    // Generate the individual test cases
    int totalCases = problem.getSampleTestSize();
    for (int i = 0; i < totalCases; ++i) {
        sprintf(arr, "        case %d: {\n", i);
        mCode += arr;
        mCode += this->generateTestCase(i, problem.getClassName(), problem.getMethod(), problem.getSampleTestCaseAt(i));
        mCode += "        }\n";

    // next
    mCode +=std::string("        default:\n") +
            "            return -1;\n" +
            "        }\n" +
            "    }\n\n";
    return mCode;
Beispiel #3
std::string CppCode::generateFullTestReader(Problem& problem) {
    Method* method = problem.getMethod();
    Variable* var;
    std::string code =  
        tabStr + "const std::string currentDateTime() {\n"+
        tabStr + tabStr + "time_t     now = time(0);\n"+
        tabStr + tabStr + "struct tm  tstruct;\n"+
        tabStr + tabStr + "char       buf[80];\n" +
        tabStr + tabStr + "tstruct = *localtime(&now);\n"+
        tabStr + tabStr + "strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), \"%Y-%m-%d %X\", &tstruct);\n"+
        tabStr + tabStr + "return buf;\n"+
        tabStr+"//This method will only accept input files that are formatted in proper way.\n"+
        tabStr+"//Command line example: "+problem.getClassName()+".exe -2 <"+problem.getClassName()+".io\n"+
        tabStr+"bool run_full_test() {\n" +
        tabStr+tabStr+"int testCase, N, caseNo, correct=0;\n";
    //declare all variables
    for (int i=0; i<method->getNumberOfParameters(); i++) {
        var = method->getParameterAt(i);
        code+= tabStr+tabStr+this->generateDatatype(var)+" "+var->getName()+";\n";//vector<int> var;
        //if we have an array then we will create another variable to read single item of that array, redundant but easy to code :|
        if (var->isArray()) {
            code += tabStr+tabStr+this->convertDataType(var->getDataType())+" "+var->getName()+"_sin;\n"; //with _in suffix
    var = method->getReturnVariable();
    code+= tabStr+tabStr+this->generateDatatype(var)+" "+var->getName()+";\n";//vector<int> var;
    if (var->isArray()) {
        code += tabStr+tabStr+this->convertDataType(var->getDataType())+" "+var->getName()+"_sin;\n"; //with _in suffix
    code += "\n";
    code+= tabStr+tabStr+"std::cin>>testCase; std::cin.ignore(10, '\\n');\n" +
        tabStr+tabStr+"for (int i=0; i<testCase; i++) {\n" +
        tabStr+tabStr+tabStr+"std::cin>>caseNo; std::cin.ignore(10, '\\n');\n";
    //code to read all parameters
    for (int i=0; i<method->getNumberOfParameters(); i++) {
        code += this->generateSingleCaseReader(method->getParameterAt(i), tabStr+tabStr);
    //code to read expected result
    code += this->generateSingleCaseReader(method->getReturnVariable(), tabStr+tabStr);

    //code to run class.Method(parameters...)
    code += tabStr+tabStr+tabStr+"clock_t start_           = clock();\n";
    code += tabStr+tabStr+tabStr+this->generateDatatype(method->getReturnVariable())+" received_ = " +

    for (int i=0; i<method->getNumberOfParameters(); i++) {
        if (i) {
            code += ", ";
        code += method->getParameterAt(i)->getName();
    code += ");\n";
    code += tabStr+tabStr+tabStr+"correct += verify_case(caseNo, " + method->getReturnVariable()->getName()  + ", received_, clock()-start_);\n";

    code+=tabStr+tabStr+"}//end of testCase for loop\n\n";
    code += tabStr+tabStr +"if (testCase == 0) {\n" +
            tabStr+tabStr+tabStr+"cerr << \"No test cases run.\" << endl;\n" +
            tabStr+tabStr+"} else if (correct < testCase) {\n"+
            tabStr+tabStr+tabStr+"cerr << \"Some cases FAILED (passed \" << correct << \" of \" << testCase << \").\" << endl;\n"+
            tabStr+tabStr+"} else {\n"+
            tabStr+tabStr+tabStr+"cerr << \"All \" << testCase << \" tests passed!\" << endl;\n"+
            tabStr+tabStr+tabStr+"std::ofstream ofs(\""+problem.getClassName()+".st\", std::ios_base::app);\n"+
            tabStr+tabStr+"return true;\n"+
    return code;