void EditorView::addRootItem ( ::Key *child )
	QListViewItem *childItem = new QListViewItem ( keyTree, child->key );
	//childItem->setName ( child->key );
	childItem->setPixmap ( 0,  KeyMetaInfo::getIcon ( child ) );
	if ( KeyMetaInfo::hasChildKeys( child ) )
		QListViewItem *dummy = new QListViewItem ( childItem, "dummy" );
		childItem->insertItem ( dummy );
void EditorView::addItem ( QListViewItem *item, ::Key *child )
	//int bnlength = keyGetBaseNameSize ( child );
	char baseName[300];
	keyGetBaseName ( child, baseName, 300 );

	QListViewItem *childItem = new QListViewItem ( item, baseName );
	//childItem->setName ( child->key );
	childItem->setPixmap ( 0,  KeyMetaInfo::getIcon ( child ) );
	if ( KeyMetaInfo::hasChildKeys( child ) )
		QListViewItem *dummy = new QListViewItem ( childItem, "dummy" );
		childItem->insertItem ( dummy );
Beispiel #3
void ProcAttachPS::pushLine()
    if (m_line.size() < 3)	// we need the PID, PPID, and COMMAND columns

    if (m_pidCol < 0)
	// create columns if we don't have them yet
	bool allocate =	processList->columns() == 3;

	// we assume that the last column is the command

	for (uint i = 0; i < m_line.size(); i++) {
	    // we don't allocate the PID and PPID columns,
	    // but we need to know where in the ps output they are
	    if (m_line[i] == "PID") {
		m_pidCol = i;
	    } else if (m_line[i] == "PPID") {
		m_ppidCol = i;
	    } else if (allocate) {
		// these columns are normally numbers
	// insert a line
	// find the parent process
	QListViewItem* parent = 0;
	if (m_ppidCol >= 0 && m_ppidCol < int(m_line.size())) {
	    parent = processList->findItem(m_line[m_ppidCol], 1);

	// we assume that the last column is the command
	QListViewItem* item;
	if (parent == 0) {
	    item = new QListViewItem(processList, m_line.back());
	} else {
	    item = new QListViewItem(parent, m_line.back());
	int k = 3;
	for (uint i = 0; i < m_line.size(); i++)
	    // display the pid and ppid columns' contents in columns 1 and 2
	    if (int(i) == m_pidCol)
		item->setText(1, m_line[i]);
	    else if (int(i) == m_ppidCol)
		item->setText(2, m_line[i]);
		item->setText(k++, m_line[i]);

	if (m_ppidCol >= 0 && m_pidCol >= 0) {	// need PID & PPID for this
	     * It could have happened that a process was earlier inserted,
	     * whose parent process is the current process. Such processes
	     * were placed at the root. Here we go through all root items
	     * and check whether we must reparent them.
	    QListViewItem* i = processList->firstChild();
	    while (i != 0)
		// advance before we reparent the item
		QListViewItem* it = i;
		i = i->nextSibling();
		if (it->text(2) == m_line[m_pidCol]) {
Beispiel #4
OpenTextDlg::OpenTextDlg( QWidget *parent, sword::SWMgr *swordMgr, QPixmap *bibleIcon,
                          QPixmap *commentaryIcon, QPixmap *lexiconIcon )
    : QDialog( parent, QString::null, true )
    , m_textList( this )
    setCaption( tr( "Open text" ) );

    QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
    layout->setMargin( 4 );
    layout->addWidget( &m_textList );

    m_textList.setRootIsDecorated( true );
    m_textList.addColumn( tr( "Icon" ) );
    m_textList.addColumn( tr( "Text" ) );
    m_textList.setAllColumnsShowFocus( true );
    m_textList.setSorting( 1 );

    m_commentaries = new QListViewItem( &m_textList, QString::null, tr( "Commentaries" ) );
    m_commentaries->setPixmap( 0, *commentaryIcon );
    m_textList.insertItem( m_commentaries );
    m_lexicons = new QListViewItem( &m_textList, QString::null, tr( "Lexicons/Dictionaries" ) );
    m_lexicons->setPixmap( 0, *lexiconIcon );
    m_textList.insertItem( m_lexicons );
    m_bibles = new QListViewItem( &m_textList, QString::null, tr( "Biblical Texts" ) );
    m_bibles->setPixmap( 0, *bibleIcon );
    m_textList.insertItem( m_bibles );
    connect( &m_textList, SIGNAL(clicked(QListViewItem*)), this, SLOT(slotItemClicked(QListViewItem*)) );

    if ( swordMgr )
        sword::ModMap::iterator it;
        QString type;
        QPixmap *icon = 0x0;
        QListViewItem *parent = 0x0;

        for ( it = swordMgr->Modules.begin(); it != swordMgr->Modules.end(); it++ )
            if ( it->second )
                type = it->second->Type();
                if ( type == "Biblical Texts" )
                    icon = bibleIcon;
                    parent = m_bibles;
                else if ( type == "Commentaries" )
                    icon = commentaryIcon;
                    parent = m_commentaries;
                else if ( type == "Lexicons / Dictionaries" )
                    icon = lexiconIcon;
                    parent = m_lexicons;

                parent->insertItem( new QListViewItem( parent, QString::null, it->first.c_str() ) );

void UISearchPage::recvIO_SearchReply( IOMessage * io )
        if ( m_done == true )
                return ;

        // Order of appearance
        // the first time a filename shows up it gets it's own line,
        // and if it shows up more than once it is reparented.

        QListViewItem * item = new QListViewItem( m_view );
        item->setText( UIPageView::Col_Name, io->find( "name" ) );
        item->setText( UIPageView::Col_Bitr, io->find( "bitrate" ) );
        item->setText( UIPageView::Col_Size, io->find( "size" ) );
        item->setText( UIPageView::Col_Time, io->find( "time" ) );
        item->setText( UIPageView::Col_Freq, io->find( "freq" ) );
        item->setText( UIPageView::Col_Link, io->find( "speed" ) );
        item->setText( UIPageView::Col_Nick, io->find( "nick" ) );
        item->setText( UIPageView::Col_Path, io->find( "path" ) );
        item->setText( UIPageView::Col_Host, io->find( "host" ) );

        // count gets bumped, title gets updated


        // do some bizzare tree m_view stuff ?

        QListViewItem * item2 = m_items->find( io->find( "name" ) );

        if ( item2 == 0 )
                m_items->replace( io->find( "name" ), item );
                QListViewItem * from = 0;

                if ( item2->text( UIPageView::Col_Path ).isEmpty() == false )
                        from = new QListViewItem( m_view );
                        from->setText( UIPageView::Col_Name, io->find( "name" ) );
                        from->setOpen( true );
                        from->setPixmap( UIPageView::Col_Name, m_folder );

                        // also add this item under parent
                        m_view->takeItem( item2 );
                        from->insertItem( item2 );
                        from = item2;

                m_view->takeItem( item );
                from->insertItem( item );

                m_items->replace( io->find( "name" ), from );
