Beispiel #1
 * @brief Load program constants from constants.xml.
 * @return true on success, false on failure
static bool load_constants(QApplication& app)
#ifdef DATA_PATH
    QString app_path = QString(DATA_PATH);
    (void)app; // eliminate "variable not used" warning
    QString app_path = app.applicationDirPath();
    QString constant_xml_filename = QDir(app_path).absoluteFilePath("constants.xml");

    // open constant xml file
    QFile constant_xml(constant_xml_filename);;
    if (!constant_xml.isOpen()) {
        qCritical() << "Failed to read file: " << constant_xml_filename;
        QMessageBox::critical(0, "QWinFF",
                              QString("Cannot load %1. The program will exit now.")
        return false;

    qDebug() << "Reading file: " << constant_xml_filename;
    // parse the xml file
    if (!Constants::readFile(constant_xml)) {
        QMessageBox::critical(0, "QWinFF",
                              QString("%1 contains error(s). "
                                      "Reinstall the application may solve the problem.")
        return false;

    return true;
Beispiel #2
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
	QApplication app ( argc, argv );

	QString locale;

		QSettings settings ( "RolTram", "RS" );
		settings.beginGroup ( "Locale" );

		if ( settings.contains ( "Locale" ) )
			locale = settings.value ( "Locale" ).toString();
			locale = QLocale::system().name();

	QTranslator translator;

	if (( locale != "pt_BR" ) && ( locale != "ptBR" ) && ( locale != "C" ))
		QString localeFileName = QString ( "rs_" ) + locale + ".qm";
		QStringList searchPaths;
		searchPaths << QDir::toNativeSeparators ( app.applicationDirPath() + QDir::separator() )
#ifdef __unix__
					<< "../share/" << "/usr/share/rs/" << "/usr/local/share/rs/"
					<< "/usr/share/" << "/usr/local/share/";
					<< "../share/" << "C:/usr/share/rs/" << "C:/usr/local/share/rs/"
					<< "C:/usr/share/" << "C:/usr/local/share/";
Beispiel #3
void initialize(const QApplication& app)
    const auto appdir = app.applicationDirPath();
    initialize_value(appdir, "config/is_authorized", subara::config::is_authorized);
    initialize_value(appdir, "config/oauth_token", subara::config::oauth_token);
    initialize_value(appdir, "config/oauth_token_secret", subara::config::oauth_token_secret);
Beispiel #4
// 初始化
void MyApp::init(QApplication &app)
    m_strAppPath        = app.applicationDirPath() + "/";
#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
    if (!m_strAppPath.startsWith("/")) {
        myDebug("m_strAppPath no start with /" << m_strAppPath) ;
        m_strAppPath = "/" + m_strAppPath;

    m_strDataPath       = m_strAppPath  + "data/";
    m_strLogPath        = m_strDataPath + "log";
    m_strTestPath       = m_strDataPath + "test/";
    m_strDownloadPath   = m_strAppPath  + "download/";
    m_strScreenShotPath = m_strDataPath + "screen_shot/";
    m_strWavPath        = m_strDataPath + "wav_normal/";
    m_strRecordPath     = m_strDataPath + "record/";
    m_strDbPath         = m_strDataPath + "database/";
    m_strBackupPath     = m_strDataPath + "backup/";
    m_strConfPath       = m_strDataPath + "conf/";
    m_strIniFile        = m_strConfPath + "config.ini";

    // 检查目录

    // 创建配置文件

    // 读取设备编号
    m_strDevId              = getSettingKeyValue("SysConfig", "DeviceId", "59909200001").toString();

    // 数据上传服务器配置
    m_strDataServerAddr      = getSettingKeyValue("DataServer", "IpAddr", "").toString();
    m_nDataServerPort        = getSettingKeyValue("DataServer", "Port", 5100).toInt();

    // 系统升级配置
    m_strUpServerUrl        = getSettingKeyValue("Version", "AppUrl",
    m_strCheckVersion       = getSettingKeyValue("Version", "VerUrl",
    m_strAppName            = getSettingKeyValue("Version", "AppName", "vict_app").toString();

    // 音量控制
    m_nSysVolume            = getSettingKeyValue("SysConfig", "SysVolume", 127).toInt();
    m_nRecVolume            = getSettingKeyValue("SysConfig", "RecVolume", 85).toInt();

    // SMTP
    m_strSmtpAddr           = getSettingKeyValue("Server", "SmtpAddr", "").toString();

    // 读取用户配置
    m_strMsgServer          = getSettingKeyValue("Server", "MsgServer", "").toString();
    m_nUdpRoomPort          = getSettingKeyValue("Server", "UdpRoom", 43434).toInt();
    m_nTcpMsgPort           = getSettingKeyValue("Server", "MsgProt", 60001).toInt();
    m_nTcpFilePort          = getSettingKeyValue("Server", "FilePort", 60001).toInt();

    m_nUserId               = getSettingKeyValue("MsgUser", "Id", 101).toInt();
    m_strPwd                = getSettingKeyValue("MsgUser", "Passwd", "123").toString();
Beispiel #5
void loadTranslation(QApplication &app)
	QSettings settings(QApplication::organizationName(), QApplication::applicationName());
	int lang = settings.value("lang", 0).toInt();

		QString sLang = "saisie_";
		QString path = app.applicationDirPath() + QDir::separator() + "../include/qt/translations";

		//cf Settings.h
		if (lang == 1)
			sLang += "fr";
		else if (lang == 2)
			sLang += "es";
		else if (lang == 3)
			sLang += "cn";
		else if (lang == 4)
			sLang += "ar";
		else if (lang == 5)
			sLang += "ru";

		sLang += ".qm";

		QTranslator *qtTranslator = new QTranslator(QApplication::instance());

		if ( qtTranslator->load(sLang, path) )
			QMessageBox::critical(NULL, "Error", "Can't load translation file: " + sLang + "\n" +
				"In: " + path);
Beispiel #6
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
	QApplication app (argc, argv);
	QStringList args = app.arguments ();
	if (!args.isEmpty ()) args.pop_front ();	// The command itself
	qputenv ("DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID", qgetenv ("STARTUP_ID_COPY"));	// for startup notifications (set via rkward.desktop)
	qputenv ("STARTUP_ID_COPY", "");

	// Parse arguments that need handling in the wrapper
	bool usage = false;
	QStringList debugger_args;
	QStringList file_args;
	bool reuse = false;
	bool warn_external = true;
	QString r_exe_arg;
	int debug_level = 2;

	for (int i=0; i < args.size (); ++i) {
		if (args[i] == "--debugger") {
			args.removeAt (i);
			while (i < args.size ()) {
				QString arg = args.takeAt (i);
				if (arg == "--") break;
				debugger_args.append (arg);
			if (debugger_args.isEmpty ()) usage = true;
		} else if (args[i] == "--r-executable") {
			if ((i+1) < args.size ()) {
				r_exe_arg = args.takeAt (i + 1);
			} else usage = true;
			args.removeAt (i);
		} else if (args[i] == "--debug-level") {
			if ((i+1) < args.size ()) {
				debug_level = args[i+1].toInt ();
		} else if (args[i] == "--reuse") {
			reuse = true;
		} else if (args[i] == "--nowarn-external") {
			warn_external = false;
		} else if (args[i].startsWith ("--")) {
			// all RKWard and KDE options (other than --reuse) are of the for --option <value>. So skip over the <value>
		} else {
			QUrl url (args[i]);
			if (url.isRelative ()) {
				file_args.append (QDir::current ().absoluteFilePath (url.toLocalFile ()));
			} else {
				file_args.append (args[i]);

	if (reuse) {
		if (!QDBusConnection::sessionBus ().isConnected ()) {
			if (debug_level > 2) qDebug ("Could not connect to session dbus");
		} else {
			QDBusInterface iface (RKDBUS_SERVICENAME, "/", "", QDBusConnection::sessionBus ());
			if (iface.isValid ()) {
				QDBusReply<void> reply = ("openAnyUrl", file_args, warn_external);
				if (!reply.isValid ()) {
					if (debug_level > 2) qDebug ("Error while placing dbus call: %s", qPrintable (reply.error ().message ()));
					return 1;
				return 0;

	// MacOS may need some path adjustments, first
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
	QString oldpath = qgetenv ("PATH");
	if (!oldpath.contains (INSTALL_PATH)) {
		//ensure that PATH is set to include what we deliver with the bundle
		qputenv ("PATH", QString ("%1/bin:%1/sbin:%2").arg (INSTALL_PATH).arg (oldpath).toLocal8Bit ());
		if (debug_level > 3) qDebug ("Adjusting system path to %s", qPrintable (qgetenv ("PATH")));
	// ensure that RKWard finds its own packages
	qputenv ("R_LIBS", R_LIBS);
	QProcess::execute ("launchctl", QStringList () << "load" << "-w" << INSTALL_PATH "/Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist");

	// Locate KDE and RKWard installations
	QString kde4_config_exe = findExeAtPath ("kde4-config", QDir::currentPath ());
	if (kde4_config_exe.isNull ()) kde4_config_exe = findExeAtPath ("kde4-config", app.applicationDirPath ());
	if (kde4_config_exe.isNull ()) kde4_config_exe = findExeAtPath ("kde4-config", QDir (app.applicationDirPath ()).filePath ("KDE/bin"));
	if (kde4_config_exe.isNull ()) {
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
	QStringList syspath = QString (qgetenv ("PATH")).split (';');
	QStringList syspath = QString (qgetenv ("PATH")).split (':');
		for (int i = 0; i < syspath.size (); ++i) {
			kde4_config_exe = findExeAtPath ("kde4-config", syspath[i]);
			if (!kde4_config_exe.isNull ()) break;

	if (kde4_config_exe.isNull ()) {
		QMessageBox::critical (0, "Could not find KDE installation", "The KDE installation could not be found (kde4-config). When moving / copying RKWard, make sure to copy the whole application folder, or create a shorcut / link, instead.");
		exit (1);

	QDir kde_dir (QFileInfo (kde4_config_exe).absolutePath ());
	kde_dir.makeAbsolute ();
	QString kde_dir_safe_path = quoteCommand (kde_dir.path ());
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
	QString kdeinit4_exe = findExeAtPath ("kdeinit4", kde_dir.path ());
	qputenv ("PATH", QString (kde_dir_safe_path + ';' + qgetenv ("PATH")).toLocal8Bit ());
	if (debug_level > 3) qDebug ("Adding %s to the system path", qPrintable (kde_dir_safe_path));
	// important if RKWard is not in KDEPREFIX/bin but e.g. KDEPREFIX/lib/libexec
	qputenv ("RKWARD_ENSURE_PREFIX", kde_dir_safe_path.toLocal8Bit ());
	if (debug_level > 3) qDebug ("Setting environment variable RKWARD_ENSURE_PREFIX=%s", qPrintable (kde_dir_safe_path));

	QString rkward_frontend_exe = findRKWardAtPath (app.applicationDirPath ());	// this is for running directly from a build tree
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
	if (rkward_frontend_exe.isNull ()) rkward_frontend_exe = findRKWardAtPath (app.applicationDirPath () + "/"); 	// this is for running directly from a build tree
	if (rkward_frontend_exe.isNull ()) rkward_frontend_exe = findRKWardAtPath (RKWARD_FRONTEND_LOCATION);
	if (rkward_frontend_exe.isNull ()) rkward_frontend_exe = findRKWardAtPath (kde_dir.absoluteFilePath ("bin"));
	if (rkward_frontend_exe.isNull ()) rkward_frontend_exe = findRKWardAtPath (kde_dir.absoluteFilePath ("../lib/libexec"));

	if (rkward_frontend_exe.isNull ()) {
		QMessageBox::critical (0, "RKWard frontend binary missing", "RKWard frontend binary could not be found. When moving / copying RKWard, make sure to copy the whole application folder, or create a shorcut / link, instead.");
		exit (1);

	if (usage) {
		QProcess::execute (rkward_frontend_exe, QStringList ("--help"));
		exit (1);

#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
	// Explicit initialization of KDE, in case Windows 7 asks for admin privileges
	if (kdeinit4_exe.isNull ()) {
		kdeinit4_exe = findExeAtPath ("kdeinit4", QFileInfo (rkward_frontend_exe).absolutePath ());
	if (!kdeinit4_exe.isNull ()) QProcess::execute (kdeinit4_exe, QStringList ());

	// Look for R:
	//- command line parameter
	//- Specified in cfg file next to rkward executable
	//- compile-time default
	QString r_exe = r_exe_arg;
	if (!r_exe.isNull ()) {
		if (!QFileInfo (r_exe).isExecutable ()) {
			QMessageBox::critical (0, "Specified R executable does not exist", QString ("The R executable specified on the command line (%1) does not exist or is not executable.").arg (r_exe));
			exit (1);
		if (debug_level > 3) qDebug ("Using R specified on command line");
	} else {
		QFileInfo frontend_info (rkward_frontend_exe);
		QDir frontend_path = frontend_info.absoluteDir ();
		QFileInfo rkward_ini_file (frontend_path.absoluteFilePath ("rkward.ini"));
		if (rkward_ini_file.isReadable ()) {
			QSettings rkward_ini (rkward_ini_file.absoluteFilePath (), QSettings::IniFormat);
			r_exe = rkward_ini.value ("R executable").toString ();
			if (!r_exe.isNull ()) {
				if (QDir::isRelativePath (r_exe)) {
					r_exe = frontend_path.absoluteFilePath (r_exe);
				if (!QFileInfo (r_exe).isExecutable ()) {
					QMessageBox::critical (0, "Specified R executable does not exist", QString ("The R executable specified in the rkward.ini file (%1) does not exist or is not executable.").arg (rkward_ini_file.absoluteFilePath ()));
					exit (1);
			if (debug_level > 3) qDebug ("Using R as configured in config file %s", qPrintable (rkward_ini_file.absoluteFilePath ()));
		if (r_exe.isNull ()) {
			r_exe = R_EXECUTABLE;
			if (!QFileInfo (r_exe).isExecutable ()) {
				QMessageBox::critical (0, "Specified R executable does not exist", QString ("The R executable specified at compile time (%1) does not exist or is not executable. Probably the installation of R has moved. You can use the command line parameter '--R', or supply an rkward.ini file to specify the new location.").arg (r_exe));
				exit (1);
			if (debug_level > 3) qDebug ("Using R as configured at compile time");

	qputenv ("R_BINARY", r_exe.toLocal8Bit ());
	QStringList call_args ("CMD");
	call_args.append (debugger_args);
	call_args.append (quoteCommand (rkward_frontend_exe));

	if (!args.isEmpty ()) {
		// NOTE: QProcess quotes its arguments, *but* properly passing all spaces and quotes through the R CMD wrapper, seems near(?) impossible on Windows. Instead, we use percent encoding, internally.
		for (int i = 0; i < args.size (); ++i) {
			call_args.append (QString::fromUtf8 (QUrl::toPercentEncoding (args[i], QByteArray (), " \"")));

	if (debug_level > 2) qDebug ("Starting frontend: %s %s", qPrintable (r_exe), qPrintable (call_args.join (" ")));

	InteractiveProcess proc;
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
	if (debugger_args.isEmpty ()) {
		// start _without_ opening an annoying console window
		QTemporaryFile *vbsf = new QTemporaryFile (QDir::tempPath () + "/rkwardlaunchXXXXXX.vbs");
		vbsf->setAutoRemove (false);
		if (vbsf->open ()) {
			QTextStream vbs (vbsf);
			vbs << "Dim WinScriptHost\r\nSet WinScriptHost = CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\")\r\nWinScriptHost.Run \"" << quoteCommand (r_exe);
			for (int i = 0;  i < call_args.length (); ++i) {
				vbs << " " << call_args[i];
			vbs << "\", 0\r\nSet WomScriptHost = Nothing\r\n";
			vbsf->close ();
			QString filename = vbsf->fileName ();
			delete (vbsf);  // somehow, if creating vbsf on the stack, we cannot launch it, because "file is in use by another process", despite we have closed it.
			proc.start ("WScript.exe", QStringList (filename));
			bool ok = proc.waitForFinished (-1);
			if (proc.exitCode () || !ok) {
				QMessageBox::critical (0, "Error starting RKWard", QString ("Starting RKWard failed with error \"%1\"").arg (proc.errorString ()));
			QFile (filename).remove ();
			return (0);
	// if that did not work or not on windows:
	proc.setProcessChannelMode (QProcess::ForwardedChannels);
	proc.start (quoteCommand (r_exe), call_args);
	bool ok = proc.waitForFinished (-1);
	if (proc.exitCode () || !ok) {
		QMessageBox::critical (0, "Error starting RKWard", QString ("Starting RKWard failed with error \"%1\"").arg (proc.errorString ()));

	return (0);