Beispiel #1
void PythonQtTestApi::testDynamicProperties()
  PythonQtObjectPtr main = PythonQt::self()->getMainModule();

  // this fails and should fail, but how could that be tested?
  // main.evalScript("obj.testProp = 1");
  // create a new dynamic property

  // read the property
  QVERIFY(QString("testValue") == main.getVariable("obj.testProp").toString());
  // modify and read again
  main.evalScript("obj.testProp = 12");
  QVERIFY(12 == main.getVariable("obj.testProp").toInt());

  // check if dynamic property is in dict
  QVERIFY(12 == main.evalScript("obj.__dict__['testProp']", Py_eval_input).toInt());

  // check if dynamic property is in introspection
  QStringList l = PythonQt::self()->introspection(PythonQt::self()->getMainModule(), "obj", PythonQt::Anything);
  // check with None, previous value expected
  main.evalScript("obj.testProp = None");
  QVERIFY(12 == main.getVariable("obj.testProp").toInt());

  // remove the dynamic property
  main.evalScript("obj.setProperty('testProp', None)");

  // check if dynamic property is really gone
  QStringList l2 = PythonQt::self()->introspection(PythonQt::self()->getMainModule(), "obj", PythonQt::Anything);
Beispiel #2
void PythonQtTestApi::testProperties()
  PythonQtObjectPtr main = PythonQt::self()->getMainModule();
  // check for name alias (for backward comp to Qt3)
  main.evalScript(" = 'hello'");
  QVERIFY(QString("hello") == main.getVariable("").toString());

  main.evalScript("obj.objectName = 'hello2'");
  QVERIFY(QString("hello2") == main.getVariable("obj.objectName").toString());
